Sailor Moon/ Saint Seiya. Asg...

By CrossoverGeek

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After their adventure, cleansing Jotunheim from Hel's influence, Sin, her loved Fenrir and their new friends... More

Nazghûl Senshi. Message from the Underworld
R&R. Divide an conquer.
Kenjutsu. The Fūji Ninja Clan
Kunoichi vs Satellite
Helheim. Realm of the Dead.
Tsukikage. An archer?
Necropolis. Deathmask Sacrifice.
Satellites vs Ninjas Part 1. Callisto's Challenge
Satellite vs Ninjas Part 2. Shinobi Kumite
Knight for a day. Steel Saint Ushio
Niflheim visit. Chris Walden's Task.
Lady Unferth. Weaver of Fate.
Helia's Yorishiro. Turning point.
Twilight of the Gods. The Boar and the Wolf
Face to face. Exorcism
Peace before the storm. Part 1 Nægling.
Peace before the storm. Part 2 The Cross and the Saintia.
Peace before the storm. Part 3 Equuleus Cassios.
Battle of the Gods. Mistletoe
The Rune of Victory. Asgard Redemption

Wolf and the city. Witherfang Jūdo strikes

43 0 0
By CrossoverGeek

It's been five days since Fenrir and Sin visited 20th century New York.

Fenrir: A very polarizing place, Midgard. Traditional, yet modern, but the bulk of the city is too urban.
Sin: You should see my family's home in 22th century Newark. Look. Due to our age, our cover identities demands that we are to assist an institution called-
Fenrir: Schools. I may be a savage, but I'm not stupid.
Sin: Then you should know that hands on pockets are a "no,no" on Crossroads High.

After classes Fenrir was thinking on his teammates back on both Asgard and Jotunheim. Sin gives him something to drink. He tastes it and finds it yummy.

Fenrir: What's this mead
Sin: (unamused) It's called cocoa. It was discovered during the conquest of the new world.
Fenrir: Vinland or the lower part of Midgard?

Sin: (thinking: Is South America that difficult to pronounce) Center and South America, yes. The people of the Americas give us spices, potatoes, vanilla, chocolate, another kinds of chilli peppers and enough wealth to keep the Spanish, British and Ottoman empire for too long. We only gave this land cows, wheat, barley, rats, cockroaches, viloence and syphilis.

On the distance, they saw Melvin Butlers being picked by a thug. Fenrir, thinking it was Eitri, stopped a thug from hitting Melvin in the mouth.

Fenrir: Unhand the dwarf.

The thug began laughing for what he said.

Thug: You're a foreign exchange student or something? The "Dwarf" stained my expensive coat. Now he must pay!!!

Fenrir: I don't get it.
Thug: Huh?
Fenrir: If a piece of clothing is too sensitive with just a spill, then it must not be that expensive
Thug: Are you calling me a liar?!

Sin made an observation and speaks

Sin: Somehow you stick an original label to a knockoff. It should worth no more than 5
Fenrir: You'll take five and will go on peace.

The man rose his fist against Fenrir, but this one catches his fist, forced him to open his hand and gave him five golden coins

Fenrir: Don't underestimate the man eating wolves from the north. Take your money and be gone.

The thug was amazed when he saw the gold and walked away.

Thug: (yellong sarcastically) Thanks! M'lord
Sin: (frustrated) Did you know that you paid the man for a full about 5-
Fenrir: Yeah
Sin: -- thousand dollars?!!
Fenrir: Well, at least Eitri is safe.
Sin: (πーπ)He ain't Eitri
Fenrir: (frustrated) D'oh!!
Sin: Ugh! Forget it!!
Melvin: As always, good to see you, Serena.
Sin: (><) Don't call me That!!!

Sin leaves with certain annoyance and Melvin got close to Fenrir.

Melvin: Thanks for saving me from a very difficult situation, back there. I'm Melvin Butlers

Fenrir: Now you owe me, but you can repay me by pointing me to the nearest library and help me with certain jobs
Melvin: Jobs?

Fenrir shows him a notebook with the assignments.

Melvin: Ah! Homework! Of course.

Unbeknownst to him, Sailor Mercury and Marine Cloth Ushio were watching them from afar.

Ushio: I should be with my teammates. Instead I'm here, watching Nordic Tarzan and Bad Sailor Moon with you, Miss Anderson.
Amy: I've read your file. Did you knew a girl called Hikaru Sorano? Did you rejected me from the Steel Saint selection program for that?

