Heartbeat - Yoonminseok

By SeonghwasLight

79.4K 3.3K 409

Jimin is great friends with the Yoonseok couple, and can't help to feel something more. At some point Jimin f... More

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2K 103 4
By SeonghwasLight

Jimin POV:
Today is the day. The day Jackson's and ours marriage will be over. I've been so anxious for this day since I don't know what will be the outcome. Jackson and I will be disclosing what I and him will take of course his parents are still fighting to take Jiwoo away but my lawyer promised me that won't happen for now.

"Oh Jimin you're up early." Hoseok says as he walks in the kitchen with Jiwoo in his hands. Hoseok has been in a habit to take Jiwoo from me and have her laying in between Yoongi and him. He makes excuses on why he does so such as he was cold, lonely, or wanted a child for a long time but Yoongi won't allow him.

I smile and motion to the food I was cooking. Hoseok smiles and sits at the dining table, watching me cook.

"I'm so glad you're cooking. I don't think I could have the motivation to cook at this point. I'm so tired from practices." He whines as he plays with Jiwoo.

"Good thing you have me." I said with a smile as I place a plate full of food in front of him.

Shortly after Yoongi walks in all tired and grumpy. I also placed a plate full of food in front of him, stating quiet knowing he doesn't like talking to anyone in the mornings. I then sat down myself and began to eat.

"So today is the day?" Hoseok says, interrupting the silence. I nod as I take a bite of my waffle, "are you anxious? You know I had a friend who recently got a divorce she said she was anxious in the beginning but by the end she felt so calm."

"I am anxious and I'm not sure if I will be calm by the end. I mean his parents still want Jiwoo from me." I said with a frown. Hoseok gives me a sad smile, knowing how stressed I was.

Yoongi sighs and speaks up, "I don't think they will take her. Trust me after all they've done to you I'm sure karma will come biting their asses." This made us all laugh, calming my anxiety a little.

"So what are you planning on keeping?" Hoseok asks.

"I just want Jiwoo, but Jackson insist I keep some of our stuff. But I honestly don't want any of it." I said knowing the stuff will give me flashbacks to a bad time in my life.

"I understand anyway Yoongi and I should be leaving we have a big performance to do later today on a award show." Hoseok says as he hands me Jiwoo who was playing with her tongue.

"Who's gonna babysit Jiwoo while you finalize the divorce?" Yoongi asks as he puts his shoes on.

"Oh Hongjoong will do it." I said as I take a bite of my food again.

Yoongi and Hoseok raises and eyebrow in confusion on who Seonghwa was, "who now?"

"Oh my boss, he is super nice and I didn't even need to he simply offered." I said with a smile, not noticing their expressions.

"Oh okay... uh see ya later today." Hoseok says and he grabs Yoongi's hands and leave the house.

Four Hours Later:

I stood in front of the building where Jackson and I will finalize the divorce at. I sigh knowing this is the turning point of my life.

I head inside and make it to the room where Jackson and his lawyer sat at, and where my lawyer was already there sitting as they wait for me. I walk in and smile, apologizing for them having to wait for me.

"Hello Jimin please address me as Mr. Kim I will be Jackson's lawyer during this process." An older man says as he shakes my hand. I bow as I shake his hand and sit down next to my lawyer.

My lawyer begins to speak afterwards, "Now the introductions have been made please both of you discuss what will go to who and we will make some papers and have you guys sign them." He explains and we all nod.

After discussing who will get what we finally made an agreement of me keeping Jiwoo to myself, but made sure it can keep it open for a change later on when we think it's the best time to do so. Jackson kept most of the things between us, but I got the car which I was happy for because I needed a transportation.

"Okay since thats been taken care of we just need you guys to sign these papers and then you're finally divorced." My lawyer speaks out as he hands us both papers.

We signed and said our goodbyes. I'm finally free I say to myself as I leave the building. I guess Hoseok was right I do feel calm.

As I left the building I noticed a group of people standing there, all of them being very familiar.

"Oh my god why are you guys here?" I asked as I see my friends there with smiles.

Taehyung speaks up, "well today is a new start for you and so we decided to celebrate with a feast tonight at our favorite restaurant!" He says with a smile. Everyone nods making me smile.

"Thanks guys but what about Jiwoo?" I asked and Hoseok and Yoongi appears with Jiwoo in their arms.

"We got Jin to grab her from Hangjoong whoever dude for us." They said and I smile.

"Let's eat!!" I said and we all laughed as we head to our favorite restaurant.

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