Barry and Iris OS

By Rauraflash2020

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So we know that because of the negative speed force Nora is erased from memory and so this story starts from... More

No Nora No.
The time Barry almost died( the first time)
My version of how Barry feels when savitar almost kills iris
All Dolled up
Elongated Journey into the night
Null and Annoyed
Enter Zoom
King Shark
License to Elongate
Cause and Effect
Luck Be a Lady
Legends of Today
Legends of Yesterday
News Flash
Dead or Alive
What's Past is Prolouge
Run, Iris Run
The Flash and The Furious
Dead Man Running

Killer Frost

141 4 0
By Rauraflash2020

Hey everyone so I realised that this was  one of the most underrated episodes which I love so here goes
Flash season 3 episode 7.

My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive. To the outside world I'm just an ordinary forensic scientist but with the help of my friends at STAR Labs I fight crime and find other met humans like me. After defeating Zoom and saving the multiverse  and created the alternate timeline Flashpoint. I restored the timeline to the way it was only to find things weren't the way I left them. I brought new threats to our world and I'm the only one fast enough to save them.
I am The Flash.

Previously on the Flash
" I'm sorry honey but the more you use your powers the harder it's going to be to reverse." Clara said into the video call.
" I took your cuffs." Cait told Cisco.
"Is this some bold fashion choice because you're not a meta human." Cisco says.
" What did you see Cisco? Am I her?" Cait asked worried.
" I saw the both of us. Like a Vibe vs Killer Frost. "  Cisco said.

" The time has come to set you free." The man in the suit said.
" Wally, don't." Joe shouted.
" You may serve the speed force, Flash, but I rule it. You  are only a man but I am a God. Your God. I  am Savitar."  Savitar says.
" Alchemy." Joe shouts.
" Shoot him." Barry shouts.
" I can't see him." Joe says.
" Just do it." Barry shouts.
" Let's go for a run." Savitar says as he runs and drags Barry with him.
" What's happening?" Cait asks.
" I don't understand. The suits tracker has him disappearing and reappearing all over the city, and that's impossible. He can't be moving that fast. " Cisco said.
" Well if he can't, something else can." HR  says.
" Had enough?" Savitar asks Barry.
" Not even close."Barry says.
Just then  the tracker stops moving.
"Hey look, it stopped." Cait said.
" He's at the waterfront." Cisco says.
"Okay." HR says.
" We have to get to him." Cait  says.
" And do what? He's fighting an invisible force that is too fast to track." Cisco said.
" If I may, I have a plan." HR says.
" No. No. Put your hand down." Cisco  says.
" Pretty good plan. It's a question of numbers because right now  it seems to be one against one. What if there were three against one. Do you know what I'm saying." HR says.
" Cisco, you can open a breach and get both of you to the waterfront." Iris says.
" Guys I can't. It's too dangerous." Cait says.
" I'm begging you. Please." Iris requests Cait.
" Still alive down there. You are only  a shadow beneath my throne. You are the past whereas I'm the future Flash." Savitar says.
" I can't see it." Cait yells.
" Just do it. Cisco says.

" Whoeeee. I'm going to feel that tomorrow. That was a new and painful use of my power."   Cisco says holding his head.
" You okay?" Cisco asks Barry.
" Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay. Just cold. Thanks for coming." Barry says.

Next morning at STAR labs
" Barry, you're already healing. You should be fine soon. Cisco the MRI I took of your brain this morning shows changes in the capillary morphology similar to that of a mini-stroke. I wouldn't try any intra dimensional  breach like that anytime  soon."Cait says.
" Mini -stroke? You can't just gloss over that? Am I going to have this migraine for the rest of my life? What are my chances here?" Cisco asks scared.
" It means you should take some asprin and you'll be fine." Cait says.
" Oh. Well just lead with that next time." Cisco says.
" Cait, I  know what a risk you took using your powers. Thank you." Barry says.
" I didn't do anything." Cait says.
Well you just basically saved my life." Barry says.
" You've saved mine plenty of times. I'm going to go check on Wally. " Cait says.
" What was that? The frozen thing at the waterfront?" Cisco asks.
" But now we know Alchemy is just the lackey. What ever that was is what we are really up against." Barry  says.
" Question: why are you the only one who can see him?" HR asks.
" Why? I mean why? You're both speedsters. Maybe it has something to do with that?" Cisco says.
" Maybe. But I think he's more than a speedster. I mean when he had me  it was like we werent even moving. It's  like bam" we were somewhere  instantly different. Even from my perspective." Barry says.
" Did he say anything  else?" HR  asked.
" His name was Savitar." Barry says.
" Hindu God of motion." HR says.
" How do you know that?"  Cisco asks.
"Crossword puzzle wizard. On two planets I might add 12  across, 7 letters Savitar.  Hindu God of motion." HR says.
" He said he was God." Barry said.
" That's. That's nice. That's not scary at all." Cisco says.

