Just You and Us

By nancysue64

11.8K 557 132

Jungkook and Seokjin were childhood friends; they did everything together. Seokjin came from an abusive house... More

New Jinkook Story!
Teaser-Just You and Us
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

2.1K 96 31
By nancysue64

***Okay so here is the loooooong awaited update.  A few things I have developed since Chapter one.

Firstly-Jungkook is older than Seokjin in this story.

Secondly-Yoongi is the older followed by JK and then Seokjin.  

Thirdly-  JK's deceased aunt  is Tae and Jimin's mom. (That's JK's mother's side of the family not his father's side.)  They help and take of their grandmother who runs a fruit farm and small cafe.

Fourthly- JK is a second year medical resident at Seoul Metro Hospital.  For this story just go with it don't try to think logically. 

Fifthly-Hoseok is Seokjin's ex-boyfriend but they remain good friends and work together at a bakery run by Hoseok's stepmother.

LASTLY-Namjoon will appear in this story as a detective and close friend of the group of boys.  He also the boyfriend of Jimin.

Sooo enjoy this new update!!!***

Seokjin spend the better part of the next few days hiding out at his brother, Yoongi's apartment.  He didn't go anywhere.  He just stayed hidden in his room.  He came out occasionally to cook something for him or Yoongi but mainly stayed holed up in his room.

His father's assault on him left him shaken and embarrassed.  The bruise on his left eye was slowly healing as he checked himself out in the bathroom mirror for the millionth time.  It still hurt a bit when he pushed on it.  He was getting some vision back in that eye so no permenant damage thankfully was done to it.

His ribs still hurt and thankfully a trip to the hospital found that his wrist which he thought had broken was just a slight sprain.

He had Jungkook to thank or not to thank for that.  He didn't give Seokjin a chance the following morning after he moved into Yoongi's.  Seokjin dragged his feet but Jungkook wasn't having it.  He picked his best friend up and threw the protesting man over his shoulder and that's how they went to the hospital.

Only when they were a short distance from the hospital entrance did Seokjin plead with the younger to put him down.  He would walk the rest of the way in.  

Jungkook wasn't completely convinced that his best friend would actually go in so he walked just slightly behind him making sure he followed through much to Seokjin's annoyance.

He kept looking behind to see if Jungkook was still there and he always was.  

Seokjin grumbled something incoherent under his breath.  He trudged his way up to the desk and was immediately was taken back to an exam room

Jungkook obnoxiously went with him.  Brat.  There was no way out of this and Jungkook was going ot make sure.

Two hours later Seokjin was back at his brother's with Jungkook still right on his heels.  It was getting annoying.

They walked into the apartment in silence the only sound that could be heard was Jungkook grunting as he jumped over the couch and landed with a hard bounce.

Seokjin rolled his eyes.  Why wasn't this brat leaving?

"I know what you're thinking, Seok.  Why aren't I leaving?"  Jungkook bumused.

Seokjin sighed so deeply even Jungkook heard it.  He had irritated his best friend and his patience was wearing thin.  Jungkook chuckled.   

He loved seeing Seokjin all frazzled and irritated.  Made for a lot of fun teasing and ribbing.

"How did you know I was thinking that?"  Seokjin asked.

Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle again.  Seokjin had his fists clenched into tight balls and he didn't even realize it.

The younger got up and walked into the kitchen where Seokjin was frozen in place.  

Jungkook took ahold of the younger's shoulders and squeezed them.  Seokjin was tense.  His eyes were black and Jungkook almost thought he could see smoke fuming from his mouth if that were even a possible thing to do.

Jungkook leveled him a close stare, too close but Seokjin just stayed still.  "Cause I know you, Seok.  You're my best friend.  We've known each other since we were kids.  I know you better than anyone.  See how your body language is?  You're stiff as a board, you got your fists balled up and smoke is coming out of your ears.   Haha."  Jungkook slapped his thigh in hilarity.

"I do NOT have smoke coming out of my ears.  I am perfectly fine, Kook.  I don't need a babysitter.  Why don't you go to the hospital or the gym or something.  You're literally up my ass and-"

Seokjin put his hand up when Jungkook opened his mouth to make a joke.  Jungkook immediately shut it .  

"Don't even say it.  Keep that mouth shut and go on your way now.  I'm perfectly fine.  In fact I'm going back to work tomorrow so quit hovering over me."

"Tsk tsk, Seok ah."  Jungkook clicked his tongue but dropped it.  Instead his mouth turned up into a giant smile and his eyes disappeared.

