Halo: Fireteam Scarab

By OddSlayerFenrir

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With the creation of a new Arbiter and the formation of a new Fireteam, will they be able to prevent the thre... More

Prologue Chapter 1: Zeko 'Vutum
Prologue Chapter 3: Cornelia T. Mason
Chapter 4 - Andromeda R. Lucid

Prologue Chapter 2: Alexandra C. Nebulus

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By OddSlayerFenrir

OddslayerFenrir: Welp, I had my fun. Now it's your turn, EAKsymphony. Show them the beauty that is your character, woof!

EAKsymphony: Easier said than done, Odd. But, I'm ready.

OddslayerFenrir: Alrighty then, without further interruption, let's begin prologue 2!


Where do I begin? My name is Alexandra C. Nebulus. I'm one of the many Spartans assigned to the UNSC Infinity. I was born April 22, 2527, with brown hair and green eyes, to Sam and Ally Nebulus on the planet Luna, also known as the Moon. I'm Egyptian mixed with a little bit of Greek and Italian. Though I was my parents' only biological child, I have two older brothers, Anthony and Julian. I was named after Alexander the Great of Macedonia, however, I often suspect that it is also after the Great Library of Alexandria. My childhood was nice and my family life was stable.

An eight-year-old Alexandra is playing with her brothers in the living room while her father watched the news and her mother was folding clothes. The three children are playing a card game when the two boys "jumped" Alexandra and began tickling her.

In those days, things were nice. Our father worked at the Academy at Mare Nubium, also known as Luna OCS Academy, while our mother was into politics. Even with their jobs, they found time for the three of us. However, as we got older, things began to change. Our father wanted my brothers to join the Academy, but they wanted to do other things besides military work.

I watched discreetly as our father berated my brothers. "Why would you not want to go to the Academy?!"

Julian didn't make direct eye contact with our father, but Anthony responded back. "I don't want you to worry about me and what happens. I've seen many of our friends lose siblings and/or parents to combat and I don't want you to experience the same thing with me."

Our father looked at Julian for his response. It took him a moment before saying, "I met a girl and I really like her. Though she's not what you would want, she is really kind and we don't want to lose each other."

His face looked angry, but I could see in his eyes that he understood him. "If both of you aren't going, then I probably shouldn't consider you my sons anymore."

He was about to leave when Anthony said, "I didn't say that I wouldn't go to the Academy, but it doesn't mean that I have to become an officer." Our father looked at Anthony with a quizzical face. With a deep breath, Anthony continued, saying, "I want to be a part of the Rutherford Science Magistrate."

"As for me, while I do want to be with this girl, I'd rather go into politics rather than the military," Julian added. "I would probably make for a better intermediary for the politicians and the military, thus placing me on the side of politics."

Our father looked at the two of them first with disappointment, followed by relief. "I've raised you two well. If that is what you wish, then I will allow it. As for you Anthony, once you graduate, I expect you to do something good with that degree."

Julian stayed with that girl and the two eventually got married and had children. While not always the absolute best, he did turn out well when it came to his plan. As for Anthony, he graduated with his degree and decided to stay there and teach others. When it came to me, I went into the Luna OCS Academy without any hesitation. I figured that he would want one of his children to follow in his footsteps, and unlike my brothers, I wasn't afraid of combat. In fact, I embraced it. I would try and hear about all different kinds of stories about those who were fighting and what was happening, no matter where the source was coming from. One story that stuck with me was that of Captain Thomas Lasky. What happened to him at Corbulo Military Academy in 2526 was one of sadness and inspiration. While this happened in the early years of the Human-Covenant War, when I learned of its truth years later, it just reinforced my thoughts and motives.

After completing my studies at Luna OCS Academy, I joined the ODSTs. Though I didn't always see combat, I saw how it affected others.