" Hey." Barry says as he sees Iris.
" Hey. Are you sure your're okay?"   Iris says as she goes to hug him.
" Can you tell anything?" Barry asks Cait.
" Wally's alive in there but his vitals are really subdued. His brain function is low. Some thing like you'd see in a coma patient." Cait says.
  " I was in a coma when I got my powers. Maybe it's a similar process. Can we take him out?" Barry asks.
" When a caterpillar is in its chrysalis, it literally breaks it's body into enzyme soups before rebuilding into  as a butterfly. If this cocoon is doing the same to Wally, I just I don't know."  Cait says.
" You're right. You don't know. None of us knows a damn thing about what's going on in there. And I feel like a fool just standing here listening." Joe says.
" Dad!"Iris says to try to calm Joe down.
"Look I've said it before that I don't have the education most of you had. The science of what we do here is mostly lost on me. But what I do have is my detective skills and my instincts, and time and time again you guys tell me everything is okay. Well everything is not okay." Joe says.
" I'm sorry Joe." Barry says.
" I know you are. But I can't just stand here. My gut is telling me I need to do something." Joe says.
" It's not your fault. Iris says.
" Yeah it is." Barry tells her.
Later at the precinct
" Not so tough without your friends and your fancy robe, now are you I want to know about Alchemy. What he does. How he does it."    Joe asks the man there.
" His powers are beyond human understanding." He tells Joe.
" Try me." Joe says.
" Oh you will be tried. All of you. When my master rises, the human race will be judged. From where  im sitting you will not fare wellHe tells Joe.
" You think I'm playing games with you? My son is in one of those cocoons and you tell me how to get him out." Joe shouts.
Suddenly someone knocks at the door and it's Caitlin.
" Caitlin, what is it ?"Joe asks her.
" It's Wally. He's out of that thing." Cait tells Joe.
" And he's okay?" Joe asks looking worried.
" Yeah. He's fine. I promise." Cait says.
" Oh thank God. Thank you  Caitlin." Joe says.
" You should go see him." Cait tells Joe.
" Yeah." Joe says as he leaves.

Just then Cait uses her Killer Frost powers and ices the room.
Then she asks the guy Joe was questioning,
" Where is Alchemy? Tell  me where Alchemy is?" Cait/Frost asks.
" The one I serve is the one Alchemy fears, Savitar.  Maybe its time to start  fearing me. He tells Cait.
Cait ices him and  police go in and she puts ice on the door.
" Anybody out there? Let us out of here." They shout.

"  Hey what's going on?" Joe asks walking into the med bay where Barry and Iris are with Wally.
" Caitlin came by the precinct. Said Wally was out and he was okay." Joe  says confused.
" What? I didn't even see her leave." Iris says.

" SWAT needs to  establish a cordon at 6th and Fairmont, all the way down to Gleason. Move move." The officers shout.
" Detective Patterson, hey whats? " Barry says.
" Allen, just the man I want to see. You're friend's in big trouble. " Detective Patterson said.
" My f."Barry said.
" Female meta human attacked the precinct, took Julian Albert hostage." Patterson said.
" Julian? Wait do you know who the meta is?" Barry asked.
" Uh no. But she's smart. I'll tell you that. Took out our security camera so so we couldn't ID her." Patterson said.
" Why would she take Julian?" Barry asks.
" She's a meta. They're all crazy. But don't worry. We'll get her." Patterson says as he walks away.
" What are you doing? What are you doing Cait?" Barry asks.

