Everything that was forbidden...

By professor_snape

22.6K 485 78

"Because i was his daughter," she said simply. Harry blinked rapidly. "Voldemort? you're Voldemort's daughter... More

Everything that was forbidden
2. a littel trip to hogwarts can go a long way
4. "Do yo think im insane?"
5. " What dose puppies have to do with anything?"
6. Wands, dragons and hugs (oh my!)
7. and the truth will set you free,but will it be today?
8 : Ex-boyfriends, Veritiserum, and the Dark Lord. Now that's not good.
9 : "time can never mend a careless whisper"
10 : high ho the merrio, to Grimmauld place we go!
11 : "How many times can I break and not shatter?"
12 : It's true. we're all a little insane.
13 : she lives in a fairytale...
14 : Nothing is ever as it seems...
15 : "Masquarade, painted faces on parade."
16 : "I've got no time for feeling sorry."
17 : Anything that boys do, don't you know that girls can to?
18 : "I'm not the same kid from your memory.."
19 : "But I'll fight and make it all right...."
20 : "It was the fight of our lives, but we'll stand up, champions tonight"
21 : "She'll change her name today and make a promise and i'll give her away"
22 : Ninteen years later.....

3. "Dear Merlin! she's in love."

1.6K 37 9
By professor_snape

“Oh,” she breathed, taken aback by the sight of him. He was tall, and very, very, very handsome. His messy hair that came to below his ears was brown and his green eyes where like emeralds. She instantly fell deeply and unbearably in love with him.

Harry was startled to see the girl sitting in Severus’s office, behind his desk, sitting in his chair. She was beautiful though. She had the prettiest hair, jet black and silky looking, he wanted to walk across the office and touch it. Her green eyes where vivid and piercing. He instantly fell deeply and unbearably in love with her.

Severus was oblivious to what was happening. He shooed Harry over to the corner, where a desk had been set up with all of the filing he needed to copy. But Harry didn’t have time to groan like he normally did. He was to busy staring back at the beautiful girl who was staring at him. Severus noticed only then that something was happening, for he looked at Harry’s expression, then at Kiley’s. His head swiveled from both faces. Finally his eyes rested on Harry. Suddenly Severus began to get very protective. This was his daughter, and he did not like where this was going. didn't like it at all.

“Kiley, why don’t you wait out in the hallway? I’ll set Mr. Potter up and then I’ll take you on a tour of Hogwarts.” He still used the monotone, but Kiley didn’t notice. She was off in La-La land.

Harry silently mouthed Kiley’s name. Then the last part of the sentence hit him.

“Are you coming to Hogwarts?!?” he asked her excitedly. Severus smacked him upside the head, and growled at him to sit down and be quiet.

Kiley smiled shyly. “I hope so,” she said as she was getting up from behind the desk. She didn’t stop looking at Harry until she got to the door. She tried to stare at him and find the knob at the same time. When she couldn’t find it, an irritated look flashed across her face and she swiveled her head to look at the door knob. When she found it, she opened the door and stepped out. Harry thought she looked cute when she was frustrated. As she was closing the door, she waved a little. Harry giddily waved back, a huge love-sick smile etched onto his face.

“Stop waving like an idiot Potter and get to work. She is way out of your league anyways.” Severus growled. Merlin, she’s not even enrolled and boys are already starting to like her.

“Professor, who is she? Is she a new student? What’s her last name? How do you know her? Does she have a boyfriend?” Harry bombarded Severus with these questions.

Severus was taken aback. This was the most Harry had ever talked to him without sounding like he was in pain.

“Her name is Kiley. I don’t know if she is a new student. I will not tell you her last name. I will not tell you how I know her. Yes, she does have a boyfriend.” Severus didn’t know why he answered all of Harry’s questions. Well, he answered them for the most part anyways.

Harry slumped down into the desk dejectedly. “Do you know who he is, sir?”

“I believe its Draco Malfoy.” Severus said, picking up a stack of files and plopping them down on the edge of the desk. Oh, the irony, he thought.

“Draco Malfoy?!?” Harry sputtered. “She’s dating Draco Malfoy????”

