Purple Is Just A Color|| vkook

By bts_twins

2K 104 1

Kim Taehyung, a sassy, handsome but rather problematic student arrives at Hogwarts as the last hope for him s... More

2~ "Purple is a damn color"
3~ You are still a dumbass
4~ "You know how to read?"
5~ "How does having competition feel like?"
6~ Prefect bathroom
7~ "Hate is such a strong word, princess"
8~ Halloween
9~ "I'm sorry"
9.5~light as a feather
10~ "Sweet like you"
11~ "You are insane"
12~ "Give me my wand back"
12.5~ Awkward
13~ "Hi"
14~ Christmas surprises
15~ Never Have I Ever
16~ Nightly revealings
17~ "That means it's bonding time boys!"
18~ "Sup suckers, it's Christmas"
19~Inner Child
20~ Under The Mistletoe
21~ "I DO have a whirlpool"
22~ "This is bullying"
23~ Late Fireworks
24~ Friends
25~ Yours only
26~ Youniverse
27~ No strings attached
28~ Hogsmeade Mysteries
28.5~ Hogsmeade Mysteries
29~ Normal
30~ House Elves, cupid games and spare socks
31~ "Do you trust me?"
32~ "It's Nothing"
33~ "Expecto Patronum"
34~ I love you
35~ "I DON'T LIE"
36~ White noise
37~ Where did it all go wrong
37.5~ Empty
38~ "I want you there"
39~ You really came
40~ Hollywood swings, red wine and pinky promises
41~ Obvious
42~ I knew it
Special chapter #1-Graduation
Special chapter #2

1 ~Too late

172 7 0
By bts_twins

Purple POV

Looking back, we had a lot more drama, tears and broken hearts than necessary, but luckily that was 7 years ago.

So let's start at the very beginning, the day it all went to hell because the devil himself stepped through the door, too late...


Purple POV

It is September 1st, the start of my 6th year at Hogwarts.

I had hoped it would be an interesting year, not like the last 5, but it didn't seem like it.

So far...

I am bored.

My best friend Elizabeth is telling me a story about where she had traveled in the summer, which would usually catch my interest, but somehow not today.

Professor McGonagall is telling the 1st years about the rules right now, but I don't only know them all already, I also know how to break them.

I look around the hall, half-heartedly hoping for a dragon to fly in just to not fall asleep.

It had been a long day, and in general a stressful month.

First all the haste packing at home, then saying goodbye to my parents to go to the airport.

They thought I would stay at The Leaky Cauldron, shopping for Hogwarts and meeting up with some friends but long story short, I visited my brother for two weeks.

He is a Squib and moved out from home a year ago. I really miss him, but I know he is happier in the muggle world; with his muggle friends and I am happy that he still wants to see me, even though I have to lie to my parents.

Mum would accept the fact that I am visiting Jungkook. Actually I think she knows, because she helps me cover up my plans in front of Dad. He would probably be mad at me and maybe even-


The train of my thoughts immediately stops and I'm ripped out of my head into the real world, already thinking about an excuse for why I didn't listen to her, but instead she points at a guy that just walks through the hall.

And the realization hits me like a fist to the face: He looks good. Very good.

He has blonde hair that is far from neat, but he makes it look good effortlessly.

Obviously, he is late and busts the dinner and speech, which makes everybody turn around and stare at him as soon as he steps through the doors.

He seems to be very tall, probably almost 6 feet, his face has strongly defined, but slightly feminine features, though I doubt that anybody would ever even dare to call him a girl.

He isn't even wearing his robes but a black button-up shirt with the first 3 buttons undone, revealing his chain necklace, a black suit jacket and black pants.

The only thing that is not black are his perfectly white high top vans.

The thing that gets me the closest to interest or excitement is the fact that he seems to be Korean too, but after a few seconds I realize that that only means that I am not that unique anymore and I start to become annoyed.

Even more so when I notice how every single girl in the hall has turned her head towards him as he continues to walk down the aisle in a majestic way, as if he owns this place.

Still, he isn't even bothered by all the staring, except for a wink at a Gryffindor 7th grader, who breaks out in hysteric giggles in response.

His expression, which can best be described as a resting bitch face, stays stone cold as he arrives at the front and turns to Professor McGonagall. She walks down a couple of steps to welcome the person who just interrupted her speech.

"You must be Taehyung, the new student."

He nods and doesn't return the eye contact as she examines his entire... appearance over the top of her glasses. Then she takes his sleeve and pulls him up the steps to the tall wooden chair, pushes the guy on it and places the sorting hat on his head and in that moment I think that he is the only person ever who could pull that extraordinary look off.

