Three Houses Students React t...

由 angel12416

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Students from Three Houses come together to watch Death Battle. 更多

Zagger vs Zangief
Mega Pokemon Tri Battle
Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter
Mitsuru Kirijo VS Weiss Schnee
Princess Peach VS Princess Zelda

Boba Fett vs Samus

4.2K 29 14
由 angel12416

Boba Fett belongs to Star Wars and Disney.

Samus belongs to Nintendo.

Death Battle belongs to Screwattack.

Fire Emblem: Three houses belongs

I own nothing here.

Byleth gathered the students and rearranged some of the seats to be closer. He also saw the instructions and figured out how to make a huge amount of popcorn for his students.

"Geez these snacks are great!" Raphael happily exclaimed, as he took a handful of popcorn.

"I have to agree, through I worry about the amount of butter..." Ingrid said cautiously.

"I wouldn't worry, I doubt munching on a few of won't have devastating consequences on our health." Lorenz reassured the blonde.

"You think that's great, try out these drinks!" Leonie told them, She had already drank two sodas. With Caspar and Claude looking over the different types of drinks.

"I have to agree that this soda drink is extremely energizing." Dedue calmly said. He decided to get a orange flavored soda.

Marianne quietly sipped her ice tea.

Petra picked up a drink.

"Root Beer?" Petra confusingly said, looking at the brown labeled drink.

"Sorry Petra, but you're too young to drink this." Dorothea asked the purple haired girl. She took away the drink and opened it for herself.

Petra pouted and went for a different soda.

"Allright class, imma press play now." Byleth called out to them. They all went over to their arranged seats.

(Cues "Invader — Jim Johnson)

"The bounty hunter. Galactic pirates of living beings." Said one voice.

"They blow shit up for cash." Said another one excitedly.

"A prime example is Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy." The first voice said.

"wow, I would understand a county , but famous in the whole galaxy!" Ashe was surprised.

"I bet Captain Jeralt would be more famous if we could travel through worlds!" Leonie huffed.

"But don't forget Samus Aran. She's so badass, whole planets explode when she's done with them. BOOM!" The second voice said.

"Whole planets!" Annette said with shock.

"I hope innocent people weren't killed by that..." Mercedes asked with concerned.

"I'm Wizard." The first voice introduced itself.

"And I'm Boomstick!" Introduced the second voice.

"And it's our job to analyze the weapons, armor and skills of theses two beastly killers and answer the most important question of all: which of these warriors will win... a Death Battle?" Wiz said.

"So two bounty hunters are fighting to the death?" Dimitri rubbed his chin.

"I'm more interested in the weapons they use." Said Lysithea said. She had a book and a quilp ready to write down any ideas she might get.

"Yeah! How cool, you bounty hunters duking it out!" Caspar excitedly expressed.

"I know right!" Leonie agreed with Caspar.

The first contestant the students see is a man wearing a odd and unique set of armor and a looking helmet with a T shaped visor that fully covers his head , he's also wearing a short cape. They also notice he's wearing a backpack and holding a cylinder shaped gun in his hand.

"The armor looks very alien, but is it supposed to be that beat up?" Dorothea tilted her head looking at the scrap spots.

"Maybe that metal is unique enough to not replace?" Ingrid suggested.

"Armor works if properly taken care of, my father uses the same armor for over a decade of use of battle." Felix answered the eagle girl.

Boba Fett

(Cue to Star Wars soundtrack)

"Boba Fett is well known for his cunning, ruthlessness and brute force. But his killer instinct relies on his diverse arsenal of death." Wiz explained.


Nearly Indestructible

Micro Energy Field

Penetrating Radar

Protection from Fire, Poison, Acid, Cold

Retractable Drinking Straw

Boomstick: Plus, he wears the most badass space suit ever.

"That's no ordinary spacesuit, Boomstick; that's Fett's Mandalorian Armor, forged from nearly indestructible Duraplast containing a Micro Energy Field for dispersing impacts." Wiz continued to explain.

"That armor is amazing!" Ferdinand exclaimed, as they looked over the Armor info.

"It outclasses most of our armor here at the academy, maybe in all of Fodlan." Edelgard for once agreed with Ferdinand.

"I'm sure my arrows would be useless in a fight with him." Claude frowned.

"And properly throwing Axes too." Hilda said.

"I wonder if it could protect from all Dark element Magic." Annette wondered.

"The armor could protect from fire, so fireballs would be ineffective." Lysithea told her. "Maybe that includes wind and dark magic."

