Short story's of one chicago

By madara_a

874 7 1

Short story's about one chicago, because during school hours i'm thinking about it only🀠 More

Time of death
Adam's niece

School shooting🀨

411 3 1
By madara_a

" after the school bus crash, i am done seeing injured kids. I can't bare seeing it" April went and sat down on the chair next to Ethan.

"Im agreeing this time" he said
"Hey, Maggie, what is with that face?" Natalie asked
She was staring at her pager
"Sorry to ruin the party guys, but we have a shooting.." she alarmingly said
" what? Were?" Natalie and April asked
" East Chicago high school. I need staff over there now. Crockett, Natalie, Ethan. Go get some stuff, go there with the ambulances" Maggie said
Everyone stud up
"So much for kids" April said and went over to find medical equitment
"First one coming in! Will, April take it!!" Maggie shouted across the ED.
"Male, 16 year old, shot twice in the stomach and chest area. BP is 90/60 and heart rate 160. Was given two plazmas on the field." Emily said rolling in a boy
" Hey, can you tell me your name?" Will asked
"Noah." The boy said in pain
" okay, Noah, can you tell me if you this hurts" Will asked
"Too much in pain, April, push 2 ml of morpine, hang a bag of saline and plazma" Will said


The trio had arrived and Casey with Severide had aproached them

" the school campus is not big, but the kids are everywhere. 1/4 we have located, but there are, too many injured. I need one doctor with me, because there are a couple classrooms which are locked and slammed tight shut with whoever knows what. There might be injured." Casey said

"I'll go" Natalie said

"I'll go looking around" Ethan said

" Marcel, come with me. They have opend a room full with injured.

They all ended up going to that one classroom.

" hey, buddy, did you get hurt?" Ethan aproached a boy.

He revealed his leg all bloody.

"Mind, if i take a look" he said

" no" the boy said

Pheramedics were ready to put him on a gurney.

" no exits, we need to get these two to med now" Ethan said and continued to search for more injured

"I'm Natalie. I'm gonna help you, okay?" She said
"Okay" a girl said
She was shot multiple times
"Put her on the gurney, she needs surgery, we can't help her here really" Natalie said and continued

It had been two hours. They had swept almost the whole place, and doctors had begun to leave with critical patients.

Severide had walked in a room and saw a door. Halfway opend door. He peeked and saw a body which was slightly moving.

"Hey, MARCEL, COME OVER" Severide shouted

They approached a girl who was shot in her shoulder.

" hey, sweety, can you hear me?" Marcel asked

"Mhm" she replied

" im gonna look at that wound okay?" He said and gently removed her hand off

"An artery is busted open, she has been bleeding for a while. We need to get her to med now" he said to Severide

Okay, im going to call an ambulance to get ready" he said

"What is happening, what happend" the girl said in pain
"You got badly shot. We need to get you to a hospital to get you better" he said
" if this helps, i found this" Severide showed and elestic bandaid.
" im gonna hold her up, and you put it over here, pressing over the wound" Marcel said
" got it" Severide said
"That hurts" the girl said
" i know, but it is for your well being" Marcel said
When Severide had put on the bandaid, They took her out of the classroom slowly and put her on the gourney.

" we nees to immediatly bring her to med" marcel said to sylvie.

" got that" she said


"Clear the OR, we are coming" Dr.Marcel screaming trough the whole ED to Maggie.

"It is waiting now for about a minute for you" Maggie said opening the door

"How bad?" Dr.Lanik came in the OR,asked, and put on the gloves

"Shot in the right shoulder. Needs an urgent repair of an artery leading to her brain" Marcel replied

"On my count. 1..2..3" Lanik said

The girl groaned from pain

"We need to page neurology right after she is out of surgery" Lanik said

"Lanik, we need you in the ED" Maggie screamed from the ED

Marcel then said " go, i will take the lead"

Lanik left.

"Team, go scrub in, we need to start this surgery now" Marcel said

After the surgery

The victim was being wheeled in the pediatric ICU, when Marcel saw two parents sitting.

"You must be Dr.Marcel" a woman approached
"How is she?" A man asked
"Well, we sucesfully repaired an artery, which was shot open. But we don't know how bad the bleed is in her brain. We paiged a neourlogist, and he is going to run some tests to see further anserws." Marcel replied

The nurse took them back to a waiting room.

"Hey, Crockett, is the girl awake?" Jay Halstead approached and asked
" no, she just got out of surgery. Why?" Marcel asked
"The offender got away. There may be multiples. We are talking to everyone who got into straight eye contact with him/ them." Halstead explained
"Well, unfortunately, we don't know when she is going to wake up. She has a bleed to her brain" Marcel explained
"Oh, well then i will be around MED for a while. Call me, if anything changes?" Halstead said
"Sure" Marcel replied and left.


