A3! ~ oneshots!

By flufflynene

15.2K 244 89

A3- Act addict actors. I'll be writing one shots for every character. I am now accepting requests, so if you... More

Izumi x Itaru
Izumi x Juza
Izumi x Omi
Izumi x Kazunari
Izumi x Hisoka
Izumi x Tasuku
Reader x Taichi
Happy birthday Misumi!

Izumi x Azuma

1.1K 19 9
By flufflynene

Oh my gosh~ for the past hour I was looking at a3's Facebook page and just found out the game is 3 years old. You know the camping event we have now? Yeah that's from 3 years ago.. IM FREAKING OUT THE ENGLISH VERSION IS SO BEHIND AHHHHHHH~ Anyways decided to pick Azuma for this oneshot. Enjoy!~

Nighttime. The time where everyone goes to sleep and it becomes so quiet in the dorms. Well, lets be honest. If it weren't for Sakyo, the dorms would be active 24/7. But not tonight. Meanwhile, in the living room Izumi, Taichi, and Kazunari are watching a new show about romance. The show gets really good real fast, so good that it leads to Taichi screaming at the television about what is going on.

"HOW CAN HE NOT SEE HER? SHES IN THERE! HELLO???? MY MAN NEEDS SOME GLASSES AND SOME HEARING AIDS!" Taichi now sits in front of the television blocking it so Izumi and Kazunari can't really see what's going on.

"Get out of the way!" Izumi and Kazunari both yell out. "Your blocking the tv!"

"NOT MY FAULT THAT THIS DUDE IS CLEARLY THE BIGGEST IDIOT I'VE EVER SEEN! Wait...wait wait wait wait! NO NO NO NO!" Taichi grabs hold of the tv, his face inches away from touching the screen.

"I knew agreeing to watch this new show with Taichi was a bad idea." Izumi said.

"I know! But can you help it? Taichi really takes shows very seriously, I mean look! He looks like he's about to kiss the tv!" Kazunari laughs out.

"I AM NOT GOING TO KISS THE TV!" Taichi shouts out. "This show is really interesting, but it's seriously giving me a huge headache by how dumb the characters are!"

"Wow, I wish we can see how "dumb" the characters are." Izumi said. "Oh wait- we can't because Taichi, your blocking the tv so me and Kazunari can't see!"


"SHUT UP!" Sakyo yells out.

All three of them turn around and look at Sakyo who's crossing his arms giving out an angry look.
"Oh shoot we're caught." Kazunari said whispering to Izumi.

"I'm fine with you guys watching tv, but my gosh you all are TOO DAMN LOUD!" Sakyo yells out.

"B-but your yelling too!" Taichi says turning his back away from Sakyo staring back at the tv.

"I- that's it!" Sakyo grabs the tv remote and shuts off the tv.

"Awwwww." All three of them say.

"New rule, no more watching tv when it's past 10!"

"AWWWWWWW!" All three of them said in disappointment.

"You shouldn't be to hard on them Sakyo." A random voice said.


There was a long moment of silence.

Azuma stands by the wall looking at all of them. He's wearing a face mask which confused all of them at first because they all didn't know who he was until they saw his long hair and found out it was Azuma.

"Azuma! Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Izumi stands up brushing the dust off her shirt. "I was sleeping, but then I heard a bunch of shouting going on, so I decided to see what was happening. That really scared me you know? I thought there was an burglar in the dorms." Azuma said.

"O-oh, well, I-uh, imma go now.. I recorded the show so I can watch it tomorrow morning. Uh, thanks for staying up with me Izumi and Kazunari, now I must run. See ya!" Taichi stands up really fast running to his room.

"NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!" Sakyo shouts out.

"Hehe, Taichi is really adorable. Was he the one who was screaming?" Azuma questions.

"Yup! He was totally attached to the show we were all watching! It sucked though because he was hogging the tv so me and Izumi can't see what's going on." Kazunari laughs out. "It was really funny to see how Taichi is when it comes to this kind of stuff!"

