adopted by SHINee

By snowflower5804

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Jin Ae is a 5 year old girl in moon orphanage she has been there for a couple of days now and mostly everyone... More

adopted by shinee chapter 1
chapter 2: new home and comforting
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7 a day with exo
chapter 8
i really need help
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
notice about the book
update on the book

chapter 9!

454 5 1
By snowflower5804

*im back people sorry for the wait! lots of love to the people who read my book*

Chapter 9

*shinee came into exo dorm suho was the first one to see shinee walk in so he paused the movie and got up and bowed*

Suho:hyung welcome to exo dorm we have bts and got7 here 

Jonghyun:it's nice to see you exo and hello got7 and bts sorry that we called you here so late

Rm:its ok you said that you wanted to talk to all of us so here we are

JB:we are fine as well hyung we love jin ae bambam,mark,and jackson love her and have a good connection to her so it's no big deal plus jinyoung treats her like she is one of our kids so he loves her as well

Rm:same with jin

Jonghyun:may i hold my little girl i haven't been with her all day and i will like to to hold her 

Jackson:she fell asleep about 20 minutes before you came here so she has not been asleep that long

Onew:where did her blanket go?

*jackson handed jin ae over to jonghyun*

Mark:its on the couch jackson tried to get up and put her down to go answer the door but she started to wake up so he just took her with him here i will go get it


*mark came back with her blanket and handed it too onew and he put it on her jonghyun cradled her like a baby while she was wrapped up in her blanket her binky still her mouth*

Jonghyun:look at my baby omg she is so cute

Jin:she really is i don't know why my others cant be like this

Jinyoung:i know right

Jonghyun:do you wanna come sit with me in the living room with her while the boys talk

Jin:sure we will love to

Jinyoung:boys behave and you guys know who im talking to

Jin:same to my boys

Jonghyun:boy i don't have to say anything you already know what will happen

*the three moms of the groups went to the living room and sat down to talk about what they were supposed to talk about and to talk about their group kids*

Jin:she is so cute how did you get such a cute kid im am still trying to talk Rm into adopting but it never works but maybe him seeing how the others are like with jin ae maybe he will finale consider it

Jinyoung:I already have enough kids already but I wouldn't mind to having a girl but I already see jin ae like shes my own so I don't need anyone else

Jonghyun:that's what they are talking about in the other room we already got the go ahead from sm,JYP,and big hit we where talking about you guys signing jin aes adoption papers don't worry us shinee will be her main care takers but we can schedule times so all of us have time together and also this is a fail safe so is anything happens to us jin ae will have people to go too if something happens and if you guys do then you will also be given a copy of her adoption papers and a copy of her information so that why you guys have one

jin/jinyoung: we would gladly sign those papers even id the other don't want to

*jin ae started to move and her binky fell out of her mouth it was about to fall on the floor until jinyoung caught it*

Jonghyun:thank you jinyoung for catching it for me

Jinyoung:no problem like i said i think of her as my own

*jinyoung puts the binky back in her mouth and kisses her head*

Jin:im back here*jin hands a soda to jinyoung and puts one down for jonghyun*

Jonghyun:when did you leave i thought you were sitting by jinyoung

Jin:i left right before jinae dropped her binky


*jonghyun readjusted jin ae so her head is on his shoulder and he his holding her butt and rubbing her back to get her back asleep*

Onew/rm/jb:you guys can come back in now we are done talking and after we are all done telling you guys what happened we should all be heading home

Jonghyun:we are coming calm yourself

jin:Rm i know that you are not using that tone with me

Jinyoung:jb i don't need to say anything have fun with the kids tonight

Jonghyun:same but you are sleeping in the living room and you are not having the easy one jin ae will be with me so have fun

Jin:have fun sleeping with the maknaes tonight oh and also the others already know to lock their door so you can't get in and you can't sleep in the living room because it is full of boxes

Rm:no please im sorry dont make me sleep with the maknaes

Jb:oh this is going to be a long night

Onew:same but mine don't not listen and they just do their own thing as long as they have their things and that they are not at each other for their heads

Rm:what don't you guys fight back and say that you are sorry

jinyoung/jonghyun:because they know that it wouldn't work and only made it worse

Jonghyun:oh by the way onew key and taemin got into a big fight earlier and the only reason why they are being civil right now is because im here so have fun when they know that it's just you watching them

Jin:same with our three i don't think that you will sleep tonight at all

Jinyoung:jb you knows who ours can get everyone is fighting besides youngjae and he will be with me and jin and jong hyun and jin ae because we are leaving with them our manager already said that we could and we were going to ask if it was ok but know we are telling that we are going oh and suho your coming to let D.O have the parenting to tonight to see how you feel

Suho:that sounds good to me so D.O you will now know how i feel when you don't help me

D.O:i think i can manage they are not that crazy

Suho:somewhere fighting earlier the ones that are coming with me are my chinna babies so have fun with them

Jonghyun:oh and no staying with the other groups that don't have one of the mom figure in it so we will be taking the father figures phones and you guys will finally feel how we feel lets go everyone oh by the way we are taking the shinee car so onew you better call for another one

Jinyoung:come along youngjae

Suho:tao luhan lets go now before they find something to make us stay

Jin:come along hobi let's go your coming with me

Jonghyun:I already have jin ae so let me just get her bag and then we can go

*after jonghyun got jin aes bag they went out the door and go into shinee's car*

Driver:where are we going sir?