Later at a warehouse with Cait and Julian
"  Bit chilly in here, isn't  it?" Julian asks.
" Shut up. I need to think." Cait/Frost  says.
" Look, I know who you are. You're Allen's friend. Dr. Snow." Julian says.
" I said be quiet." Cait/Frost says.
" Are you going to kill me?" Julian asks.
" I need you to find Alchemy." Cait/Frost says.
" Alchemy?What? What do you want me to do?" Julian asks.
" Alchemy has followers, disciples. I need you to create an algorithm that will allow you to look for a specific keyword in the last six months. If we find one of his followers, they can lead  me to Alchemy." Cait/Frost says.
" Okay. But  " Alchemy" is a relatively common  phrase. It'll have hundreds of hits." Julian says.
" Then  search for an uncommon one." Cait/Frost says.
" Like." Julian asks.
" Savitar." Cait/Frost says.
" Savitar?" Julian asks.
" Get searching." Cait/Frost says.

Later at the lab
" So they don't know why she took Julian?" Cisco asks.
" No they don't. But more importantlt they dont even know that its Caitlin so we need to find her before they do." Barry says.
" Savitar. Now what to do about this Savitar." HR wonders.
" We find Caitlin then we can worry about Savitar." Barry says.
" You know what guys, I agree with Barry. Let's find Caitlin." HR says.
" Okay. You're right. But after we find Caitlin, then what?"Cisco asks.
" I don't know. I mean she's not thinking straight. " Barry says.
"She's she's becoming Killer Frost. It's just like in the vibe. "  Cisco said.
" We don't know that yet." Barry says.
" Her mother said the more she uses her powers the faster she's going to go. And saving you from Savitar most have put her over the edge." Cisco said.
" How do we find her?" Barry asked.
" I don't know. I tried pinging her and Julian's cell but she must have ditched them somewhere."  Cisco said.
"A hem. If I may proffer a notion. "  HR says.
" Oh great. Another  suggestion from the genius over there."Cisco says sarcastically.
" You don't call the genius. The genius calls you. Question: how did you catch your Captain Cold? I've been reading about him in your files. Seems like a willy fellow. Slow talker. But his MO is strikingly similar to our dear Caitlin's."  HR says.
" What?No? We tracked him using  the satellite to scan for  ultraviolet cold signatures.Got it. " Cisco said as he continues typing.
" Yeah." HR says.
"No. Nothing near the precinct. Wait. There  she is. Okay I'm going to isolate the feed so no one else can see it." Cisco says.
" All right, figure out what she's making Julian do? I'm going." He says as he wooshes out.
" That is cool." HR says.

With Cait/Frost and Julian
" I've found two individuals who have searched for the name Savitar. Both of them are here, in Central City. What are  you going to do to them?" Julian asks.
" I don't know." Cait/Frost  says.

She looks the other way and  asks herself, " What am I doing?"Cait/Frost asks.

At the precinct
" Son of a Sargent we got a location for Albert. Let's move."Patterson orders.
" What part of " I'll freeze you to death" did you not understand?" Cait/Frost asks Julian.

Just then Barry zooms in.
" Stop." Barry says.
" Get out of here ." Cait/Frost says.
" You know I can't do that." Barry says.
" What are you doing? Take her out. Take her out." Julian says behind Barry.
" You don't want to do this. You don't want to hurt anybody." Barry says.
" She's willing to knock someone out. Knock her out." Julian says.

Then Barry knocks Julian unconscious.
" Caitlin." Barry says.
" Leave me alone." Cait/Frost says.
"What are you doing?" Barry asks.
" I have to find Alchemy." Cait/Frost says.
" We will find him together." Barry says.
" No. You don't understand. I don't need him to lock  me up. I need him to help me." Cait/Frost says.
" Help you what?" Barry  asks.
"To get rid of my powers." Cait/Frost says.
" Oh Caitlin. I don't know if it works that way." Barry says.
" You don't know that it doesn't." Cait/Frost says.
" I know that we love you and we will do everything to help you. You and I we've been through too much to let each other go now. Please. Let me help you. "  Barry says.
" Like you helped your mother? Or Wally? Or me?" Cait/Frost says.
" Caitlin."Barry says.
"  Oh like you helped Cisco's family? You didn't tell Cisco that you screwed him the most, did you? You hear that Cisco? Dante was alive, healthy and happy until Barry created Flashpoint. When he reset things, that's what killed him.  Barry is the reason your brother is dead." Cait/Frost says.

