~Peter and Michelle - Book II~

By caitykat135

115K 2.6K 2.5K

Peter and Michelle are now a couple, and together they, along with their best friend Ned, will be attending t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter - Jake
~Peter and Michelle - Book III~
BOOK III Chapter 1 OUT NOW!!!!

Chapter 17

3.3K 84 129
By caitykat135

Peter made his way back down to the lobby and couldn't help but think about Michelle. I can't believe she's missing out on going skiing with everyone. It would have been so much fun! Uhh, I'm so worried, she is in so much pain. Even though she was trying to conceal it, I could tell how much pain she was in. I wish I could have stayed back with her and just watched movies all day or watched her as she read, but she would have told me to go out and have fun for her. I hope she's okay and that she's getting some rest, she looked so tired.

As he exited the elevator, he quickly scanned the lobby to make sure that Evie wasn't there. She was so weird and made me really uncomfortable, if I'm honest. The way she kept staring and smiling at me was really off-putting. I hope MJ wasn't mad, she didn't seem like she was. Although I have to admit, seeing her put Evie in her place was totally badass and I loved it. When he confirmed that the coast was clear, he made his way across the lobby and back into the dining room, where Ned sat at their table, minding the bags. As Peter got closer, he could tell he was on his phone.

Peter sat down across from him right as he was saying goodbye. "Dude, you'll never guess what's happened!" Ned said to him as soon as he ended the call. "What?" Peter said, intrigued. "Do you remember what happened in the news recently, the story MJ was really interested in?" Peter nodded, "Yeah, about the guy who may have killed his neighbour. Didn't he have an alibi, though? I remember MJ saying that, but I don't think she believed him." Ned nodded, clearly excited and also nervous to tell the story. "Yeah, him. Guess what, he's gone missing."

"What?" Peter said with wide eyes. "Yeah! Nobody has seen or heard from him in a few days, and his apartment seemed to be completely abandoned, with nothing in it!" Peter didn't know how to take that information. "Does that mean he did a runner? Like he did kill his neighbour and thought people would figure it out? Or has something happened to him?" Ned shook his head, "No, I think he definitely did a runner. As soon as I looked it up, I thought he just looked sketchy. I agree with MJ, I think he definitely killed her." Peter nodded and couldn't help but agree with his best friend. He did look sketchy. Just something about his face...

"Does anyone have any idea about where he may have gone?" Ned shook his head. "No, no one knows, but it's everywhere in the news." Peter nodded and couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. I wanted to go on this trip so I could relax a bit, and now I'm stressed about MJ and the possible murderer on the loose back home. I hope May is okay. Deciding to change the subject, Peter asked a some of the other news stories that had been happening back in Queens. "Um, well Mum didn't mention too much. She was raving about that dog who had saved his owner from a robbery. Apparently, the dog got a badge or reward or something. And she also mentioned how that college kid was still in a coma or something. Other than that, nothing much has been going on. The main story is the murder mystery."

Peter nodded before deciding to call May and chat for a while. Around half an hour later Peter and Ned were standing in the lobby, waiting for everyone to gather so that they could board the bus. "Okay, so everyone is here, minus one exception," That must be MJ, "So let's go!" Ms Warren announced to the group. They boarded the bus, Peter and Ned sitting together, and admired the passing scenery as the bus moved towards the mountain they would ski down for the day. Throughout the trip Flash was being his usual self, but Peter and Ned just brushed it off as they usually do. The whole bus ride was only around fifteen minutes long, before it stopped and they all got off, staring at the massive white mountain in front of them.

"How far up do you think we'll go?" Ned asked. Peter shook his head, walking with the rest of the group over to grab their ski equipment for the day. "Not sure. Probably not too high considering it's the first day." Everyone got in line to be fitted for their gear and to get some ski poles and other things. Mr Harrington ended up holding up the line for a while, as every time he tried something on, he would trip and knock a bunch of things over. Ms Warren was clearly getting a little distressed, but Coach was just chatting to a few freshman about their favourite foods.