Jonghyun:where do we want to go?

Jin:we could wake jin ae up and go to an arcade/bowling alley and take pics of having fun or videos and post them on instagram

Jinyoung: hmm sounds like something that I would do to rub it in their face that the one that was being good was having so much fun with me

Youngjae:he did that once and they felt so bad for what they did so when we came home everything was done so we didn't have to do anything but they still had a punishment it was funny to watch

Jonghyun:ok i will wake jinae up so we can go Baby *kisses jin ae all over the face* it's time to get up now we are going to do something fun and when we come back you can fall back asleep

Jin ae:*wakes up and looks around as she sucks on her binky then she looks up to see jonghyun and smiles at him*

Suho:there she is hello baby sun shine

Jin: oh my god she is so cute when she wakes up

luhan/tao:there's baby panda

Jinyoung:hello baby

Youngjae:welcome back from dream land little dove

Jonghyun:hey there baby*gently brushes her hair out of her face and un raps her from her blanket so she can stretch and move*are you done with your binky?

Jin ae:ne eomma*she takes it out of her mouth and puts it on her blanket and sits up and smiles at everyone*

Jinae: Hello baba's

Luhan:omg your after nap mandarin voice is so cute

Tao:I'm going to have to agree

Jin:omg do you hear her voice

Jinyoung: she is so cute

Youngjae: yes she is just the cutest thing that happened to all of us now can we go to the park and call the others while we are there to see what they are doing

Jonghyun:yes we can go now

Jin ae: wait eommas i'm confused where are we going ?

Jinyoung:well sweetpea we eomma's decided to take you guys to an arcade for a surprise

Jinae:really? Yay!

Luhan:eomma suho

Suho:yes luhan

Tao:we have a way to torment jackson

Jinyoung:ok let's hear it then

Luhan:well we were thinking at first when we call them we act like we didn't notice it and me,luhan,and jinae start speaking mandarin

Tao: then we act like we found someone else to join our mandarin group and have jinae start having fun with him like she does with jackson

Luhan:or we can just show him that we are having fun without him

Jinyoung: I like the second one good job luhan

Jin ae: babas come look out the window with me all the lights that are going past are so pretty

Luhan:I can see little panda and they are pretty cool huh

Tao:that they are the car is going so fast that you can barely see them but if we were walking it would go by so slow

Jinae:hey hoby oppa why are you so quiet?

*she got no answer*

Jinae:hoby it's not nice to ignore people

*she looks back and doesn't see hoby*

jinae:Eomma jin!!!!

Jin:what is it jinae and young lady it's not nice and lady like you yell in a car unless its an emergency

Jinae:but eomma it is an emergence

Jin:ok tell me what's wrong then

Jinae:hoby oppa is not in the car!!!!


Luhan:now that I think about it I didn't see him when we got to the hotel room ethier

Tao:I think the others held him back and closed his mouth when we are going out of the house

Suho:then why didn't you say anything

Tao:because we thought that he was just being quiet but then when jinae said something then we realized that it's not like j-hope to be this quiet

Jinae:eomma can i have your phone?

Jonghyun:sure princess i already know what you are going to do i already pulled up appa's phone number because I'm pretty sure that they are all together still even after we told them not to i'm tempted to turn this car around and go back just to catch them all together

*jinae pressed the button to call but before she did she asked jonghyun something*

Jinae:eomma's can i have permission for something

All of the eomma's:sure little one what do you want to ask

jinae :can i pull a prank on the others appa's

Jin:what do you have in mind little one

Jinae:well i was thinking that we go to a mall or somewhere crowded and i act like  I lost you guys and that I have eomma jonghyun's phone and I called them and i start crying but don't worry i won't really be all alone i will have luhan hiding somewhere near me video calling all off you

Jinyoung: it would teach them a lesson


Jonghyun:and it would teach them to listen to us

Suho:fine but luhan you better keep an eye out for her

Jinae:don't worry eomma's he will all i ask is just to go somewhere with a playplace that have a shop right across from in so appa luhan can hide and not be seen

Jonghyun:to that mall it is then did you hear that miles?