"We ran some tests on Amelia and it showed a blurry image... Which means, that the bleeding has stopped, but we can't know how bad could it be, so it is more a wait-and-see game. The variant is, that she wakes up in the next 5-48 hours. If not, there is a risk, that she has fallen in a coma.  There is a possibility, that she might never wake up, and be brain dead. Again, the scans can show more, when the bleed is going to clear up more. Any questions?" Dr.Abrams said

Both of the parents were quiet, and then Amelia's dad spoke "no, no, thank you doctor."

You could see in their eyes, that they were devastated.
"We are going to lower her sedation slowly, little by little. I'll update if anything changes. I'm very sorry" Dr.Marcel said and left the room

Both of the doctors left the room, and then Abrams said " upadate me if even the slightest bit changes. But to be real, there is a 40/60 chance, that she is going to wake up."

"Let's hope for the best" Marcel said, and they both left the PICU.

36 hours had passed.

Dr.Marcel and dr.Abrams had walked in for the-every-12-hour visit.

"No change" dr.Abrams sighted
"So what. This means she is dead?" Her moms asked
"No, not nesceseraly. From a medical perspective, she still has 12 hours." Dr.Marcel then said
"But any analystics from other cases? Do children wake up?" Her mom asked in a devastated voice
"Every case is diffrent. Again, there is a possibility that she could wake up, she could not wake up. But, in my perspective, the chances of her waking up are 30/70. Anything else? " Dr. Abrams said
"Thank you, doctors" her dad said, also in a devastated voice

Abrams and Marcel walked out of the room.
"I think we need to make her comfortable. She hasn't changed in the last 36 hours" Abrams said

"Give 6 more hours. In some cases, it can change" Marcel was holding hopes

"It has only been proven on adults, and the chances are 3/6 people. 6 more hours. Her situation may not improve" Abrams said trough the ICU and left.


3 hours had past and dr.Marcel was starting to lose hope. We was sure, that Amelia would wake up, but she didn't  change up till one point, that Marcel was ready to go and admit his concerns.

It was a sunny, beautiful morning. It was a start of a 12 hour shift. He walked in the ICU to see the her parents. They were all tired and dedicated to stay those 48 hours there.

"Good morning, Dr.Marcel" Amelia's mom stud up and said

"Good morning mr.Lodge, Ms.Lodge." He softly said

" how does she look?" Amelia's dad asked

"Heart rate up, breathing is getting better" he said while continuing checking her

"So that is good?" Her mom asked

"At this time we don't really know. Her sats are looking better, but looking at it realisticly, her sats have been low for a long period of time low. By this time, she could already be in a coma. By every hour the chance, that she won't show any infection or any dead brain tissue." He said in a low voice.

Her mom was trying to stay strong, but deep down she was crying her eyes out.

"I'm truly sorry" Dr.Marcel said

And he walked out. He went out to the nurses station, placed his hands on the table, and and was looking at Amelia's sats from the distance.

"She is dying?" April walked up to him and asked

"At this point she could slip into a coma or be brain dead. But something here just doesn't add up. Ussaly cases like these, patients wake up in a couple of hours. She has been like this for almost two days." He said

"Does she has any kind of diseases? Maybe it has something to do with that?" April suggested

"Those doesn't add up to her not waking up. She is either brain dead or she will wake up in the next 5,5 hours." He continued

"Well, let's hope for the best. Anyway, i have to go." April said and left

5 hours later......

Dr.Marcel was in the ED. He had just lost a patient. He was standing there and looking at the patient getting wheeled away.

"You got a page in 30 minutes" Maggie came up to him said

"Let me guess. Paediatric ICU, pager- Abrams." He stopped Maggie

"Yes, what is up there?" Maggie asked

" a girl is possibly dying. And i was denying it the whole time, because i did a surgery on her, and i don't know how or what happend" he said

"Don't be too harsh, Crockett... wait.. you got another page" Maggie said

"From who?" Marcel asked

"From the paediatric ICU" Maggie said

He ran up there. When he got to the ICU, he walked up to April.

"You paiged?" He asked

"Yes, her sat's increased, breathing is up, too." April said

"Page Dr.Abrams now" he said and went in the room

Dr.Marcel walked in the room and Amelia's mom asked
"Any changes?"

"Yes, they might have shifted to the positive side." He said

" reduce the sedation" Marcel said to April

And then Dr.Abrams walked in.

"What happend?" He asked
"Sat's are up, breathing is up by 10%." Marcel said
"Did you reduce the sedation?" He asked
"Yes" April replied

After a while Amelia opend her eyes. She looked around and saw her mum. She was crying tears of joy, because Amelia had just almost died.

"It looks like she will be just fine" Marcel said to the parents.

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