sex tutor /// sekai

By Not_My_Cup_Of_Tae

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in which jongin tutors the pastor's son, sehun. warning: VERY MATURE More



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By Not_My_Cup_Of_Tae

"hi there, welcome to kim's ice cream locker. i'm johnny. what can i get you both today?"

"sorry, what did you say your name was?" jongin blinked, not sure if he heard correctly. sehun was rigid besides him, keeping his head down so that the hoodie properly covered him.

"johnny. do i know you?" johnny asked curiously. jongin couldn't help but snicker, now realizing what the situation was.

"no, but i have a feeling we have a lot in common," jongin said, arm wrapping around sehun's waist. call it a power trip or just plain sadism, but jongin was just so, so amused by what was happening.

"oh? cool," johnny shrugged, eyeing the protective hold jongin had on the covered up boy, "so, what can i get you both today?"

"let's see. i'll get.... mint chip," jongin decided, "you, babe?"

"coffee flavor," sehun whispered to jongin.

"he'll get the coffee ice cream," jongin said. johnny nodded.

"you know, that's actually my boyfriend's favorite too," johnny said, "he's really weird. the coffee is so bitter."

"weird?" jongin blinked, "in a good way, though, right?"

"sometimes," johnny nodded as he scooped up the ice cream, "he's great and all, and his body is incredible, but sometimes he's really clingy. and a bit spoiled. and he's such an annoying little tease most of the time, always got a finger or lollipop in his mouth but acts stupid when i want a bj."

sehun blinked, not believing his ears. was this actually his boyfriend talking? his sweet, albeit a bit stupid, boyfriend that told him he could never be annoying to him?

does he only see me as someone to fuck with?

oh god, is that how jongin sees me too?

"damn, you're a prick," jongin stated, his power trip dying as he instantly became livid. johnny blinked, frowning as he looked up.

"what?" johnny asked.

"you're a fucking prick," jongin stated, "your boyfriend is awesome- i'm guessing, of course. hella pretty, smart, funny, cute, and you're over here badmouthing him just cause he's not as experienced as you, you man whore? tell ya what- take your stupid ass ice cream and go fuck yourself with it. let's go, babe, this asshat can suck himself."

jongin grabbed onto sehun's hand and pulled him out of the shop. sehun stayed absolutely silent. jongin was steaming mad and sehun was steaming with insecurities. it didn't take too long before they were at jongin's home. jongin all but slammed the door, not believing that someone could ever talk so madly about someone as amazing as sehun.

"fucking shitbag," jongin muttered, "doesn't even know how lucky he is."

jongin would have continued cursing johnny, but he heard sehun sniffle. the younger was sitting on the couch, head in his hands. jongin sighed, forgetting his anger as he walked over to sehun and pulled him into his lap.

"baby, don't cry," jongin whispered to sehun, wiping his tears, "he's not worth it."

"everyone hates me," sehun cried into jongin's chest, "e-even my o-own boyfriend."

"excuse you sir, i don't hate you," jongin said, poking at sehun's sides until he was forced to let out a giggle, "you're too precious for that, sehun. johnny's an idiot, like a proper idiot. you're too smart to cry over idiots, aren't you?"

sehun nodded slightly but still cried, burying his head into jongin's neck. he breathed in his scent, waiting until his cries turned to baby sniffles.

"why are you nice to me?" sehun asked once he calmed a bit.

"because, like i said. you fill up the emptiness in my life and so i'll do the same for you," jongin said. sehun looked to jongin.

"hyung, i'm really sleepy," sehun sighed, drained from crying so much. he was sure he looked like a mess, but jongin didn't seem to mind so he told himself not to either.

"do you want me to take you home?"

"n-no," sehun shook his head, "i wanna stay here with you."

jongin nodded, pressing a kiss to sehun's cheek.

"okay, babe, let's go to bed," jongin agreed, "tomorrow's a whole new day. it'll be better, yeah?"

sehun nodded as jongin stood up with him, holding up the younger with ease. he straddled his waist like a baby, his head resting on jongin's shoulder.

before he knew it, sehun was laid down carefully on jongin's bed. he pulled the hoodie off of him, leaving him in his white shirt and grey joggers. jongin sat on the edge of the bed as he took his muscle tee and jeans off, since he normally slept in only boxers. sehun told himself not to stare, instead taking his joggers off. he normally took them off in the middle of the night anyways. crawling under the covers, he rested his head on the comfortable pillow and stared at jongin, who stood up from the bed with no shame despite being practically completely naked.

jongin grabbed the tv remote and turned off the lights, instead turning on the led rights to a dark yet bright purple. he turned the tv on as he sat back down on the bed, going to netflix.

"you seem like a disney type of guy," jongin decided.

"i'm not allowed to watch disney movies," sehun replied. jongin blinked, then frowning.

"why?" jongin asked.

"mom said it was too girly," sehun said. jongin scoffed.

"bull," jongin shook his head, going to one of the most iconic disney movies of all time, princess and the frog.

"what's this one about?" sehun asked through a yawn as jongin laid down properly. the elder made sure the front door and windows were locked through an app on his phone, sending goodnight messages to the group chat he was in with his friends from the city.

"it's about self-reliance and kissing frogs," jongin answered once his friends replied with goodnight messages, "oh, and love, i suppose."

"so about independence and bestiality. disney's weird," sehun decided. jongin laughed slightly, pulling sehun against him so that they were cuddling. jongin laid down flat on his back while sehun had his head on the elder's chest, an arm thrown across jongin's abdomen. jongin played with sehun's hair while the younger sleepily watched the movie.

"jongin hyung?" sehun asked, half asleep.

"hmm?" jongin replied, eyes on the screen. it's his mother's favorite disney movie, so naturally he was fond of it.

"thank you," sehun said, pressing a small kiss to jongin's chest. jongin smiled, just continuing to play with sehun's hair. he didn't respond, since he knew sehun knew that he was listening. sehun drifted to sleep and jongin smiled at the sleeping boy with his thumb in his mouth, taking a few photos of the cute image. he sighed to himself, closing his eyes.

for once in his life, he was genuinely happy.

but jongin couldn't tell if he was just a sex tutor to sehun or something more.

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