The room is completely quiet. The only thing you can hear is the whispering of a Hufflepuff 4th grader, telling her friend how hot the new guy is. All the other students stare up to the hat, hoping to get to know in what house the mysterious guy will be. Several seconds go by and suddenly a scream echoes through the hall.


The Slytherin table cheers, mainly happy but partly confused; not even knowing who just joined their house.

"This is Kim Taehyung, he was transferred here from a school in Korea. Mr. Kim, why don't you go to your house table. I was just telling our new students about the rules you have to follow at this school. In your case, your Prefect will explain them to you after dinner and I will make sure he won't forget the one about being on time."

Then she takes the hat off, his hair even more messy than before, but what bothers me greatly is that he still pulls the look off. Taehyung walks down the steps towards the Slytherin table and sits down, completely unaware of all of my thoughts.

"Let's eat!"

Suddenly, many bowls and plates appear and start filling up with food.

The silence gets replaced with laughter, talking and the horrible screeching sounds silverware makes on plates.

Eliza just starts talking again, but thankfully not to me, but to the two girls sitting on the other side of our table; Lisa and Jennie, our roommates and good friends. I look over the table, in search of something healthy to eat but I remain unsuccessful.

My glance skims past chicken wings, french fries and green beans and while the latter, would be healthy, but it is sadly also basically the only thing I don't like.

Then a small bowl of salad appears near my plate and I start smiling. The house elves must have remembered me and my wishes from last year. I take a couple of french fries and salad on my plate, hoping for the food to be better the next day, which it probably will be.

Everybody always says the meal on the first and the last day is the best but I actually like both of them the least. I cannot understand how you can like chicken wings so much and I spent the last 16 years of my life trying to figure that out, but even my meal-tester of choice- being my twin-brother Jungkook, couldn't tell me and the literal speeches he held about how amazing chicken wings are definitely did not help.

Besides the fact that he loves chicken wings and I don't, Jungkook and I are pretty similar, except for one other aspect.

Back when we were very young, our parents were (of course) extremely proud when I started showing signs of Magic by letting a spoon full of green beans drop over my mother (they weren't even mad because of the mess I made), but they also became more and more disappointed when we grew older and I showed more and more magical abilities and my brother was not even able to lift a feather.

When we were 9 years old I was able to grow a small flower in my hand and that was the point where our parents finally gave up on the hope of my brother becoming a wizard.

From that point on he became more and more distant from the family, until he moved out at the beginning of summer break last year. This only lifted the mood of my parents greatly and was a relief to him and his happiness.

I look around and my gaze wanders over the Slytherins onto the Gryffindor table where Fred Weasley is actively involved in a conversation with his younger cousin Louis. Fred is my best friend and I already help him very often with his schoolwork or with planning his pranks. Suddenly an Asian looking guy appears in my peripheral view from over here at the Ravenclaw table and I curiously study him.


He is having a conversation with a couple of Slytherin guys and it looks like they are having fun.

He reminds me of my brother in some way, maybe just because he is a Korean guy, but maybe also with his way of immediately getting along with people.

He should be around our age and even though McGonagall said he got 'transferred' I think he just got expelled from his old school and it probably wasn't even his first time.

I honestly cannot understand why McGonagall would let him attend Hogwarts, but I can only hope that he gets thrown out of here too.

"-because the Lady here"

Elizabeth puts her hand on my shoulder and continues speaking, "is not able to listen to her best friend!"

I turn to her, a guilty look on my face.

"I am sorry, I had a hard summer break, I need time to think!" I say, hurrying to explain myself.

"Oh wow, it speaks!" She blurts.

Elizabeth looks at me and we both start laughing. "Okay Eli, tell me what did you do during break?"

"Well as I told you guys before..." she looks at Lisa and Jennie, "I was in France with my parents. Mum is so obsessed with Muggles, you know, so we did this thing called 'go houseboating'." She giggles. "Mum said her best friend told her about it, because she has a colleague, who's sister's niece's mum's uncle's wife is a Muggle, and so mum asked the right people and somebody got her in contact with a Muggle travel agency and they made contact with the people who rented us the boat in the end.

But then Dad had to learn how to drive a boat and so he had to get a boat-license or whatever they call that."

She laughs harder and Jennie and Lisa join in.

I am just sitting there and smiling about how wonderful my friendship with this girl is.

Elizabeth Clearwater has been my best friend since the middle of our 1st year here at Hogwarts.

