My Inner Demons X Deamos Read...

By Livx_Blue

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My Inner Demons and its characters belong to Aphmau More

Info On Princess Y/n
To The Other Side
Your Oc's In A Lovely Dress
True Source Of a Woman's Power
Ok Updates
A Demon's Sweet Weakness Part 1

Ava's Magic Portal

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By Livx_Blue


It was the middle of the night I was sleeping on the long chair it was so uncountable I woke up and looked around I saw Rhys walking into the "hey Rhys where are you going" I whisper yelled so you don't wake the others Rhys turned around and waved at you to follow him you got up from the long chair and walked over to him he walked into the white room and you followed "look hoe plan her spell room is" I said with a disappointing look on my face "well princess this is a human spell room" Rhys said walking to the glass on the wall and held up his necklaces to it " it's about time you called" an old lady " hello Lady Grandma" I said to her she looked at me with a sweet smile "forgive me, Lady Grandma things-" Rhys was stopped by Lady Grandma " didn't go according to plan ha what plan actually works when you know nothing about" she said " we though the human here were the same as the one on Daemos" I said to her "enough, now tell me how is Pierce doing is he alright" she said I looked at her with a please stop look on my face "you mean Asch: Rhys asked her "I said, Pierce, is he alright thoughts human better not have done anything to his handsome face" she goes off again "I would think you'd be more concerned about your grandchild" Rhys giving her the come on look and I was doing the same " Oh, yes, I care about him too I guess"she responded back "Lady Grandma Pierce is safe and so is Aschy" I said with a big smile on my face she laughs and told Rhy to lighten up and the we were call with a peaceful tone and that I was happy and she took that a sign the we were safe she told us that there's not a lot of time and Rhys need to reserve his magic I want to tell her about what we found out I guess she can see it on my face " Y/n you look like you have something to say so say it" Lady Grandma said I jumped up and down and hugging Rhys's back "We hav a human prisoner and she has magic and a pet sprite" I said super happy I was still hugging Rhys "Princess can you hug me so hard" Rhys asked me and I let go of him and told him sorry then Rhys told Lady Grandma his plan on what we were going to do Rhys and Lady Grandma continued talking I started looking around the rook I want to see what this human uses to make spells I found nothing but junk I was about to look at something else but then a loud roar I jumped and ran to the opposed side to the room spooked out of mind "W-what was that" I asked "It's a chamber that only mixes water" Rhys tells both of us the Lady Grandma tells us the seven days has pasted and that Asch's older brother found out the Asch and I are gone and she made up a lie that everyone believes and we end communication with her Rhys keeps making the mixing pot roaring I wish he would stop but there was knock on the door I open the door to see the human ""what the hell are you doing" She asked as she walked in and saw Rhys then looked back at me "why are both of you in her you know what I don't want to know" she said walking over to the mixing pot "what are you doing" she asked us " I wish to see how you mix spells" Rhys states "OMG you don't know what a toilet it" she socked "a toy-lot" I Asked sh holds up and weapon and told us to leave I ran out and dragged Rhys with me Rhys said sorry to the human but I went back to the long chair I put my head on Asch's lap and went back to sleep

^*^ time skip^*^

POV Asch

I opened my eyes to find that it wasn't a dream I was about the get-up but Y/n had her head on my lap my face was burning hot I didn't want to wake her up so I moved her over just a little bit she looked so lovely when she sleeps ( Livx: Asch you can't say that about people that are sleeping man but I love you so it's ok) I walked over the window to see all the humans walking and talking I then walked over Noi and took one of his daggers and went into the human's room to kill her

POV Leif

"Asch hasn't been acting normal," I said to Pierce knowing that he was awake "Yes" he responds with " Don't you think it's weird how docile we've been since getting here normally Asch wouldn't listen so easily and would have acted long before now I wonder what's going on," I said looking over at the peacefully sleeping princess "something changed it's not our place to ask," he tells me "your unquestioning loyalty is disgusting," I said a little upset " I don't expect a former assassin to understand loyalty" "oh yeah dun times........ So who would be to wake up at this time cause someone has to stop Asch" I ask "the princess she'll get him to stop faster" Pierce said I got up and walked over to Lady Y/n

POV Prince Of Fire....... It's Asch (*^*)

