The White Wolf

By _SinfullyWicked_

2K 141 11

In a world of magic, monsters and lurking beasts. The brutal royals of the North have maintained rule for hun... More

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
-Chapter 7-
-Chapter 8-
-Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
-Chapter 24-
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
-Book 2-

Chapter 56

21 1 0
By _SinfullyWicked_

Hello my loves! I've started school and boy, studying for midterms is a pain in the ass! Updates may be delayed as I'm focusing on my studies once more while attempting what common people call a social life.. Hopefully you all enjoy this chapter and understand for my later updates in the future. What do you think so far? Will Valerie find Death? Or maybe Death will find her? hmmm so many things to do so many pages to put it down on. Or perhaps.. perhaps we've already met Death..

Enjoy my loves! 2020 bring it on folks :3


The court returned by nightfall as promised.

I sat sprawled in my desk scribbling my signature over papers before shuffling them to the back. My lips frowned at the ever growing stack of papers to be signed and then the taller one of papers to be sealed. Why does everything need a signature and a seal?

I grumbled under my breath tossing the pen aside, careful of the ink container, before sipping my wine. The vampires had indeed been trespassing. It would seem Tamara was most definitely a threat. Or she was trying exceptionally hard to get under my skin. She was a thorn in my side in constant need of being dug out.

The door to my chambers burst open and I sprung up from the chair rallying my magic. Who dares enter without permission?!

A blur of brown hair scrambled through my room before lunging at me in a tight hug. Reyna. I sigh a breath of relief before patting her hair. "Reyna you're back."

She buried her head against my neck tightening her grip on my shoulders. "Val the golden city is amazing! It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen. The people were so nice and welcoming too. Maybe you can come to the next meeting too! Darius was grumpy about the whole thing but that's nothing new.." She blabbered in my ear in excitement.

I zoned out half listening instead my attention was drawn to Darius hurrying into my room. He flashed an apologetic grin at me upon seeing Reyna.

"The faeries are lovely. They are all beautiful and intimidating. Liam was chatting with this one faerie quite a bit I don't remember her name.. But you have to see the ocean! Val it crashes against the cliffs below the castle and the weather, the weather is lovely. Not stormy and snowy like here- sunny and warm. All the time!"

"That sounds wonderful Reyna darling." I smiled pulling away from her before my ears dropped off. It was a good thing she enjoyed the city. Lordanelle was to be her home once she came of age to claim the throne.

"Reyna how about you leave Valerie and I to discuss some matters hmm?" Darius questioned raising his brows smiling as she nodded scampering off.

I leaned back in my chair watching my Second carefully, "How did it actually go?"

He sighed running a hand down his face, "The faeries are demanding she live in the castle immediately. They claim us northerners will taint her and she will lose the southern way of life. The faerie way of life I think is what they meant.."

"She is staying here until she is fit to rule." I clipped interrupting him.

Darius nodded, "I said that she needs to mature before having such responsibility. Nobody needs a child on the throne, of any kingdom. Children should get to be free and explore before being shackled to such responsibilities."


"They threatened war if we refuse her living there. They are adamant about her learning their ways as soon as possible."

I grimaced shaking my head. "We haven't done anything wrong. She is not a prisoner here she is family. Reyna is an honoured guest welcome in our home." I sighed rubbing my temples, "I don't want war. Not over a child. The North has had such a hard time as is, I doubt they would be willing to fight for a child. A Southern child no less."

"The North will follow you." Darius spoke confidently, "They will follow you anywhere."

I snorted at that, "That may be so but I will not go to war over this. Reyna is but a child. She cannot confidently sit a throne at her age."

"They have a council which is currently in rule. She will have guidance."

"I will not put a child on any throne. It goes against my conscience."

Darius sat across from me at the desk, "I doubt they care about your conscience, your majesty."

"Why not have a councilor live here to teach Reyna the ways of the South? I'd be much obliged to accommodate them here in the palace itself."

"Ellias did suggest that, however-"

"Ellias was there?" I asked intrigued, "I did not know he was part of the council."

