Orange you glad I'm back?

By _Percival_

4.7K 163 372

Sequel to "This is just peachy." (Awsten Knight x reader) You thought you finally caught a break and could fi... More

Part one
Part three
Little update
Part four
Part five
I'm sorry
Part Six
Part Seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Part fourteen
Thank you for everything

Part two

321 11 25
By _Percival_

A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you guys so much for reading. 💕

I was terrified and frozen in the fear. I needed someone to save me. I don't care who but please someone save me. "We're going to go for a little drive." Ray said putting the gun in his back pocket. I was shaking horribly and he seemed to notice. "Sit on your hands." I did as he said.

"That shaking is annoying me." He sighed, pressing on the gas making the car move. "Where are we going? I asked, kicking my text book to see if the mic was on. He looked at me then back at the rode. "Travis." I whispered. "Save me."

Ray sped up and did a sharp turn that lead to an abounded rode. I looked in the side mirror and saw red and blue lights. He cursed to himself and pulled over. There were woods and a huge barn to the left of us. That's probably where they keep and kill their victims.

"If you say anything I will blow your head off right here." He said gently rolling down his window. "Hello sir." I looked up to see Awsten in a police man uniform. Are you fricking kidding me, this was their best idea? He looked at me and winked. I sat there with a shocked expression. He smiled and looked back at Ray. "You were going mighty fast." He laughed in a fake country accent.

If I wasn't frozen in fear I would be crying with laughter. He really is a horrible actor. "Yes sir, I'm sorry. My wife is pregnant and we are just going home." Ray smiled. WOW, that is his lie? I'm pregnant? Awsten chuckled. "Well, congratulations. I've been wanting a kid myself, but I stopped talking to the girl I wanted to have it with. I've been wanting to apologize to her but she deserves way better then me." Awsten looked at me with a small smile. My heart dropped, he couldn't mean me, right? He probably met another girl, someone much better. Why am I even thinking about this right now?

Ray looked shocked and didn't know what to say. "Well, I'm very sorry. I'm sure you will find her." He smiled, starting up the car again. "Uh, actually sir I need you to step out of the car." He said opening the door for Ray to get out. "Fine." He sighed, but instead of getting out of the car he stepped on the gas making us drive away from Awsten.

"Why did you that?!" I yelled getting annoyed. "Hey, shut up. Remember, I'll blow your head off." Ray said keeping his eyes on the rode. He kept making so many sharp turns which made me hit the car door many times. "Let me tell you something." He said, stopping the car at a small cabin. What is it with killers and cabins?

"If you haven't figured it out, you've been kidnapped and we're gonna have fun with you." He smiled. "We..?" I whispered with a shaky voice. "Toro! Did you get one?" I turned my head to face the car window. There was a short man walking up to the car, no it can't be. "You know it Frank. I never leave empty handed." Ray laughed, stepping out of the car.

"Let me get a look at her." Frank said opening the car door on my side. I could see the smile on his face until it faded when he saw who I was. "Hey! I know you!" He laughed. I looked at him with horror on my face. "Ray! This is the girl I chased in the woods with Mikey!" He yelled, he was way too happy about this.
"No way!" Ray said walking over to me.

"Sooner or later you'll meet Gerard, you'll have met the whole gang!" Frank laughed. Please don't tell me that they are all crazy. Awsten please come save me. "Let's get you settled." They pulled me out of the car roughly and walked me to the cabin, pushing me inside. Ray locked the door and put the key in his back pocket.

There was a couch facing a fireplace which had a big tv on top of it. There was a black coffee table across from the couch with a New Jersey mug on it. There was also two lamps in the corners of the rooms. It set a golden look to it, if I wasn't kidnapped I would be very cozy.
Ray grabbed a chair and sat me down on it in the middle of the living room. Frank tied my hands around my back and tied my feet at the legs of the chair.

"You really think this will stop me? I was taken by a killer before and I've been through hell because of it. This is nothing." I laughed, trying to act brave but I was terrified. "You were taken by a killer who had no idea what he was doing." Frank said with a smile, taking something out of his pocket. It was a small pocket knife.