The first time I saw her was when she was sitting in the Hogwarts Express, together with a couple of people who loved listening to her stories about how wonderfully smart she is.

Of course, everybody expected her to be in Ravenclaw and everything else wouldn't have made any sense anyway.

But that was the moment when I decided to hate her. The thing that annoyed me the most was that we were put in the same room, together with Lisa and Jennie.

Those two were friends from the beginning and Elizabeth joined the duo very soon.

Lisa and I began to get along better and I started liking her and Jennie, but I didn't want to have anything to do with Eliza.

In general, I thought that the girls were really boring and superficial, only sitting around, talking about guys all day every day.

And until one day in March I thought it would stay that way.

Long story short:

Some guys made fun of the girls in our room and I kicked their asses. Ever since then we've been friends and grew very close, very fast in the first year at Hogwarts.

"Purple!" I look at my best friend. "Why aren't you eating?!"

I look at my still almost full plate and shrug. "I'm not really hungry..."

She shakes her head. "You have to eat more! No wonder you are so skinny, you could use a couple more pounds so take a second load already! At least some fries..."

"Nah, I'm good, no thanks."

Eliza opens her mouth to protest, but in that exact moment the food disappears and I grin in glee.

"Oops, too late."

She just scoffs and turns her attention to the wide variety of desserts displayed in front of us and even I reach for a bowl of chocolate pudding and load my plate.

"No! Purple, don't you dare eat all the chocolate again, it's the best one!" Lisa whines and tries to grab the bowl out of my hands and we fight very childishly for some good ten seconds until I let go and she almost spills it all over her robes.

I laugh loudly and grab my spoon to start enjoying the best pudding in the entire world, even though I still need to find a way to send some to Jungkook, he is a sucker for sweet desserts, especially chocolate.

We all end up sharing that whole bowl of pudding and after the plates have been wiped clean I get up with a sigh and loudly say:

"All Ravenclaw first years please follow me to our house, I am one of your prefects for this year, the name's Purple Jeon, please follow me and don't get lost alright?"

I am the first prefect to do so and I can feel hundreds of eyes on me, at least half of them, probably just because of my name, but I shrug the gazes off like it's nothing, it is not something that I'm not used to.

So I turn around and start heading for the exit, repeating my words until I can see the new students following me in a little group of excited and nervous little faces.

We all walk up the grand staircase, me guiding the first years to our common room.

I finally stop in front of the big wooden door and smile at the doorknob which opens his beak.

"The bigger it is, the less you see it." I smile.


A tiny girl says the answer. She is around 4'6 tall and has brown hair and honey colored eyes.

I look down at her in surprise. It usually takes the new ones a lot longer and a lot more hints to figure the riddles out.

The eagle nods and the door swings open.

The Ravenclaw common room is not the only one I have ever seen (last year I broke into Gryffindor's, because I needed to lecture Fred), but I think it definitely is the best looking. It is a wide, open, circular area with big, arched windows, which make you feel like you are up high in the sky.

I always love to sit there, just watching the birds fly around or looking at the mountains and reading.

Right now I am surrounded by students who are very obviously hoping that the prefect speech is going to be short so that they will be able to go into their rooms.

My prefect partner Panju Patil nods at me, very obviously hoping that I will tell them about the rules, so he doesn't have to.

"I'm going to make this short: Curfew is 9 o'clock, so please be here by that time. I would prefer it if you guys would already go to sleep now, because enough and healthy sleep is very important so you can give your best in your classes and make the house proud.

As Professor McGonagall already mentioned earlier your house is your family.

And you make your family proud by earning House points.

The best way to do so is by doing good in and between your classes.

Remember to be kind and helpful and don't break the rules or points are going to be taken away from Ravenclaw.

Another way to earn points is by joining the Quidditch team and winning the games and the house cup; they are worth a lot of points. The play-offs are Saturday in two weeks at 2pm.

All grades starting at grade 2 are able to participate in the play-offs and have a chance at joining our team. And just because you tried out or have been on the team last year doesn't mean you are going to make it again this year, it is gonna be a fair competition.

Professor Flitwick, the head of our house is going to hand out your schedules tomorrow so we can have a good start and begin another exciting year bright and early!"

I scoff at my own sarcasm.

Yeah, so very exciting for real...

Looking back I had no idea what awaited me... but I would find out soon enough.

"This is all I have to say for tonight, please go to your assigned rooms but don't talk for too long, the day starts early and you don't wanna be late and lose your first points.