"I wonder if the armor is a lot heavier than our armor here." Raphael said.

"This guy can have a freakin bomb blow up in his face and still walk away." Boomstick stated.

"So I guess that answers our question if magic is super effective on it." Hubert said with a slight sigh of relief. He was secretly glad that that type of armor did not exists in Fodlan. That type of armor would be problematic if in the wrong hands or worse in the church.

"I doubt any of our weapons could affect Mr. Fett." Lindhart told the him.


Flame Projector

Fibercord Whip

Wrist Laser

Concussion missiles

Stun missiles

"His gauntlets house a flamethrower with a reach of five meters, a fibercord whip, and numerous concussion and stun missiles." Wiz explained.

"As expected of a bounty hunter" Ignatz said. "He has various weapons to stun or incapacitate people."

"It's still incredible that all those weapons are on just his gauntlet alone." Lorenz said.


Fires in Short Bursts


Shoulder Sling

Rock-A-Bye Rifle...

"His weapon of choice is his EE-3 Carbine Rifle, an extremely accurate and powerful weapon which Fett often cradles like a child." Wiz said.

"What a s-scary weapon..." Bernie Bear said.

"Agreed, that weapon could change the entire field of weaponry in Fodlan if invented." Claude agreed with the purple haired girl.

"Don't you guys think it's odd how he treats his rifle?" Ashe said to the group.

"Not really, I once heard that Catherine herself often treats her sword the same way." Hilda told Ashe.

"I once heard that Catherine beat up a knight who touched her sword!" Caspar told them the rumor.

"Caspar, that's just a rumor." Ingrid said, but then widen her eyes. "I hope that's a rumor."

"Yeah... I do that with my guns too..." Boomstick said.

"That's not weird at all Boomstick." Wiz said, sounding a bit weirded out.

"So I guess Wiz thinks that's odd too." Ingrid said.

"Fill us in on Fett's heavy weaponry" Wiz asked Boomstick



Up to 1 minute of Flight

Max Speed: 145 kph

Magnetic Grappling Hook

Anti-Vehicle Homing Rocket

"Well, everyone and their grandmother knows that Fett can zoom around on his badass jetpack, but that jetpack also has a single anti-vehicle homing rocket, and believe me, you don't wanna see this thing heading your way." Boomstick stated.

"Holy crap, that's faster than even our wyverns" Sylvain said.

"To think that something that small could carry and have weapons too." Dedue said with shock.

"That one minute use is it's really only big disadvantage." Lysithea said.

"That's right, Boomstick. In short. Fett is a human swiss army knife. He's killed hundreds of criminals, politicians and Jedi. He even held his own against Darth Vader... twice." Wiz said.

"Holy shit that's hardcore!" Boomstick stated excitedly

"So he's a bounty hunter who hunts anyone." Felix smirked at the info. "He's got guts to still be a mercenary after all that bounties."

"He's definitely gets his reputation well earned." Hubert agreed.

"I hope he doesn't kill the innocent." Mercedes frowned.

"I wouldn't bet on it Mercy, He seems like the bounty hunter that will accept any mission." Sylvain told her.

"That Darth Vader fellow looks intimidating given his size." Lorenz said.

"Boba Fett must be that skilled to beat someone bigger than them." Linhardt mused. "It's natural that short people lose to taller people."

Caspar, Lysithea, and Edelgard slightly glared at the sleepy student.

"He became leader of the Mandalorian mercenaries after the Galactic Civil War, and battled Mace Windu to a draw when he was 12 years old." Wiz said.

"Sam Jackson's got nothing on him!" Boomstick stated.

"So he became trained at a young age to be a mercenary." Leonie said. "Kinda like you professor."

Byleth agreed with the orange haired student. "Through I never became a leader that young."

"I wonder who this Sam Jackson fellow is." Edelgard said.

"But with all his awesomeness, every so often, Fett will totally blow it. He's fallen into the Sarlacc three times. Three! And the Sarlacc's not exactly running around, looking for snacks." Wiz said.

Some of the students were disgusted at the view of the Sarlacc.

"How?" Felix was at a loss of words when hearing that.

"I know right, after all that he still fell in that monster three times." Claude agreed.

"Three times? How do you even do that once? It's a giant hole in the ground with teeth, and he's got a jetpack!" Boomstick said, sounding slightly angry.

"I can't take the guy that seriously now because of that info." Leonie said disappointed.

"So all this Samus person needs to do is take him near that thing to win then." Hubert poked fun of that.