"Isn't it crazy, that I can slice your throat right now? I could end your life in a second." That's true, I guess I forgot I could die after everything I have survived through. "Come on Ray, let's check on him." Frank said walking down the hallway, Ray following him. Who are they talking about? That doesn't matter, I need to get out of here. I tried squeezing my hands through the rope but it didn't work.

I don't care how bad this is going to hurt, I need to get out of here quick. I squeeze my hands through the rope again, trying not to be loud. After trying for a few seconds I felt relief fill my wrist. I was free, but I had no time to be happy or proud. I started untying the rope around my feet. Then my feet were free, I stand up from the chair and try to open the front door.

I saw the button half was locked, I unlocked it and tried to open the door again. It still doesn't open. Dang, the deadbolt. Stupid Ray has the key for it and I don't know how to pick locks. I then heard foot steps coming closer to me. Crap, I need to think fast. I look around the room and remembered the chair. I grabbed it and waited for them to walk in the room so I could knock them out.

After waiting for a little bit I see a piece of black hair. I swing the chair and hit Frank in the head, making him fall to the ground. I then saw a piece of brown curly hair, I hit the chair and made Ray fall onto the ground as well. I squeal with happiness that I just did that. "Thank you Awsten for taking me so I know how to escape." I whispered.

I took the key from Ray and unlocked the deadbolt. I swung the door open and felt a cold breeze hit me. Before I ran out I hard a muffled scream coming from a room down the hallway. Oh my god, please no. I can either be selfish and save myself or see who needs help. Gosh, I could never live with myself if I left without seeing if a person needs help.

I run down the hallway into a bedroom. I dropped the key in shock as I stepped into the room. A man with medium length brown hair was tied to a chair with many scars and blood on his face. He had duct tape covering his mouth. "Gerard..?" I whispered. He looked at me and nodded his head up and down. I walked closer and ripped the tape off of his mouth.

"Thank you, please help me. They took me captive and I think I'm dying. Please help me." Gerard said with a sigh, also with a mix of fear and relief in his eyes. I was in full panic mode. I needed to save him but oh my god Gerard Way is the only sane one of, "My chemical romance"? "Don't worry, they took me too. I'll get you out of here." I start untying him from the chair. "Thank you." He whispered.

After untying him, I helped him up out of the chair. "My legs aren't working." He said with a panic. "It's okay, I got you." I put his arm over my shoulder so I could support him. We walk out of the room into the living room to see Ray gone. "Oh my god." I whispered, stopping in my tracks. "We need to run." I started running, still holding Gerard.

We run out the door and go down the dirt rode. "Travis?! Awsten?! Otto?! Jawn?!" I yelled, hoping one of them heard me. No answer came. As we were running Gerard tripped and yelled in pain. "What's wrong?" I asked crouching down to his level. "My leg, my leg!" He said over and over again. I looked at his right leg to see blood coming through his green jeans.

"Okay, this might hurt." I ripped a part of his jeans to see why it was bleeding. I gasped in shocked and closed my eyes. "What is it?" He asked, in a shaky voice. I looked again to see a huge bloody wound on the bottom part of his leg. "You need to go to the hospital." I said, taking off my black jacket and tying it around his leg to help stop the bleeding.

"Oh my gosh, this is not happening. This can not be real!" He yelled, losing control of his breathing. "Hey hey. It's going to be okay. I was taken by a killer and tortured too. I had to run from lots of them, this world is sick. But you are going to survive." I said trying to calm him down. He whipped his tears and showed a little smile.

As we sat there on the dirty ground, losing hope. A van slowly drove toward us, the light made us flinch. "Who is that?" He asked. "It might be help." I smiled. "Travis?!" I yelled, standing up from the ground. The driver door opened and revealed a guy with neon green hair. "Awsten!" I yelled with a huge smile. "You're okay!" He yelled back, running up to me. He grabbed me into a hug, holding my head to his chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered, fighting back tears. "We need to go." I said pulling away from him and helping Gerard off of the ground. "Gerard?" Awsten asked with shock on his face. "The one and only." Gerard laughed.

Awsten helped him off of the ground and carried him to the car. I stood there in the driveway having no desire to move. "(Y/N)! Come on!" He yelled, trying to get Gerard in the van. "I can't." I whispered, feeling something press against the back of my head, I knew exactly who it was.

