My Personality

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I was thinking of what to talk about and I was going to put things I like but that can wait, I'll talk about my personality so you guys can get to know me better (:

Basically I don't like mean people. Period. I just don't like so if your mean I'm either going to tell you to stop or just not talk to you.

I am half Mexican and I know most Mexicans love Spanish music but I personally hate it, I don't know why? Because I grew up listening to it but if I was in a room with you and you put Spanish music on I would get out of the room. I also don't like country I find it (and this is my opinion please don't judge me, if u like country then good for u don't take this in a bad way (:) but I find it boring.

I love to talk to new people and make new friends. I'm quiet at first but once you get to know me, trust me I won't shut up.

I love making people happy and feel good about themselves. If your my friend and your feeling down or even if I don't know you, I would talk to you forever until I make you smile. I love seeing people happy because it makes me happy. And same goes for when a person is sad, if your sad and I can see it I automatically start being sad too.

I hate having arguments or fights with people. Even if there not that big I still hate doing it. I don't like seeing them, hearing them, or making them. So if you try to have an argument with me I won't continue it I'll just say I'm sorry and can you forgive me and that's where it usually always ends. I would only argue or fight with you if it's something really big.

I love making people laugh. Seeing people smile or laugh at my lame jokes makes me happy. (Side note: Amber's sleeping in my bed and she's snoring haha it's like 2a.m right now)

I like staying fit. Key word: like. I don't love it because I hate running early in the morning. Everything else like eating healthy,exercising is fun but don't get me wrong, I sneak a few hot dogs and Hershey's every so often in my food.

I love football. It's the sport where I guess you can say I can release my stress and anger. I don't hurt anyone but it just let's out all my anger.

I'm not really one of those "cool kids" at school. Yes, I know shocking. A lot of people think I'm one of those football star, cool kid, copies off of nerds type of person but I'm three complete opposite. I'm that crazy funny and cool to hang out with nerd who sits in the back. I'm a nerd and I like it, so don't judge. If you would ask me to tell you all the main history important war dates and events and leaders, I could answer it easily.

To be honest I'm not always nice to people. I have a really bad and mean and rude side too. I could be a really mean guy and maybe even a dick sometimes. But I don't like showing that side of me because I like being nice better.

I think that's all to say about my personality. I don't know what else to talk about but if you want to know something,then feel free to ask me and I'll answer them.


A/n thanks for reading! I hope it wasn't boring. Please dont forget to vote and comment! And if you have any things you want to know about me that I should talk about next, tell me and I'll write it. Love ya (:

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