Remnant's King Vol 1-3 (Godzi...

By AxeTheRat04

131K 1.6K 1.5K

images used in book do not belong to me, as well my writing may suck. Many spelling errors, also damn autocor... More

Ruby Rose
The shining Beacon
The Shining Beacon II
The First Step
The Emerald Forest
The First Day
Forever Fall
A Day with Miya
The stray
Black and White
Best Day Ever
Welcome to Beacon
kaiju Bio
The mission
A talk
The Dance
The Hunt pt 1
The Hunt pt 2
Family feud
Round One
(Not a chapter)
A date with fire
Talk with your "Family", and the unloyal
Round Two
(Thanks for 5k!)
Some Updated Kaiju Bios
False security
Emergency in Vale
The fall, the awakening, and the failure
The end of the beginning
Second part out now!!

New Ally

2.1K 27 11
By AxeTheRat04

There he was… Gojira was currently swimming through the ocean, while pulling his unconscious sister back with him. He finally made it onto the docks. Multiple bullheads landed, Team RWBY,JNPR, and the rest of GAMM, came out of the bullheads and ran towards Gojira carrying his unconscious sister. They all noticed many things. First Astrid was heavily injured, she was bleeding from her mouth and chest, she lost her crystals and her crest. Then Gojira, one of his arms was extremely scared and burned but was also slowly being consumed by charcoal scales, his armor was almost completely gone at this point, so he just has his school uniform on, but his shirt was completely ripped apart. His scar on his chest had luckily stayed intact, as well as his eye had healed, but his head was still bleeding. He continued to walk over to them until his body started to lose balance.

RWBY: Goji

Team RWBY ran to his side and helped him up. Jaune and Ren wrapped his arms around their shoulders and began to walk him over to a bullhead, with Ozpin and Glynda both waiting inside.

Gojira: W-wait…take Astrid with me...

Everyone looked at Gojira shocked, and Weiss didn't want to allow it.

Weiss: She hurt you! She destroyed so much of the water side of vale! So why do you want her here she should be in prison!

Gojira: She's

Ruby: she's his sister. 

Yang: Uh, what are you talking about we're his sisters?

Ruby: His stepsisters , she's his real sister! Remember what she said to him when she attacked us?

Weiss: I thought she was lying though.

Maria: No, she was telling the truth…

Gojira: please, help her, and take her with me. I remember her, when I was a kid she wiped my memories of her…

Blake: Really? Then why don't I remember her?

Gojira: We'll ask her later! Just please let's help her! She's the only family I have left!

Everyone reluctantly agreed and began to put the two on the Bullhead with the professors and team GAMM. Gojira lies next to Astrid on a stretcher, and grabbed her hand, he then felt Astrid's hand grip onto his, as if it was an instinct. Gojira gave a small smile before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.


Gojira's eyes began to open, he blinked his eyes a few times before adjusting to the darkness of the room. He sat up, and began to scan the room, he then saw a second bed next to him, he examined the bed to see who was sleeping in it. He instantly realized who I was when he saw a tail with crystals on the end of it sticking out of the side of the bed. He smiles knowing that he was able to successfully able to bring her back, however, he was still a bit worried that her memory is still altered. He scratched the back of his head, but when he raised he noticed his right arm was much more… more scaly. It looked just like his Godzilla arm ,except he has an extra finger, and the scales go up to his shoulder. He got up from his bed, as it seemed he wasn't connected to anything, it was like he was just left to rest.

Gojira: Damn how long have I been asleep? 

He stands up and walks up to the window to see the dark sky,and the bright shattered moon. He then walked over to the table  next to the window and looked through a bag that had his name on it. It had some of his casual clothes, as well as his scroll. He quickly checked the time to see it was ten PM. He checked the date to see he's been asleep for two days… meaning the Vytal tournament is close. 