"His father is."


"As I was saying Lord Darrow demands she return and many back him up."

I nodded absentmindedly, "Who is he again?"

"He's head of house Hillsflame. A very respected high up council member."

"Lovely." I replied dryly.

"What do you suggest I tell them?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose twirling a lock of hair my mind racing. Suddenly an idea popped into my head and I smiled meeting Darius' eye his eyes twinkled as though he glimpsed the idea behind my glittering ice blue eyes. "Why not have Kat train her?" voiced tilting my head.

Darius smiled relaxing, "It could work. However she has been cast out for her supposed crimes against her family."

"She is the proper heir of the South."

"She was overruled and outcast for what they believe her to have done."

My head shot up at that, "What did she do exactly?"
Darius tensed averting his gaze, "Uh I don't know exactly. The royal family was slain and she fled and in doing so they believe she is responsible."

"Kat wouldn't slaughter her own blood!" I exclaimed my palms hitting the desk.

Darius leveled his gaze with mine, "Valerie." He lowered his voice swallowing stiffly, "Faeries are different. They don't feel that same connection and loyalty to blood as we do. She could very well have with her skills."

"No." I barked shutting down his thought. "Not Kat. She may be lethal but she has a good heart."

Darius shrugged, "You know that and I know that.. But the South believes differently. Katrina is forbidden to return to her lands and she's cast aside her right to the throne in doing so."

"Kat wouldn't be breaking those rules if she remains here training Reyna." I whispered loudly, "She has been trained in the South, she knows their customs and rules. She knows how their court functions and how to gain the lords and ladies goodwill." I swallowed nodding along, "Kat is the best choice. Having Reyna learn from a member of the royal family is the best decision. Kat would never harm the girl. She may be harsh but Kat's fair. I trust her."

Darius unfolded his arms nodding in agreement, "Are you suggesting I ask if they would be alright with Katrina training the girl?"

My eyes slid to his steely and unmoving, "No. Tell them Kat will be training Reyna."

The subtle quirk of Darius' lips followed by the incline of his head I knew I'd made the right choice. "I'll inform them tomorrow morning, and then my lady, we must tell Kat. I don't think it would be wise for me to tell her of these demands.."

I raised a brow to him, "are you claiming a fear of Kat?"

He snorted, "No. I'm wise enough to stay on her good side. You however, she cannot refuse, therefore you shall tell her."

I bit my lip cursing myself before nodding, "I'll tell her when the time's right, don't worry."

"I'm not going to." He chuckled turning away, "Also you need to tell Reyna of her heritage, she needs to know she's the heir."

"I shall."

He nodded curtly shouldering his way out the door. I watched him go finally pausing in the twisting of my wedding band. Some things were lost. That needn't mean everyone had to suffer.."

Sighing I stood meandering my way back to the gardens where I surveyed my work the night prior.

Ice statues glistened in the courtyard standing proudly among the roses. Each detailed to the thread of their clothes stood Riley, Emma, and Eric.

Emma among her beloved red roses with vines and roses entwining around her from where she sat on the bench. She had her palm out with a rose twining around her hand while she gazed at it lovingly. Forever my friend who stood by what she thought was right even dying in the woods alone she faced death bravely.

Riley stood squarely her feet firmly planted to the ground as she held her sword up determinedly. Her gaze was set to the horizon where she got to see the sunrise every day. The cape around her shoulders was billowed out around her in a beautiful display of ice crystals.

If only they both could witness the North where it was now..

Slowly I pivoted my feet eyeing Eric's statue. He has the typical smile atop his face his hands adorned in rings, one resting on the sword at his waste. The shadows in his eyes were gone as he smiled at the dark star flecked roses around him. The roses which he loved.

They could finally rest easy. If anyone asked about Eric and why he had a statue. Why the mad king had a statue? It was so people knew, not everyone is evil, nobody is completely wicked. Eric had a kind compassionate side at times when he wasn't puppet to Tamara. The people would know that once the library was built.

