Siamese (Hunter X Hunter)

By starysailor

198K 6.4K 1.4K

Ever since Illumi and his twin Ayami had gone to the Furukawa mansion things changed. Her disappearance led... More

Always X Always
Our X Mission
Losing X You
Torture X Torture
Five X Years X Later
Back X Home
No X Change
Odd X And X Different
Rivals X In X Survival (Basically the start to the anime)
Hope X And X Ambition(the first part)
Hope X And X Ambition(part two)
Hisoka X Is So X Sneaky
A X Surprising X Challenge
Showdown X On The X Airship
Decition X By X Majority?
Trick X To The X Trick
Trouble X With The X Gamble!
Last X Test Of X Resolve
Hit X The X Target
Explosion X Of X Deception
Defeat X And X Disgrace
Trap X In The X Hole
Big X Time X Interview
Can't Win X And X Can't Lose
Baffling X Turn Of X Events
Some X Sibling X Trouble
A X Dangerous X Watchdog
The X Doctor's X Duty
The X Doctor's X Duty (Part Two)
The X Zoldyck X Family
Can't See X If X You're Blind
Arrival X At The X Arena

Beware X Of X Prisoners

4.8K 150 23
By starysailor

Fearsome monsters... Exotic creatures... Vast riches... Hidden treasures... Evil enclaves... Unexplored lands... The world "unknown" holds magic. And some incredible people are drawn to that magic. They are known... as Hunters!

The Third Phase of the exam is taking place at Trick Tower, a prison for long-term prisoners. Ayami, Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and Tonpa have chosen to partake in a battle with some of the prisoners. Due to Tonpa's actions, they've already suffered one loss. The next round, will be Gon against Sedokan.

"Now then... As you can see, I'm not very strong. I don't really enjoy fistfights or other physical activities such as running and jumping." Sedokan started saying.

"I do. But I'm not good at using my head." Gon answered honestly.

"As I thought. So I came up with a simple game we can both play."

"A game?"

"Yes. It doesn't rely on either mental or physical activity."

"What kind of game?"

Sedokan pulled out candles from his pockets. "We each light a candle at the same time. The person whose candle goes out first will be the loser. What do you think?"

"Yeah! That's easy to understand. Let's go with that." Gon said cheerfully. Ayami looked at him with interest. Why does Killua find him so interesting when he's so predictable? But, he is quite charming in his own way I suppose.

"Okay. In that case... decide which candle you want to use." Sedokan said holding up to different sizes, one short and the other long. "Press O for the long one, or X for the short one. This will be determined by majority rule."

"We have to choose one? This is a trap." Leorio said suspicious of the prisoner.

"Normally, you'd choose the long one, so he might have tampered with the long one..." He said pointed out to the group.

"That would be the safe assumption. But it might be a trick, and he's actually tampered with the short one." Kurapika argued.

"When you put it like that..." Leorio retorted.

"Yes. There is no end..." Kurapika said looking at Ayami who kept on staring at Gon. "What do you think Tsukiko?"

"I think... Either way, the prisoner will have the upper hand and might have the advantage of the situation by having a safe option in his pockets if they've been tampered with. He might simply switch them out when he gives a candle to Gon. In truth, there's no way knowing what he will do to win." She said while looking at the man. She knew it was safe to assume he had a backup version of the candle Gon doesn't choose to guarantee another win.

"This is resulting into a real dilemma. Any hesitation because of this suspicion could make us choose wrong." Kurapika added.

"Take your time. This may be majority rule but you're free to discuss it just like when you were deciding who'd go last. We have plenty of time." Sedokan said sitting down glad he could make them stall.

"Hmm. Hey, which one should I choose?" Gon asked turning around to face the others.

"Damn... Which one should we take?" Leorio said growing impatient. Things grew quiet as no one was able to talk.

"Gon! You decide! We'll abide by your decision. Choose the one you think is the best." Kurapika yelled out breaking the silence.

"Are you sure about this?" Killua asked. "He never thinks anything through."

"Instead of wasting time fretting over what to do, let's rely on Gon's instincts." Kurapika stated.

"Instincts, huh..." Killua said looking back at Gon.

"I get to choose? Okay! Then I choose the long one!" Gon yelled.

"You want the long candle?" Sedokan asked him.