He then heard groaning coming from Astrid's bed. He started to have a "small" panic attack, and wasn't sure on how to handle this. Astrid began to slowly sit up. She looked around the room. And when her and Gojira's eyes met they both froze in place, wondering who was gonna move first, and what the other might do. Gojira then noticed something about her eyes, they were no longer red, instead they were the same shade of orange as his eyes.

Gojira: ...Hey sis?

Astrid was sorta taken back from him calling her sis, and it seemed real as well.

Astrid: Y-yes?

Gojira: 'this might be bad, but I'll ask her anyway!' Who killed you?

Astrid's eyes widen.

Astrid: It… it was the white fang… I remember now… it wasn't a human. I died and Salem brought me back, and altered my memories so I would hate humanity.

Gojira slowly walked over to his sister, he noticed that her once large crystals that used to be on her shoulders we gone, and instead were replaced by two smaller pairs of crystals. He was practically right next to her, and on instinct she hugged her younger brother. He was frozen, he didn't know what to do. He looked down at her as she was crying into his chest. 

Astrid: I-I hurt so many people! I thought humans were… I'm a monster! I-I'm so sorry!! I never wanted to do any of this! I just wanted to come back!

Her eyes we clenched as she hugged him tight. But her grip softened when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. 

Gojira: It wasn't you… so I forgive you sis.

Astrid: T-thank you…

They let go of each other, gojira goes over to his bed and sits across from his sister.

Gojira:  Hey Astrid, I want to ask you a few questions? Now that your back to normal.

Astrid: Yeah. Of course go ahead.

Gojira: When we first met, you attacked my stepsisters. Why?

Astrid sighed.

Astrid: Like I said I hated humans. And I thought they stole you. And I just hated that they got to have you as a brother, all while I was alone at Salem's castle.

Gojira: Alright… next, you know where salem is? As well as who works for her?

Astrid: Yes. I know where she is. And the people who work for her.

Gojira: Mind telling me? 

Astrid: Do you have a map?

Gojira hands her his scroll and open up a map. She then pointed to a spot of the map.

Astrid: It's here. I won't be able to take you for now as it seems I've failed my mission. So I guess they have Cinder's team to go with plan B. 

Gojira: Cinder?

Astrid: You've met her?

Gojira: Yeah. I danced with her during, well, our dance here at Beacon.

Astrid: Makes sense she was always interested in you.

Gojira: she was?

Astrid: She was, she wanted to know more about you. The King of the monsters, she would ask me questions about you. I thought at first it was to find any possible weaknesses to use against you, but in reality she grew… a bit obsessed with you.

Gojra: Isn't that just great… I should tell Oz about this.

Astrid: Actually I have a better idea for now.

Gojira: What is it?

Astrid: LIke I said, she's interested in you… and love tends to change peoples' loyalties. 

Gojira: You want me, to have her fall in love… with me.

Astrid: It's the easiest way to get her to surrender, and if you tell Ozpin about her, no doubt will she be arrested, she could be tortured by Atlas. And I know you would feel guilty. And lastly she and I used to be friends, I don't want her to live through hell.

Gojira: ...agh fine. I'll try. So I guess I'll try to stop her before the start plan B. Which is?

Astrid: Oh of course. During the Vytal Tournament, they will send white fang members to mount Glenn and release King Ghidorah. But in order to do that she and her team have to cause mass panic at the stadium. Heavily depending a match up between Penny and Pyrrha… well at least I think that's their names.

Gojira: Pyrrha… I can't let her do this! 

Astrid: Then you're gonna have to stop her. Try to pull her to good guys side.

Gojira: I'll… try.

Astrid: Good, anymore questions?

Gojira laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Gojira: Yeah… one more I promise… is mom really alive?

Astrid grew a slight smile.

Astrid: Sort of… she did die by the Oxygen destroyer. So I investigated, only to find her bones being taken by Atlas fleets. I had one of the people Salem uses, named Aurther Watts, hack into Atlas, only to find, that they somehow brought her back, she didn't look like herself completely though. As she was still in development. I was originally planning on making you join my side, storm Atlas and get our mom back. But now I don't know what the progress on her is currently.

