Across Dimensions (ONC 2020)

By NgoziGardenia

711 143 791

Cover by @CelticWarriorQueen17 Grayson is an orphaned teen, doing his best to survive in a world where each t... More

Chapter Two: The Strange Maximus Hamilton
Chapter Three: From Escape To Gun Point
Chapter Four: Happy Hauntings
Chapter Five: Do Not Panic
Chapter Six: Prison Party Without Popcorn
Chapter Seven:The Truth Behind It All
Chapter Eight: Never Forgotten
Chapter Nine: In The Name Of Science
Chapter Ten: Beginning Of The End
Chapter Eleven: No Going Back
Chapter Twelve: Snapping Point
Chapter Thirteen: What We Are
Chapter Fourteen: No Rest For The Thinker
Chapter Fifteen: Pulled Apart
Chapter Sixteen: The Danger Isn't In The Dark
Chapter Seventeen: Life Debts
Chapter Eighteen: The One Who Mattered Most
Chapter Nineteen: When All Is Lost
Chapter Twenty: Across Dimensions

Chapter One: Condemned

238 32 286
By NgoziGardenia

A long time ago, in a galaxy lost and forgotten, there was a guy with an insignificant life. He was doomed to wander the streets alone and abandoned by those he thought loved him. But thoughts are useless brain patterns that tell the grandest of lies, the type that break hearts, and leave the victim soulless. Figuratively of course. If a heart was actually broken, the poor sap would die...rather quickly, probably wouldn't even feel it. Maybe that's the best way to go.

Not that I plan on dying any time soon. In fact, I want to live so long that I see the crooked bastards in power shoved off into the stars. Our atmosphere is a graveyard, causing the skies to grow dimmer each day, as coffin after coffin soars into the air.

Don't get me wrong, this planet is not occupied by savages dying of disease. The medicine is far more advanced than most others I've heard of from neighboring planets. The envy of the galaxy. But because of that, it is at max capacity. If a baby is born, it threatens the lives of everyone who calls this planet home. The government feared that there would no longer be enough air to go around, presuming the entire population would die as a result.

That is when the sustaining life act was established. Old farts in comfy chairs decided that they wanted to play god. Placing the value of one persons life above another. The stiffs determined a fair life span that they wanted to ensure everyone lived to. Declaring it was unfair for an unborn child to die, if they hadn't yet had a chance to live. This idea may seem good in theory, however, there was no guarantee that each person would get to live a comfortable life, or any aide offered to prevent starvation.

The government treasured childhood, but understood that in order for the planet to continue running, certain individuals would need to reach adulthood; being educated in how to keep the important industries running to ensure the planet continued to thrive.

Each year, children with an above average intelligence are taken from their homes, and moved into the safety net of Edipeis. A district for the gifted, those chosen to survive. The rest of are encouraged to live life to the fullest, for they never know when their name will glow on the execution board to make room for new lives coming into the world.

Never could I have imagined that Edipeis would choose me. But here I am, bound by a stuffy gray uniform, and countless rules to make me a 'dignified' citizen. I was chosen later in my life. The regular age of acceptance into this academy is thirteen. Two days ago I turned fifteen, growing nearer sixteen, the age where death became a possibility.

That same day, a group of government officials came to the orphanage and took me aside. "We've taken notice of your experiments, your unique approach and ability to work with less than satisfactory components to create medical remedies is amazing."

For those less fortunate, I made a reasonable profit by making affordable medicine that still got the job done. One of the people I helped was a government agent in disguise, investigating the 'miracle worker' as people call me. I know they only invited me to Edipeis because I was causing them to lose profits. I created better versions of their medications for cheaper.

As I stare up at the glittering silver gate, guilt ebbs away in the back of my mind. By stepping through, I am abandoning those I've been helping. They will have no other option than to pay out of their backsides for things they cannot afford, or die because it's their only choice.

Not that they'd have long regardless, it seems to be baby season.

My fingers tap the side of my leg in anticipation. This can be a new start for me. I'll get to lead the kind of life I've always wanted. I will never have to say goodbye to another friend, have my belly full every night, and my thirst quenched before I have a chance to say it is parched.

I can have it all.

But then, I will leave others with nothing.

For once Grayson, think of yourself. How do you expect to survive if others lives are always placed above your own? Remember what dad said. In the end, you are only left with your choices. Sometimes the harder ones are the most valuable.

Stepping into this world guarantees my survival, but it condemns the people I love to suffer in my absence. At least, what's left of them.

Oh god, I feel sick.

Sprinting to the nearest trash can, I lean over it heaving what little I had eaten yesterday morning. I grip the sides, my head pounding vigorously from lack of nutrition. 

A gentle hand rests on my lower back, I look up into the glistening blue eyes of the woman I had come to know as my care taker after my parents death. "I don't think I can do this Miss Martha. How can I abandon my kin? It doesn't seem fair."