"That's Taichi to you." Izumi says.

"Whatever, I'm heading out. Next time if I hear ANYTHING- even a whisper when it's time for you all to be sleeping, no more tv when it's nighttime!" Sayko gives out a grumpy attitude as he walks out of the living room mumbling to himself.

"I'll go to sleep now, I'm pooped!" Kazunari yawns out. "Yawwwwn, well, see ya fam!" Kazunari waves goodbye to both Izumi and Azuma and walks away, leaving only Azuma and Izumi alone.

Azuma looks at Izumi and smiles. "You should go to sleep to you know."

"Aren't you ruining your beauty sleep?" Izumi asks.

"Hehe, it's alright if I do it once in a while, I just wanted to check what was going on."

"To be honest Azuma, you would be the second to last person I would ever think of waking up in the middle of the night."

"Second to last? Who's the last person?"


"Oh haha, Hisoka always sleeps so peacefully."

Izumi giggles. "Yeah, so that's why he's the last person on my list." There is a moment of awkward silence within the room. Izumi stares at the beautiful man in front of her. The way on how his skin is so perfect, the fact that he does everything to make his skin so healthy is amazing. Wow, I never really cared about how Azuma takes care of his skin, but it looks amazing! Maybe I should have payed more attention...maybe I should ask him? Azuma is confused by the way Izumi is looking at him, overall, it is completely silent in the living room. However he just looks back at Izumi and smiles. He breaks the silence by saying "Hehe, Izumi you look so adorable when your looking at me." Izumi's eyes widen as if she's in shocked as to what he said to her. Izumi looks away from Azuma and says. "I'm really interested on how do you make your skin so perfect! And please don't tease me with that."

"Hehe, so that's why you were looking at me!" Azuma gives out his usual laugh which out of the people who lives in the dorms, Azuma's laugh was always Izumi's favorite. "I can tell you tomorrow, don't want to ruin my mask. You should really get some sleep to Izumi, or unless you want me to stay with you and lecture you all night till you fall asleep. I can even wake you up."

"No thank you!" Izumi said. "I'm not all into the "cuddling" thing, plus I fall asleep right away so I don't see the point of it."

Azuma's smile disappeared from his face into a frown. "Aww, well you never know. Plus people say my service is a solid 10/10! Just ask Banri."

"Wait, BANRI asked you to-"

"A few other people asked to."

"I'm, wow I never really excepted anyone from the dorms to ask you."

"Haha, well if you are in a situation where you can't fall asleep, or in general just want someone to cuddle with you while your sleeping, just ask me. It's my job after all!"

"I'll think about it." Izumi says. "Night Azuma."


Azuma walks off leaving Izumi alone to herself. I wish more people were like him honestly. Izumi yawns and exits out of the living room going to her room. As she's walking in the courtyard she sees that the book that she was reading earlier was left on the table. "Oh! I forgot that I was reading this!" Izumi speaks out to herself. "Such a good book though, hmmm, wouldn't hurt if I finish a couple more pages."

Izumi sits down and picks up her book and picks up where she left off in the book.

The story is so meaningful to her, it's one of the best books she ever read. The story behind it is so interesting. Izumi smiles a bit as she's thinking how Taichi is kind of the same but with romantic television shows.

Half an hour has past and Izumi's eyelids are slowly giving out. "Yawwwn." Izumi puts down the book and folds her arms putting her head down on them. Her heavy eyelids shut as she goes to sleep.


Mmm.. Izumi slowly starts waking up, her eyelids open halfway but then shuts because she's still to tired. A light tap taps her shoulder as to wanting her to wake up. Izumi ignores the tapping on her shoulder and continues to sleep. The light tapping taps on her shoulder again. "Its time to wake up." Izumi hears a soft quiet voice, the voice is so gentle that she doesn't feel like at all waking up. However, sunlight appeared on her face making her wake up. Her eyelids slowly open as she sees someone sitting by her. Mm, who- who is that? She widens her eyes and sees Azuma. His hands are touching her hair very gently. He greets her with a smile.