It was 2553 and I was at Lockhart Medical Station, having a routine examination following a recent deployment when I heard a woman and a man, who sounded like they were arguing. Following the voices, I found two fellow ODSTs, with the man standing beside the resting woman. At first, they didn't notice me, but the woman soon discovered my presence. "Can I help you with something?" she asked, which brought the man's attention to me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, but I was overhearing what you were saying and I feel terrible for what happened to you." At first, it didn't seem like she was going to accept my apology, but I then added, "My name's Alexandra Nebulus, a fellow ODST." Her expression relaxed a little and she gave a slight nod of the head, which meant that she was fine with me entering.

"This is Edward Buck, and I'm Sarah Palmer," the woman stated, probably trying to be courteous to me by only giving their names. I gave a small nod along with a smile. "So what is a fellow ODST doing here, especially one that seems to be in good condition?"

I had a feeling that she was going to ask that question when she saw me. "After every deployment, I usually like getting an exam to make sure everything is alright with me. What happened to you that you're here?"

She gave a small smile back and said, "An assignment that became a rescue mission of an admiral."

The man finally spoke, "First off, people call me Bucky. My team ended up saving her, and she was the only survivor of her squad. She sustained some injuries from the assignment and was sent here to be treated. Anyway, I must be off. It was a pleasure to meet you." With that, he walked out and left the two of us to ourselves.

It wouldn't be until several months passed that I would see him again when he became a Spartan. As for Palmer and me, we talked about our experiences and I learned more about her recent assignment, getting a bigger idea of what other ODSTs went through. It was during this interaction that we got to know each other better, whether it was through our similarities and differences or through our experiences and personalities. Through her, I felt like I made a good friend, and I knew that it was going to help me.

We were talking when a man came in. He was bald and his face had a look of determination. "Corporal Palmer?" the man asked. She nodded. "My name is Jun and I'm here to discuss something with you." Looking at me, he added, "In private." When he said that, I felt that there was an air of superiority with him.

"I'll be right outside," I said and left the room, making sure the door was closed behind me. It seemed like a long time before the man asked me to come in. I was a little confused with the reason as to why he wanted me when he first came to talk with her. Nevertheless, I went in anyway.

Standing between the two of them, he began to explain things. "I was just offering Corporal Palmer a chance to be a part of the new Spartan-IV program. However, from her perspective, she also thinks that you would be a good candidate for the program, though I came here only for her. While I think it's unwise, it might be possible to allow you in."

Afterward, I was worried that they wouldn't accept me, but with Palmer's help, they allowed me into the program. We went through biological and chemical augmentations for about three weeks. At times it seemed like agony, but I stayed strong as I went through it. After the augmentation process, we went through some rigorous training. However, during the first training session, Palmer didn't work with the rest of us, as a team. She was told off, in a way, after the training.

That evening, just before going to sleep, I went to check on Palmer to see how she was. She seemed alright, but I had a feeling that something was off. "Hey, are you alright? You know that he was directing what he said to you, right?"

She didn't say anything at first, but then she said, "I don't get it. Why would he say that?"

"He wasn't wrong. We were supposed to work as a team. If everyone did things for themselves, they might not be able to proceed in life, and their assignments," I explained to her. With that, I left so that she could think about what I said and all that.

She learned from that experience and became a better Spartan and team member. We were later transferred to the UNSC Infinity. It was here that we encountered Ilse Zane, a person who participated in the prototype phase of the Spartan-IV program. Also during this encounter, Palmer proved that she belonged there.

With Ilse in custody, I turned to Palmer. "That was some great work and leadership there, Palmer."

She smiled at me and said, "Call me Sarah."

"Then you can call me Alex."

Commander Palmer is the only person that I allow to call me Alex.

We continued working together on a number of missions as more Spartan-IVs came to Infinity. During some of these missions, we were up against the species that were on the Covenant side of the Human-Covenant War. Many of these species I didn't care for much or I didn't like, but there were some that drew my attention. The Unggoy, which we often referred to as Grunts, were occasionally funny, especially when they speak. Another species, the Huragok (also known as Engineers), were quite intriguing, especially when it came to how they were able to make all the different things and how they're able to do it. Lastly, the Sangheili, or Elites, were the ones that I have the greatest respect for. They are loyal and had helped us in ending the Human-Covenant War. The most notable of them is the Arbiter, who I have the greatest respect for out of all the Sangheili, and while I never encountered him, his legacy was known among us, and I truly respect him.

