
By CahdejahVaughn

217 32 16

Don't copy my book!?!?!!? More

Characters !?!?
The Nerve
How Could You?
How could you .2
Apologize Not Accepted!!!

Another Day - _-

63 4 0
By CahdejahVaughn

   I walk into school like I didn't care. I really don't. I'm in the sophomore year in high school. My school is just a bunch of teachers who wish they can get all that retiring money. So they mess with kids for no reason until they get what they want. Anyways, my first hour is science and my teacher be  talk to much. I wish she would  take me off honor roll. " Hey, lay layyy" carrying the extra two 'y' s. "Hey neylee". As she comes to sit by me." Girl why does this teacher talk so much". " Right. And she wonder why we don't finish are test plus work." We both laugh out loud. " Be quiet girls you guys are  Always talkin ". the teacher said. Neylee tried to hold back but burst out with words instead. " Girly, you must be jokin because last time I  checked you telling us about how your car broke down at your house, all hour". At that the bell ringed. And everybody start to laugh. Including me. She just sat their daydreaming. I got up and went to my next class.

2 hours later..... 

Lunch hour ******

" You was mad rude to ole dude". Neylee said. " All he want is what you know".  I give her  the "stupid look". " You right, you right. " Me and neylee have been Best friends sense 1st grade. She lives with her dad because her mom is to busy with her own life. Neylee's dad is a owner and manger of this one store. Surprisingly, he be makin hecka bank. " Hey my baby ". Neylee said to her boyfriend Elek . " Hey baby girl". and hugged each other.  "Whatsup with ya layna" Elek said. "nun just school and your inoring girlfriend". With a smirk on my face because I knew Neylee was going to bust out laughing. I finish up my zebra cake and barbaque chips with my favorite blue kool aid juice. When I felt a strong stare at me. I look up and saw Neylee giving me the ' girl what you talk bout' face. " WHAT". I said. " girl bye what you talk about". " I'm just sayin". " Bye bestie".

Right when I got home i took my shoe's off and clean up the house. My mom is " working" . She say that but i think it is a different story.  My dad is some were to be found. Bascially i have this apartment to my self and i am fine with that. I when't into my room and look at my self in the mirror. " Girl you fine." i said to myself out loud. Lowkey my outfit was bomb......


I was bored so  I decide to do homework then call my bestie up. She said for me to call here at 4 because she is about to take a nap so i did the same cause it was a slow day. I fell asleep watching 'Stranger Things' and woke up at 3:48. I went downstairs and went to the refrigerator.   i was suprised when i saw food. Mom usually leave everything i need on wendesday but today was tuesday. I keep  a glock by the door because i live were thing aren't sunshine and rainbows. i made me a salad and poured some juice. I finish up  and was the dishes. it's now 3:58 so i called Neylee. After 3 rings she picked up. " Hey boo boo."  " Hey you just woke up".  '' yup, what you want to do." " Want to go get some chick-fli-lay." " sure''. And by that he hanged up and i got ready. i clean my room and put some make up on. 

When i came downstairs i  heard my best friend louds voice saying" girllll. We look like baddy's." It wasn't hard to say but we were lookin like  we going to a party. She had on all pink and pink and black nikes. We hopped in her gray jeep. she worked the whole summer for it cause her dad didn't let her get his car. For about ten minutes we listen to music boping back and forth. we  walk to the counter and there was really nobody here. So we didn't have to wait 25 minutes. we order and went to go play basketball.  Me and my best friend have been playing for years. When we play Elek comes to plsy with his homies. But today he bought a new person......

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