"Good morning."

"Good..morning?" Izumi talks very slow. Azuma touching her hair very gently is making her fall asleep again. However, since her eyes are widen now she then looks straight to Azuma's eyes and blabbed out "A-Azuma? How long have you been here?"

"Came here a few minutes ago, I saw you sleeping and decided to wake you up earlier, but you looked so peaceful and adorable that I couldn't wake you up right away."

Izumi's face blushes a little "Um, thanks?"

"Haha, also it's bad for your skin to be in the sunlight for a couple hours without anything protecting it."

"What does that have to do with waking me up?" Izumi looks up and sees the sun. "Oh wait, never mind. What time is it?"

"It's 11:57, so the sun has been out for a while now. If no one woke you up and you continued to sleep, your skin would have been damaged! And trust me, no one wants that."

"Oh." Izumi now feels really embarrassed. "Well, thank you for waking me up."

"Hehe, no problem, also make sure to meet me in my room later on."

"Huh?" Izumi asks being confused.

"You said you were interested about how I make my skin so perfect, didn't you?"

"Oh that! Yeah I did say that." Izumi says. "I would love to see all the products you use for your skin!"

"Hehe, great! I'll see you later." Azuma stands up removing his hand off of Izumi's hair. Izumi looks at Azuma's hand wondering how on earth did she not feel his hand at all. Azuma smiles and walks off, but before he walks off he says "Oh, and that book your reading, good choice you made for reading that, it's a really good book."

"You read the book?" Izumi asks.

"No, but when you were sleeping I picked up the book and started reading it. The first 5 pages were already interesting enough."

This made Izumi wonder on how long Azuma actually did stayed and watched her sleep.

"Well anyways, see you later." Azuma walks off.

*Later on in the day*

Izumi stands right next to Azuma's door hesitating to knock on the door. Do I really want to know what his secrets are? It's better off to keep it as a secret- wait no what am I saying? I wanna get perfect skin just like him! IM KNOCKING.

Knock. Knock.

Takes a bit for the door to open but as it opens Azuma greets Izumi with a smile and says "Come on in."

When Izumi enters the room, out of all the things that she could have noticed first, she noticed all the skins products all on Azuma's table. Holy- that's a lot of products!

"You can grab some of them you know." Azuma said. "Just don't grab this one here." Azuma points to a certain bottle. "Apparently Yuki is the only one who's using this and he wants to be the only one using it."

"Ahh! So that's why Yuki's skin seemed so different lately." Izumi said, looking at all the bottles in amaze. Azuma walks up to the table and picks up a skin product. He starts reading the back of the bottle with a serious look on his face. The serious look on his face now turns into a smile as he stares at Izumi. "This bottle would be perfect for your skin." Azuma walks up to Izumi to be right in front of her, he hands out the bottle and Izumi grabs it. The bottle feels more heavier than she thought it would be, but in the end, she also reads the bottle and smiles at Azuma, looking at him in the eyes.

"Thank you! When's the best time to be using th-"

Izumi's eye catches a bunch of coloring books laying on top of Azuma's desk. Azuma looks at her eyes to know what she's looking at, then turns and she's what she's looking at.

"Oh hehe, these are coloring books, these are kind of what I do if I have spare time, plus I enjoy coloring." Azuma said.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Izumi bursts out.

Azuma is surprised by her laugh and laughs in a nervous tone. "Oh Azuma! I just find it adorable that you color! Really reminds me of the old days when I use to color all the time."

"You want to color now? I got plenty of coloring books." Azuma asks.

"Haha, I would love to!" Izumi walks up to the coloring books to see how well they are. "Wow, they are all so colorful! I'd say your an expert."

"Haha, most of these aren't mine though." Azuma walks up being by Izumi's side and grabs one of the books. "This one Sakyo colored."

"SAYKO COLORS?" Izumi laughs.

"Yeah, he always seem so confident when he's coloring, he's really adorable when he's like that hehe."

Izumi laugh grows louder "Haha, I need to see that side of Sakyo then!"


