mattia polibio: my boy

By brachyura_gen

1.2M 15.9K 25.4K

y/n x mattia polibio ⚠️warning⚠️ smut, abuse, sexual abuse, drug abuse. and NO mattia isn't the abusive boyf... More

boba date?
mattias pov
about time
bitter sweet
mattia's pov
talking bodies
you and me
new experiences
family dinner
date night
only girl in the world
day 1
day 2
"grocery run"
day 3
day before
hotel check
alone together
fun day
make up
back home
before the party
shit goes down pt.1
shit goes down pt.2
calm in the storm
mattia's pov
face your demons
new bestfriend
for love
mattia's pov
giving up hope
sum different
not myself
all time low
back to skool
heaven or hell?
back to you
regret in your tears
back again
mattia's mind
y/n's mind
step one
mattia's pov's
unexpected visitor
mi amor
in your arms
our story


14.5K 192 592
By brachyura_gen

you woke up and felt wetness down there. not the good kind. fuck. you had started your period. AND you were still horny. this is what you wore:

cute but comfy. you felt like shit. you did your morning routine, packed pads/tampons, and got dropped off. you met up with the boys mid conversation, they were talking about girls.

mattia: fuck you mean? i'd tap
roshuan: nahhhh
alejandro: oh h-hey y/n

mattia looked scared for a second. everyone just awkwardly looked at each other.

y/n: what?

you knew he was nervous for what you would say being that you just heard him say he'd fuck some other girl. but you weren't in the mood to even bother with that shit. at all. everyone has crushes. you even had celebrity crushes. you just wanted to go back home. you started cramping.

💭 ow ow ow 💭

ok, maybe you were a little mad. was he even talking about a celebrity? who was he even talking about? a celebrity? a tiktok girl? an instagram girl? you couldn't help but feel insecure. your mood swings were unusually crazy this time.

kairi: you good?
mattia: baby what's wrong?
robert: we was talkin bout shawty

alvaro tried to suppress a laugh. you knew they was lying but you just went with it.

y/n: yeah ok

the bell rang and you began walking towards first period math. you didn't feel good.

mattia's pov
the bell rang and y/n just walked off without me to first period. i think she heard me talking about some instagram girl and how i'd tap. fuck. well, i didn't think she'd get that mad. not like a would actually tap being that i had y/n.  the boys noticed it to. i looked at them with confusion.

alvaro: what you lookin at? that's your girl not ours.

regular pov
you sat in your seat next to michael.

michael: hey y/n
y/n: hi
michael: what's up?
y/n: nothing.
michael: you good?

💭 yeah just i'm on my period and i caught my boyfriend saying he'd fuck some other girl 💭

y/n: oh yeah, yeah i'm good.
michael: you sure?
y/n: yes i'm ok.

you said sternly. his eyes widened and gave you a "damn ok" look.

y/n: i'm sorry.
michael: are you on your period?
y/n: ugh, yeah.

he reached in his bag for something and pulled out a hershey's chocolate bar.

michael: will this help?
y/n: oh god yes thank you

mattia stared at you from across the room trying to analyze you. he saw you and michael conversing and couldn't help but feel jealous, but he kept in mind you did hear him talking about smashing another girl. the bell rang and class started. mattia constantly tapped his pencil against the desk, his leg shaking up and down.

teacher: today we will be starting our big math project for the semester! you will be able to choose your partner, but choose wisely. this project will be worth most of your grade. it will be due towards the end of the year.

the teacher explained the project and told you guys to partner up. you had mattia in mind even though he was being annoying, but had to let michael down easily since you knew he would ask you.

michael: i'm guessing you're going to partner with mattia?

you looked across the room at mattia, who was staring at you with those stupid puppy eyes. you laughed.

y/n: haha. yeah. sorry.
michael: it's aight
y/n: but thank you for the chocolate.
michael: no problem
teacher: everyone sit next to your partner!

you got up and went over to mattia. you couldn't help staying slightly mad at him, and your mood swings kicked in. you hugged him while standing and him sitting. he spreaded his legs allowing you to get closer to him. he smiled up at you and slipped his arms under your shirt, pulling you close by your waist.