"Still, even with his ridiculous flaws, Boba Fett is a whole new meaning of deadly." Wiz stated.

"No disintegration." Darth Vader said

"As you wish." Boba Fett answered.

"How disturbing, even I would rather kill a opponent fast than have them suffer from flames." Lorenz said with slight disgust.

"I do hope the other opponent is a lot nicer." Mercedes shook with disturbance.

The next contestant is a blonde woman wearing a blue bodysuit. Beside her was her inside an impressive, smooth looking orange armor with a red chestplate and helmet with a green visor. She also appears to have a oddly shaped right arm.

"She's kinda cute." Sylvain said.

"How cliche Sylvain." Ingrid deadpanned.

Samus Aran

(Cue Lower Norfair from Super Metroid)

Wiz: When she was young, Samus Aran lived with her family on Earth colony K-2L... until one fateful day it was sacked by an army of space pirates led by the vile Ridley, a giant purple space dragon

"A D-dragon!" Bernadetta exclaimed.

"So even their kind exist beyond the stars too." Edelgard muttered while she saw with disgust. Hubert also shared a similar look.

Boomstick: Ridley murdered her parents right in front of her along with the rest of the planet. Literally everyone except for Samus. So PTSD therapists were in pretty short supply.

"Oh my goddess..." Some of the students said sadly.

"Poor thing..." Mercedes sadly said.

Edelgard saw Dimitri giving a certain look.

"Are you ok, Dimitri?" Edelgard saw the blonde with shocked eyes. She has never seen that look on him before.

"I'm fine, just shocked that a child could experience that at such a young age." Dimitri replied.

"Why did Boomstick have to make a joke about that!" Caspar angrily said.

Wiz: Thankfully, Samus was rescued by the Chozo, bird-like aliens who raised her to become a warrior. Samus Aran was infused with bird-like Chozo DNA at a young age, increasing her strength, speed, and athletic ability far beyond those of a normal human being."

"How do you do that?! I want me some bird DNA!" Boomstick asked.

"A bird?" Ingantz confusingly said.

"Kinda weird that their called birds and look nothing like our birds." Ashe said.

"If DNA can be transferred like that, would it be painful?" Linhardt thought out loud.

Lysithea and Edelgard froze for a moment, but went back to normal.


Shields Entire Body

Environmental Protection

Easy to Upgrade

No Restriction of Movement or Flexibility

"She wears the Power Suit, typically in Varia form, shielding her entire body without restricting any movement or flexibility." Wiz explained.

"Too bad it makes her look like a dude..." Boomstick planely said.

"He is right about her looking like a man." Sylvain agreed.

"I think it looks nice." Ingrid grumbled at him.

"It definity looks more alien that Boba Fett's armor." Lysithea said.

"Those shoulder pads though..." Claude suppressed the urge to laugh at how big they were. "Hey Hilda, We should make you similar armor. That way you won't be able to get away with no work, as you will lose your charm instantly."

Hilda gasped dramatically. "But I do all more chores! Right guys?"

The group didn't look impress with her acting.

Hilda nervously chuckled. "hehe, right Professor?"

Byleth simply gave her a smile.


Easy to Upgrade

Power Beam

Charge Beam

Ice Beam

Grapple Beam


"Her primary weapon, The Arm Cannon, has acquired numerous awesome upgrades over the years. Though, the basic Power Beam is a pea shooter with a pathetic range." Wiz explained.

"Huh, so it's more of a close range weapon." Ashe said.

"Wiz did say it had upgrades, so maybe one upgrade was for a longer range" Lysithea pointed out.

"But when it's fully charged, It'll blow your face off. BAM! Shoop Da Woop!" Boomstick said excitedly.

"Woah!" Caspar said.

"So it's more like advance spell by our standards." Hubert commented.

"But it's a machine, so it's possible to manufacture it." Ingrid said.

"The Arm Cannon can also use an Ice Beam, a Grapple Beam, and a plethora of seeking and super missiles." Wiz said.

"You could make snowflakes with that ice beam!" Annette said happily.

"That grapple beam is interesting, it would be nice to see how it works exactly if it's made out of energy." Lysithea said.


Powerful Electric Charge

Temporary Invincibility

Extremely Fast

Namesake of an Awesome Website


1 Meter Diameter

Can Release Bombs

Jumping Ability

Also called "Maru Mari"

Can Access Small or Hard to Reach Places

"Samus has her powerful and speedy Screw Attack, and if there's trouble on the battlefield she can curl up into Morph Ball mode and slip away unnoticed."