The plan was for Tori to have her own healing wing. She would train future healers and store the history of the world in the public library. It still had yet to be built but the plan was in motion. One day people would be free to learn their history. Hopefully one day soon.

"Valerie I must speak with you."

Kat's voice rang through the garden.

She stalked to me her eyes running over the statues before she quirked a brow. No Justin? Her expression read however she forced a mild smile to her lips.

No I haven't made a statue of Justin. A statue would mean I'd accepted his death. In which I hadn't. Until his body was laid to rest I would not make a statue of my mate. It hurt too much to even think about..

"Yes Katrina?" I spoke in interest.

She opened her mouth seemingly lost for words as she eyes the roses. "I- I er.." She shook her head, "I'm unwelcome in my home." She whispered hoarsely taking a seat on the vacant bench.

I blinked failing to hide my surprise before taking a seat beside her. "I'd heard you were outcast?"

Kat nodded gravely her eyes green pools of sadness. "My, my family.." A dim smile lit her face as she remembered, "My family were brave noble rulers. However they were naive." Her words turned clipped and she swallowed before continuing, "One night, I must have been no more than a hundred and twelve, someone broke into the castle. I heard fighting from outside my room." Her eyes glistened her breath rasping, "I stored my swords in my room, mother was against having me trained, she wanted me to plan parties and such like a good princess." She chuckled dryly, "I would escape and train when nobody was watching finding friends to practice with.. Anyway, I took my knives and left my room frightened and confused. My guards were death outside my door the blood seeping into the carpet staining the brickwork red."

I rested my hand on her shoulder rubbing her back soothingly, "What happened Kat."

She couldn't meet my eyes as she continued, "I made my way to my parents room.. They'd been- they were.. They were slaughtered in their beds. The blood was everywhere. So- so much blood.. I heard my cousin cry out from across the hall.. Cassiel was younger than me by a few years. My mother wanted us to marry however my father wished Ellias to be my consort instead as it would strengthen our ties with the Night Elves."

"They wanted to marry you to your cousin?"

She laughed, "Royal bloodlines are always messed up. It was fairly common to keep blood pure and not tainted with mortal or lower born faeries." She cleared her throat before continuing, "I raced across the hall and tore through the door slashing the assassin. They focused solely on me and it gave Cassiel enough time to run out into the night. That was the last time I've seen him."

I watched her carefully my heart wrenched at experiencing such an event.

"The assassin fled once more guards arrived where they saw me with my swords slick with blood peering over my parents bodies in horror. They deemed me guilty and Darrow ordered my capture. I fled and have not returned since."

"But you did nothing wrong!" I exclaimed straightening up in my seat.

Kat scrunched her nose shaking her head, "They believe Darrow. They always believe him."

"Is that how you came to the North?"

"Something like that, yeah." Kat shrugged off my hand standing up. "I thought you needed to know. Yes the South is lovely and it will always be my home.. But I have a new home here. Reyna will be a fine ruler she just needs to know who to trust."

"Who do you trust?" I voiced biting my lip.

"No one." She called over her shoulder forcing a smile to her lips. "The first person you trust is always the first to stab you."

I dipped my head before perking up again, "Is there anything else you wish to tell me?"

Kat hesitated her mouth opening before Reyna came bounding back across the yard tugging Tori behind her.

"Val! Can we eat dessert?" Reyna whined giving wide sad eyes my way.

I sighed seeing Tori shake her head. "What did Tori say?"

Reyna slumped pouting, "She said after we eat dinner."

"Then we can have dessert after dinner Reyna dear." I spoke calmly.

"Fine." She huffed releasing Tori's hand and scampering off once more.

"We need to tell her she's the heir." Tori voiced my thoughts aloud.

Kat nodded and I sighed, "She deserves to know.
Tori blinked as if seeing me outside instead of locked up in my room was groundbreaking. "I- I'll tell her then." She flashed a bright smile my way following after Reyna her bracelets jangling as she walked. Suddenly I remembered Kat struggling to talk before Reyna interrupted. "What did you want to tell me?" Kat looked conflicted shaking her head and crossing her arms, "Another time. Another time, my lady."

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