While Peter held his spot in line, Ned kept going over to the window and taking shots of the mountain on his phone. When he came back over Peter said, "Hey, make sure to send those to me, okay? I want to show May and MJ." Ned smiled as he looked at the photos, "Yeah, dude. No Problem." It was after around forty minutes of standing around doing nothing but waiting that everyone finally had gotten their gear. A guide spoke to the group of them, showing them how to stand while skiing and other tips, such as what to do when they fall or if they get lost. After another fifteen minutes of that, anticipation was high, and finally they were taken to the ski-lift.

Ned and Peter got one to themselves, as they could only fit two people each. As it started to lift of the ground, Ned became increasingly amazed and terrified at how high they were. "Woah, this is much higher than I expected. Look how high we are! Look at all the trees! Is that a rock? God, you can barely see that. Oh god, Peter are you freaking out as much as I am?" Peter chuckled at him. "Not really. Keep in mind that I was lifted over a thousand feet into the air by the Vulture and I also scaled the Washington Monument. Not only that but I also stuck to the side of a plane while trying to stop the Vulture." Ned nodded while closing his eyes, now slightly afraid to look down at the ground far below them, hugging his ski poles tightly, "Right, right. I forgot. How high are we?"

Peter looked down, "Around a hundred feet or so." Ned eyes sprang open and an incredulous expression appeared on his face. "Only a hundred feet! It feels like so much more than that." Peter patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, bud. We're nearly at the top, and if you did fall, I would be able to catch you, either cause of my my reflexes or with my webshooters." Ned looked at him, a little calmer now. "You have your webshooters on you?" Peter nodded, "Yeah, just in case. I only brought my suit with me in case of an emergency, but ideally I don't want to be seen here after what happened in DC, everyone would figure out who I am." Ned nodded after sighing in relief, seeing that they were only a few feet away from the top, "Good idea."

When they got off the ski-lift, much to Ned's relief, they followed the signs over to the easiest course for them to start on. There were a few others from their group around, but everyone had separated into their group of friends, so Ned and Peter stuck to themselves. Peter pulled a GoPro out from his backpack and strapped it onto his helmet securely. "When did you pack that?" Ned asked, seeing the small camera. "Well, unlike you I actually packed things I would use into my suitcase. I still can't believe you packed condoms, man." Ned put his hands up, "Hey hey hey, I was just looking out for your and MJ's well-being. And judging from what happened yesterday, I think it may have been a good call."

Peter wacked him on the arm, "Nothing was going to happen, okay. Neither of us are ready for that. Plus, I didn't bring them with me." Ned widened his eyes at Peter, "YOU MEAN YOU WERE WILLING TO HAVE UNPROTEC-" Peter cut him off, cheeks red in embarrassment, "NO!! I just mean that I wouldn't need them because the opportunity won't come, okay? Let's please talk about something else." Ned looked at him sceptically, "Fine, but just know that I'm keeping an eye on you two." Uuuhhhhh, why is all of this so awkward. Eeh, can I just crawl under a rock and never come out? No, no focus, Peter. Skiing, it's time for skiing.

Peter turned the camera on, and waiting for Ned to go first, so that he could get footage of him going down the slopes, as Michelle had requested. Peter followed after him, and despite having superhuman agility, grip, strength and senses, he found it a little difficult to stay upright. Meanwhile, Ned had already fallen over and was trying to crawl over to the side of the course so he didn't get run over while he waited for Peter. Eventually they both made it down to the bottom of the hill, but not unscathed and successfully. Peter fell a total number of six times, and Ned a total of eight.

"Come on, let's go back up," Peter said when they got off the track. Ned looked uneasy, "You mean back on the ski-lift?" Peter smiled before moving behind Ned and pushing him over to the ski-lift. They waited in the line comfortably, chatting and going over some of the footage. "Could I have the GoPro this time?" Ned asked. Ooh, that's a good idea. Peter nodded as he unstrapped it from his head, "Yeah, actually. I think MJ would appreciate footage of me failing as well. I'll go first when we get up there, yeah?" Ned nodded, and with Peter's help he attached the camera tightly to his helmet.