mattia: you ok?

he asked with confusion.

y/n: no
mattia: what's wrong?
y/n: my stomach hurts
mattia: you need to shit?
y/n: no stupid

you said letting go of him. he tried keeping you near him but you wouldn't. you sat in the seat next to him.

teacher: for this math project, you will work with your partner and experience real life situations. you will learn budgeting tactics and money tips.

the teacher explained to you how you'd be given fake money and how you'd have to pretend to live a life without running out of money. food, mortgage/rent, etc. she said how she'd be the bank.

student: what happens if you run out by the end of the year?
teacher: you fail


mattia: you mad at me?
y/n: no
mattia: seems like you are.
y/n: can we not

mattia looked sad.

mattia: when i said i'd tap i didn't mean i'd actually.
y/n: yeah no i get it. like you were playing smash or pass. just because we're together doesn't mean you can't play those games. i'm not mad at you.
mattia: yeah. thanks for understanding hun.

hun? what the fuck? that's new. weird. the bell rang. you left mattia for second period. were you being mean? oh well.

at lunch
you went to your guys's usual table and was super hungry.

y/n: can i have some of your chips
mattia: yeah

you were leaning on mattia in pain. your face scrunched together and you let out a little whimper. mattia noticed and instantly catered to you.

mattia: hey hey what's wrong?

you just wrapped your arms around him and hid your face in his side. he hugged back. he looked up at the rest of the table with a confused face. they were all mouthing to each other and trying to figure out what was going on.

alvaro: y/n are you on your period

your lack of answer answered for them. you nodded your head into mattias side. he cupped your head, playing with your hair.

y/n: they're usually not this bad i don't know why it's so bad.

you pointed to roshuans grapes, hinting you want some. he nodded his head and you took some.

mattia: awww, i hate to see you like this.
y/n: yeah well it happens.

after school mattia walked with you home.

mattia: how's my baby?
y/n: better.

he held your hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss it.

mattia: let's walk to target.

you groaned.

y/n: my legs hurt

you thought about the food at target though, instantly changing your mind.

y/n: actually yeah let's go

he just laughed at you and kissed your cheek. at target he told you to grab whatever you want and he'll pay.

y/n: really?
mattia: yeah foo

you knew that was how the boys talked but it was honestly funny to you. so mattia talked like that on purpose around you even when the boys weren't there. you laughed.

y/n: ok FOO

you said trying to mimick him.

mattia: shut upp

he gagged.

y/n: bruh fuck you. buy this for me.

you said grabbing nutella off the shelf.

mattia: so you say fuck me and tell me to buy you something. fuck no bitch

you hit him. he grabbed you and swung you around making you laugh.

mattia: i'm just playin. i'll buy you everything and anything you want.
y/n: buy me a tesla.
mattia: ew why a tesla.
y/n: then a porsche.

he smiled at you. you loved this boy so much.

y/n: i love you.

he gave you a peck on the lips.

mattia: i love you too.

you guys paid and left for home. you guys shared a bag of chips while walking home, sometimes tossing it to birds to feed them. there was a perfect amount of wind,  blowing your hair back out of your face. the sky was a pastel blue, clouds fluffed and wisped. you guys got home and you changed your pad, feeling fresh. you sat on the couch and cuddled into mattia. he wrapped his arm around you.

mattia: hey, at least we know you can have babies. and that you're not pregnant right now.

you laughed.

y/n: random, but yes. true.
mattia: i want you to have my babies.
y/n: i want you to give me my babies.

you guys laughed and he kissed you. after you guys finished eating what you guys bought, you did homework together and he left for his house. you went to your room and opened the window to get fresh air. you saw mattia making a tiktok. you took a picture of him and posted it on snapchat. haha. your family got home. you walked downstairs.

mom: y/n why is there so much food in the trash? i don't remember buying all those chips and candies.
y/n: i started my thing and i was craving some foods.
dad: fatass

your little brother laughed at you. man, fuck these bitches. you went upstairs. your
mom yelled at you to come back down and help her with the dinner. you just wanted to sleep.

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