Seokjin knew that look.  That was the look Jungkook would give him when he wanted something.  Normally it was food or a favor.

"Which is it, Kook?  Food or a favor?  I know that look.  I'd wish you'd stop giving me that look and just ask the damn question."  Seokjin snorted.

Jungkook bottom lip stuck out in a pathetic attempt to pout at his best friend.  His brows furrowed and his eyes had a sad look in them.

Seokjin rolled his own eyes.  Why did his best friend always have to act like this.

"Alright, alright.  I'll make you something quick then you need to leave.  Okay?"

Jungkook's eyes lit up and he smacked his hands together.  His eyes crinkled into the cutest smile and even his nose scrunched like a bunny showing his pearly white teeth.

Seokjin actually laughed.  He couldn't hold it in.  Jungkook acted like such a kid sometimes even though he was older then Seokjin.  Not by much but still Jungkook never failed to remind that he was older and yet he acted like such childish baby sometimes to get Seokjin's attention.

Seokjin sat alone drinking his lavender tea after Jungkook left.

The apartment was quiet save for the ticking clock on the wall.  To some it was an annoying sound but to Seokjin it was calming.  Usually when he was at his dad's house the tv would be blaring downstairs in the living room, his dad would be cussing at it or arguing with someone on the phone and more often than not he'd be yelling at Seokjin.

Yoongi owned a nightclub and worked there 12-16 hours a day sometimes not even coming home which Seokjin understood.  You had to be there to run the place properly.  

Jungkook worked there at night when he wasn't at the hospital.  He was just starting his 2nd year residency at Seoul Medical Centre.  

(A/N: I know medical from beginning to end is like 10 plus years but Jungkook is super smart and graduated high school young, college young and medical school.  For this story don't try to think too logically.   It's just how it happened for this story.  Enjoy.)

Jungkook tried to hide the fact that he was super smart and played himself off as a slacker and just got lucky to get where he was.  His cousins, Jimin and Tae always ribbed him but they lowkey were proud of him knowing how hard he worked and how much he was doing this for his mother so she could quit her house keeping job for good.

His phone buzzed in his pocket.  Seokjin pulled out of his pocket and looked at the screen it was Jungkook texting him.

JK: Hey, Seok ah.  You might wanna tell Yoongi hyung that I won't be able to work as much as at the nightclub.  One of the interns on my team quit and they dropped her caseload on me.  Only good thing that comes from this is the pay is pretty decent now.  In another six months I'm gonna make Mom quit her job so I can take care of her.  Anyways, I'm rambling but let Yoongi hyung know.

SJ: I'm proud of you, Kook.   Stick with it.  Yoongi will understand.

JK:  Don't you go spreading that around.  I have an image to uphold, you know.

SJ:  What?  That you're a hard worker who loves his mother?

JK: Shhh!!  I said stop that.  I don't want the guys to start giving me shit about it.

SJ:  They already do, Kook.  They're so damn proud of you for busting your ass and making it this far.

JK:  Mom has had so hard since Dad left her and remarried that whore he cheated on her with.  I want to bust his teeth in.  Mom worked so hard to help Dad rise up in his compnay only to turn around and dump her cause she wasn't young and pretty to him anymore.

Jungkook's dad was a sore spot he didn't like talking about much.

SJ: I know, Kook.  

Seokjin wanted to say more but held his tongue.  He didn't want to get his best friend all riled up.

JK:  Karma will get those two.  If I learned anything from you, Seok ah it is to let the sleeping dog lie.  As much as I wanted to beat his ass, they will get theirs in the end.

SJ: I know, Kook.  They will get what they deserve.

JK;   Actually it's kind of funny.  I heard through the grapevine that his whore couldn't give him a child.  Then I hear she just recently gave birth to a daughter and her in laws are irate that it wasn't a son.

SJ:  See.  Karma is already working, Kook.

JK:  Yeah I know.  I do feel bad for my baby sister though.  She'll probably get dumped on a nanny to raise her.  Lord knows neither my dad or his whore are very maternal.

SJ: Just focus on your work, Kook. I'll let Yoongi know.

JK:  Right.  Ugh.  Who's calling me.  Hang on a sec.

SJ:  Okay.

Jungkook came back and texted a few minutes later.

JK:  It was the hospital.  I have to pull a double tonight.  Ugh sometimes it just sucks but it is what it is.  I'll talk to you laer, Seok ah.

SJ:  See you later, Kook.