Azuma looks at every other paper and points out. "This one here is Tsumugi, this one is Homare's, Tenma's...." Azuma's eye then sees a coloring book that looks like it's been new. He grabs it and flips throughout the book to see if anyone used it yet. As he finishes looking throughout the book he then looks at Izumi and hands out the coloring book. "It's for you, no one used it yet."

"This whole book, just for me?" Izumi asks carefully grabbing the book out of Azuma's hand.

"Hehe, Yup! You seem like a little kid when you saw these, almost made me want to pinch your cheeks because your adorable." Azuma said crossing his arms looking down with a blush appearing on his face.

"Hey! I do not look like a little kid thank you very much! But thank you for the coloring book. I'll make sure to use it someday." Izumi hugs the book to her chest.

"Anyways- thank you for the bottle and the coloring book! I would love to stay more but Omi wants me to help him with dinner again."

Azuma looks up to Izumi and smiles. "Sure thing Izumi, it's great that your cooking with Omi learning to make more food. However your curry will always be the best curry I will ever have."

"Aww, you know what! I'll make curry just for you then for dinner, if you want too though."


"See you later Azuma!" Izumi walks straight to the door opening it then leaves closing the door.

"Why is our director so adorable?" Azuma sighs out.


Ughhh.. I can't fall asleep, what's with me lately? Izumi lays on her bed not being able to fall asleep. How long has it been? She looks at the clock. It's been three hours! Why can't I fall asleep? I've been pretty busy today so I should be tired.... Izumi starts questioning herself until an idea came up in her head. This might the stupidest idea that I've ever done in my life, but I guess I should ask for help. Izumi sighs and gets out of her bed. She exits her room and walks to Azuma's door.

This is such a stupid idea, he's probably sleeping..

Knock. Knock.

The door opens as soon as Izumi knocks on the door. Which was surprising to Izumi because she thought Azuma was sleeping, but nope, he is standing right in front of Izumi smiling.

"Need anything?" Azuma asks.

"Uhhhhhhh..." Izumi zones out for a bit. "I, uhh- need help..sleeping."

Azuma's smile on his face grew to a bigger smile when he heard her say that. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, I went to go to sleep about three hours ago, however I can't really fall asleep and I'm having a hard time to, so I was wondering. Since because your service is a SOLID "10/10" if maybe you can help me fall asleep right away?" Izumi asks.

"Of course I can help you! It's my job after all."

"Wait so I gotta pay for this kind of stuff or?"

Azuma laughs, "No, it can be free for you."

That made Izumi's face blush a little. She giggles and starts walking to her room, with Azuma following her behind.

Izumi yawns and lays down on her bed. Azuma sits on her bed watching her getting comfy before she falls asleep.

This is so embarrassing- Izumi tries to avoid eye contact with Azuma but Azuma also starts laying down beside her. The redness of Izumi's cheeks starts turning hot. "Uh, Azuma? I thought you would be helping me sleep... not you sleeping with me."

"Hehe, what part of cuddling do you get? Cuddling is also part of my job to in order to make the person fall asleep." Azuma said brushing Izumi's hair off her face.

"I-what-Huh?" Azuma puts an arm on her pulling her close to his chest. Izumi was left speechless but somehow now feels much more comfortable because of Azuma's body heat.

Azuma speaks in a soft gentle whisper, "Time to go to sleep, or do you want me to sing you a lalaby?"

"No thank you!" Izumi bursts out.

This made both of them laugh as Izumi starts closing her eyes. I guess his service is really a 10/10. Azuma hugs her tighter. His face inches away from Izumi's. He watches her fall asleep and all this time he can't stop thinking about her. Izumi falls asleep a couple minutes later, leaving Azuma still awake as he still stares at her. Azuma then gives Izumi a gentle kiss on top of her head. "I'm glad you don't know how much I'm blushing now." Azuma whispered to her. Azuma starts closing his eyes too, and later on they both fell asleep cuddling.