“I believe so, yes. Now do not move from this spot. I will know if you do, trust me.” And with that, Severus left the sputtering, heart-broken Boy Who Lived to do his work.

Kiley jumped back from the door as Severus’s steps grew louder from behind it. She hadn’t been able to hear a word. Severus opened the door and smiled at her.

“Now, what part of Hogwarts would you like to see first?”

“Severus, is that really Harry Potter? Does he have a girlfriend? What house is he in? Why did he get in trouble? Do you think he would go out with me?” it was just like with Harry!! She was jumping up and down with giddy pleasure. Severus had never seen her act like this before, not even when she was talking about Draco.

“Yes, Kiley, that is really Harry Potter. I don’t know if he has a girlfriend. He is in Gryffindor. He got in trouble because he hexed someone. Don’t you already have a boyfriend?” Severus began to walk down the hallway, his mind racing. What was going on? He knew that Harry liked her, but wasn’t she madly in love with Draco?

Kiley ran to catch up with him. “Yes I do, but I don’t know. Severus, can I ask you something?”

Severus stopped walking. “Anything,”

“Have you ever been in love?” she asked shyly, her cheeks reddening slightly.

The question stunned Severus. Did she really think she was in love? Severus looked at Kiley, really looked at her. Her cheeks where flushed with excitement, her green eyes where bright, she looked a little wild eyed to. Dear Merlin! She’s in love. With Harry Potter. Voldemort’s sworn enemy. How could this happen?

Then Severus thought about her question. His memory shot back to Lily’s face. Her sweet, beautiful face. Then he thought of Jasmine. Yes, he had been in love. But only once was he truly in love.

“Yes, I have. You are to.” Severus ran his hand through his hair.

“You think so??” Kiley asked, hope in her eyes.

Severus just nodded. Kiley hugged him fiercely.

“Severus, sometimes I wish you where my father.” She said into the fabric of his shirt.

If only you knew. He thought to himself sadly.

“Can we go to Dumbledore’s office?” she asked him, releasing him from the embrace all too soon.

Severus got an idea. It was perfect! “Definably!”

They walked to Dumbledore’s office, talking the whole way. Kiley was filling Severus in on everything that was going on in her life. When they got to the doorway, Kiley was telling Severus about the time when she scared one of the Death Eater out of his mind by hiding behind a corner and shouting ‘BOO!’ when he got close enough.

Severus smiled and looked at the statue. “Dragon Spit,” he said.

From out of the floor a staircase appeared. Severus and Kiley stepped onto the top step and rode the staircase up to the Headmaster’s door. Severus knocked and Dumbledore called out from behind it, “Enter,”

Kiley pushed open the door and walked in, smiling a hello at the Headmaster.

“Why, hello Miss Riddle! What a pleasure to meet you!” Dumbledore said, getting up from behind his desk and walked over to shake Kiley’s hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you to, Mr. Dumbledore.” and you know my last name how? she wanted to add, but seeing as he was in fact her elder she didn't mouth off.

“Call me professor!” Dumbledore called cheerily.

“Dumbledore, I was wondering if you could do a favor for me.” Severus walked over to Dumbledore and whispered something in his ear. Dumbledore’s eyes strayed up to an old, limp hat on a high shelf.

“Yes, yes,” he mumbled, nodding his head as Severus told him something. “Yes, I think that can be arranged! We shall do it tonight, during dinner!”

Severus thanked him. After he thanked him, Severus turned back to Kiley.

“Kiley, I was wondering if you could stay in my office while I go take care of a couple things.”

“Sure thing!” Kiley grinned; happy to go anywhere she might see Harry.

Severus nodded as if distracted. Kiley whirled on her heel, disaparating into Severus’s office. She found Harry looking rather tired and sad, copying files onto a fresh sheet of paper. Kiley felt rather content to just look at him.

“Harry?” she called, suddenly very nervous.

Harry whipped his head up to look at her, a goofy smiling spreading over his face. The smile was gone though as quick as it had started and was replaced with a sad look.