Ushio glares at Amy

Ushio: Don't you dare say that name. She was the best teammate I had. She could've chosen Syracuse or Brooklyn, instead she decided Annapolis to serve her country. Graduated with top marks. Sent to the worst hotspots in the world, just because she was a girl who didn't relent to the man's man world. Until she made the mistake of saving a fool that didn't knew when to quit. I still remember the face of her killer. Never got the chance to trap the bastard.

In Ushio's head still remembered a shooting where she saved Ushio who refused orders to retreat and watched her die in his arms. He remembered the man who killed her C.O. It was Jūdo. Years later, he was approached by Mitsumasa Kido and offered a chance to serve in the Steel Saint project.

Amy: ....

After finishing helping Fenrir with his homework, Melvin and Fenrir stumbled upon a wolf that escaped the zoo a month earlier.

Melvin: It's the wolf of the news!!

The wolf lunged against them both, but Fenrir confronted him and allowed himself to be bitten. The animal relented and laid beside him.

Melvin: How did you do that?
Fenrir: I just simply asserted my place as the alpha male.
Melvin: Alpha male?
Fenrir: I see him as a brother. He knows I'm not afraid of him.
Melvin: Don't tell me you're planning to keep him.
Fenrir: I think I'll call him Kingsohn (son of King) or maybe King II.
Melvin: Maybe is just the nerd in me, but I think you resemble Bulwyf Hróðvitnir. The famed wolf tamer.
Fenrir: (thinking: My ancestor Bulwyf?) Do please elaborate.
Melvin: A powerful Viking that was known for being a descendant of the Jötnar Wolf Fenris itself. And Fenris was Hel's brother. How cool is that?!

Fenrir knew then the reason why Helia was afraid of the God Warriors of the Fenrir Chaste. They were Helia's relatives. Then he figured out that his family had Jötnar blood lineage, being Loki's descendant. Fenrir smiled.

Melvin: Are you ok?
Fenrir: Better than ok.
Melvin: You helped me. Let me treat you to dinner. There's a place called Medieval Times. My girlfriend Molly and I will visit it for our anniversary. Would you like to see it tomorrow night?
Fenrir: Hmm. Why not?

A few hours later, before he went to the Tsukino household, Fenrir felt an aggressive Cosmo

Fenrir: Show yourself, Hel-Traveler

A creepy scene begins to display when everything went frozen around the new enemy. It was Jūdo

Jūdo: I'm one of the five Nazgûl Senshi. I'm Witherfang Jūdo. Helia awaits your soul, Bulwyfsohn.

Fenrir: Just shut up and fight

Fenrir tried a Wolf Cruelty Claw, but Jūdo dodge and counters with ease.

Jūdo: My ability to read the thoughts makes me unbeatable. I know how you'll attack me.

Fenrir: Then you'll know that my next technique have no defense.

Fenrir was about to make his Northern Gunrō Ken, but suddenly Sailor Mercury and Marine Cloth Ushio appeared to make intervention. Sailor Mercury made a Mercury Ice Boubles Freeze, while Ushio threw a piece of tech that suppressed Jūdo's mind reading powers. Ushio punched Jūdo so hard with a new Steel Saint blaster.

Ushio: Neural inhibitors and Aqua Bolt Arrow. Courtesy of Dr. Asamori. The Aqua Bolt Arrow can hit as hard as a Silver Saint and the Neural inhibitors emits e pulse that disables any psychic skills. Not even Spartan could overcome this.

Ushio and Jūdo glared at each other

Ushio and Jūdo: You!!!
Ushio: You're the one who killed my C.O. at cold blood. Hikaru Sorano!!!!
Jūdo: She was never my objective. The one I wanted dead was you, Executioner.
Ushio: What?!
Jūdo: Your ancestors were of the two most annoying Athena's minions against Nero Syndicate. Gioca, the remaining member of the Death' Queen Island Clan and her husband, The Huntsman, an assassin specially trained to kill rogue saints, despite not displaying cosmo of any kind.
Ushio: A Steel Saint from the past?
Fenrir: (Thinking: That has it's logic. The Saints couldn't avoid what they cannot sense) Midgard is interesting.
Jūdo: I don't really care about Helia squabbles against the living. I've decided to face you, Steel Saint. A more dramatical change of pace it's in order. We will face in Medieval Times. Ignore this challenge and I'll summon Draugr on all of Brooklyn. It isn't the first time I've attacked New York. And just to ensuring your assistance...

He warp near Sailor Mercury and kidnapped her. Jūdo pust A!y in front of him as a human shield

Jūdo: I'll be waiting for you, Executioner
Ushio: I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!

Fenrir: Don't worry. We'll bring him to our knees. 

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