Yawwwn...Izumi slowly starts waking up. She is greeted by Azuma's face as he smiles and touches her check. "Good morning." He whispers out.
Izumi wakes up stretching and looks back at Azuma smiling. "Good morning." Izumi says back. For a moment they both lay in silence looking at each other in the eyes. Azuma's hand is still touching Izumi's cheek very softly, which is making Izumi's face blush.

Izumi then sits up from the bed, staring down at Azuma who's still laying down staring at her.

"Thank you for agreeing to help me sleep."

Azuma also now sits up from the bed, inches away from Izumi's face.

"I'm happy to help, and before I leave I must ask you this." Azuma gets off from the bed brushing his hair with his fingers. "What would you rate my service?"

He seriously wants me to rate his service? Haha I'm not surprised. "A SOLID 10/10." Izumi says giggling.

"I knew it!" Azuma said also laughing with Izumi. "I'll see you later." Azuma said waving bye to Izumi with a huge blush appearing on his face.

Azuma closes the door and walks away from Izumi's room.

"Now I can say it- HE'S the adorable one!" Izumi gets out of her bed and changes into her work clothes.

Azuma sits in the living room greeting everyone by saying "Good morning." He sits in the living room watching tv with Taichi watching his show. Izumi later on also enters the living room also greeting everyone. She goes in the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Everything went smooth first, but then an angry Masumi came into the living room, his fist looking like he's about to punch someone.

Masumi stands right in front of Azuma, who's watching tv. "Good morning Masumi." Azuma said smiling.

"WHY WERE YOU IN IZUMI'S ROOM?" Masumi shouts out.

"Ooooooh! Azuma!" Banri says.

"How do you know that I was in Izumi's room?" Azuma asks.

All this chattering made Izumi enter the living room, holding a plate of pancakes.

"What's going on?" Izumi asks.

"WHY WERE YOU IN IZUMI'S ROOM?" Masumi shouts out a second time.

"Oh so that's what's going on.." Izumi said as she puts her plate of pancakes down on the table.

"I was doing my job." Azuma said.

"OOOOOH! Azuma! My man, man I never knew you had it in you." Banri said.

"Wait WHAT? Banri that's not what he means by-"

"IS THAT TRUE?" Masumi asks.

"How do you know I was in Izumi's room?" Azuma asks. "I'll only answer if you answer my question."

"Every day I wake up between three and four o'clock so I can watch Izumi's door." Masumi said.

"YOU- You WATCH my door to see if anyone is going to enter or not?" Izumi asks face palming herself.

"Yes I do, and I woke up around three and then I saw Azuma exit out of your room when it was nine! So he WAS THERE ALL ALONG!" Masumi gets closer to Azuma, looking like he's about to punch him.

Izumi runs over to Masumi and holds him back. This made Masumi relax for a bit because Izumi's touching him. However, his angry look appeared back on his face.

"YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!" Masumi shouts out.


"DOESN'T MATTER!" Masumi said struggling to get out of Izumi's arms.

"Man, you guys are loud." Banri said.

"SHUT UP BANRI." Masumi yells.

"WHO YOU TELLING TO SHUT UP?" Banri shouts back.

"I...I just want to watch my shows..." Taichi says.

For a couple minutes the living room is completely loud by all the yelling. Masumi, Banri, and Izumi are all yelling while Azuma is trying to calm everyone down. Meanwhile Taichi is turning up the tv volume all the way because he can't hear a thing on what the show is saying.

This all ends by two words by a certain someone.

"SHUT UP!" Sakyo shouts.

This made everyone be quiet as they all stare at Sakyo. Sakyo is crossing his arms with a serious/angry look on his face. Everyone was now in fear when Sakyo entered.

"Oh shoot.... we're caught." Izumi said.

Lets just say, don't ever get Sakyo mad. Or worse, Masumi, because we all know how mad he gets when he sees someone hanging out with Izumi.

Fourth story done! These stories just keep getting longer each time.. I'm probably not going to make it this long to the next oneshot though, but it depends on how much I write..

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