" Albert's down. Shoot her." Patterson calls.
Barry zooms Caitlin over to a place where they can't be seen.
" That severed your triceps surae. Even with your healing capabilities it'll take four hours to generate. Don't follow me." Cait/Frost says.
" Caitlin. Gah." Barry shouts.

At STAR labs
" How much does it hurt." Iris asks.
" As much as I deserve."Barry says.
" Okay. Let me know. They took Julian to County General. He's out cold. How hard did you hit him?"Joe asks Barry.
" I didn't mean to knock him out. Or maybe I did." Barry said.

As Barry walks over to Cisco he says,
" Hey man, what Caitlin said."
" Was she lying?" Cisco asked.
" Um no. " Barry says.
" You're sorry? Cause he was here. He was alive until you created Flashpoint- until you did this." Cisco said.
"  I know man." Barry says.
" I don't even know how to feel now. All  I know is Caitlin is still out there there and we need to find her. Can we do that?"  Cisco says.
" Yeah." Barry says.
" I hacked Julian's computer. Caitlin had him look up two addresses: 16 Hawthorne Avenue and  1104 Truman Place." Cisco said.
" She's trying to find the acolytes, I was trying to say." HR says.
" What would she want with Alchemy's followers?" Iris asks.
" She must think he can take her to Alchemy. She want him to  take her powers away." Barry says.
" We know. We  heard everything. Well, two acolytes, two addresses. Which one's she going to hit first?Cisco says.
"  We got to watch both."Barry says.
" You're gonna stay here. You can barely walk. I'll take Hawthorne. " Cisco said.
" I'll take Truman." HR says.
" I care about Caitlin, but I don't want to leave Wally." Joe said.
" Dad, Barry  and I will take care of Wally. You go with HR." Iris tells Joe.
" All right, I would love that. All star team up. Hey you know what, I'll make a couple cappuccinos for the road, right so we're ready for tonight's adventures. Hey not to worry, right Barry. We'll help her." HR says as he walks out.
" Cisco. If you find Caitlin." Barry says.
" I won't call you. You've done enough." Cisco says as he walks out.

Later with Joe and HR
" The acolyte is on the second floor." Joe says.
" You want a cup of joe, Joe?" HR asks.
" No." Joe says.
" No. All right. I bet you're a tea drinker." HR says.
" If you want to talk nonsense, I'm going to need you to stop talking to me." Joe says.
" You're worried about your son?" HR asks.
" Do you have kids?" Joe asks HR.
" No. " HR says.
" Then I don't think we could have a conversation about how I'm feeling right now." Joe says.
" Okay, as an interested observer, I can tell you Barry admires you." HR says.
" Yeah. Well he needs to listen to me." Joe says.
" Yeah well he doesn't and the reason is Barry's superpower isn't speed. It's hope." HR says.
" Mhmh." Joe says.
" Kid's got an endless reservoir. Believes everything is going to work out." HR says.
" Well he's wrong about this one. They all are. I said it before: when my gut is telling me something  is off I trust it. And I need them to trust me. Joe says.
" The next time your gut tells our team what to do, I'll trust it." HR says.
" How come you're not telling me what I want to hear." Joe asks.

" What is that?" Iris asks as Barry walks over to the screen.
" The satellite. It's programmed to detect rapid temperature deceleration. That's the house Cisco's watching. " Barry says.
" oh God." Iris says.

" Honey, Craig go check the thermostat. It's freezing." Craig's wife says.
" Are you serious?" Craig asks.
" Yes.  She says as he  gets up from the bed.