I was standing over the human "human your sacrifice will be remembered" I say as I pulled out the dagger and headed it up in the air before I could stab her I was hit in the stomach I looked around to find out what it was but I couldn't find it, the doors open to reveal Y/n with a very unhappy look on her face "Asch stop as much as a pain this human is we need her alive now put down the knife" she whisper yelled at me " and why should I" I asked "Asch you're a smart man I don't think you out of all people want to make me mad so don't test me" She said with a super mad look on her face thank the gods the Rhys and Noi walked in "Rhys make him stop" Y/n asked Rhys and Rhys started to tell me off but then the Y/n walked up to me and tried to take the dagger "Asch hand it over" she said in her normal voice we all stopped and looked at the human " she told us not to come in here if she wakes up she'll kill all of us" Noi said "I'm sorry it's my fault I d-didn't mean to" Y/n sain looking like she was going to cry I pulled her into a hug and backed away from the human but thank the god Pierce save us all but patting the humans head and puttin her back to sleep we all walked out of the human and back into the main room Y/n still im my arms we sat on a long chair Looked up at everyone else "I had everything under control" I said a "your majesty you you almost had us killed and you put the princess in danger" Rhys stated I looked at Y/n she had her face in my chest I felt bad and sighed "I grew tired of this charade we are playing" I said "you and me both" Leif said under his breath "LEIF" Rhys said socked " i kind of agree why are we dancing around here we know the human have dangerous weapons but we've had a lot of chances to take in this human here" Noi said Rhys sighed "prince Asch, princess Y/n this mission is everything to the both of you right" Rhys said Y/n looked up and side "Y-yes it is" "if we go back to daemos without a solid source to renew the magic there isn't going to be a second chance we single-handedly killed the last source of malice if we returned with nothing to show for it but a weak source of magic that's it we will lose everything we will suffer humiliation and worse-" Rhys was cut off by Noi "our heads" Noi said putting his head down "precisely no matter how valued are in the ranks we will die and Asch, Y/n both both of you out of all will suffer the most" Rhys said I had a shocked look on my face but Y/n jumped up sad but under standing "lighten up will ya" Leif said as he put his arm around Y/n and that pissed me off " we aren't at that point yet besides Asch and Lady Y/n is just doing things like we would on Daemos can't shame them for that huh" Leif defense Y/n and me " I can shame them" Rhys said as Y/n gave him the come on look "well you can't shame me" Leif said taking his hands off of Y/n and on his hips "you that enough for yourself already" "point is we'll do thing your for now Rhys right Lady Y/n" Leif asked Y/n "Right OwO" She said "huh" " for no things are going well, and that pain in the ass human female will show us how to be humans to so we can find their weaknesses then when we find that out we can take them back home with us and get all the magic back" she said with a big grin on her face "that's a good plan" "an impressive strategy" Noi and Pierce praised the princess "see Lady Y/n had a plan the whole time" Leif said Y/n was super proud of herself " Alright then what is the next course of action" Rhys asked " we kill no humans we begin blending in Leif wake the prisoner up" I demanded " with pleasure" Leif said with a smile on his face and walked to the humans room "we need to begin assimilate ourselves with the human immediately" I said


"I can't wait I want to take over the world and so many more," I said super happy now " and we will help you" Noi yelled I ran over to the window and saw so many humans talking, walking, what I think is dancing but it was bad dancing "I want someone to be by my side so none of the humans hurt me so Pierce Stay by my side" I committed Pierce nodded his head and a loud scream came from the humans room "LEIF WHAT DID I JUST SAID" Asch yelled Leif and the human walked out of the room she looked upset but then we told her we need the help "Y'all need help to assimilate," the human asked "yes prince Asch And princess Y/n would-"Rhys started but was rudely interrupted by the humans laughter "how rude," I said "no it's just you said ass heheh" she giggled "Y/n your a female maybe you can talk to her," Asch asked me "ok" I looked at the human " show us how the be humans... now" I demanded "asking like that isn't-" Rhys was cut off once again "if I do that will you guys leave" she asked "maybe" I as my response and then everyone one started saying really it was funny until Asch told to to be quiet "killjoy look when I woke up I was kind of hoping you guy would have robbed me and left by now i wasn't expecting you guys to stay" she said I was a little lost why would she want that but i wasn't the only on that was lost Leif was to " why would you hope for that" Leif asked her " because losing a few hundred dollars isn't worth dealing with the stress of....never mind y'all really about this huma thing huh" she asked Asch was getting upset with this human and I don't blame him I am to "assimilate us now" he demanded the human sighed "a sorceress like myself it'll be hard to teach you the ways but" "**SORCERESS**" Noi being super impressed with that human I didn't care I know I'm the strongest in this group but I'll never show it "first off I must use my magic power to conjure you up some human clothing" she said I look down at my lovely dress then to Leif " what's wrong with our clothing" I ask " is what we're wearing not suitable" Rhys asked "ummm yeah that's because I casted a spell that attracted other demons from around the world to one place it's called a convention spell" she said "this human is a summoner too huh I can do that to but I'm not aloud"I said the last part I said under my breath "where are these clothes" Asch asked "um right stay here" the human said walking over to a wall the had this pink glass think and brought it over to us "this here is" befor the human female finished Asch took the pink thing out of her hand "Ooooo give me give me" I asked for like a little kid Asch Handed it to me and Incinerated the pink glass thing but not what was in side " Lady Y/n don't use you magic" Rhys got on me

The human looked at the green things that came out of it " wow I had 150 bucks in that hell, yeah oh does that count ok 151" She said "uh to who is she speaking to" Leif asked Noi "Spirits" Noi respond with "com I'm going to take you to a very sacred place to us humans" the human spoke and then she walked off "Rhys, Leif you two will stay back and make these living accommodations more suitable for us" Asch asked "yes" Rhys said "what why me" Leif asked a little upset "because you went against what I said earlier" Asch said mad "hey I was just kind of sort playing around okay" Leif said in a panic "too bad you have to stay" I said walking with the human and Pierce was right behind me and Noi and Asch following a little bit after


My little toys I have made your chapter like I said i would OWO

I love you all

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