"Because the longer candle will burn a longer time!" Gon said making the others worry again.

"Er, he's just taking it at face value?" Leorio said twisting at his words. Ayami was just as shocked at his decision. Surely, he thought some of the possibilities through?

"I knew he wouldn't think this through." Killua said throwing his hands behind his head.

"Well, that's that." Kurapika said pressing the O button.

"It's not like we can figure out which ones the trap." Leorio said while everyone chose the O button.

"Okay. You get the long one. I'll take the short one." Sedokan said throwing the candle at Gon. Two of the four torches lowered down for them to lighten their candles. "Now we light our candles together."

"Normally, how long would it take that candle to burn down?" Killua asked looking down at his stopwatch.

"Five to six hours?"

A sudden strong wind blew from below making the candles fire blow around. Gon was quick to shield it from the wind. "Whoa... That was close."

"A harsh wind coming from below. That means we should watch our step... no time to relax, huh..." Leorio said worried. They drew their attention towards the middle where seemingly nothing was happening.

Sedokan laughed when he looked at Gon.

"If you don't pay attention, your candle will go out." He said at Gon who kept looking up.

"That's because your planning on doing something bad. Otherwise, your candle would go out first." Gon argued holding his flame steady.

"I won't do anything. After all, I've already taken steps..." Sedokan sneakily said before Gon's flame suddenly became bigger and raging burning down a lot faster. "See?"

"Hey! Look at Gon's candle!" Leorio said pointing out the large flame. "The flame suddenly became stronger!"

"He must have hidden gunpowder or some other highly flammable substance inside, to make the candle burn faster!" Kurapika said worrying about the amount of wax the candle had melted to the floor.

"It's oil... The candle must have had some flammable oil on it making it melt that way." Ayami said looking at Kurapika and back at Gon who struggled to hold his candle.

"H-hot..." Gon muttered as the candle's surface shrunk from melting.

"At this rate, his candle will only last another two or three minutes. Damn..." Killua said looking at the size it had gotten.

"Hey! That was dirty! I knew you tampered with the long candle!" Leorio yelled cupping his hands near his mouth to be louder.

Heh, you're wrong. I had four candles prepared. The dilemma you faced was mere camouflage for the actual trap just like that girl suggested. You were given the impression that only one of the candle had been interfered with. The choices were so uneven, you didn't consider the possibility that both had been. All except for the girl, she's quick to notice the outcomes. This could be troublesome when we get to her but nothing we can't handle. Sedokan thought while he grinned at the worried Gon. Then, something happened that no one really expected from either side. Gon started smiling and laughing at Sedokan.

"If the fire is stronger," he said while putting the raging candle down, "then a little breeze won't extinguish it."

Brilliant. Ayami thought noticeably impressed at the boys quick problem solving.

Gon rushed to a shocked Sedokan. "He's fast!" He said as Gon reached him in seconds only inches apart from him. Gon blew out the candle in Sedokan's hand and stared back at his still lit one on the ground.

"I win!" He said smiling at everyone.

"Oh, he has a real spring to his step. And the ability to take advantage of a bad situation. I'm impressed by this boy." Lippo said eating some of his cookies watching the screens.

"Yay, I won!" Gon said while walking backing to the others.

"Good job, Gon! Now we have a win. Once Kurapika, Killua, and I win, we can advance!" Leorio said accidentally leaving out Ayami. She wasn't to bothered since she knew she was just a way for them to win if one of them had lost. They still had no idea of her connection to Hisoka or Gittarackur but they rather have her as a living ally if she wasn't as strong as she led them to believe instead of having the other two blame them for her not passing or even dying.

Back on the prisoners side, none of them were happy with the results of the last fight. "Hmph. You fool."

"That's the results of reliance on tools and cheap tricks." A blue hooded figure told Sedokan as he grumpily sat down not saying anything.

"If you want to fool someone, you have to sacrifice a bit. Just watch." The hooded figure continued. His cuffs fell to the ground making his way to the middle.

"All right. I'll go next." Kurapika said stepping up. They both made their way to the middle making the path to them disappear back leaving no exit. The hooded figure took off his hood revealing himself shocking everyone because of his appearance. He was a big blue muscular guy with little hearts on his chest. His face, to dat the least was ugly according to almost everyone's thoughts.

