Sailor Moon/ Saint Seiya. Asg...

By CrossoverGeek

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After their adventure, cleansing Jotunheim from Hel's influence, Sin, her loved Fenrir and their new friends... More

R&R. Divide an conquer.
Kenjutsu. The Fūji Ninja Clan
Kunoichi vs Satellite
Helheim. Realm of the Dead.
Tsukikage. An archer?
Wolf and the city. Witherfang Jūdo strikes
Necropolis. Deathmask Sacrifice.
Satellites vs Ninjas Part 1. Callisto's Challenge
Satellite vs Ninjas Part 2. Shinobi Kumite
Knight for a day. Steel Saint Ushio
Niflheim visit. Chris Walden's Task.
Lady Unferth. Weaver of Fate.
Helia's Yorishiro. Turning point.
Twilight of the Gods. The Boar and the Wolf
Face to face. Exorcism
Peace before the storm. Part 1 Nægling.
Peace before the storm. Part 2 The Cross and the Saintia.
Peace before the storm. Part 3 Equuleus Cassios.
Battle of the Gods. Mistletoe
The Rune of Victory. Asgard Redemption

Nazghûl Senshi. Message from the Underworld

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By CrossoverGeek

Helheim. Hressvelg Palace. Before the events of Book 1
(Play villain music)

Hel was overlooking the building of her army.

Her army was conformed by three phase soldiers

-The Draugr: Survivors and mercenaries from the conflicts against both the Moon Kingdom and The Sanctuary. (expendable)
-The Hel Walkers: Resurrected Elite undead warriors that sold their souls to Hel in exchange of new bodies. (Regular infantry)
-Hel Travelers: Fierce resurrected Dark Valkyries or God Warriors, forsaken by Odin (as strong as Gold Saints). Three of their commanders (Aglæcwiff of Gondul, Ullr of Surt and Megrez Alberich) were to be defeated by Sin and her group of Merry Dudes later.

Hel began with a rousing speech to their troops

Hel: If Ymir, a fellow Jötnar, was the beginning of things, a Jötnar Goddess will be the end of it. All of this time, Asgard and their new allies, the Sanctuary have oppressed us, Giants and Dark Deities... No longer. Hades is no longer. My father Loki is no longer. As my name is Hel... no longer. I am now the Dark Queen Helia Lokisdottir and we'll bring true order to the chaos. And the name of chaos is LIFE!!!!!!

Her army begins to cheer as she began to descend from her throne using conquered souls as steps.

Helia: We will complete the destiny of all life. TO END!!!

She keeps walking down the soul stairs as she kept hearing the praises of her subjects

Helia: They will pay for the destruction of my father and the only Greek deity that I respected (Hades). And we need only my vessel to do that. Bring me Sin and Alioth Fenrir and you shall feel the warmth of the sun again!!!

Suddenly one of the souls was stopped from being placed as step and Helia fell to the floor. She picked herself up a little flustered

Helia: (flustered) Ok. That's ok. I meant to do that tee hee!

Helia grabbed the soul and destroyed it by spreading it in all of the dimensions under Ygdrassil with her sword.

The one who stopped the soul from doing what it supposed to, was Cancer Deathmask, using an improvised Niflheim primordial mist Cloth that bears a striking semblance to his old Hades's army Surplice.

Deathmask: Short tempered, are you?
Helia: You're one of the twelve bastards that killed my father. Are you here to kill me as well?
Deathmask: I couldn't care less about your little war on the Sanctuary. I deserve to be punished here and accept my just damnation, but there's someone I gotta save before being punished.
Helia: I'm sorry, what?