“Hello,” he mumbled, glancing back down at the paper he was writing.

“Um, hello?” Kiley was very puzzled.

“How’s your boyfriend doing?” Harry asked, with great difficulty. How could he be jealous? He could get any girl he wanted, any girl, and yet he was jealous of Draco Malfoy! little git, Harry growled mentally.

Oh, Kiley breathed, finally getting it. “Well, he’s doing good I would presume, but our relationship isn’t,”

Harry’s head snapped back up, obvious delight etched onto his face. “Really?!?”

“Yeah, I mean, he’s just so, so, so……” she struggled to find the right word. There was nothing wrong with him at all, it’s just she didn’t feel the same way about him that she had a couple minutes ago, before she met Harry Potter.

“Egotistical? Cruel? Vain? Lover of kicking puppies?” Harry said hopefully.

Kiley laughed and Harry’s heart swooned. He loved her laugh immediately.

“There’s nothing wrong with him actually, it’s just, I’ve kinda met someone else…” her voice trailed off. She looked at the ground, then back up at Harry shyly.

Harry blinked, unsure of what to say. A million things ran through his mind, but most of them where things that he wouldn’t be able to say until they got married.

“And,” Kiley began, a ghost of smile on her lips, “he doesn’t kick puppies. He actually has one. The only thing is that it has the weirdest name.”

“What’s its name?” Harry asked, getting up from behind the desk, and walking over to her.

“Her name is Coke,” she giggled as Harry stepped closer to her.

Harry stopped short, his arm suspended in mid-air.

“As in the muggle drink?”

Kiley nodded her head, her cheeks burning. She was trying very hard to stifle her giggles. She had actually been the one to name the dog when they where around five years old. It had been a fluff ball of a thing, and Kiley had been obsessed with Diet Coke at the time. Draco had let her name it because even back then he had had a crush on her.

Harry just blinked at her. “He really named the dog that?”

Kiley shook her head, her giggles escaping now. She clutched her side from so much laughter. “I named the dog!” she cried through each new fit of laughter.

Harry smiled, falling deeper in love with every new wave of giggles. Suddenly, and he didn’t know what made him do it, he put his arms around her and she stopped giggling at once, shock mingled with delight flitting across her face. She hesitantly placed her arms around his waist and looked up at him. He was a head taller than she was.

They looked at each other for a long time. Harry was taking in every little detail of her face, the perfect fullness of her lips, the shape of her eyes, the splay of light freckles that was across her nose and on her cheeks. She looked innocent, beautiful, and strong at the same time.

Kiley was taking in every little detail of Harry’s face too. His lips, his eyes, the way his glasses made him look smart. He was unbelievably handsome. He looked intelligent, strong, and wonderful all at the same time. It was maddening to tell the truth.

Suddenly he bent his down. Kiley stood on her very tip-toes, trying to close the distance faster. Her breathing sped up, so did her heart beat. It was the same with Harry to. Then their lips met. It was like the whole world had stopped spinning. It felt like they where the only to people in the world. It felt wonderful and right. Kiley’s head was spinning as the kiss grew more passionate.

Then a horrible though occurred to Kiley. She was kissing her fathers sworn enemy. Her father wanted to kill the boy she was in love with. Kiley jumped back, the world suddenly feeling like it was caving in on her.

“What’s wrong?” Harry asked breathlessly, his chest heaving up and down from lack of oxygen.

Kiley didn’t answer. She was thinking about what she would tell him when he asked her last name. What she would tell him when he found out who her father was? What would happen? Would he leave her? Would he try to kill her? She had to make up something. She didn’t want to lie to him, so she decided to tell him when the time was right. She would ask Severus for help. He would understand. Merlin i hope he understands! Kiley thought desperatly.

“Kiley, what’s wrong?” Harry asked, coming over to her and looking down at her with a worried expression.

“Nothing,” Kiley breathed. “I just thought I heared a teacher coming, that’s all.”

Sure enough, Severus Snape walked through the door. He saw Harry out of the desk and standing in front of his daughter, Harry's hands on her hips. He saw Kiley looking up at him, her breathing horribly irregular.

