Bad Company

By LeeBabyRnR

147K 2.7K 265

A group of friends get together to hatch a plan to get rich. They conspire to kidnap a rich young girl for ra... More

Big Money, Quick Plan
Six Minutes Too Long
Christian's Surprise
Face to Face
Not So Fast, Christian
A Public Appeal
Christian: The Boyfriend
Tough Love
Friendly Revelation
Gone Too Long
From Bad to Worse
A Night Off
Fixed and Broken
Take It or Leave It
Fairy Tale Over
Closing The Wound
Treasure In Florida


10.2K 164 2
By LeeBabyRnR

Nitori hadn’t eaten in three days. All of the guys were concerned. They were fearful that she’d get sick before they received any profit from her kidnap. Ted was out forty bucks on food concerning Nitori. Christian wasn’t hanging around the house with the other three. He didn’t even like participating in conversations about Nitori, the whole situation was a bad dream for him.

“This girl is not eating! What are we supposed to do?” fretted William. Victor glanced at the dark corner room where Nitori was kept. He leaned forward onto his elbows and sighed. “I don’t know, but that bitch can’t starve to death before we get our money, we have to do something”, said Victor rubbing his knuckles. “Each time we try to feed her it’s full on screaming storm, and that girl doesn’t give up. I think our best bet is to try and find something that she likes”, declared Ted. “Well what does she like Mr. Sensitive?” sarcastically asked Victor. “Christian needs to get over here and deal with this, he needs to come do his part”, suggested Ted. Right about that time, the doorknob at the front entrance rattled.

William whipped around vigorously and called, “Who’s there?!” “Open the damn door, it’s Chris!” said Christian rudely. He walked through the door with a brown paper bag hanging from his right arm. “Speak of the devil”, said Victor. Soon as he stepped through the door, Nitori’s whining was faint background noise. “What?” inquired Christian with a raised eyebrow, “That bitch is still crying?” “We were just about to call you”, prosed Ted. “What the hell for?” asked Christian nonchalantly. There was a still silence in the room. “Two things”, William interjected,” First, you smell like a fairy, you damn queer. And two,the girl hasn’t eaten, and she has been crying this whole time.” Christian narrowed his eyes in confusion, “First of all, fuck you VERY much, Sasha put this organic freshener in my car that smells like real roses, so go to hell. Exactly what the fuck does that girl not eating have to do with me?!”  “You have to take a swing at feeding her!” blurted William.

Christian looked down at his bag of food. “I just KNOW you spazoids aren’t expecting me to give that bitch MY food!” he roared. Ted, William, and Victor stared at Christian intently. “Just try to see if she’ll like it! We’re all out of options dude, we’ve all tried, now it’s your turn”, declared Ted. “My turn?? It wasn’t my idea to kidnap this bitch in the first place, why do you guys keep trying to make me have responsibility with her?” Christian inquired incredulously. Victor stepped up to Christian and said, “I bet when we get paid for her, you’re going to want some money too.” “You’re gotdamn right!” boasted Christian. “Well get to sharing whatever you have in the bag you jackass”, added William. Victor then spoke more gently, “Do what you have to do to get her to eat something; you’re like the last resort.” Christian made his way in Nitori’s direction, as he was about to come face to face with the girl that was kidnapped against his wishes.

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