Just then  ice comes crashing through and almost takes him out.
" Both my parents are doctors. It's all I ever wanted to be. Growing up, I used to practice the Hippocratic oath. I  was  obsessed with it. If anyone was ever gonna step on a bug, I would say " do not harm. It's built in my DNA. Unfortunately my DNA isn't what it used to be. So believe me when I say this answer every one of my questions or I will harm you and your family. Who is Alchemy?"   Cait/Frost says.
" I don't know. I've never seen him without the mask." Craig says.
" I know he can give people powers. Can he take them away?" Cait/Frost asks.
" Yes. But you can't make Alchemy do anything. He's just an acolyte like me. We both serve the speed God, Savitar. He's shown us the future. I saw you there. You were glorious  and powerful. My lord has special plans for you,Caitlin Snow. Or should I say Killer Frost." Craig says.
Then  Cait/Frost hears Cisco calling for her.
" Caitlin." Cisco shouts.
" Really? You brought your toys?" Cait/Frost asks.
" I hope it won't come to that." Cisco says.
" It won't."Cait/Frost says.
" Look, I'm not leaving you out here. I want to help you."  Cisco says.
" There's  only one person who can help me." Cait/Frost says.
" Really? You think seeking medical advice from someone named Dr. Alchemy is the way to go?" Cisco asks.
" Why not? My name is Killer Frost." Cait/Frost says.
" Your name.. Your name is Caitlin  Snow." Cisco says.
Cait/Frost blasts Cisco and he manages to hide behind some trees.
" Caitlin, please." Cisco says.

Barry zooms in and falls on ice.
" How's the leg?"Cait/Frost asks.
Barry hits her leg and she falls down next to him.
"That was cold Flash. But this is colder." Cait/Frost says as she kisses Barry.
Cisco come out and blasts    her away.
" Start vibrating.  It'll warm you up." Cisco says as he walks away.

Later in the pipeline
" Whew. Guess I just needed a little sleep.  I'm feeling much better now. It's okay.  You can let  me out.  I promise I'm not going to hurt anybody. You know that was some blast there, Vibe boy. It kind of hurt." Cait/ Frost says.
" I didn't want to hurt you." Cisco says.
" You're pathetic." Cait/Frost says.
" Alchemy can't help you. We can. I promise." Barry says.
" Oh like you promised Eddie?  And like you promised Ronnie. You know for a hero, Flash you sure let a lot of people die around you." Cait/Frost says.
" This isn't you talking. It's the powers. They're messing with your mind. Youre sick."Barry says.
" I'm broken, Barry. But what  do you care, cause you've got Iris. Everyone else be damned. I'll tell you what: you guys let me out of here and I'll let you get back to your sad and miserable lives."Cait/Frost says.
"  No. We're not abandoning you." Barry tells her.
" You did this to me." Cait/Frost says.
Then Barry  turns to Cisco and asks,
" Do you know how we can get her back? " Barry asks.
" It's like Caitlin said: sometimes when things get broken they can't be fixed." Cisco says as he walks away.

"  My son isn't going to end up like Caitlin. Help me get him out of this thing." Joe tells HR
" Oh no no. Joe no. We don't want to touch that thing. First off we don't know what it's going to do to Wally, right? Maybe this is the kind of situation best left to the people with the science. " HR says.
" Caitlin?" Joe asks.
"Yeah." HR says.
" Please help me." Joe says.

With Barry and Iris
" What are you doing down  here?" Iris asks as she goes to sit with Barry.
" We should all be working to find Alchemy and Savitar and figure out how to stop them. Instead we're fighting each other." Barry says.
"Yeah.  Team Flash is not at its finest." Iris says.
" Why didn't I just follow you inside the house?" Barry says. Because you were hurting. You would do anything to make the pain go away. That's why Caitlin is so lost and Cisco. We will do anything to make the pain stop. That doesn't make you a bad person. That makes you human." Iris tells Barry.
" Tell that to my friends. My best friends one  is locked up like a villian: the other one hates me. " Barry says.
" You can  not take this on all by yourself. Iris says.
" Why not?" Barry asks.
" How do you know that Caitlin wasn't already affected by the accelerator explosion or that Dante would have died in the car accident anyway? You are not God, Barry." Iris said.
" That's what Jay said." Barry said.
"  Jay's a smart man. You  cannot cannot be doing this to yourself.  You can't be constantly going over the what-ifs, you'll go nuts."  Iris said.
" Everyone in this building needs the flash right now, my dad, Wally, even Cisco and Caitlin. So be strong like I know you are. I know you don't want to be the leader right now, but you have to be."  Iris said.
" I told you I couldn't do this without you." Barry says.
" And you will never have to." Iris says.

