w 1 t n e s s

By ellehabite

390K 6.1K 721

one rookie. one girl. one goal &&& A particularly rough play sends upcoming hockey star Tyler Dewalt crashing... More

bonus chapter
a series of posts


9K 153 43
By ellehabite


The end of the season was disappointing. We'd worked so hard only for things to be ended this quickly. I couldn't describe my disappointment. At least now I had time to relax. The remainder of the summer stretched before me. The second I was free to go and do what I wanted, I called Halle. I knew it was a crappy move, only contacting her when I was free. I just hoped she understood. My phone rang in my hand while I paced anxiously.

"Tyler?" Her voice instantly relaxed me.

"Hey." My words came out like liquid, a sigh of relief I didn't know I'd been holding.

"Hey...what's up?"

"What are you doing?"

"Right now? I'm laying on the beach with Emily." The faint cheers of Halle's friend alerted me to her presence.

"Would you want to come up to Chicago?"

"Um...why would I do that?" The uncertainty in her voice was obvious. I cursed at myself.

"I mean...I thought we could hang."

"Going to Chicago to 'hang' is a bit of a hassle." She let loose a light laugh. "Summer camp starts July first here. Until then I'm busy soaking up the sun. You want to see me, you gotta come here." The smug tone in her voice told me she didn't think I'd take the offer.

"Sure. Send me your address and I'll be there." I was completely serious.


"Yep. I want to talk you about how shitty of a person I've been. Face to Face."

"Hold on, hold on. If you're coming here, I'm going to need an apology before I can think about seeing you."

"Fine. I'm sorry I was such a douche and breaking things off so suddenly. I'm sorry I never texted or called. I'm sorry I left you high and dry. I'm sorry I was a bad friend. I want to make things better."

"That'll do." I could hear the amusement in her voice. The giggles from Emily told me that Halle had to be smiling.

"Perfect. I'm getting on a flight immediately. Send me the address. Oh, and Emily? What would you think about Kirby coming down?" Just like that, I ended the call. Of course I'd bring Kirby. He'd been talking nonstop about the curly haired brunette. If anyone was going to gain something from visiting these girls, it would be Kirby.

I went onto the airline website through our team benefits. Tickets were reduced by a decent amount, especially considering the airline's name was all over our rink. My phone buzzed with the address from Halle. I looked at the maps, appreciating where they were. Kiawah Island. At least one hockey player had a home there. I couldn't remember which one. I wondered where Emily and Halle were staying. A quick search revealed a rather large house, two story, that could be rented out. Based on the fact it was unavailable at the moment, I assumed the two girls were renting it.

Two days later, Kirby and I were waiting for the plane. Somehow I was more anxious than Kirby was. Would Halle and I be able to rekindle things right away? I'd been awful to her these past few months. How could I even consider being with her when I wasn't there just because of hockey?

I intended to be with Halle until the nineteenth of June. Then I would be headed to Vegas for the NHL awards ceremony. I hoped I would be able to come back before she had to work. Right now, it was only May twenty fourth. I had a decent amount of time to reconcile with the sweet blonde.

Our flight wasn't terribly long. Kirby and I played games on our phones and listening to music to pass the time. By the time we landed, I was a mess of nerves. Kirby was cool, calm, and collected. It was like our roles have been reversed. Normally I was the relaxed one. Kirby was always worrying and hyper. Though he was nothing compared to some of our other teammates.

We rented a car at the Charleston Airport. The drive would take around an hour from the city to the island. I let Kirby drive, considering he was relaxed and calmer. Like the flight, I passed the time listening to music. When we were ten minutes from the sea, Kirby put the windows down. The smell of ocean air, humid and sticky, was so foreign. I'd been to the beach before, but not like this. When I was younger, I'd gone on day trips to the coast of New England. This was already different in so many ways. I was completely out of my element.

The house was massive. At least, bigger than I'd been expecting based on the online pictures. It was a light shade of brown, and the front was partially hidden by trees. Based on the map and the streets, we were right on the beach. Kirby pulled into the speckled driveway, which curved to an overhang garage area that was open on three sides. A dark grey Toyota was already parked on one side. Kirby pulled our black rental Volvo into the second spot. I quickly shot a text to Halle, hoping she was home. As soon as she'd read the text, my phone started to ring.

"Hey, you shoulda told me when you landed!" She was yelling into my ear. I held the phone away from my head slightly. There was commotion on her end. It sounded like the wind.

"You're not home?"

