Hunted Love

By writerzblock5

61 4 0

Bailey Blue thought her life was pretty normal until one day a new guy comes to school and tunrs her life aro... More

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17 2 0
By writerzblock5

Fisrt of all thank you for stumbling upon this book and even going as far as reading it. You dont know how much it means to me.

Secondly this isnt my only book but it is my first book so feel free to go stumble on more of my books. But we'll into that at the end of the story. Ill let you get over the drama and excitment in this ine first.

Lastley. This is my own book that I formulated in my imagination so please do not copy.

Thanks. Enjoy.💙

"Okay so once you've copied that, you can do the table on your own at home." I salute my mathematics teacher cause like she always teaches senior maths everyday of the week yet somehow she still manages to keep a smile on her face and be joyful. Who does that? Why would you be happy about Math?

The bell finally rings after ages and I quickly pack my stuff and walk out of Math class. I walk down the hall and accidentally bump into a couple making out.

"Sorry my bad." I mumble.

"Watch it elementary." The girl says.

In my school there's a system designed by the students: elementary, secondary and tertiary. Its a three stage dating phase.

Elementary meaning you are single. Like me.

Secondary meaning you're in a relationship. It may not last longer than a couple of months.

Tertiary meaning you are in a serious relationship. Like we expecting a wedding from you two.

I continue walking then I hear someone calling my name from behind so I turn and see my best friend Samantha weaving and waving past people.

"Man...I'" She says while trying to catch her breath as she finally reaches me.

Samantha Price and I have been friends for a long time. She just gets me so well, she's that one friend who knows how to finish the sentence before I even say it.

"Oh hey Sammy. I didn't see you there." I say.

"So what are you thinking about?" Samantha asks.

"What gives you the impression that I'm thinking of something?" I ask.

"Well you've got that look on your face. I know that look, I've worn that look before and I've seen it many times before on you."

"What look?" I asked confused.

"The lonely look. Its pretty obvious."
I chuckle then roll my eyes.

"Except I'm not lonely. I've got you." I say as we turn at a corner.

I see the EGD class going in and I don't want to be late. "Look its nothing okay now I have to go other wise I'll be late okay? See you in a few." I say before turning and running towards my class, not waiting to hear what she has to say.

I enter the class just as everyone is sitting down. At least.

"Good morning boys and girl." Mr Reynolds says while reffering to me. In case you didn't know I am the only girl in my arts and craft class. All the other girls are in cooking classes and what not.

The thing is that my principal is a sexist. So all the fun laborious subjects were not allowed to be done by girls. Even certain sports but obviously I won't take such bullshit so Sammy and I protested against that and this is where it ended up. The other girls still didn't want to join though cause most of them were already doing pretty well in their other classes.

"Okay let's do the register." Sir says. "Jacob...Tylor...Blake..." Sir says as he reads the register and gets either a 'wat up' or a grunt in response.

"Bailey..."sir says and I answer with a simple sup. Being the only girl among 22 boys really changes your vocabulary. Sir smiles then carries on, "kyler...kyler? Does any one know where kyler is? Or who Kyler is?" All sir gets in response are some very confused faces. "Oh my bad. He's a new kid, he came today. I'm sure his lost or something umm Ms Blue may you please go and find him?" He asks.

"Sure thing." I say before standing up and heading to the door. Before I leave I hear wolf whistles behind me so I turn around and blow a kiss then walk out. I hear my class mates laughing and cheering as I walk away.

I really like them sometimes.

I walk down the empty halls wondering what kyler looks like. I've never really heard of anyone with such a name. Then I see him. My stalker Jason.

What is he doing here? Why isn't he in class?

This guy has been stalking me ever since middle school. He is so weird. Sometimes he buys me gifts and writes me poems but no matter how much he tries, I will still think of him as a creep and I'd never date him.

I stop walking then I slowly turn around. Let's see if I can run away before he sees me. I walk slowly making sure that the sound of my shoes does not give me away.

"Bailey!" I here him say.

Shit he caught me.

I force a smile then turn around and say, "heeyy there Jason."

"How you doing girl?" He asks me while putting his hand on my shoulder. I slightly shudder from the touch then shrug him off and start walking a little bit faster.

"I'm good but look I have to go okay see you later." I say before turning but I don't get very far, I bump into a locker door then.

"Ow. People should close their locker doors." I stop talking when I look up and see who is the owner of the locker.

I don't know this guy. I've never seen him before. But let me say... Damn his hot.

He clears his throat then I realize that I'm staring. "Sorry about the locker. Hi I'm Kyler. I'm looking for the arts and craft class could you help me?" The guy says.

kyler. kyler. kyler?

He's kyler? This is the dude thats gonna be in my class?!!

"Oh hey I was looking for you." I say still trying to comprehend what just happend.
"You were looking for me?" He says with confusion laced in his brows. "Yeah the teacher said I should come find you cause your probably lost or something." I say while putting my hands in my pocket.

"Oh well thank goodness I've been walking around the school just trying to find the class." He says. Then he does the most unexpected thing. He smiles.

A beautiful smile.

You can tell that it came from the heart.

I mentally slap myself as I notice that I'm staring.

Stop it Bailey.

"Baby girl. Who's this?" Jason says.

I forgot about him.

"No one.  Let's go Kyler."  I say to him then turn and start walking.

"Call me ok!" Jason says. I sigh and roll my eyes. We walk in silence only the sound of our footsteps in the hall.

Okay focus Bailey. Don't trip and make a fool of yourself

"So... That guy." Kyler says.

"Ugh. He's just someone who is madly in love with me. No biggie." I say

Kyler chuckles. "Well I can see why he likes you."

I look at him and he smiles then I look away so he doesn't see me blushing.

We finally turn the corner that takes us to class then kyler grabs my wrist gently.

Oh my gosh oh my gosh. He's touching me.

"What's wrong?" I manage to say. "Let me ask you, Is the class full?" He asks.

All I can do is give him a blank stare. Then I smile and say, "why? Are you scared?" He smiles deviously and says, "no I just wanna know what competition I have. I'm sure all the guys in the class want you and all the girls are jealous." He says.

Is he flirting? With me?

"How bout you go find out for yourself." I say before turning and walking into the class room and sitting down.

Kyler walks in and his jaw drops. I nearly smile.

Nice job Bailey.


Thanks for reading.


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