"What The... ?! How does she do that?" Boomstick asked dumbfounded.

"Bird DNA, Boomstick. Bird DNA." Wiz answered.

"Great! She is flexibility to become small ball!" Petra said impressed.

"I don't know, it seems too far fetched given her height..." Lysithea said not believing it.

"Maybe her DNA can allow her to rearrange her bones...somehow." Edelgard defended.


Huge Blast Radius

Deals Massive Damage

Crystal Flash Healing Ability

Deployed Only in Morph Ball Mode

"Samus also has freakin' huge supply of Power Bombs, which will destroy anything on the screen in seconds. Nothing survives!" Boomstick said.

"I wonder why she can only throw these bombs in Morph mode." Lysithea wondered.

"Maybe to prevent accidental explosions if she's in her regular form." Ashe suggested.

Ignatz threw in his to cents, " And given how faster and stealthier she is in morph mode, she could easily use bomb and run tactics."

"She is known to be the bounty hunter capable of taking on impossible missions, fighting massive beasts and even wiping out an entire species However, she often makes mistakes. Somehow she always seems to lose all her power ups and upgrades at the beginning of every mission." Wiz said.

"She probably feels like she doesn't need to keep upgrades." Felix said. "You only carry what you really need to get the job done."

"Man, someone get this chick a purse." Boomstick said.

"Really?" Ingrid growled along with majority of the girls.

Most of the guys were for a moment frightened to say anything.

"Time to go." Samus said.

"She's so cool!" Ingrid said, already taking a liking to Samus.

"She certainly seems more capable that Boba Fett." Hubert mockingly at Boba Fett. "She doesn't seemed to have fallen into a pit 3 times in a row."

"The combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all." Wiz said.

"But first, we gotta pay off my double barrel, bazooka shotgun. Thanks to Netflix." Boomstick said, before an advertisement started playing.

"endorsement?" Edelgard said, watching the ad play.

"I guess this show also needs funds." Hubert replied.

"Who do you guys think is going to win?" Claude asked the group.

"Definitely Samus." Hubert said immediately.

"Now, Now, Hubert. I know Boba Fett has fell into a pit 3 times, but that doesn't mean they are playing in the same area." Claude told him.

"How about we put it into a vote?" Sylvain suggested.

"Great Idea, Sylvain." Byleth told the red hair student.

Boba Fett: Byleth, Dimitri, Ashe, Claude, Lysithea, Dorothea, Ferdinand, Ignatz, Felix, Caspar, Bernadetta, Lorenz, Hilda

Samus: Annette, Dedue, Ingrid, Edelgard, Marianne, Hubert, Petra, Raphael, Linhardt, Mercedes, Leonie, Sylvain

"Yeah. Well it's time for a death battle." Boomstick yelled excitedly.

(*Cues: Metroid: Zero Mission - Title Theme Remix*)

Samus is shown flying through space in her spaceship. However, Boba Fett's ship, the Slave I, shoots at her ship, throwing it out of orbit and landing on Earth, where it crash lands somewhere in the middle of a city. Samus gets out of her ship and Fett hovers down to the where Samus landed.

"Smart. It' best to attack a unsuspecting target and engage in a battle." Leonie said.

"How mean, I know bounty hunters have different rules than knights, but attacking out of nowhere seems really mean." Annette said.

"If you are huning , it's best if you attack swiftly and without risk of danger." Byleth told the orange haired girl.

Annette nodded.


(*Cues: Star Wars Episode V - Attacking a Star Destroyer*)

"This music is pretty catchy." Raphael and a few others enjoyed the theme.

Samus shoots her Power Beams, that fade out almost instantly, not even reaching her opponent. Fett counters with a few shots from his blaster, but Samus jumps in the air, firing a missle at Fett, which hits. When she lands, Fett hits her with his flamethrower. When Samus jumps back and shoots another missle, Fett flies up using his jet pack. However, Samus goes after him using her Screw Attack and eventually hits him, which forces him to the ground.

(*Cues: Star Wars Episode IV - Imperial Attack*)

When Samus lands, Fett shoots missiles at her. He then fires his anti-vehicle homing missile, which Samus escapes by going into Morph Ball mode and escaping through a doorway.

"Well there goes Boba's one hit missile" Linhardt said unimpressed. "I doubt it was going to do anything unless Samsu was cornered."