"No we're on the boat! I'll get them to circle back and drop me off." More muffled, she spoke to someone off the phone. "Do you want to come? Are you sure? Ok." She returned to full volume. "I'll be there in a few. Let yourselves in if you want, spare key is under the grill on the back porch." I put my phone back in my pocket, shaking my head.

Kirby and I lugged our bags out of the trunk, pulling them up the steps around the back of the house. Once we were on the elevated porch, we paused. I had been right. The house was directly on the beach. A wooden walkway lead from the house down to the sand, leaving a trail through tall sea grasses to the water. It was a stunning view.

Like Halle had promised, the key was under the large chrome grill wedged in the corner of the porch. I fished the key out of its metal covering, unlocking the glass sliding door. Kirby went first as I replaced the key. He gently pushed the gauzy white curtains away from the entrance, revealing the living room. It wasn't the most modern interior, but I had to admire the white and tan tones that were contrasted by the dark hardwood floor. I let my bags fall onto the floor by the couch, collapsing onto the cream material. As soon as I sat, Kirby said something that made me stand up again.

"Hey, I think Halle's coming." He was standing in the open sliding door, partially holding the curtain back. I joined him, watching as a figure approached from the beach. I had to shield my eyes from the sun's position in the sky. The harsh glare prevented me from making out who the person was.

The closer they got, the more my nerves grew. Hair so blonde it reflected the sun's glare painfully. Tan skin that was sharp against the pale sand. And as she grew closer, a smile that sent a flush of heat down my body and a grin just as big to cross my face. I tried to ignore how she was only wearing a bikini top. I was thankful for the loose shorts that she wore. As gracefully as a dancer, Halle bounced up the steps into the porch.

"Hey, you guys! Welcome to chez moi!" Her energy was infectious. I was surprised when I found myself in her embrace. My arms wrapped tightly around her. I'd missed this.

"Hey." I breathed next to her ear.

"Hi." Her reply was sheepish. My hands lingered on her arms when we finally pulled apart. Kirby was awkwardly watching the sea, trying to ignore our obvious affection for each other. Halle composed herself, clapping two hands together enthusiastically.

"Alright. Come on, I'll show you guys which rooms you can pick." As we followed her with our bags, she pointed things out. "There's three bathrooms. That's Emily's room. This one is mine. Here's the washer and dryer, do your own laundry. If you stay that long, anyway. Anddd here are your rooms." She flourished her hand in front of the two doors at the end of the hallway. "Fight over it, whatever. Just get into your swim suits and bring your asses downstairs. We're going back out on the boat."

This Halle was completely different. She was more confident and completely relaxed. I suppose she was at home here. Kirby picked the room on the left, which I was grateful of. The one on the right was closer to Halle's room. Like she'd commanded, I dug my trunks out of one of my bags. The piece of clothing was wrinkled from disuse. I pulled the aqua shorts on, ignoring the creases. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses, sandals, and my phone before heading back down. Kirby wasn't far behind me.

Halle's eyes were all over my shirtless appearance. I pretended not to notice. She stood aside, letting Kirby walk ahead of us. We started down the beach, heading for a dock that had a speedboat waiting by it. I was surprised when her small hand found her way into my own.

"Don't you want to talk first?" I murmured, hoping Kirby wouldn't hear.

"Hell no. Talk later. I can't explain how much I've missed and wanted this." I grinned, pulling my hand loose to throw an arm around her shoulder. I pulled her close, into my bare side. She giggled, that sweet sound that I always wanted to hear. It immediately relaxed my soul. Every trouble from the past year was erased. Every worry about points, goals, and injuries. Every fear about failed expectations and false hope. Halle wiped it all away. I didn't deserve her forgiveness like this.

She didn't leave my side for hours. It was like we'd never stopped talking. On the boat, we met up with Emily and two other local summer residents from the island. We swept across the waves until the sun started to go down. It had been an amazing experience, flying across the water like a bird, all while laughing with friends and enjoying the sun.

I was tanner and covered in sea salt when we returned to the house. Kirby and Emily left again almost immediately, heading out for shopping or dinner. They wouldn't tell us where. Halle and I were left alone in the large house. After I'd showered, I found Halle in the living room. I joined the blonde on the couch, running a hand through my hair.

"You didn't say anything about my lettuce."

"Your what?" Her look was judgmental and confused. I laughed.

"My haircut. You've seen how long it was on Instagram."

"Oh, yeah. Well it looks better shorter." She impulsively reached a hand out, letting her fingers brush through my still wet locks. She instinctively moved closer to me. Before anything could happen, I stopped her hand.

"Ok, we really need to talk now. We can't just restart things like nothing happened."