The guys go into the right wing and the girls to the left. Don't try and go into other people's rooms, the common room is the space you can use for socializing, especially no sneaking into the other gender's rooms, you are going to regret trying, believe me.

So good night everyone and first year girls, come with me."

Immediately, everybody starts murmuring and the students go up to their rooms, saying good night back politely.

I walk up the stairs to the girls dorms myself while I hear Panju say: "First year boys please, this way."

I stop at the second door and read: "Emily, Olivia, Audrey and Isabella. Here, this is your room for the next seven years, I hope you like it at Hogwarts. If you have any questions, my room is the last one in the row of rooms here"

I point down the circular hallway, towards the rooms of the higher grades like my own.

"Good night now." I say, my smile friendly and polite, while the girls go into their room, then I walk down the hall into my own room.

I open the door to our dormitory, where the girls are already moving their beds differently.

We established the tradition to move our beds in a different way every year.

Smiling, I think back to when it had all started in our first year:

~Lisa opens the door of the so-called 'First years' dorm. There are four similar twin beds standing in the room. All of them have blue bed curtains with bronze embroideries and the frames are wooden. The room has many windows and is brightly lit up. One girl is standing at one of the windows, looking outside and another girl is sitting next to her suitcase on the floor, crying. Lisa walks towards her and sits down.

"Hey, what's up?" The girl doesn't give her an answer and continues crying.

Lisa takes her arm to lay it around her and holds her quietly.

"My name is Lisa, what is yours?"


"Okay, Jennie, do you really not want to tell me what's up?"

"I am scared of heights... I didn't expect to come into Ravenclaw and have all the windows around, but now..."

Suddenly, the door of the room opens again and I walk in.

I immediately recognize the girl from the train is the one who stands looking out of the window. I have never met the two girls sitting on the floor, but my first impression isn't the best.

Too whiny.

I sit down on the bed where my suitcase is placed as Lisa's and Jennie's conversation continues.

"Oh no... That is bad. But I think there must be a reason why you are here right now. Maybe the other girls will help me figure out how we can help you."

After Jennie nods, the room stays silent.

The only thing we can hear is her sobbing.

Then Lisa jumps up.

"Hey girls. So, this is Jennie, and she is afraid of heights, so can we please all put our beds around hers?"

And so we all move to shift our beds around hers and shield her from the windows, leaving a soft and thankful smile on her lips.~

After that night we never talked again for a half year and I honestly thought we never would. Okay, Jennie and Lisa became best friends but neither Eliza nor I really had any close connection with them or each other.

Even though Jennie's fear of heights got less severe with every new year, on the first night at Hogwarts, we move our beds to a different position.

Tonight it seems to be a ziczac with me and Lisa on the outside and Jennie and Eliza on the inside.

I smile and put the bag which I had been holding in my hand on the floor and help my best friends move the rest of the beds and nightstands.

"I am so tired..." Eliza's voice tones through the room over the sound the beds make on the floor.

"Well, I slept on the train." Lisa smiled.

"Me too." Jennie added.

"I think we're done now." Eliza says, trying to change the topic.

I grin cheekily.

"I think so too. And by the way, I also slept on the train, because I don't have a needy boyfriend who has to have you doing... stuff... during the train ride to Hogwarts."

I shrug and sit down on my bed.

Offended, Eliza takes her bag and goes into our bathroom but not without slamming the door loudly.

Lisa, Jennie and I start laughing out loud immediately.

I start to undress and I put my prefect badge onto the nightstand.

"Oh, right you're a prefect now, I forgot to congratulate you!"

"Oh, thank you. But don't be so happy. I can remove points from you." I wink.

"Yes, and you can go into the prefect bathroom, I would think that must be a great place for you and your boyfriend, you know"

Jennie and Lisa start laughing. "Hey! I am not like that!"

"That's what she said...'' Jennie laughs even harder than before and Lisa falls down on her bed, holding her stomach.

Still laughing I hear her say: "Maybe Eliza should become a prefect."

Now all three of us collapse onto our beds, gasping for air because we are laughing so hard.

Eliza's face when she comes out of the bathroom is hilarious because she doesn't know at all what has been going on.

She just crawls onto her bed, closing her eyes and is obviously ready to sleep. "Guys, I am going to sleep. Good night."

We slowly stop laughing and Jennie goes into the bathroom. I sit up in my bed, pull a shirt out of my suitcase and undress. Then I put on my shirt, only wearing my panties underneath and I close my curtains.

"Good Night guys."

Then the light goes off and I fall into a dreamless sleep.

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