Just then alarms ring.
" Wally?" Iris asks.
" Yeah. Come on. There's an energy surge coming from the  cortex." Barry says.
" Joe, hey Joe what are you doing?" Barry asks.
"Hey Bar." Joe says.
" Hey stop. You can't cut him out " Barry says.
" I have to." Joe says.
" Joe don't. " Barry says as they are all thrown back.
" Wally?" Barry asks.
" Wally?  What did I do?" Joe asks.
" Was this your idea?" Barry asked HR.
" No. Joe, I was helping Joe." HR says.
"  No sign of Wally." Iris says.
" I've got the satellite scanning the entire city for rapid movement. If he's a  speedster, he could be across half the country by now." Cisco says.
" Barry, we have to find him." Iris says.
" I'm more worried when we do find him. It didn't look like he was all there,  Iris." Barry said.
" I shouldn't have cut him out of that thing." Joe said.
" Joe,  what we need right now is a biochemist. " Barry says.
" You've got to talk to her, Barr." Joe says.

Barry then walks over to the pipeline  and opens it.
" We need your help, Caitlin." Barry says.
" Wally, he's he's out of the cocoon but but his biochemistry is all out of whack. " Barry said.
"So?" Cait/Frost asked.
" So when we find him, he's gonna need your help. He's gonna need your medical expertise, your experience with metas. What he needs is Caitlin Snow, MD." Barry said.
" So you came to try to talk some sense into me." Cait/Frost asked.
Barry opens the cell and says,
" No, I came to let you go." Barry said.
" For a smart guy, that that was  an awfully dumb move." Cait/Frost says.
" Like I said, you're free to go." Barry tells her.
" What's the catch?" Cait/Frost asks.
" You have to kill me." Barry tells her.

In  the cortex
" What is he doing?" Iris asks.
" I don't know. It's going to be alright."  Cisco says.
" You want to fight, Flash?" Cait/Frost asks.
" I'm not going to fight you. If you want to leave this room, you will have to kill me. " Barry says.
" Don't think I don't want to." Cait/Frost says.
" Then do  it."Barry says.
She gets an ice shard in her and puts it against Barry's neck.
" What are you waiting for? What's the big deal come on. Live up to your name Killer Frost. I wanna see some killing. You wanna be the villian?  This is what they do, they kill their friends because nothing else matters to them anymore, right? Right?  Come on, kill me Caitlin. You can't do it.  You can't do it because underneath all the cold, you're still you." Barry says.
" Barry!" Caitlin says as she drops the shard down and hugs Barry.
" I got you. It's okay." Barry says.

Later in the med bay

" I think extracting Wally early from  that cocoon left him in a fugue state. His synapses aren't used to functioning at super speed, so his mind and body are misfiring." Cait  said.
" I mean, will this stuff help?" Joe asked.
" I've synthesised  a neural compound that  I think will get his mind and body running at the same speed." Cait said.
" We just have to find him first. Iris said looking at Barry.
" Where'd he go, Joe? What does your gut tell you. HR asked looking at Joe.
"The house that he grew up in. He used to go there when he missed his mother." Joe said.
" In Keystone." Barry said getting up from the chair.
" Thank you." Barry says looking  at Cait.
" Wally. It's your dad son. You're going to be all right." Joe says going up to Wally.
Barry then speeds in and injects the serum into Wally.
" Dad. " Wally says.

The next day in the speed lab
Wally was running on the track.
" Damn. How fast is he going?" Joe asks Cisco.
" Faster than Barry could go at the beginning." Cisco says looking at the tablet in his hand.
Cait comes in and says,
"I uh just wanted to." Caitlin said.
"  It's okay." Cisco said as they hug.
" You scared me for a second getting all Mother of Dragons on me with that help." Cisco said.
" Thank you." Cait says.
" That is the greatest feeling I have ever felt. Barry it's unreal." Wally says.
" Yeah it is." Barry says.
" How fast was I going?" Wally asks.
" Too fast." Joe says.
" Dad don't look so worried. I'm fine. I feel fine. In fact I  feel kind of awesome, like everything is buzzing, electric, like I could anything." Wally said.
" That is what it feels like. Got  the Speed Force coursing through you giving you power. You're a speedster. " Barry says.
" Cool. Um so what's next?"   Wally asks.
" Caitlin is going to run every test she can think of on you. I mean if you're up for it. Joe says looking at Cait.
" Being  a doctor? That's what I am always up for." Cait says.
" Yeah. But when do I get to go out with you, Barry?" Wally asks.
" Okay, let's take it- one speed step at a time." Iris says.
" Slow down, Wallace." HR says.
" Bar, it's the hospital, Julian's awake." Joe says.
" He knows it was me. He knows what I did." Cait says.
"Don't worry. I'll talk to him." Barry says half smiling at Caitlin.