Right as they were about to get on the ski-lift, walking along side it with their ski poles and other equipment awkwardly, a voice called out from behind them. "Peter!" Oh god. Ned glanced back briefly before nudging Peter to get on the lift quickly. "It's her, go go go!" They both hopped on, and thankfully were starting to lift up when she came into view. "Peter, it's me, Evie!" He looked down and saw her cutting the line, waving at him with that horrible smile. Why, why, why, why WHYYYY?! Why is she here? "Oh man, Ned aren't you excited to go down the really hard slope!" Peter yelled out. "What?" Ned said. Peter nudged him in the side and whispered, "She will go looking for us at the harder slope while we go down the easier one. That way we can get away."

Ned nodded, catching on. "Yeah! I'm so excited for the HARDEST SLOPE!" He yelled. They weren't too far away from where they took off, so their voices did make it back down to Evie. Peter looked back and saw that she was being yelled and glared at by everyone in line, who she had cut in front of. He saw her push in front of an older couple to get on the ski-lift that was two behind Peter and Ned's. She won't be too far behind us. "Ned, when we get there, we need to book it over to the easy course, okay. She's only two ski-lifts behind us." Ned looked at him in confusion, "What? But there were loads of people in line-" Peter answered his question before Ned finished it, "She cut in front of this elderly couple." Ned scowled, "Man, I really don't like her. An elderly couple? That's so rude and disrespectful!" Peter nodded, "You don't need to tell me."

Ned faired a lot better this time up the ski-lift, mainly because he was turning his stress into anger, and ranting about Evie. We've barely known her for any time at all, but that's more than enough to know that she is weird, disrespectful, plain rude and creepy. They made it to the top, and this time they ran as fast as they could over to the easier course, which was out of view from the top of the harder course. They made it over in record time, and Peter felt certain that they had outrun her. He walked back a bit and looked over to where the extreme route was, glad to see that she was getting ready and about to ski down, looking for them. When he saw her take off, he walked back over to where Ned was waiting. "Coast is clear."

Ned nodded, "Thank god." The both of them started getting ready to go down this slope, ignoring the fact that everyone else that was on this track were little kids with their parents. "How long is this course compared to the hard one?" Peter asked. "I saw a sign that said that this one takes around ten minutes whereas the hard one takes almost half an hour to make it back down. It's much longer and has lots of twists and turns and such, so we should be able to make it down before she finishes." Peter nodded and readied himself to go, "Okay, let's go!" He tried to start fast this time, looking behind him briefly to check that Ned was following, and they both started traversing down the hill. This time they did much better, Peter falling only three times while Ned fell five. When they made it back down and went back over to the ski-lift, they both decided that they would do one more round before getting some lunch, as it was almost midday already.

They thankfully didn't encounter Evie again as they got on their ski-lift, and they made it up to the top peacefully. "Now that we've done it a few times the height doesn't scare me as much," Ned said as he got off. Peter patted him on the shoulder, "There you go!" They went back over to the easy course and after switching the camera between them again, they went back down. This was definitely their best run yet. Ned fell only once, while Peter did fall at all, finally getting the hang of balancing himself. When they made it down to the bottom, they started to walk over to the little restaurant that was at the bottom of the hill, back near the entrance. "I think that we're ready for the intermediate course next time," Ned said. Peter smiled, "Definitely."

They went inside and ordered some food, finding a small table for two in the back corner that was a little more out-of-view than the rest of the tables. They sat down and chatted for a while, and after around ten minutes their food arrived. "One chocolate milkshake with a hamburger and fires along with a Cola with pizza?" The waitress said. "Yup, that's us, thank you." She put the food down before scurrying off back to the kitchen. They started to eat their food in a comfortable silence, but it was soon interrupted by the sound of a chair being dragged and someone sitting at their table. Just kill me now, honestly. "Hi, Evie," Ned said, not even hiding the disappointment in his voice

She completely ignored him and just stared at Peter, "Hi, Peter." Eeehhh she's staring at me like that again. Make it stop, make it stop, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!! He nodded his head, acknowledging her but trying to show as little interest as possible. "So, where is your friend, Mary or whatever." She smiled at him widely. Peter had to resist the urge to snap his spoon in half. "Her name is Michelle and she is my girlfriend." He said it as assertively and strongly as he could, but all she did was smile at him. "Yeah, yeah, of course she is," She said while grabbing his arm and lightly clinging to him. ITS TOUCHING ME ITS TOUCHING ME AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He yanked his arm away from her, and although it wasn't the most gentle action, he didn't really care all that much. "Have you had a nice day?" Ned said, clearly trying to help Peter by getting the attention off him while trying his best to sound as polite as possible. Her smile faltered for a second from Peter's reaction to her holding his arm, but she quickly smiled again, this time looking at Ned. "Fine," Was all she said to him, before looking at Peter again. "So, I bet you're awesome at skiing, aren't you?" She winked at him again and Peter could have sworn he threw up in his mouth a little. "No, I'm complete shit at it actually. Ned is amazing, he could be Olympic level. Ask him about it."