Gojira: So… she's a robot?

Astrid: In a way yes.

Gojira sat up on his bed, he grew a bright smile before his eyes widened as if he made a realization. He placed his finger on his chin and began to pace around the room.

Gojira: 'No there's no way… she did seem familiar though…'

Astrid: Is everything okay little bro?

Gojira snapped out of his trance and stopped pacing. He turned to her and laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

Gojira: Yeah sorry, I was just thinking. WELP we should go back to sleep. After all everyone asleep. And they'll probably check on us in the morning. 

Astrid: Of course. However I do think we should pretend I don't remember anything from the time i was used by Salem. You know if you want your plan to work, because if they know I told you, they'll certainly try to speed up their plans.

Gojira: yeah okay. Goodnight sis.

Astrid: Goodnight, little bro~

She says in a teasing voice, resulting in Gojira to groan, the two then share a laugh before heading back to bed. 


Next morning Gojira groaned as he woke up. He stretched his back, as he looked around the room, it seemed to be empty except including Astrid's bed.

Gojira: 'Shit! She probably woke up and they took her already!' Gojira got out of bed and quickly began to put on his clothes from his bag and head out. As he got out he bumped into someone resulting in the two to fall back.

???: Ow... what the hell watch where your going! The voice said. Gojira looked up to see Miya rubbing her head. She looked up and made eye contact with him, her frown immediately vanished and she jumped onto her king.

Miya: Holy shit you woke up!

Miya higher him close, and a bit too hard. As Gojira's face starts to lose color, as he begins to repeatedly tap on her arm.

Gojira: Air! M-miya I need air!

Miya: Oh my bad. You have no idea how worried everyone was! And what the hell was that explosion at the ocean?! Was that really necessary!?

Gojira: Yeah, it was. I needed to knock her out, and that seemed the most logical thing.

Gojira and Miya both get up and began to walk back to their dorms.

Miya: So when did you wake up?

Gojira: A few minutes before I saw you. So I haven't been awake for that long. Actually I wanted to ask, where's my sister?

Miya: Oh, right Astrid, she's with Ozpin. He's currently asking her questions. Apparently she lost almost all memories of when she he was with Salem, but she seems to have her facts, and morality checked out.

Gojira: ... Hm okay. I'll have to check on then later. But first I need to see the rest of my girlfriends.

The two made it in front of their dorms. Miya told Gojira to wait for a few seconds to make sure they aren't interrupting anything. After she gave him the all clear, Gojira walked in, only to be met with a blue flash slamming him into the wall.

Gojira: It's nice to see you too Maria. Gojira chuckled as he rubbed the top of her head.

Maria: When did you wake up! And are you okay!?

Gojira: Relax my little moth, I'm fine. I only woke up a few minutes ago, but I feel better than ever!

Anna: That's probably due to beating Astrid in that fight. A kaiju practically powers up after every battle they win.

Miya: You sure know alot about this stuff.

Anna: I spent alot of time learning about kaijus and what our limits are. But that's not what's important. *turns to Gojira*
I'm glad you're okay. I'm sorry I couldn't do much to help you in that fight.

Gojira: Nonsense, you practically saved me multiple times, and you destroyed the surrounding crystals so we could actually stand a chance. So, thank you, for helping me back there.

Anna gives him a small smile, and returns to studying. Maria then helps Gojira back up, and she went back to her bed and showed Gojira a drawing of him in his kaiju form.

Gojira: Sometimes I forget how amazing you are a drawing.

Maria: Thanks!

Just then they heard a knock on the door. Gojira could hear a few recognizable voices on the other side.

Ruby: Uh, is everything okay in there?

Jaune: Yeah, we heard a loud bang?

Gojira: Oh yeah, everything's fine!

The door then burst open, revealing five very... intimidating girls, and three confused members on JNPR.

Gojira: Oh shit.

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