She smiles, pulling me in for a hug. "Life is never fair Grayson. We're all happy for you. To truly make a difference, help your district, and the other orphans, go into Edipeis. Change things from the inside, but never lose your kind heart."

"I promise to never forget you," I declare, closing my eyes and leaning into Martha's shoulder.

The elderly woman kisses the top of my head, before ruffling my blond curls and pushing me away. "Get in there before they change their minds."

I give her one more tight squeeze, retrieve my patchy knapsack and sprint through the gates as they welcome me into my new life.


Burning pain travels up my chest, with the threat to pull me into the darkness of my own head. Unable to open my eyes, I lift numb, shaking hands to assure myself that nothing is protruding from my body.

Though I have no idea why this is the first thought. My foggy mind swims uselessly, not helping to assure me of where I am, or why I'm here.

Based off of my blind analysis, there seems to be no external damage to my body. That's always a good sign. But it is not helping me breathe any easier. Oh crap, what is that?

My hands come in contact with a large metal object. I force unwilling eyes to open. A collapsed metal beam lays on top of my left lower rib cage, held up just barely by a partially broken chain. I press my hands into the sandy floor, setting myself free from what could have killed me. If that had fully fallen, my insides would likely be puddled on the floor.

I give the rest of body a quick once over. There appear to be no other injuries besides a few broken ribs.

Each inhalation feels like a knife digging into my side. But I need to try not to focus on it. Figuring out where I am is far more important than any childish pitying session. Beams like that don't just fall on their own. The chains wrapped around it were designed to hold its' weight. Even though defective products do turn up on occasion, my gut is telling me that simply isn't an acceptable answer.

A small lantern sits covered in dust to my left, lighting up a small portion of the otherwise pitch black structure. Besides it there is a gray lab coat, and a forest green beanie with a name sown into the side. I grimace, forcing my complaining body to walk towards it.

Before I have a chance to retrieve either of the items, I see a flash of light behind me.

"Split up! If you don't find a body, then assume the little bastard's alive," A harsh male's voice declares, the sounds echoing off of the walls.

I freeze, not knowing what to do. Are they looking for me? What did I do? How did I get here?

My head pounds when I try to remember. I grip the sides, pulling my hands away to find them coated in a sticky substance. Blood, that's a lot of blood. Shit.

Several booted steps quickly pull me out of my panic. I have a feeling they don't mean to greet me with niceties if I am the one they're looking for. But perhaps it would be better to wait and see? Then at least I would know what is going on.

Unless they kill me.

I'm sure somewhere in this head of mine, I have all the answers. Right now it is malfunctioning, most likely from whatever impact injury it received when the beam fell on top of me.

I blow out the lantern. Then walk further into the darkness, allowing my hands to guide me from one splintered pillar to another. Far above me, three poorly boarded up windows shine tiny beams of moon light upon the floor and abandoned military type equipment, rusted from neglect.

If this place is located where I think it is, then I'm nearly half a planet away from Edipeis. How did I get to the inactive military base? To reach here by foot would take at least six months, and I have no recollection of being given permissions to use any type of special transport system.

I almost stumble forward when what I thought was a beam swings open to reveal a door leading outside. In the distance the execution glows brightly, the date displayed at the top with the names listed underneath.

My jaw drops open. It's New Years Eve? Since when did it become two-thousand, nineteen? Someone must be messing with the computer, that simply cannot be right. I remember entering Edipeis only yesterday, in two-thousand, eighteen, at the beginning of the year.

Fear binds me to the ground when I read the second name listed. My name.

Only someone sixteen years or older can be selected for the board. I joined Edipeis, I should be safe. They said I would be safe.

My right hand reaches into the pocket of my school uniform without consent, wrapping around a crumbled piece of parchment.

"Trust no one. Never stop running. Remember the story of Maximus Hamilton."

Three short sentences in handwriting that appeared to be my own glare back at me beneath the moons invasive gaze. Drops of dried blood make a few words difficult to read, but the message is clear.

I am no longer welcome here, they are coming to kill me. If I do not escape this planet, today will become my last.

Maximus Hamilton, the man who walked through worlds, with a candle in one hand, and a cup in the other. In the reflection of the mirror, at the strike of the midnight hour.

A small box sat against the side of the building, with a lighter, red candle, small chipped porcelain cup, and a pocket watch.

Everything seems too convenient and planned. As if I knew this moment was coming. An inescapable fate. What happened to me behind the gates of Edipeis?

I place the paper back into my pocket, grabbing the four items. My feet take control, leading me behind the structure, directly in front of a cracked mirror. I glance at the pocket watch. The time is eleven fifty-nine pm.

Approaching steps remind me of the urgency. I light the candle, grabbing the cup, and staring at the shattered reflection of the unrecognizable person in front of me.

Midnight strikes, turning the shouts to silence. The mirror glows a faint green, tendrils reach out wrapping around my legs, and pull me inside. I don't have a chance to cry out, finding myself in a dimly lit room, my lips touching those of a wide - eyed girl beneath me.

"Hi," I say, before passing out on her bedroom floor.

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