Slasher/Horror One Shots & Im...

By Vannah_Here

28.4K 649 20

These were originally posted on Tumblr so I decided to post them here as well. I will constantly updating thi... More

Abandonment Issues
November 1st
Trick or Treat
A "Normal" Christmas
I Know You
Blood Stain
Swimming Lessons 1/3
Spared 2/3
Cat and Mouse
Love and Pride 1/2
Special Place
Sore Throat
Babbles and Coos
Bubba's Book Baby
Midnight Scare
Bubble Bath
The Collector
Roller Blades, Picnics, and Jealousy

Answers 3/3

495 18 0
By Vannah_Here

Jason Voorhees x Reader

Five years have past since I've been at Camp Forest Green. I think about it everyday, constantly looking over my shoulder thinking, "this is the day he's doing to get me."

I'm tired of feeling like this, everyone keeps telling me that I had hallucinations. If that really were the case then who killed them, I never received an answer. Today will be different, I'm driving out to the camp today. The pathway was over grown by plants, but I remembered how to get there.

When I finally arrived, the place looked like it hasn't been touched since I was last here. I walked towards the counselors cabin. Memories of the bloodied bed and floor invaded my mind. I'm glad I didn't come across any bodies that crazy day. I waited around to see if he'd show, but I was getting doubtful by the minute.

I walked to my car and started it. Turning it around, I was driving back down the path, and he appeared out of no where. Swerving to not hit him, I crashed into a tree, causing my car to cut off. I got out and got back in the road, I didn't see him at first.

"I just have a question that's all." I yelled out.

Next thing I know, I got hit in the back of my head, vision fading into darkness.

When I woke up, I was inside of a cabin, a really ran down cabin. I slowly stood and looked at my surroundings. I saw articles scattering the walls, I got closer to read them. It was about the little boy who drowned in the lake all those years ago. I saw more, and they were about his mom killing all of those counselors. Turning around, I saw little pictures on a dresser. That's when it all clicked.

He probably saw me teaching that little boy how to swim. I felt his presence behind me, so I spoke up.

"You remember me from five years ago?" I asked him.

He simply gave me one head nod.

"You saw me teaching that boy how to swim?" I asked, he confirmed.

"Is that why you didn't kill me?" I asked.

He gave me a kinda sorta hand movement, he pointed to a picture of his mom, then back at me.

"I remind you of your mom?" Kinda sorta.

"I'm like a parent?" And he nodded.

I thought back to that day, how I drug him to the cabin, unaware that he was thee Jason Voorhees.

I didn't know what to do at that point, was he going to let me leave?

"I promise I won't come back, but I think I should get going." I said.

He blocked the exit, I wasn't leaving.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked.

He shook his head, and he thought.

"I won't kill you, but you aren't leaving here. You won't escape me this time."

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