Barry goes over to Cisco's workshop workshop and knocks
" Hey Cisco, I just wanted to talk about."  Barry says.
" I don't." Cisco says.
" All right. Um  Cisco you're my best friend, man. Are we gonna be okay? You and I?" Barry asks.
" You want to be honest  with you?"Cisco asks.
  " Yeah. Yeah." Barry says.
" I don't know." Cisco says.
" Okay." Barry says as he walks out.

Later in the hospital
" Hey Patterson." Barry says as he can walks  over to Julian's room.
" Barry Allen, don't you ever work?" Patterson  asks.
" I just wanted to make sure Julian's doing okay." Barry says.
" Well I was just about to take his statement, yeah." Patterson says.
" Uh, would it be okay if  I talked to him first. We're pretty close him and I. " Barry says.
" Yeah. Go ahead. Just make it quick." Patterson says.
" Always. Thank you." Barry says.

Barry goes into Julian's room,
" Oh Hey. A hospital visit. I didn't think you missed me so much." Julian said sarcastically.
" What did the doctors say?" Barry asks.
" Concussion and frostbite but I'll be dandy in a few days." Julian says.
" That's good news. I'm glad you're going to be alright." Barry says.
" That's not the only reason you're here is it? Your friend, Caitlin Snow is a meta and not one of the friendly ones. Did you know?" Julian says. 
" She's sick, Julian." Barry tells him.
"She's a bloody menace." Julian says.
" Julian I know you think getting powers is this binary game, that you're either good or bad, but life isn't like that even for metas." Barry says. Look Caitlin is a good person. I'm begging you: don't turn her in. I will do anything but don't turn her in." Barry told Julian.
" I got hit pretty hard and I don't have the foggiest memory who even kidnapped  me." Julian said.
" Thank  you man. Thank you.
" There  is one thing that you can do for me, mate. Quit." Julian said.
" What?" Barry asked.
" Tender your resignation from the Central City Police Department effective immediately. I can overlook, the unexplained absences, the constant disregard for  the rules and regulations but your moral compass is broken, my friend. I point- blank refuse to work with someone whose sense of right or wrong is as flippant as the weather, someone who thinks friendship is more important than justice. You are unfit to be CSI. Barry Allen has no place in law enforcement. Now do we have an agreement or do you want that detective to meet that girl?" Julian asked.
" All right." Barry said as he left the room.

Barry left the room and said to Patterson,
" He's all yours." Barry said and left.
" Hey Albert." Patterson said.
" Hey so what can  you tell about our meta friend?" Patterson asks.
" I don't remember anything. It's all a bit of a  blur." Julian says.

Later as Barry was packing up his side of the lab Joe and Iris came in.
" Hey we just heard from Singh. You quit?" Joe asked Barry.
" What? What is going on?" Iris asks.
" Um I actually didn't have much of a choice." Barry says.
" What do you mean you didn't have a choice. Julian. You quit. He keeps his mouth shut about Caitlin." Joe says.
" I don't know. I mean he said I couldn't do something like protect Caitlin and be a good CSI and maybe he's right. " Barry said.
" No he's not. Barry you are an incredible CSI and no one else in this building  cares more about finding justice than you. And that was long before you were the Flash.  This lab is your life, Barry."   Iris said.
" You're my life. Both of you. And Wally and Cisco and Caitlin. If these past months have taught me  anything, its that I would give up anything to keep you all safe." Barry  said.
"Every time I think you've run out of ways to be a hero, you show me another." Joe says.
" You hungry?" Iris asks.
" Yeah. Let's get out of here." Barry says as he picks up the box and his jacket.

With Savitar and Julian
" Julian, Julian. " Savitar says.
" No. Stay away." Julian screams.
" You can't get away. There's no where I won't find you. Only together we can be just bring about my return. Become my servant once more." Savitar says.

Hey everyone
So I finally finished Killer Frost. One of the best episodes of season 3.
Anyways signing off

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