All About Me

By Ryan_Turner

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Basic Boring Stuff
My Childhood
My Mom and Dad
My Personality
Note #2
Susan Martin's
Celebrity Crushes
Best Friends
Story #1 (Kaylee)
Story #2 (Elizabeth)
Taylor (Tay)
Favorite Friends
My Baby Girl
Mexican part of me haha


259 15 21
By Ryan_Turner

Ok, so a few awesome people (and Amber) said to write about her on the comments yesterday and now I am (:

Amber Turner has blackish brownish hair, light skin, green eyes (gets it from my grandma anas born on July 20th at 5p.m. I remember my grandma opening the door to the hospital room and the first person I saw was my mom laying down and when she turned around to look at me she smiled and pointed to Amber who was sleeping on the other side of the room.

I went inside the room and went to see Amber and when I saw her she was sleeping and I grabbed her and carried her in my arms and in that moment I felt like my life was complete, I could feel myself finally smiling and feeling happy and from that point on I knew I was going to take care of her always.

Then the worse thing ever happened, she woke up and saw me and I smiled at her and she started crying and looking around the room for my mom and when I pulled her closer to me it only made it worse. So I gave her to my mom and my mom did this thing were she would carry her and brush her hair with her fingers until she fell asleep.

Once Amber was old enough to go outside we all went home and took care of Amber and taught her everything she needed to know. And my mom is the kind of person who doesnt like it when siblings fight so whenever Amber would take something away from me I would get mad and try to take it back but before I would snatch it away from her my mom would look at me and tell me, "noo don't hit her, give her a kiss and say please" so I would give her a kiss and Amber would give me my toy back and to this day we still do that with each other the only difference is that I don't ask for toys anymore.

Amber is the kind of girl who used to love playing outside with everyone else and do crazy things and never want to come inside but ever since one day that when she was playing with her friends I went outside and I saw that her so called "friends" were bullying her a lot so I went to go get her and I brought her back inside and told her why does she keep hanging out with them if they bully her and she didn't say anything she just started crying and said she didn't want to go outside anymore and that she wanted my mom to come and hug her but since my mom lived away from us and I didn't want her to know the real reason why, I just hugged her and combed her hair with my fingers like my mom always does and she fell asleep.

Now Amber only plays inside with me and the other kids don't bully her anymore. Amber's a really shy and quiet girl but once you get to know her she's really a funny crazy little girl. If you would look at her she would stare right into your eyes and make the funniest faces ever until she finally makes you laugh. And she has the cutest laugh and voice ever it's like, once you hear her voice or see her smile or hear her laugh she automatically puts a smile on your face.

Whenever she's talking to me or someone in particular she always talks in a third person point of view, don't ask me why because I don't know she just does it. Like for example if you would tell her what me and her do in the mornings she would tell you (I asked her the question and these are her words)," me and Ry go downstairs and Ry always cooks me pancakes and Ry gives me my princess cup".

Amber loves ice cream cake and princesses and horses, so if you would want to be on her good side you would have to buy her one of those things.

Amber's bad side is made up of kicks, slaps, screams, and punches. If you would say something mean to her or break her toy or eat some of her food without asking permission you should be ready to get a punch in the face. She's really violent when it comes to grabbing her things without permission but other than that she's an angel.

Amber loves to draw and sing and dance and she's in a pre-school club of ballerinas where she would perform little dances with some other girls her age.

I take care of, play with, and feed, Amber all the time because my dad's hardly home and when she's going to bed, sometimes she sleeps with me when she misses my mom and on other days she sleeps in her room and everynight before she goes to sleep I have to hug her and comb her hair free her to fall asleep or else she can't go to sleep. I don't know why but I think she got used to my mom's technique to making her go trip sleep ship now I have to do it everyday, but I enjoy it because it's kinda like brother-sister bonding time.

And that's mostly all I can think of that describes and talks about Amber. And btw Amber is the one in the middle in the pic and the one on the left and right are my cousins (:


A/n thanks for reading! If you guys have any other things you guys want to know about me and think I should write about it please tell me and don't forget to vote and comment! Love ya (:


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