They jumped apart, a guilty expression on both there faces.

“What’s going on here?” Severus asked, puzzlement etched across his face.

“Nothing!” Kiley cried.

“Um,” was all Harry could say as he ran back to the desk and plopped down, starting to furiously write down the files.

“Well, then.” Severus said, “Um, Kiley could I talk to you out in the hall for a moment?”

“Sure thing, Severus,” Kiley said, her breathing returning to normal.

They walked out into the hall and a sheepish expression flitted across her face.

“I really don’t want to talk about what went on in that room.” Severus said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “All I want to talk about is how you’re going to get all the necessary things to get you through the year.”

What? that is probably the most random question he has ever asked me, Kiley thought. “Um, I have the D.E. to get all that stuff for me, since father won’t let me out of the house….” Kiley said, puzzled about what her friend had just said.

“Well, the D.E. won’t be able to help you get this stuff. We’ll have to go tomorrow, while everyone is at Hogsmeade.” came his reply. He looked thoughtful.

“Severus, what is going on?” Kiley asked, placing her hand on Severus’s shoulder.

“Well, I talked to your father, and he said you could come to Hogwarts!!” Severus looked excited, watching her face closely for her reaction.

Kiley gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. She then squealed and started to jump up and down, the tassels on her boots flying up and down, her loose corkscrew curls bouncing too.

Severus smiled and started to jump up and down with her, his robes bouncing in time with him. Behind them Harry opened the door a smidgen, wondering what all the commotion was about. When he saw Severus bouncing up and down like a lunatic, he smiled, wondering how she could make even the strictest of people act like children. He closed the door quietly, shaking his head in wonder.

Then McGonagall walked into view. She stopped walking, stunned at the sight of Severus Snape hopping up and down like a child. She cleared her throat and the pair stopped jumping. Severus looked up, a sheepish expression flashing over his face.

McGonagall smiled warmly. She walked away without a word.

Kiley and Severus looked at each other. As soon as McGonagall was out of ear shot, they broke down laughing.

“Did you see her face?” Kiley asked, trying to make the face McGonagall had made when she saw Severus.

Severus nodded, laughing to hard to say anything.

Behind the door Harry was stunned speechless. Severus Snape was capable of laughter???? Is the world ending or something???

“I think Harry’s detention is over now,” Severus said after they where done laughing.

Harry ran back to the desk.

“It’s time for dinner,”

The pair walked through the door, still smiling. When Severus caught sight of Harry though, he stopped smiling altogether.

“You may leave now, Potter.” He said, no warmth in his voice at all.

“Thank you, Professor.” Harry said with a nod to Severus. He smiled at Kiley and said, “See you at dinner!”

Kiley smiled giddily back and said, “Okay!” in a ditzy way.

When Harry left, Kiley sat down behind Severus’s desk, sighing loudly.

“Severus, I need some advice. What do I tell Harry when he asks my last name? Do I tell him it’s Riddle? What do you think he’ll do when he finds out???” she looked so scared.

She really does love him, Severus thought with regret. And from the look of his face a couple minutes ago, I think he loves her too.

“Well, I’ve already talked to Dumbledore and your father. They both agree that you should be registered into the database that you are my daughter. So if anyone asks that question, you just say it’s Snape.” Your rightful last name, he thought.

“Will I ever be able to tell him who I really am?”

“I believe so, yes. But I would wait until the perfect time.”

“When will I know when it’s time?” Kiley asked, resting her chin on her hands.

“You’ll know, trust me.” Severus said, walking over to the desk. “Now get up! It’s time for dinner!”

Kiley jumped up and ran over to the door. She flung it open crying, “Last one there’s a rotten dragon egg!” and sprinted down the hall.

Severus shook his head, chuckling a little bit.

“Kiley Severus Snape!” he cried, running to the door. “Don’t run down the halls!!!!!”

“You just want to win!” she cried over her shoulder, still running. her laughter echoed down the hall.

Severus started to sprint down the hall after her, drawing curious and stunned glances from the people he passed. “KILEY!!!!!!!”

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