Everyone Has Secrets

By obsessedwithIAFHAS

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Scarlett, no last name has a dark and dangerous past. She's running but at times she forgets what she's reall... More

Fresh Start
First Impression
The Beginnings Of Friendship
The School Skank & The Bad Boy
Fight Club
The Real Trey
Just My Luck
The Alleyway & The Realization
The Storm
An Almost Forgotten Past- If Only
Why Can't You Leave Me Alone


805 8 2
By obsessedwithIAFHAS

Chapter Six

"Scar I know that must have been really gross and slightly scary but I mean what are you going to do about it? No one here will admit to anything and hey you know it might have been an animal”.

I knew Tara in a way, I had hoped it was an animal but it just didn’t seem possible that an animal could do that. Then again I wondered what kind of sick person would be able to do it either.

Tara had finally introduced me to all her friends and so far I liked them and they liked me. To outsiders they probably looked unwelcoming but when you started to talk to them they were the most welcoming people I knew.

And wasn't I glad Cade was in this group. “Sorry to hear about what happened last night, it must have been horrible”, his voice was so sincere and kind that the events of last night went out of my head.

“It was but like Tara said there isn’t really anything I can do so I’ll just get over it”, I could see the praise in his eyes. Obviously Cade liked how I was approaching the situation.

“I know but things like that don’t happen every day. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here”, he gave me one last lingering look that spoke a thousand words that I couldn’t understand and joined a conversation further down the table.

I looked at the people surrounding me and knew not to be naïve about how nice these people were. They were here for a reason which meant they were dangerous.

I didn’t want to know about their pasts because I didn’t want them to know about mine but I would remember to stay on guard. People would have to earn my trust.

The weird thing is that Pete should have been here. He was after all in the third category and it seemed like he would hang out with people like Cade and Van.

We were close and it was a bit weird that I hadn’t seen him yet. It was almost like he was avoiding me. “Scarlett!”  Speak of the devil; I would know that booming voice anywhere.

"Pete!" I jumped up from the table and ran full force into him. He lifted me up in the air in a giant bear hug. I was enveloped by his cologne that reminded me of home.

Pete was hot, the typical blonde surfer hair and bright blue eyes but I just saw him as a brother and he saw me just as a little sister; even though I was older by two days.

His familiar laughter surrounded me and I couldn't help but laugh along with him, suddenly I stopped and hit him hard around the back of his head. "Ouch, WTF Scar what was that for?"

"That was for not seeing me before now. I've been at school only for a couple of days but you know where I live, you could have come and seen me."

He gave me a sheepish grin and pushed his hand through his hair (making him look like a crazy scientist in the progress)

"I didn't deserve that. I wanted to come see you! Max said that I wasn't allowed to come near you because he wanted for you to settle in yourself".

 I was practically fuming. Maxxie was so getting it tonight. "Well it looks like I can come and sit with my friends again so we're both happy".

I bumped my shoulder playfully with his and plonked down next to Cade. Something was off with him; he wasn’t looking at me and was far too fascinated with the food in front of him.

His eyes snapped up to meet my curious gaze and his weird face left "So how do you guys know each other?" Pete nodded at me; I took that as yeah you can tell him.

"We just met in the street fighting business. I was up for a fight and I get this arrogant and cocky idiot. I beat him, turns out that he's a pretty good guy and we've been close ever since".

The look came on his face again so quickly and left at the same rate that I didn't even know if it had happened. This guy was so hard to read.

Cassidy a small girl with a fiery red pixie cut shot out "What!? What?! Since when were you? OMG so you beat up people and you get paid for it? That's so cool!!! I want to do it!! Can you teach me??"

As you can tell she’s the hyper one of the group and is dating Travis. They were a cute couple and I found out that he got red streaks in his hair to match Cassidy’s.

I have no idea what she could have done since I don't think that she could hurt a fly. I proceeded to answer questions all of lunch and before I know it's the end of the day.

I told everyone good-bye and got my things out of the locker. Someone smashed into my locker and I almost got my face ruined.

My nostrils flared and I turned to glare at none other than Trey himself. I was busy cursing him in my mind and all the ways to kill the stupid kid when he cut off my imagining.

"I don't like the needy kids around here and I especially hate the ones that are new and think they can do whatever they want. Learn your place quickly or me and my buddies will make you learn."

Agreements were heard from around me; did I just hear someone crack their knuckles?  And they think that we're the crazy ones you don't hear us threatening to beat up 'innocent' people.

I scoffed and got up in his face, unfortunately I wasn't taller than him so I had to crane my neck up to him. Hopefully it was still intimidating and I was satisfied when I saw him flinch.

"You better learn to shut your mouth. I don't care what you think and I especially don't care if you hate me, I'm not too fond of you either. You have no idea who I am and what I'm capable of.  You are nothing but a little boy born with a daddy that does everything for him.  If you and your buddies threaten me again there will be hell to pay."

With the last sentence I cast a glare to the surrounding meatheads who immediately backed off. I'm so mad! If he was so hell bent on making my life hell I assume that he ripped that poor small animal apart.

He was a sick twisted bastard

And somehow he managed to look incredibly sexy. His strong jaw was clenched and his deep brown eyes sparked with fury.

Not to mention his hard chest defined by his white shirt and it was a plus that he was well over six foot. My internal day dreaming was interrupted when I was thrown over someone's shoulder.

The smell of earth and pine invaded my senses. It was undeniably masculine that it made my insides clench. He had a cute butt too...

"You little bitch! You don't get to embarrass me in front of my pack." Yay! Trey! I laughed, that rhymed. Wait, pack? Pfft they have gangs full of rich kids. That's hilarious.

"Put me down you steroid filled freak!!" He threw me down onto cool leather seats and I appraised his Porsche. "Okay, this isn't cool at all. Let me out. "

He just smirked and I forgot to breath. No! Bad Scar! This has happened too much already. Two guys in two days? A

nd you are already swooning, you should be ashamed of yourself. "Princess, I'm going to teach you a lesson".

I wasn't sure if I imagined the double meaning in his words but I knew I didn't miss the flash of dark hair and the sadness in large emerald green eyes as we drove away.


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