Miles:yes sir hold on tight every one the road that we are going to take is bumpy

*time skip to when they are at the mall*

Jinae:show time appa go hide in the shop right there eomma's there's a top floor you guys can watch from up there and appa's keep your phones ready but for this to work I need you guys to take the car somewhere else and park it but also when you guys are done then go to that cafe that we saw two streets up

Jin:ok let's go suho and jin young i thought that i saw jeonghan the eomma of the group of seventeen up there

Jinyoung:I haven't seen or talked to him in a while it would be nice plus i think that he would like to watch what's about to happen

Suho:agreed let's go

Jonghyun:I don't think I have ment the eomma of seventeen it would be nice lets go now

*jin,jinyoung,suho,and jonghyun all went to the elevator and went up to where jin saw jeonghan and sat down and started talking with him before jin ae call the others*

Jinae:appa's you guys should go now as well just send a text to luhan when you get in your places

*tao,youngjae and hoby *suddenly appeared as well he was at the hotel asleep and he had another car follow them here* hoby gave jinae a kiss on the forehead and left with tao and youngjae after 5 minutes they shot luhan a text saying that they are in place*

Luhan:ok my little panda bear its time look at me

*luhan was squatting down to jinaes level and kissed her head jinae made sure that she was looking at her other father in the eye as he spoke his next sentence*

Luhan:i will be just in that shop over there and i will be able to see you and you will be able to see me even though i have my mask and hat on you will be able to tell that it's me so if you need help just call my name ok?

Jinae:yes i understand

Luhan:ok i'm going to stay with you until they are close they are probably going to have you stay on the phone with them the whole time until they get here so i will sit with you until they tell you that they got at the mall then i will run into the shop

Jinae: ok let's do this

*thire phone call will be in italics*

*she pulled out the phone and clicked the green call button and thought of something that made her cried after a few rings onew picked up*


Oh jonghyun what do you need



*she said in a scared voice she was actually 

scared Because luhan left her earlier 

then he promised he would*


Jinae? Are you

ok what's wrong

*he panicked*


Appa i'm lost and i don't know

where eomma went on

second i was holding luhan and

tao appas hand the next i'm all alone

*jinae was crying and it was not fake*


What do you mean

jinae where are you hunny

can you see mommy anywhere!

*at this point the others heard

what he was saying so he put her on



Jinae hunny can you

describe your surroundings

to us or ask someone where

you are

*you can hear the others in

the background going crazy

because they don't know where she is*


All that i remember is

that we went to a mall

near the dorm and the hotel

that we are staying at for the night

*she is still crying

and hoping when she looked

up at where the eomma's

are and sees them then she

looked at where luhan was

and saw him there and

she started calming down slowly*


Jinae i need you

to calm down and take

a deep breath

*they can hear

her take a deep breath*

Can you describe

what where the place

in the part of the mall that

you are in?


There's a CD shop

and a play thing and

then there's another

places but i don't

the name of it


I asked her to

calm down and

describe what she

sees that is around her

and she told me that where

she is there is a play thing for

kids and there's a cd shop but she

can't name the other shop that she sees

*jackson explains what he said to the others*


Jinae we are

going to need

you to stay on

the phone until

we can get to where

you are just so that

you are safe the hole

time jackson will be holding ok


I understand appa

i will stay on the


i'm kind of freaking

out and when i do that

i tend to speak mandarin

*jinae started to

freak out again when

she saw someone

coming up near her

so she moved into the

kid play structure

and climbed into one

of the kid play tunnels

but she stayed in eyesight

so luhan and the eommas

can all see her just fine the

part that she's in in a clear bubble*


Jinae we need

you to keep talking

to us baby so that we

know your fine and what

was that noise just now are you ok jinae?


I climbed into

the play thing because

someone walked close so

i climbed into the kid play thing

Appa's are you

guys close im not

liking this right now

even though that im

in a thing that i think only

kids can get in i still don't feel safe

*she started to speak really fast*


Jinae baby can

you tell me if you

are upstairs or down stairs?


I think that there

was three floors when

we walked in im on the

second floor the playplace is

really big with a glass ceiling and

you can see a little bit of the upstairs

Appa can you hurry please


We are going

as fast as we can

love bug we will be

there in a couple of

seconds be just try to

calm down you are

going to be fine nothing

bad is going to happen to

you we called the other

eommas and appa's they

are freaking out as well


Ok i will try appa

*jinae looked

around to see

if she could see

her eomma's or appa luhan

she didn't see her eommas

but she can still she her

appa but he moved to the

cd shop and he had bags and

he was holding his phone and talking*


Ok panda bear

we are here in the

mall and we are going

up the escalator

*you can hear running and talking and the the call dropped*

*end of the call*

Onew:baby!! Jinae where are you!!

jinae:appa!!!*jinae started to come out of the play thing and sees them at the bottom*

Key: onew look there behind you!!!!

*the rest turned to look and they see jinae with tears streaming down her face and holding her arms out onew runs to her and picks her up and holds her close to him and walks to the others and they all take their time one at a time to go over*

Taemin: baby oh our baby your fine we are here now

*takes jinae from onew and starts bouncing her and wiping away her tears*

Taemin:there we go there's our little princes

Jinae:appa!!! I was so scared i couldn't find anyone and when someone even just walked by me i ran into the plaything

Taemin:you did the right thing though you didn't know that person so you did the right thing love bug

Jinae:but i dont know where everyone went and on minute i was with appas and the next I was all alone it was so scary appa! 

*she once again started crying and held onto taemin very tightly*


#im very sorry that it took me so long to post another part to this story i was going through things when i was ready to start posting the story aging i will try to keep updating more thank you too the people who take there time to read my story#

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