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Fett cautiously creeps toward the doorway as Samus sneaks behind him in Morph Ball mode and plants a Power Bomb near his feet.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

The bomb explodes and it takes off a large chunk of Fett's health. His suit having withstood the blast, Fett sees Samus and fires a missile at her. Samus dodges by stepping to the side and then freezes Fett using her Ice Beam. She then moves toward the frozen bounty hunter and begins charging her arm cannon. With the charge at its apex and Boba Fett's body slightly moving as he tries to break free of the ice, Samus positions her arm cannon toward his head.

"He's done for!" Ingrid exclaimed.

Samus: You're mine.

With the charge at its maximum before Boba Fett could escape, Samus fires her Charge Beam point-blank, knocking his head clean from his body.

"Thats brutal!" Felix said.

"Knowing that you can't move and about to be killed-" Hubert smirked "How sadistic."


"Holy shit! Did you see that, Wiz? That was insane!" Boomstick asked his partner excitedly.

"Fett battled like a champ, but in the end, Samus' superior technology and athletic skill trumped him... hard. While her basic Power Beam failed miserably, Samus put her Chozo DNA to work by jumping and dodging around Fett's offenses. Boba Fett, who relies more on cunning and brute force, simply didn't have the means necessary to catch Samus." Wiz explained.

"He was shooting all over the place, but that space chick was just too quick for him. He even tried to use his homing rocket, but anybody whose blown up a lot of shit knows anti-vehicle rockets don't work too well with people." Boomstick explained.

"Exactly. Samus is about four times smaller than the average vehicle, so there's only about a one in four chance for a direct hit from Fett's rocket. Not to mention she kept moving, preventing Fett from getting a solid lock on her." Wiz explained.

"After that screw up, Samus managed to sneak around Fett and left a little surprise at his feet." Boomstick said.

"Fett's micro-energy field managed to minimize the damage he took from the power bomb, but by that point, it was all over. Samus froze Fett with her Ice Beam and finished him off with a Charge Beam to the face." Wiz explained.

"So instead of destroying his armor to get him, it's smarter to just incapacitate them fully, interesting..." Lysithea wrote that down in her pad.

"Samus sure stopped him cold." Boomstick said.

"That's right Boomstick. The winner is Samus Aran." Wiz finished.

A bright light appeared to the students when the video ended.

"My eyes!" Lorenz yelled out.

"Too bright..." Marianne gritted her teeth.

"Ah!" Caspar cried out.

"Claude! This better not be another of your jokes!" Dimitri told the house leader.

"It wasn't me, I swear!" Claude told the prince.

"A box?" Edelgard said, when her eyes adjusted.

Byleth got up and went towards it.

"Be careful, Professor!" Bernadetta told him.

"I-it's-?" Byleth exclaimed in shock.

The students were also shock at what the box contained.

The box contained a replica of Boba Fett's jetpack with a note.

'Have this for fun! It has unlimited gas, but it still needs to recharge so be careful!' The Note said.

Byleth looked up to his students, who were staring back at him.

The Next Day

"This is so cool!" Leonie yelled out, as she was flying in the air.

Everyone was staring at the orange haired girl with awe.

Byleth decided to use the use day to send a field trip to a deserted area to try out the Jetpack. He didn't want anyone to find out and spread information at what the class acquired. He had pegasus and wyvern on standby in case anything goes wrong.

Felix, Caspar, Edelgard, and Ingrid have already tried the jetpack. Raphael, Ferdinand, Lorenz, and Claude was anticipating their turn. The rest were no rushing for their turn.

"Alright Leonie, you have 60 second left!" Byleth called out to her. He turned around to see Seteth walking up to him.

"Professor, what is going on here?" Seteth asked, making his way to him. "Manuela told me that you came all the way out here for a field trip."

"We are having a bit of fun Setheth." Byleth answered.

"Fun?" Seteth frowned. "You are suppose to be teaching these students on to knights professor."

"Well think of this as a trust course. We are going to be fighting together on future missions, are we not?" Byleth countered.

Seteth left it at that and looked over to a flying Leonie.

"How is Leonie flying?" Setheth questioned, squinting his eyes if magic was being used on Leonie.

"We have acquired a backpack that gives anyone the ability to fly." Byleth answered truthfully, he knew well enough not to lie to Seteth of all people. "I promise to protect them from any harm"

"Very Well, if you can keep your word on their safety, then you as you wish. Just make sure Flayn doesn't get her hands on that." Seteth requested.

"Understood." Byleth agreed. Though part of him felt sad that Flayn was unable to use it too if she asked.


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