"You're fortunate I'm not Frank right now." Ray whispered in my ear, making me shiver. My breath was shaky and I had trouble catching it. "Tell me where Gerard is or I'll shoot your green haired friend, I know he isn't a real cop." I couldn't say anything or move, I was frozen.

"He ran off in the woods." I lied, holding my breath. I heard him load the gun which made me feel nothing. I had fear, yes but I was so in fear that I didn't know how to react. "We both know that's a lie. Tell the truth or I'll shoot that fake cop. I'm sure you're the girl he was telling in his little story." Ray whispered again.

I need to run and get into the van, but how? He's not holding me, he's just pressing the gun against my head. I know what to do. I worked up the courage to turn around and I kick him right in the stomach, making him fall in pain. "(Y/N)!" Awsten yelled now noticing what was happening. I run next to Ray and grabbed his gun, then I ran to the van and hopped in, closing the door.

Travis was in the passenger seat, Otto was in the left seat of the middle while I was sitting in the right. Jawn and Gerard were in the back and Awsten hopped in the driver's. I held the gun in my right hand, putting it on safety. "(Y/N), are you okay?" Otto asked, putting his hand on my left shoulder.

I didn't answer, I looked through the car window to see us passing by many trees. "We're going to go to the hospital to drop Gerard off, then we are going back to myself for dinner and to relax and come up with a plan." Travis said, now giving Awsten directions. Everybody muttered a, "okay."

After driving for about half an hour we were at the hospital. Jawn, Otto, and Travis all helped Gerard out of the van and into the hospital. Leaving me and Awsten alone. "I'm sorry." He sighed, breaking the silence. I didn't respond. The silence flooded in again. "Awsten." I spoke up, I don't know why but something came over me. "Yeah?" He replied. "How long do you think they're doing to be gone?" "Probably for ten minutes, why?"

I needed to forget everything. I'm so in love with Awsten it's unbelievable. After everything that just happened and everything that happened in the past, I need to stop thinking. "Come back here and sit in Otto's seat." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. He sounded confused as he replied, "Alright."

He opened the door and sat in the seat, now closing the door. I lifted up the arm wrist so I could get to him, he turned to face me as I did the same. "What's wrong?" He asked, god you can see the love in his eyes. I leaned in close to him, he did the same until we were inches apart. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pressed my lips against his.

I could feel that he was shocked, but he kissed back. He slid his arms around my waist, pulling me to his lap. I sat with my legs on either side of him, I pulled away so I could catch my breath and look at him. "That was unexpected." He chuckled. "They're still not back yet." I said with a smile. He smirked at me as he pulled me into another kiss, he bit my lips gently.

He left my lips and started kissing my jaw as I played with his hair. "I've been dying to do this." He said in a whisper. He stopped kissing my jaw and moved to my neck, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Awsten." I said with a chuckle. "Hm?" He replied, now resting his head on my chest. "Do you still love me?" I asked, messing with his hair.

He pulled away and looked at me. "(Y/N), my beautiful and amazing jelly bean." I gave him a smile. "You have no idea how deeply I am in love with you. Talking to you, made me feel horrible. It felt like I was ripped in half, that someone took the other part of me. When I grabbed you from the bush my heart dropped and I was so nervous. I didn't know if you felt the same or if you hated me, I had so many emotions. But oh baby girl, it was so worth it." He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and looked at me while I was in shock.

How is he so sweet but so messed up. How do I know if we start something, he's not going to just kill me? I mean, he killed everyone to "protect" me but he could snap and I would die. "They're coming back." Awsten said, gently pushing me off his lap. "Wait, no." I whispered with a sad look. "(Y/N), baby. I need to go back to my seat." He replied, trying to push me off.

I still wasn't moving. "Okay." He whispered, slamming our lips together. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "We're gonna get caught." He said, breaking the kiss. I got off of him and went back to my seat as he did the same.

Otto opened the door and let Jawn through so he could get in the back. Travis opened the passenger door and started talking to Awsten. I didn't listen though, I was on cloud nine from what just had happened.

A/N: Writing make out scenes are so awkward sbxjciekew. Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you have a good day/night :))

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