FALLIN' ALL IN YOU (Completed)

By Notmyday999

987K 62K 19.3K

When life gave Arthit lemons, I gave him Kongpob. And maybe some tequila and salt. 😉 It's a whirlwind love s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Special Chapter
Author's Note

Chapter 85

7.7K 481 241
By Notmyday999


Arthit's POV

I'm looking out the window over the clouds in the blue sky. Funny how I have changed so much in such a short period of time. I can't say that I'm no longer afraid of heights, but for once I'm not afraid to sit by the window. I'm still a little jittery, but at least I can keep my eyes open. Watching my motherland disappear behind me into nothing I can see from over 30,000 feet. Melancholy washed over me.

I left my beating heart behind. Kong, as I like to call it in my mind. Kong went to work like it was nothing this morning. And I didn't go into the office today, so he left for work on his own. A quick peck on the lips, and 'have a safe trip' was all I got before he shut the door behind him. He left so quick, it's as if he couldn't wait to leave.

Sigh. I wish he was here with me right now. Even my first time sitting in first class isn't fun without him. These seats are a lot more comfortable than the economy ones. I took a sip of my champagne that the nice flight attendant gave me upon sitting down. The bitter fizz did little to elevate my gloomy blues. Maybe I'll eat a few of these chocolate truffles and strawberries. Are there any nuts in these? What if a passenger was allergic to nuts? I'm not allergic, but I'm just curious. No one asked me if I were.

"Arthit, will you stop it. He can't see you pout from here anyway. You are only going to be gone for four days. In matter of fact, if you don't count travelling time, it's only three days." Knot said shaking his head. I guess my constant sighing was making it difficult for him to focus on his documents.

"Mmm." I rested my chin on my hand, and continued to stare out the window. There was nothing but grayish white sky now. It was just like my mood.

"In a few more hours, you can call him. Pull yourself together you lovesick puppy. I have never seen you like this."


"You're a CEO now. Act like one." Knot reproved.

I turned to look at Knot. "Fine. How are CEOs supposed to act?" I can't help how I feel. Knot is probably right, but I am sad. Can't a guy just mope for a few hours? Kong and I have been very attached the past few weeks since his accident. And this past weekend after I told him about Tokyo, we were practically glued together. That is until yesterday. He was back to his professional self on Monday, on the dot. We didn't even have dinner together last night because of all our work. Isn't it normal to have withdrawal symptoms?

"I don't know since I'm not a CEO, but I highly doubt one is supposed to act like this. What about your Kongpob? Have you seen him act like this before?" Knot challenged me.

"No. I haven't." I didn't want to say it, but that's one of the reasons why I'm sad too. Was Kongpob this sad when he was in Shanghai? I will never know.

"Arthit, this is a great opportunity for yourself. If you want to be independent from Kongpob, then you need to take advantage of this opportunity."

"Don't say it like that. You make it sound like I want to leave him. When all I want is to be less dependent on him. I want to be able to take care of my family too."

"You will be able to take care of your family with your new job. Just don't let Sonya down, or fire you. You know that woman means business. I don't know how she raised Kongpob to be so charming when she looks stone cold." Knot visibly shivered shrugging his shoulders.

"Don't say that about Sonya. She has been through a lot. She is tough because she has to be, not because she wants to be. She is a completely different person when she is with Kongpob. And she gave me this opportunity so I can help myself."


"Arthit, I know what you are thinking. And it's true. I'm giving you this opportunity because you are my son's lover. However, I'm not handing this over to you on a silver platter. You will still have to earn it."

"Sonya, that's it. I didn't earn this opportunity, and I don't want to disappoint you." Arthit looked up from the contract, and met Sonya's eyes.

"Then don't. Don't give up before even trying. That would be a true disappointment. Besides, I can always fire you if your performance doesn't meet my expectations. Based on the projected growth, and revenue potential of this company, it will take you about twenty years to purchase the 30% shares I'm offering you at today's rate."

"Sonya, I don't understand why you are doing this. I can continue to be an employee here, and I will do my best in my current position."

Sonya leaned back into her chair. "If you agree to be the new CEO, your new salary will be more than enough to cover your mother and sister's expenses. I know Kongpob won't let you pay for anything, so you should save it for now. Arthit, there's no saying what the future holds, and what will happen. There's no guarantee in life. I'm giving you this opportunity so that no matter what, you will land on your feet."

"Are you trying to bribe me to leave Kongpob? Because I can tell you now, you can't buy me off. Unless Kongpob breaks up with me on his own, I won't leave him. I really love him, and he says he loves me too." Arthit said with as much courage as he can muster.

Sonya shook her head, and massaged her temples with both hands. What is she supposed to do with this boy? She can feel a headache coming on. "Now, why would I try to buy you off by tying you to me for the next twenty years? You seemed a lot smarter the other day. Now, stop wasting my time. I've given you a week to decide now. So, what's it going to be?"

"If you really trust me, then I want to give it a try. I don't want to disappoint you or Kongpob. He really believes in me. He really thinks I can do it."