A hooded figure whispers Helia about Deathmask's story and Helia then look upon Deathmask's soul and saw his memories.
(see this video)

Helia felt overjoyed by Deathmask's suffering and cackle loudly

Helia: (giggling) I'm afraid that the fate of that one is already dealt with. She died giving her energy for the Gugnir's restoration. Not a single soul can leave this place. It was forbidden by Lord Odin a long time ago. Resurrection in Asgard is Taboo.
Deathmask: When I was a Gold Saint, I was searching only my own merit. I aimed to be the God of Death.
Helia: And now you beseech.. No! Grovel to the real Goddess of Death?
Deathmask: I see only a Jötnar Valkyrie gone rogue. You'll restore Helena
Helia: If I didn't restored Baldur, what makes you think I will comply?
Deathmask: Because I always have a plan.

Deathmask and Helia began fighting in a battle of 1000 days
(Fight Music)

The Hel-Wakers were amazed to find a warrior which strength matches hers. Then Deathmask began to use an old Sekishiki preapse technique not seen since the Pope Hakurei's time.

Helia: How can you have that much power?!
Deathmask: Because during my last pilgrimage on Hades realm, I've freed the souls of the people I've placed on that particular inferno.
Helia: Such power. I offer you and your dead to join me. We can use this power together.
Deathmask: I'd rather not!!
Helia: Give me that power and I shall reunite you with Helena!!
Deathmask: I won't return to my evil ways. I owe that to them! They have given me the power to face a God. My Saint brothers! Fellow Saintias! Absolve me! SEKISHIKI TENRYU HA!!!!

(Clarification: Hakurei technique. Look at this video

back to the FanFiction )

The attack could've defeated Helia, if it wasn't for Aglæcwif's protection and a stranger's intervention.

Stranger: It's been a while, Manigoldo.
Deathmask: How do you know my techniques? Who the hell are you?!
Stranger: I used to be a Silver Saint that refused such a lowly status. Hence I became the strongest of the Black Saints
Deathmask: (gasps) Black Altar Avido?!!
Avido: I am Lord Avido of Nidhogg. The curse striker.
Deathmask: Good to know. I shall put you beside Fafnir on Gehenna.

Avido and Aglæcwiff absorbs Deathmask Technique and Avido countered with their own Preapse technique on him. Avido focuses his cosmos in his right hand causing a ball of energy that is thrown against the Deathmask, released the top. After the fall of the opponent, the ball splits into smaller balls that fall directly on the Deathmask. He fell on the floor.

Deathmask: (labored breathing) I'll kill you yet!!
Avido: No, Manigoldo. You shall be prisoner in Helheim until you pass into the Shadow Realm. While that happens, I will take Helena's soul and your fellow Valkyrie spy...

Avido points to a beaten Yūfa, much to Deatmask's dispair

Avido: ...while I mutilate and ravage their souls... again and again.
Helia:  My warriors will never be defeated
Deathmask: Do not underestimate the power of the human spirit. She won't let you kill me first.

Helia was intrigued

Helia: Wanna bet? I propose you something.

After Helia whispers something on his ear, Deathmask uses what remained of his Soul Power to project one soul of someone he killed. It was Mito.

Mito's soul traveled trough the realms and reached Erda. It was then when she, blinded by hate, undertook her mission of find and kill Deathmask.

Meanwhile on Helheim, Helia summoned her trusted generals. The Nazgûl Senshi.

Helia: I've rescued from your predicaments without harvesting your souls. I expect to be paid in kind. From now on, by my grace, you're Helheim nobility. My Nazgûl Senshi.

Nidhogg Avido Helson (former Black Altar Saint)
Ankoku Coronis Helsdottir ( former Sailor Lead Crow )
Thiazzi Jadeite Helson ( one of the four kings of the Dark Kingdom)
Witherfang Judo Nelson (Former Black Hound Silver Saint)
Dolbr Fárbauti ( Former Odin Representative turned Hel-Traveler and leader of the Nazgûl Senshi)

Helia: You don't know death not fear. You will taste Moon Kingdom and Sanctuary flesh!!
All of the generals: Schlachtung Fiand!!!

Flashback ends
Sometime later (after the events of Book 1) Deathmask felt the presence of a Saintia and a powerful Silver Saint cosmos.

Deathmask: Took her long enough.

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