Exes With Feelings (h.s)

By stylesmercuryx

99.4K 2.5K 569

Lily and Harry have a past like no others; they were in love, they were so in love. She was an actress, he wa... More

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t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n

s e v e n

7.2K 204 49
By stylesmercuryx

L i l y R o s e

My footsteps were light as I walked sleepily down the endless stairs of Harry's apartment. The window to the left of me showcased the bright sun shining down onto the frosted streets of London, making them glisten like an enchanted forest. Judging by that frost, I figured that the glowing sky was deceitful, and really it was freezing cold outside. Fortunately, I was able to scrub off my smudged makeup from last night with some sort of face cleanser that I found in the bathroom before I had started my journey to the kitchen. Once I'd arrived there, I noticed that all of the mess from last night had been completely cleared away by the man who was standing topless over a frying pan.

This was a sight that I hadn't seen in a while.

"Morning Haz." I said with a soft voice as I sat in the stool across from where he was stood. Only then did I hear the mellow music playing from the radio by the window.

He turned around, frying pan in hand, and grinned widely at me. "Morning Lil. How did you sleep?" Just as I was about to reply, he spoke again, "Actually, don't answer that - I think the hair speaks for itself."

Playfully rolling my eyes at his light dig at my bed head, I jumped up from my seat and edged my way closer to him. "Need any help with anything?"

"Well I'm just finishing up the bacon now... could you do the eggs?" I laughed at his desperate face and nodded. You see, the first ever thing that I had cooked for Harry was scrambled eggs and I actually think that's what made him fall in love with me. Ever since I had made them for him that once in my old flat in Nottingham, he would always ask me to make him some every time we were together. It had been a while since I had cooked for him.

Soon, breakfast was laid out on the table and the two of us sat down to enjoy the steaming plates of food. It was safe to say that a good meal to start the day was the perfect cure to a hangover.

Once we had both finished eating, I stood up to clean everything up before Harry got the chance to. He smiled appreciatively at me and began to speak, "I'm sorry about last night. I think I may have over shared."

My fingers grazed over the silver tap as I stared out of the window, unsure of what to say, "It's okay, H. I'm sorry too."

He then began with, "No no, I was the one who was placing blame-"

"Not just for last night."

Not knowing how to reply to my statement, Harry just smiled and gestured upstairs, signalling that he was going to get dressed. When the sound of his footsteps vanished, I took the opportunity to check my phone that I had found on the sofa before going to bed last night.

Opening up my Instagram, I noticed that my mentions were much busier than usual this morning. Scrolling through my feed, I put my detective skills to good use as I investigated what had caused everyone to freak out. It took me only a few minutes to find the picture.

Harry and me last night at the party. His arm was lazily hanging around my shoulders as he was gazing at me while I laughed at something Gemma had said, not even noticing his stare. I smiled at the picture briefly before I saw the comments.

'OMG! Are they back together?'

'This has made my whole year!! We all knew that they'd end up together again - they're each other's lobsters! They look so in love.'

'Why are all of you so gassed about Harry and Lily? I'm more excited about Gemma and Lily reuniting! We all know that's the real love story, here."

I laughed at the Gemma comment, but I soon realised that this wasn't just going to be some trending hashtag... it was going to be everywhere. Newsstands. Magazines. Twitter. Yes, it's just a rumour, but Harry and I have just started to become 'friends' again after not speaking for a long time. Surely it's understandable if I don't want some stupid tabloids ruining that?

There wasn't much time for me to overthink it because he soon waltzed downstairs, looking flawless as ever in an outfit, that I must say, looked like it should've been styled on a grandad, but of course he pulled it off. It's Harry, for goodness sake. He could walk in with purple joggers and a printed blouse, and still look incredible!

"Are you going to get changed or are you going to just lounge about in your pyjamas all day?" was the first mocking comment that escaped his lips.

I tutted, earning a mischievous smirk from him, "Actually, just in case you forgot, I have nothing to get changed into! Well, I could just get back into my dress and change when I get-"

"No, of course not. You'll be freezing."

"I'll be even more freezing walking home in just these little shorts!" I argued, seeming to switch a lightbulb on in Harry's head.

He pushed gently at my arm, squeezing his way past me to reach the kitchen counter, "I'm driving you home, Lil."

I grimaced, about to argue, but the warning look he gave me was enough to shut me up.

We chatted a little while longer before we both popped on our shoes (yes, I wore my heels with frilly shorts and a jumper) and I gathered my belongings in my arms.

The door was opened by Harry's tattooed arm as he held it open for me, soon following behind me to his car parked outside. Driving up, we listened to shitty old music and laughed as we saw people slipping on the ice through the car windows... we're nice people, I promise.

"Well, here we are. Good job at directing me! You're geography seems to have improved!" Harry said to me through the rolled-down window as I stood outside of the passenger door.

"I wouldn't push it that far," I laughed lightly. Then, I looked behind me and an idea sprang to mind, "Do you want to come and have a look at the place? You haven't been in before..."

His eyes turned sad momentarily as he was reminded that his home was no longer my home, but he recovered by nodding with the corners of his lips turning slightly upwards, "I'd love to."

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