"Good. Now, sign and make me proud. Make us proud." Sonya hands Arthit a pen.

The pen felt like it weighed a ton. Arthit signed the contract in front of him with a slightly shaky hand. He closed the contract folder, and pushed it forward. Sonya smiled, and put the contract away before she got up from her seat.

"All right, I need to be on my way. Be on time for dinner on Sunday. In the meantime, you should prepare yourself for the transition, and find your replacement." Sonya grabbed her purse, and headed for the door. Arthit quickly got up to leave too.

"Okay, see you Sunday."

End of flashback

"Well, I'm glad you are on her good side. I can't imagine what it would be like to be on her bad side. So, does the bodyguard in Tokyo speak Thai? Have you met him before?" Knot asked curiously.

"His name is Aki. I met him last time I was here with Kongpob. Aki speaks English, so you should be fine. He is very friendly. Just think of it as making a new friend."

"Good. English is good. It's okay with me that he follows us around. It's really you who he is following anyway. Are you in any danger I'm not aware of?"

"No. I don't think so. Kongpob just wanted to be on the safe side. I had already rejected the private jet, so I couldn't say no to the bodyguard. It would give him a peace of mind too. Anyway, don't worry about me. I will be fine. The Mitsubishi account is very important for our company. I can't afford to screw it up, so I won't be like this later. Just let me be now."

Knot just nodded, and continued to flip through his files.

Sighing again. I really doubt I'm in any danger. My relationship with Kongpob hasn't been made public or anything. And I'm a new CEO that nobody knows, and our company is a small firm in comparison to many other companies. I really think Kongpob only insisted on a bodyguard with me at all times is so I won't be alone with Sora at any given moment. My silly boyfriend.


Arthit fumbled around to put his passport away safely into the side pocket of his messenger bag. Since he was only staying for four days, and three nights, he only brought a small carry-on luggage. Knot on the other hand had a big check-in luggage since Neem had packed for every possible scenario for him. Neem had even packed two neon yellow vests for Knot and him for higher visibility when they go to the project site. So, they had to wait at the baggage claim for Knot's luggage. Fortunately, the wait wasn't too long for first class passengers.

"Mr. Ronajpat, over here." Aki called out to Arthit.

Arthit smiled and picked up his steps. Knot followed behind closely not to get lost in a sea of people exiting immigrations.

Aki bowed as Arthit extended his hand. Arthit awkwardly mimicked Aki's bow in return while Aki quickly grabbed Arthit's hand for a shake. Both men chuckled, and wondered if it's always going to be this awkward every time they meet. Last time it was because Arthit didn't want to let go of Kongpob's hand, but what's the excuse this time.

"Hello Aki. How have you been?" Arthit asked.

"I've been doing well. How about you sir?"

"Just call me Arthit. I've been doing fine. I have a colleague with me this time. He is also my closest friend. This is Knot Ittikorn." Arthit stepped aside to let the two men get acquainted.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Knot Ittikorn, my name is Aki Satoh." Aki smiled, and extended his hand to Knot.

"Hello, just call me Knot. It's nice to meet you Aki."

"Okay, please follow me. There's a representative from Mitsubishi Estates here too. He just stepped away to take a call. We can wait over there."

"Sure. Let's move over there." The three men moved away from the crowd, and stood near a pillar.

"Mr. Arthit Ronajpat. It's so nice to see you again."

***Sora Fudosan***

Arthit turned around to see Sora standing right behind him smiling. Sora grabbed Arthit's hand for a handshake.

"Sora! Nice to see you again too. I didn't expect to see you so soon."

Sora smiled staring at Arthit. "I wanted to surprise you. You look great."

"Thanks. You look nice too. Well Sora, I would like you to meet Knot Ittikorn and Aki Satoh. Knot is taking over the project with Mitsubishi, and Aki is my friend and personal security. Guys, this is Sora Fudosan from Mitsubishi Estates. He is the project manager for the Tokiwabashi project." Arthit gestured for Knot to step forward.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Fudosan." Knot shook Sora's hand while he noticed how Sora kept checking out Arthit. Knot didn't expect the project manager of Mitsubishi to be this young and good looking. Arthit didn't mention anything other than Sora is a nice guy, and he can speak some Thai.

"It's nice to meet you both. I have actually already met Aki a little earlier. Please allow me to take you gentlemen out for dinner before you settle in for the night."

"Sure. We need to eat anyway." Arthit answered and followed behind Sora.

Knot tugged Arthit by the elbow, and spoke in a low voice. "Now, I know why you need a bodyguard. It's really a boyfriend guard."

Arthit pulled his elbow away from Knot, and back smacked Knot's arm. Arthit smiled knowing it's mostly true, and he liked it.

AN: Sorry for the late update. I've been catching up with my own reading. Also, I'm trying to pace myself so I don't burn out.

Is Arthit too lovesick? How is he going to survive four days?

So, what do you think of Sora?

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