Seokjin put his phone down only for it to ring this time.  He grumbled but picked up the phone to see who was calling. It was a number he hadn't heard from in two years.

It was the Seoul Metro Police Department.

Detective Jae.

"Hello?" Seokjin asked carefully.  He waited.  It was nerve wrecking.

"Is this Mr. Kim Seokjin?"  The detective asked.

"Yes it is."

"Ahh, good.  This is Detective Jae with the Seoul-"

Seokjin was too anxious and unintentionally cut off the dective before he could finish speaking.

"Is this about my mom's case?"

"Ah.  Yeah it is actually, Mr. Kim.  We've actually had a break in the case and need you to come to the station."

"I'm on my way, detective."

Seokjin didn't waste anymore time and grabbed his jacket and phone and was out the door like lightening.

He hailed a cab and asked the cab driver to get to the police station quickly as possible.


Seoul Metro Police Prescinct 10

Seokjin rushed through the doors of the police station and searched for the detective earnestly.

"Mr. Kim." came the deep voice from behind Seokjin.

He whirled around to face the man that had been in charge of his mother's case two years ago.  He was a short yet stout man, brownish hair that parted down the middle, wire rimmed glasses and a hard look about him like he had seen his fair share of rough shit on the police force.

He motioned Seokjin to followed him to his desk and he sat across from Seokjin while looking through a manilla folder, flipping the pages and going back and forth on things.

He put the folder down and looked at Seokjin.  He gave a half sort of smile if it could even be called that, let out a deep breath then spoke.

"We've had a break in your mother's case.  In fact the nature of her death as changed from suicide to homicide.  We have a witness that gave new information."

Seokjjin felt his body fall back in his seat and he too let out a long winded breath.  He put his hand on his heart to steady his breathing.  He felt relieved.  His mother's death wasn't a suicide and yet she was murdered didn't sit well with him.  He knew who was responsible but he had to build his own case against the man, his father before taking it to police.

"Who is the witness?"

The detective rubbed his chin in a nervous habit then looked back through his folder only to drop the folder down on the desk.

"We don't know.   The person wanted to remain anon.  His voice was always disguised so we couldnt tell if it was male or female.  The person gave details only the police knew and gave new information that we didn't know but were able to confirm.  A cctv tape was also delivered to us this morning and the person on the phone said that he or she had it delivered to prove it's authincity."

"This is really a big break, detective."

"Yes it is a start.  The tape is grainy i'm afraid but you described what you're mother was wearing that night and this tape showed her and another person who would couldn't identify agruing.   It appears he beat her pretty badly.  Then threw her over the railing of the bridge to her death.    There is no audio unforunately.   But I made the call to the medical examiner and he changed cause of death to homicide.  This is a good thing and yet it is not.  I'm so sorry we didn't believe you, Mr. Kim.  My team and I will not quit till we bring her killer to justice so your mother can rest in peace."

Seokjin just sat there.  He didn't know what to say.  He knew his mother had been murdered.  He knew it all along and yet the police never believed him.  He wanted to scream at them, hit them, shake them for not listening but that wouldn't solve anything.

All he could do was nod.

That worried the detective.  He rushed off and got Seokjin a cup of coffee and handed the steaming cup to the weary Seokjin.

Seokjin accepted it and mulled over this new information.  He blew on the hot liquid before he took a tiny sip.  It was hot but it was soothing too.  He closed his eyes and let the tiny comfort calm him down some more.

"I appreciate you not giving up on the case even after two years have past, detective."

"It's an open and active case again, Mr. Kim.  Just to let you know I never closed the case out.  It always bothered me so I kept my eyes on it and followed up on leads regardless of the status of her case."

That brought Seokjin some measure of comfort even more.   He gave the detective a weary smile and nodded.  He was growing tired and wanted to get home.  He had been at the police station for hours now.

"I will call you, Mr. Kim with any new updates.  I promise you that."

Seokjin believed the older man.  He shook the detective's hand.

"Let one of my officers give you lift home.  It's the least we can do, please don't say no."

Seokjin didn't feel like arguing so he allowed himself to be ushered out of the police station and into a squad car.   

The young officer made small talk and was polite to Seokjin on the ride home.  He let Seokjin out and waited till he was into his building.


Seokjin beeped himself into Yoongi's apartment.  

The lights were on and Seokjin heard the shower going.  It must be Yoongi.  He quickly changed into his comfy clothes, relaxed pair of blue jeans and black fitted tee shirt.  He set about making dinner.