"Well, nothing really did happen. You were busy, and I was a distraction. Right? There's not much more to it. I get it. I'm already over it because I understand. I'm fine with moving on and picking things up where they were. On one condition. I'm your girlfriend again, you post me on your Instagram, and you don't push me away the second things get busy or hard again. If we're together, I want to be there to help you and support you. I can't do that if you push me away again." I nodded, already agreeing completely with her words.

"I'll do it. I could explain a thousand things, but I don't think it'll help. I'm sorry I was stupid, but thank you for understanding."

"Shush. No more apologizing. Just kiss me."

"What?" My eyebrows rose as I looked at her in surprise. Her smirk was smug.

"You heard me."

I didn't wait for another word.


I understood why Halle loved the beach. To watch the girl I loved floating in the calm blue sea, to watch how she would come out of the water and fall onto the sand exhausted. To feel her tan skin crusted with salt and sand even in the silken sheets of her bed. To sleep in a room with windows open and the midnight ocean breeze lifting our hair in gentle whispers. It all made me understand why she loved the ocean.

Every day passed in a slow haze of swimming and tanning. At night, we collapsed into an exhausted tangle of limbs on Halle's bed. We lived in our own bubble of sun kissed hair and salt licked skin.

I spent as much time with my blonde angel. I learned every curve of her body. Every crevice, every bump, it was all mine. Just like I was hers. I memorized the way her lips pursed when she was cooking. The way she rose on her tip toes slightly when she kissed me. The way she gasped quietly when my hands found her hips, digging into her bare skin. The way she relaxed when I rubbed circles on her back. Every tantalizing moment with her was a new experience.

Just like she'd requested, I posted a picture with her on my Instagram. I waited until the week I had to leave. I wanted to surprise her. I made sure I had the best possible picture of us. It was a cool picture, one Emily had taken for us.

During one stunning sunset, we'd taken a picture in the water. I was holding Halle up slightly. Our noses touched, not quite a kiss but close enough. You couldn't make out Halle's features, which I figured was safe enough for a first post. I posted it to my Instagram while Halle was sleeping in my arms. Her head rested on my bare chest, one hand curled under her chin while the other was thrown across my stomach. I had one arm wrapped around her, holding her close. The other was free to type and post as I pleased.

As soon as I'd posted the picture, I put my phone on the nightstand. I wanted to cherish the last few nights with her. Two more days, and I would go out to Las Vegas for the awards. Kirby wouldn't be coming, but he was flying back home to his parents for a week or two. Emily and Halle would be alone in the house for awhile. I fully intended to come back, but I knew things wouldn't be the same. Halle's job would start, and I would only be able to spend nights with her. She'd filled me on the dedication it took to work at the summer camp. Full days, sometimes staying over. Weekends off weren't often. I didn't care, as long as I still got to see her most days. I had nowhere better to be over the summer months.

I think Halle thought I was joking when I said I'd spend the entire summer with her. I'd already made plans for the rest of the warm months. My workout plan to get ready for the upcoming season was implemented already. Swimming and surfing had only helped me gain muscles. Now I just had to make sure I was eating enough to keep up. Halle certainly made me enough food all the time. When she started working I'd be on my own.

My eyes closed as I focused on breathing in rhythm with the beautiful girl asleep in my arms. She was so perfect, so unblemished, so innocent. I didn't deserve her in any way. I promised myself, no matter what, I would fight to keep her by my side. I couldn't lose her again. Whatever happened, I wouldn't push her away.

With our breathing in rhythm, I drifted off for good.

The remainder of the following day was spent like all the others. Halle woke up around eight, then I followed around nine. I always woke up to the sweet smell of breakfast. That day, she'd made blueberry pancakes and bacon. My mouth watered as I left the bed. I pulled a pair of shorts over my boxes, just in case Emily was downstairs.

Like always, Halle was standing at the stove, spatula in hand. And like always, my hands found her hips. She wore only a pair of underwear and one of my oversized tshirts. The hem brushed against her upper thighs, dangerously close to revealing her dignity. My fingers dug into the bare skin above the band of her underwear, pulling her back into my chest. She let out a squeal, making me grin.

"Should be careful what you wear around here. Don't want Kirby getting the wrong ideas." I murmured harshly into her ear. I received a swat from the spatula.

"I could say the same for you, mister abs." She pointed at my torso with the cooking utensil. When I didn't reply, she turned back to the pan sitting on a burner. I planted a kiss on her cheek before going to the fridge.