Peter hoped that this would make her less interested in him, but no luck, she just kept smiling at him. "Oh, I'm sure that's not true. Look at your arms, I bet you could carry a motorbike or something with those muscles." She touched his arm again, causing him to regret taking his jacket off. Can I rip my ears and eyes off please? This is so painful. Actually, if I tried I probably could... Hmmm... nah it'd cause a scene.

Peter mustered up the biggest belch that he could, feeling a little embarrassed that other people nearby heard it as well, but he was willing to try anything to get her and her grabby mits away from him. "Nope. Ned probably could. He's an absolute beast!" Ned flexed with the most ridiculous face Peter had ever seen, causing him to laugh. Evie looked Ned up and down. "Yeah, sure he could." The distain and disgust in her voice gave Peter the biggest urge to through her out the window and let her sink in the snow, never to be seen again.

"Can you leave?" Peter said bluntly, not even bothering with manners anymore. She doesn't deserve it. Ned was slumped back in his seat, clearly bothered by what she had said. She looked at Peter with big puppy dog eyes, "I don't understand. Why would you want me to leave?" She fluttered her eyes at him, clearly trying to look cute, but all Peter could see was the face of a cow. "Because we want our peace, and you are disrupting that. So, please go and bother someone else."

After a moment she stood up and looked down at him, that smile still on her face, although this time he could see a little bit of anger lingering in her eyes. "Fine, I'll go. But just so you know, I'm leaving because I want to go, okay? I have to take my Porsche back to the resort." She flicked her hair, trying to show off. Peter resisted the urge to actually vomit over his food, and by Ned expression, he was in the same state. She waved at him, "Bye Peter." Peter didn't say anything to her, instead taking a big slurp of his milkshake. She walked off, and finally it was just the two of them again.

"I can confidently say that I hate her," Ned said. Peter nodded, looking down at his food, suddenly having no appetite after such a disturbing encounter, "Me too. Why can't she just take a hint? I was trying so hard to be unappealing!" Ned laughed, "I know, when you burped I almost choked on my cola. It nearly came out of my nose!" Peter laughed with him. After a moment he said, "I just wish she would leave us alone." Ned nodded, "Yeah. I actually started to record it after she sat down." Peter looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, "Why?" Ned smiled, "Because, you can show MJ. I'm sure she'll enjoy it." Peter nodded, "Yeah, though probably not as much as the clips of us failing. She'll really love that." They both laughed before packing up their stuff and heading back over to the ski-lift to attempt the intermediate course.

A/N – Hey guys! Wow, this chapter is huge, but then again I've been writing it over the course of two days. Well, really it probably took maybe three hours to write and edit it all, but the three hours were spread out over two days, so.

What did you guys think of this chapter? If you enjoyed it, please vote and leave your comments below.

Last chapter's comments were probably the funniest I have ever scene. Literally everyone was just hating Evie, and I was just sitting back and laughing my ass off reading the comments.

I kind of picture Evie to kinda look like the blonde girl from Camp Rock, but absolutely no hate to that actress, she just has the features I picture Evie to have.

If you would like to stay updated for when I upload, you can follow me 😊

I also thought I would add a fun fact about me at the end of this chapter. Today's fun fact is:
Corn is the one food that I hate with an absolute passion and will refuse to eat, no matter what.
I cannot stand corn.
Not the smell, the taste, even just looking at it makes me want to puke.
Now, that's not to say I've never had corn before, because when I was young my Mum used to always give me peas and corn with my dinner. While I love peas, I have always hated corn.
Sorry to all the corn lovers, it's just my tastebuds!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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