I was in my quarters, doing some sketching when the door suddenly opened and in came Palmer. "Hey Alex, got a minute?"

"Sure, what's up?" I turned to face her, not even deciding to close my sketchbook.

"I know that last mission seemed to test your limits and I wanted to check in on you." She looked over and saw my sketchbook. "What's that?"

"It's just a sketchbook."

"Yeah, but what do you have in it is what I want to know." She grabbed for the book, but I was able to get it away from her. Palmer continued to get it from me, and I continued to keep it away from her, but she managed to get a hold of it and flip through the pages. "Alexandra."

"It's not what..."

"These sketches are really good. My only question is why they are all of the Arbiter."

I responded with a sigh, and some blushing. "I don't know why, but I seem to have an appreciation for the Sangheili, specifically the Arbiter. As for exactly when this started, I'm not sure. My only guess in regards to the Arbiter is that he helped in ending the Human-Covenant War. Please don't tell anybody about this."

Palmer smiled. "I won't, and if I did, I would ask you first. Just be careful about showing it to others. You know that there are mixed feelings among the people on the ship."

I nodded in understanding.

Palmer kept her promise and didn't tell anyone my secret.

As time went by, Palmer became in charge of more Spartan-IVs, though we still managed to find time to have little chats when we weren't busy. Things on Infinity seemed like they were going well when something happened that would change everything.

I was preparing to enter slipspace when I saw Palmer. Running up to her, I asked, "What's going on? Why are we going into slipspace?"

"Two things just happened, and one of which is something that none of us expected," she said and continued what she was doing.

At that moment, I didn't realize that what was going to happen was going to be quite important among many of us Spartans.

It was him. THE Master Chief, John-117, the finest Spartan-II ever created, and the person who not only saved Captain Lasky but also ended the Human-Covenant War. I couldn't believe that I was seeing him in person. There were rumors about him and how he went missing, but the fact that he's here is incredible. Though I wasn't able to talk with him, the fact that I was able to see him was incredible.

After that moment, things began to change on Infinity. Palmer was taking command more and I was having to fight more than I had in the past, considering those who were trying to rebuild the Covenant as well as the so-called Prometheans. I was lucky that I didn't get any serious injuries, however, my efforts weren't in vain. I have received praise and some people have even said that I have the potential for being a leader. Either way, life has changed for me.

One day, while doing an equipment check, an officer came up to Alexandra. "Captain Lasky wants to see you on the bridge," he said. She wasn't sure why he wanted to see her, but she knew that she couldn't say no to him.

"You wanted to see me, Captain Lasky?" He was there with Palmer as she stood before them after making her way to the bridge.

"Yes, there is something that I want to discuss with you. You are being assigned to a Fireteam that you can call your own," Captain Lasky said.

Palmer gave her a small smile and said, "Though I think you would be a better Commander of the Fireteam, you will be a part of Fireteam Scarab. Your teammates have already been selected. Two are already on Infinity, but one will be coming here from Meriwether Lewis. You will be meeting her when she arrives. Her name is Spartan Mason."

"When she is here, you will all meet at a designated location and time that I will send you later," Captain Lasky said. "Dismissed."

Alexandra left with a salute. A smile grew on her face as she left.

That day would change her life.

As she finished looking at Spartan Nebulus's profile in her temporary office on Infinity, she had no doubt that Nebulus was a worthy Spartan for the Fireteam. Not only did she have experience with Commander Palmer, but she also showed some potential in becoming a leader herself.

Having that in mind, she looked to the next profile. "Now, Corneila T. Mason. I wonder if she has what I'm looking for.


Times Updated Post Release: 1

OddslayerFenrir: How wonderful! I truly love a well developed female protagonist! It's a shame we won't see more of Zeko or Alexandra until after everyone's prologue chapter.

EAKsymphony: Oh don't be like that Odd. We still have plenty more characters coming.

OddslayerFenrir: By goodness, you're right! In that case we hope to see you in the next chapter, woof!

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