We were halfway through cleaning up when Kirby and Emily strolled through the sliding glass door. Neither looked like they had slept the entire night. Emily's curly hair was an even frizzier mess than normal. Kirby had circles under his eyes. His shirt was wrinkled I raised an eyebrow at their appearance.

"Rough night?" Emily groaned quietly.

"No it was wonderful. But exhausting."

"What did you do?" Halle was leaning against the counter, looking at the pair with as much amusement as I was.

"We watched the stars. Then we decided let's just stay up for the sunrise. I need sleep." Emily grabbed Kirby's hand, dragging him up the stairs to the bedrooms. I raised an eyebrow after them.

"They're totally fucking." Halle's words made me splutter.

"Uh...what? What makes you think that?"

"Jeez Ty. How blind are you?" I was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean Kirby had the biggest hickey I've ever seen on his neck. And they're not exactly quiet at night." Halle was looking at me sharply.

"Mmm can't relate." Her jaw dropped.

"I'm not Emily, mister. You have to wait for goods!" She swatted at me with a towel. I grabbed it out of midair, pulling her towards me.

"I know. I'm fine with that. Although, doesn't posting you on Instagram get me some brownie points?" She gasped, grabbing her phone from the table. A couple swipes and she found the picture.

"Oh wow, I love it. And the comments aren't rude. I thought they would be."

"Halls you're not supposed to look at the comments." I groaned, trying to grab the phone away.

"They're not bad, I swear." She tapped her chin, looking at me carefully. "Think I should tell my parents about you yet? Do you know what kind of heart attack my mom would have if I told her I've lived basically the past month with two guys. Unsupervised, too!"

"Oh I can't imagine. My mom—" I stopped myself immediately, changing the subject the second I uttered the words. "Well next season, when we play at Toronto, I'll have to see if I can split off and meet your family. Might be tight but I'm sure the team wouldn't mind. Could get them free tickets to the game too." Halle caught the storm that momentarily crossed my face. When I mentioned free tickets, she forgot what I'd tried to brush away. Good. Not yet.

Halle looked up at me, brushing a kiss on my jaw. I complained when she pulled away from me.

"Come on. One more day to tan and take the boat out. Let's go have some fun."

And we did. We swept across the glistening water in the small speedboat. Under the early morning sun, my skin was pleasantly warmed. When we'd finished the boat ride, we splayed on the heated sand. Halle dragged me into the water eventually, splashing at me until I was soaked thoroughly. My hair was plastered to my forehead with the moisture, just as Halle's lengthening blonde locks were stuck to her shoulders. I soaked in her golden presence.

One last day with the girl I loved. I cherished every moment. It wasn't enough time. I had a feeling separating this time would be a lot harder than the last. I wished I could take her to Vegas with me.

We went to bed in our routine, pressing our bodies together and trying to feel every section of bare skin against bare skin. One last night of her tracing my skin with small unintelligible patterns. I was reluctant to leave when my alarm for four a.m. went off.

I pulled myself out of bed and to the bathroom. Kirby was blearily looking out at me from Emily's room. We'd be driving to the airport together before parting ways for our separate flights. I sighed as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

Once I was showered and dressed, I dragged my luggage downstairs. Kirby was already waiting with his things. He had every bag with him. I only had two things. I planned to come back. I wondered how long it would take Halle to notice that most of my suitcases were still in the closet.

Speaking of Halle. She appeared at the top of the stairs, a pout adorning her face. Her legs carried her down until she was standing on the same level as me.

"Why do you have to go?"

"Because I got nominated for awards. So I have to go in case I win any." She mumbled something under her breath. I shook my head.

"You'll be going back to Chicago then?" I smirked at her question.

"You'll just have to see for that one." Hope lit up her face.

"Oh, if you can come back, please do. I'll be here all summer." I nodded, pulling her in with one arm.

"I'll text you when I land, ok?" She nodded against my chest. We embraced for a minute before she turned her face up to look at me. I smiled gently at my angel. Softly, I kissed her.

It was painful to pull away. She stood where I left her, arms wrapped around her T-shirt-clad body. I took my things and some of Kirby's, lugging them to the rental car. The sleek black Volvo was waiting where we'd left it, all that time ago. Everywhere on the island was accessible by bike or walking. We hadn't driven the entire time, even when it rained.

This time I drove to the airport. Kirby was quiet as we left the shore. He looked out the window, frowning as the houses flashed by. I merged onto the highway, cruising steadily into Charleston.

By the time we got to the airport, I only had an hour and a half until my flight. I let Kirby handle returning the car while I went into the bustling building. His flight home to Canada was a lot later in the day.

I hustled through TSA, finally able to settle when I was at my gate. This would be a long day.

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