"I'm Majitani and I'm next!" Majitani, the blue muscular man said laughing. He was a prisoner with an 108-year sentence for for multiple crimes, including fraud and blackmail.

"That's one freaky body..."Leorio muttered.

"And face..." Killua and Ayami said both at the same time.

"Stop that!" Killua pouted like a little kid.

"Stop what?" Ayami said grinning playfully making him giggle a bit before turning back. Happiness filled her because this reminded her so much of the past and how they'd say the same things when he was little before her kidnapping. She sometimes thought they shared more characteristics than her actual twin. She sighed in content as they focused there attention back to the two in the middle.

"See this?" The blue man pointed at the hearts on his chest. "Ive killed nineteen people, but it bugs me that nineteen is such an uneven number. I'm so glad I've gotten to meet number twenty."

Majitani laughed maniacally. Leorio looked at the strange blue man. "Great. Now we have a serial killer?"

"I insist that we put our lives on the line. I won't accept some half-assed contest. Entrails! Agony!" Majitani laughed trying to be intimidating. Well? You must be scared now...

"Very well."

"Huh?" He stopped laughing and couldn't believe the blonde boy standing in front of him.

"You can decide how we settle this contest. I'll agree to your choice." Kurapika said rather calmly.

"O-Oh... You've got balls." Majitani was surprised that his tactic didn't work. Hmph... I know you're quaking in your boots. How long will you maintain the tough guy act?

"In that case, I also propose a death match, where we fight until one of us surrenders or dies. However, don't expect me to stop when you surrender and beg me to stop." Well...Surely you're scared stiff now? He thought laughing.

"Very well. I accept." Kurapika answered again making the man stop laughing once again. Kurapika took his blue tabard piece off only to be in white training clothes. "Let us begin."

Is he an idiot? Didn't he hear what I said? We're fighting to the death! Wait, he should've been scared once he saw me. "Hold on. I forgot to mention something. No weapons allowed. We'll beat each other to death with our fists. After all, while I may be hired as an examiner, I'm still a prisoner. I'm not allowed to carry weapons."

"I see. I understand." Kurapika took out some wooden nunchucks from his pocket throwing them aside on top of his blue tabard. "Anything else? If not, I'd like to get started."

"Huh?" That little bastard... He had a concealed weapon! That was close. However, it appears he doesn't rely on it. He's that confident in his fighting ability. No that doesn't seem to be the case. Hmph, maybe he wants to run, but he can't in front of his friends. Or he's so stupid, he can't even imagine how scary I am? Yes! That must be it... Well, in that case, I have a couple of cards up my sleeve for dealing with such fools. Majitani started to bulge his muscles showing off.

"Hey, now. Is Kurapika gonna be okay? This guy looks dangerous." Leorio asked at the scene blue man getting ready.

In what way does he look dangerous? As far as I can tell, this guys just a blowhard who doesn't have the guts to hit anyone, let alone kill anyone. I'm sure Tsukiko thinks the same. Killua thought to himself putting his arms behind his back to see her roll her eyes at the display.

"You don't need to worry." Gon said crossing his arms.

"Huh?" Killua turned to him.

"Why not?" Leorio said looking down at Gon.

"Because when I look at him, I don't get chills." He answered.

"What does that mean?" Leorio said bending down at the small kid. He didn't answer again but Killua and Ayami looked at him and smiled knowing he thought the same thing that the blue man was a bluff.

"Time to show you the ace up my sleeve! I see you dead!" Majitani said jumping high into the sky approaching Kurapika.

"Here he comes!" Leorio yelled. Majitani came to where Kurapika was standing trying to punch him but missed when he moved so instead he ended up punching a hole through the ground.

"Wow..." Tonpa sais with shock on his face.

"He made a hole in the floor with his bare fist!" Leorio added. Killua and Ayami looked on knowing it wasn't that impressive while Gon continued to stare seriously at the scene.

That was perfect. And I sill have one more trick. Majitani got up taking his fist out of the hole and turned around exposing the spider on his back shocking Kurapika.

"A tattoo of a spider with twelve legs... That's..." Leorio couldn't finish.

"Yeah, I recognize it. Anyone aspiring to become a Hunter has heard of it. That's the symbol worn by members of that notorious band of evil thieves, the Phantom Troupe!" Tonpa said with a scared voice.