The door to the bathroom opened but Yoongi wasn't the one to come out.  It was a good looking young man with blonde hair that fell just below his ears, thin face, piercing blue eyes, lean frame and muscly.  The gorgeous man wasn't wearing a shirt just a thin wisp of a towel sitting low on his lean hips with water droplets cascading down his washboard stomach.   Seokjin's jaw dropped and he actually felt himself drool.  

Seokjin lips his thick lips.  The man was gorgeous.   That much was clear.

He saw Seokjin and gave him a lazy smile.  More commotion behind the gorgeous man and out popped Yoongi. He too was covered only by a thin towel around his waist.  He met Seokjin's eyes and he sheepishly turned his head away.  He shooed the good looking man down the hallway to his room.

Yoongi came back and uttered just a few words to the shocked Seokjin.

"Not a word, Seok ah."  Yoongi raced back down the hall and slammed his bedroom door shut.

Seokjin actually snickered.  He fell into the kitchen chair and kept snickering till the laughing fit stopped.  Yoongi got lucky.  Very lucky.  The man was gorgeous.

Seokjin gathered himself together putting the incident behind him to fix dinner whether Yoongi was going to stay or not he'd make enough for both of them.

A short time later the gorgeous man made his way into the kitchen area where Seokjin was almost done preparing dinner.  He gave the good looking man a smile and motioned for him to sit down at the table.

The good looking man shook his head, bowed politely at Seokjin and made his exit from Yoongi's apartment.

Yoongi shuffled his way into the kitchen, his eyes wouldn't meet Seokjin cause he knew the look Seokjin was giving him.  He felt like Seokjin's penetrating eyes just boring into his daring him to make eye contact.

Yoongi turned towards the sink and drank a cup of water from start to finish.  He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and turned towards the dinner table.  Seokjin was still standing there with an obnoxious smile on his face, one that Yoongi wanted to wipe clear off his face.

"Enough, Seok."  Yoongi warned.

Seokjin snickered with his mouth closed.  He found this siutation amusing.

"He's just a friend.  That's all.  End of story.  Now can we eat?"  

"Oh, he definately looks like more than a friend, hyung."  

Yoongi choked on his rice when Seokjin made that statement.

"Shut it, Seok.  Seriously.  Just shut it."  Yoongi growled.  His tone dark and serious but to Seokjin he didn't see it as intimidating.  He pushed on.

"More like fuc-"  Seokjin got caught off by  Yoongi's loud roar.

Seokjin bit his bottom lip to stifle the giggle he was holding back.

"Fine."  Yoongi finally admitted defeat.  "He's a regular at the club.  I was running the bar while Sybin took a break.  We got to chatting and he bought me a few shots of something strong.  We ended up here and well you saw the rest.  THAT'S all I'm going to tell you."

"Well, big brother got laid.  Haha.  Good choice by the way.  The man is gorgeous."  Seokjin leaned in closer to his brother expressing his delight in Yoongi's uncomfortable situation.

"Yeah, well..."  Yoongi's voice trailed off.

"What's his name?"  Seokjin asked curiously.

Yoongi fiddled with his chopsticks, tapping them insistently on the table.

"Lee something."  Yoongi muttered under his breath but Seokjin heard him.

"You don't remember his name?"  Seokjin asked.

"Enough, Seok.  I'm tired.  It's late and I'm taking my ass to bed."  Yoongi picked up his plates and put them in the sink.

"I imagine you are, hyung."  Seokjin bit back a giggle and didn't try to hide.  It iritated Yoongi even more.  Seokjin was doing it on purpose and Yoongi was about to lose his cool

Yoongi instead ignored it and left the kitchen without saying another word.


Later that evening.

Seokjin got up to go to the bathroom and heard what he thought was a knock on the front door as he exited the bathroom.

He listened again and there it was just the tiniest of knocks that he almost missed it .

He walked up to the door and put his ear to it.

"Who is it?"  He asked.

"Seoooookie.  It's Kooook.  L-let me in."  Jungkook slurred from the other side of the door.

He sounded drunk.  Why was Jungkook drunk.  Seokjin didn't think twice and opened the door, Jungkook literally fell into Seokjin's arms and Seokjin couldn't hold Kook's weight.  Both men fell backwards and landed on the floor hard.

Seokjin grunted and Jungkook hiccuped then groaned. He rolled off of Seokjin and stood up.  The room swayed back and forth.  Jungkook giggled.  He felt like he was on a merry go round.

