Chapter 12

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A/N- I HAVE A SMALL ANNOUNCEMENT, so please read the Author's Note at the end of the chapter. Anyway, on with the story 😊

"Alright everyone! Grab your bags and everyone wait outside the gate to regroup! No one is to get lost! Please!" Mr Harrington yelled throughout the cabin. Many other passengers stared very aggressively at him, annoyed he had shouted at the top of his lungs, loud enough for everyone in the plane to hear. Michelle rolled her eyes and chuckled at Mr Harrington, who she knew was just trying his best. "What can you see outside?" Peter asked her. She raised an eyebrow but humoured him. She glanced out the window. "Hmm... You'll never guess, but it looks like an airport and, wait for it, everything is covered in a coat of ice and snow!" Do you think he will figure out I was being sarcastic??????

Peter's face was expressionless for a moment, looking at her with glassy eyes, but he soon broke with a snort and started laughing. Ned looked over at the giggling idiot that was Michelle's boyfriend before looking at her with a confused expression. "What's he laughing about?" He asked. "I'm a sarcastic genius," Michelle stated matter-of-factly. He thought about her response for a second before simply nodding and resumed watching Mr Harrington try and fumble with his seatbelt.

Eventually everyone was trying to stand in the isle and grab their luggage, Ned one of them, although him and Betty, who sat behind them for the whole trip with Abraham and Jason, were tightly squished together. Michelle knew better than to try and stand right now, as everyone would be crowded in the isle for about ten minutes before people would start to actually leave the plane. She watched curiously as Peter unbuckled his seat belt and stood up. To her surprise he was able to stand up pretty much completely straight, and he wasn't bent over trying not to hit his head like most people were.

Michelle couldn't help but let out a laugh in surprise. Peter heard her and looked down. "What?" Michelle smiled, "Nothing, its just that your so short that you can stand without hitting your head." Peter scowled and a look of determination came over him. "Are you calling me short? I'm not short. Look, I can be tall- Ow!" As he spoke he decided to stand on his tip-toes, and as a result, shot straight up into the roof of the cabin, hitting his head. Immediately Michelle burst into laughter. HAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! That was funny and adorable at the same time I don't know what to do!

When she stopped laughing enough to open her eyes, she saw Ned, Betty, Abraham, Jason, a few other nearby students and some normal passengers giggling as well, none as much as Flash, who was taking Peter's fail as an opportunity to berate him from the other side of the plane. "Wow Parker. Even a dog could have avoided that! Do you want me to throw a stick for you to fetch? Hey, Parker?" He started to laugh excessively at his own joke. "Flash, that's enough," Ms Warren said sternly, cutting off his laughing fit. He flinched like a frightened cat and shut up immediately.

Peter sat back down in his seat, rubbing the top of his head a little. Michelle chuckled a little before leaning forward and placing a light kiss on his cheek. "You're quite adorable at times, Parker. You know that?" Michelle couldn't help but say it. He is adorable and should be told so. Also, it was totally worth saying it just to see how red his face is right now. He looked up at and flashed a cute smile at her, his cheeks and nose tomato red. Michelle smiled back. Then she watched as Peter leaned forward and one-upped her kiss on the cheek by actually kissing her.

It was just a peck, but it was enough that some of his blush definitely transferred to her. He leaned back into his seat with a mischievous smirk. "Wipe that off, you still hit your head, loser." He chuckled but did as she asked. Finally, everybody had started to move, so as swiftly as they could Peter and Michelle got up to grab their backpacks. When Michelle tried to shuffle out into the isle she nearly lost her balance – as she had actually needed to bend over not to hit her head – but Peter caught her arm within a split second and steadied her. Thank the lord for his superhuman reflexes. Haha literally! She quickly thanked him as she finally stood in the isle and grabbed her backpack. They slowly shuffled down the plane, having to stop a few times to let more people stand and get their things. Soon they made it down to the front of the plane and walked to the exit. Immediately they were greeted with the brisk air in the tunnel.

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