"Really?" Gon said looking up at Leorio.

"Yeah, definitely. They're famous. I heard about them straight from Kurapika." Leorio said while looking at the kneeling Kurapika who hadn't moved. Ayami knew of the spiders, and remembered her father mentioned killing one while she was away but apparently it took him a while. She knew not to mess with them knowing their power challenged that of her dear father. But, she had the impression Majitani was lying considering the Phantom Troupe were merciless thieves who wouldn't bother counting the amount of people they've killed.

Kurapika still remained on the floor not moving since seeing the spider. Between the steel implanted in my body that gives my arms the strength to shatter rock, and the Phantom Troupe symbol... After seeing both, no one would wan to fight me. Majitani thought to himself as he turned back around.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? I'm one of the Phantom Troupe's four kings! Consider that first strike my way of saying hello. This is your last chance to surrender. I'm still willing to..." Ge stopped talking out of shock noticing Kurapika's glowing red eyes.

"Huh? Wh-What's wrong with you? Huh?" Majitani studdered out but in a flash Kurapika was gone from his spot and in front of him grabbing his face forcefully lifting him up in the air. "O-O-Okay... Wait! I get it! I surrender!"

Kurapika didn't stop and instead punched the man right in the face smashing him into the ground. Everyone gasped besides Killua who whistled impressed.

"Oh my..." Ayami voiced quietly as she stared at the raging Kurapika. He has a lot more potential in him than he cares to show.

"Consider this a warning... First, a real Phantom Troupe tattoo has the member's number on the spider. Second, they don't bother counting how many they've killed. Third, never mention the Troupe again. If you do, I will kill you." Kurapika said with his eyes still glowing bright red.

Everyone was surprised and had their mouths open at the shock and level of seriousness Kurapika showed. Even the prisoners were shocked and even afraid of his display.

"Wow..." Tonpa whispered.

"Kurapika..." Leorio said quietly wondering if his friend was okay.

"Well, I saw that coming from a mile away." Killua said impressed but relaxed with his arms up.

"Still rather impressive coming from him." Ayami said with a happy quiet tone.

"Yup..." Gon said agreeing.

The path that linked to the middle reappeared and Kurapika wasted no time to grab his belongings and get back to his friends leaving the blue man lying on the floor.

"You okay, Kurapika?" Leorio asked in a concerned way.

"Yeah, I'm not injured." He simply answered back.

"Also, is it safe for us to be near you?" Leorio asked once more stepping back from the approaching teen.

"From the moment I saw him, I knew he was weak. And mentally, I knew that tattoo was a fake. But as soon as I saw that spider, everything in my sight turned red..." Kurapika said so quietly that made the others have to come closer to hear.

"Well, I can't really blame you." Leorio said putting a hand on his head and Killua putting his arms down and into his pockets. Ayami just listened intently wondering if his red eyes made him a Specialist in Nen though he most likely didn't know what that was.

"Actually, to tell the truth... Even when I see a real spider, my personality changes and I enter a frenzy." Everyone's mood immediately shifted to that of concern for him. Surely, he's kidding, right?

"You should have told us sooner..." Leorio said voicing everyone's internal thought. Kurapika headed to the wall in the tunnel and sat down.

"But this means that the rage in me remains as strong as ever. I suppose I should be happy." He said hugging his knees close to his chest while everyone stared.

"We should keep Kurapika away from spiders," Gon said trying to whisper but failed letting everyone hear.

"Definitely." Leorio answers back.

"Damn you, Majitani... You were completely worthless. His facial scars were from a botched plastic surgery operation. That's one hell of a fraud, right? Hey, you understand, right? After two losses, our backs are against the wall. We can't afford to lose the next two." Bendot said to the small hooded figure.

"I have a good idea." The voice said stepping up to the path to walk to the middle.

"Okay! After I secure our win, Killua will finish them off. Haha!" Leorio said confidently walking up. He failed to notice the looks the others gave toward Ayami after being left out again.

So far, Gon had defeated Sedokan and Kurapika has defeated Majitani. Two more wins, and they'll clear this trial. How will Leorio handle the next challenge?

Hey y'all the next chapter will be out soon but I have some essays due Monday so hopefully this is good! If you liked it, leave a vote and comment your thoughts so far :)

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