 Seokjin went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water but Jungkook was right there leaning into him, pressing his body against Seokjin's.  HIs long arms around the younger's waist and leaning his head on his broad shoulders.

Seokjin tried to push Kook off his but the older was persistant and held fast to Seokjin.  He wrapped his arms tighter around Seokjin's waist and bured his face in Seokjin's neck.  His hot breath tickling Seokjin's neck.

Seokjin froze.   He wasn't sure what to do.  He had never had a situation or encounter with Jungkook like this before.    Sure they tease and flirt and rib each other but it never went any further than that.

Now Jungkook had his body pressed very intimately against Seokjin's.   

Seokjin felt something hard pushing against his ass.  Fuck if Kook wasn't hard, being too handsy and most of all which was the worst, drunker than shit.

So why wasn't Seokjin moving him away from him?  Did it feel oddly good?  Was he in shock and didn't want to move? 

Jungkook didn't seem to notice Seokjin's indecision or his failure to right the situation before it got out of hand.  

Seokjin was thinking too hard.  Too much.  Sometihng warm and wet connected with Seokjin's skin and the feeling was moving up and down Seokjin's body.

Jungkook.  He was kissing his way up Seokjin's neck, getting close to his sensitive spot behind his ear.  Jungkook's hands slipped under Seokjin's tee shirt and felt around his soft stomach, fingering tickling and grazing their way down dangerously close  to Seokjin's crotch.

Jungkook breathed heavy in Seokjin's ear, his tongue playing with the soft shell and his teeth nipping at the fleshy earlobe.

Seokjin's eyes rolled to that back of his head.  All common sense was flying out the window fast.  Jungkook was working his body up into a heated, hard mess.

"Mmmm....Seokie like t-that...."  Jungkook purred in Seokjin's ear.  He bucked his hips into Seokjin's behind and Seokjin bit down hard on his lip to keep from making any noise.

This was ludicrious.  This was crazy.  This was Jungkook.  His best friend.  

Seokjin put his hands on Jungkook to move them away from his body but he found that he was having difficulty getting the older Jungkook to snap out of his drunken lustful haze.

"Koook...."  Seokjin had meant to say his name more forcefully but it came out like a long winded whine instead.

"Seoookie....."  Jungkook muttered back in the sa me tone then turned his head and sucked on the back of the younger's neck.  His voice so close to him, so intimate.  It made Seokjin shiver.

His lips made a slurping smacking sound as the older sucked hard on the skin.

Seokjin tried to steel himself.  Jungkook's lips and hands were doing sinful things to his body and making him feel things he didn't want to.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion.  It was quiet save for their heaving breathing.  Jungkook's lips sucking on his skin.  

In an instant though Seokjin was whirled around to face Jungkook.  His eyes were dilated and glaze over with obvious lust.  His cheeks were a pinkish hue and he had lazy smile plastered on his face.

Jungkook pulled Seokjin flush against his body and the younger had to keep himself from whining at the electric feeling.  Jungkook was so hard and pressing against Seokjin's belly.  Seokjin nearly swooned.

Jungkook leaned into Seokjin's personal space and his lips just a breath away from Seokjin's.  He kept staring at the thick muscle.  Seokjin licked them and Jungkook's nostrils flared.  He licked his own in such a lewd manner.

Seokjin gulped.

When the older locked eyes with Seokjin again they were black as the midnite sky.  

"Kisssss..." Jungkook slurred out.

Seokjin heard it.  He couldn't believe but he heard it none the less.

Jungkook was going to kiss him.

Seokjin wasn't sure what to do.  He couldn't break the brutal hold the older Jungkook had around his waist.

He never thought he'd ever encounter like this.

His heart was beating wildly in his chest, his palms were sweaty and his own body felt so hot.   Seokjin was scared and internally anxious.  

His voice of reason told him to stop.  To turn his head away.  To not let the older's lips connect with his because once that happened Seokjin wasn't so sure he'd stop Jungkook.

Instead of fighting a losing battle against Jungkook.  Seokjin closed his eyes and waited with bated breathe for kiss to happen.

He could feel the older's breath on his face.  His skin tingled as he got closer.

This was crazy.  This was it.

Jungkook, his best friend was going to kiss him and there was no turning back.

End of Chapter 2.

Next Chapter:  Jungkook wakes up next to Seokjin.  Yoongi learns his mother's case is active again.  Seokjin goes back to work and Hoseok helps him.  Jungkook treats an unexpected patient at the hospital.  

The long awaited 2nd chapter.  I hope it was good!!  


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