8 : Ex-boyfriends, Veritiserum, and the Dark Lord. Now that's not good.

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They all headed out of the dinning hall and into Transfiguration class, where professor McGonagall was writing something on the board. Harry and Ron sat down at a three person table, Harry saving a seat for Kiley as she walked up to the front of the room.

“Um, professor?”

“Yes, dear?” McGonagall asked, turning around to look at Kiley. she smiled warmly when she saw Kiley, remembering her from those brief encounters when Kiley was a small child.

“My name is Kiley, I’m a new student.” She said nervously.

“Ah, yes, that you are. Well, today we are transforming our partners into animals. I have already assigned partners, but as luck has it we have one student who does not have a partner. So, your partner will be,” McGonagall bent down to write Kiley’s name next to another name before continuing. “Draco Malfoy,”

Kiley groaned inwardly. Perfect, just perfect. Kiley shuffled to her seat, plopping down next to Harry. Harry saw her look and rubbed her back, asking what was wrong.

“Guess who my partner is,” she said, starting to hit her head on the desk. Harry put his hand under her head so that she was hitting her head on his hand.

“I don’t know, sweetheart, tell me.” He said softly.

“Draco, Draco is my partner.” She moaned. Harry stopped rubbing for a moment, but he continued quickly.

“It’ll be ok,” he said.

“Yeah, Malfoy’s not so bad,” Ron said. He tried to repress his grin, but then he burst out laughing. Kiley smiled weakly. “Oh, come on, he really isn’t,” Ron said, noticing the grimace on Harry’s face.

“Yes, he is that bad, Ron.”

“How? I mean he is an annoying, arrogant, crazy little ferret, but really nothing else.” Ron said, leafing through his text book.

“Yeah he is. He’s Kiley’s ex-boyfriend. When she broke up with him, he really did not take it well.” Harry said, rubbing Kiley’s back in small circles.

“Like how?” Ron asked, still leafing through his text book.

“He kissed her. Shoved her up against a wall and kissed her.” Harry replied, obviously in pain from the memory.

“Oh, well, that’s something isn’t it?” Ron said, apparently taken aback. He stopped leafing to look up at Harry.

Kiley groaned and started to hit her head on the table again.

“It’ll be okay, sweetheart. McGonagall would never allow him to do something bad to you. Trust me. It’ll be ok,” Harry told her, placing his hand under her forehead again.

Suddenly Draco and his goons walked in. Draco spotted Harry and shot him a look of pure hatred as he walked by.

“Oh, well, that makes it tons better,” Ron said under his breathe. He gave Kiley a sympathetic look as Draco winked audaciously at her.

Harry just kept rubbing her back, wishing he could kill Draco slowly and painfully. Kiley laughed.

“I really appreciate your humor, Ron.” She said, giving him a high five.

Ron smiled weakly. Why did pretty girls always have that effect on him?

“Do you wanna know why we call him a ferret?” he asked her.

She nodded, looking interested.

“two years ago our bat of a D.D.A teacher, who was an auror, turned him into a ferret! It was bloody brilliant!” Ron cried, putting his hands on his stomach and laughing. Kiley laughed with him, saving this bit of information for some serious blackmailing.

“All right class, settle down, settle down. Today we shall be transforming our partners into animals. Now everyone find your partner, and I want you to transform them into the animal you think they are most like.” McGonagall said, her voice ringing through the classroom. She clapped her hands and everyone moved at once.

Draco just sat back in his chair. He didn’t know that he had a partner. He thought he would get another easy A for the day. Wasn’t he surprised when Kiley appeared at his desk, her cheeks a bright shade of crimson. He took in her appearance, her short skirt, the buttons that where opened at the base of her neck, showing the necklace that he had given her for Christmas one year, the curly hair that he always found so attractive. His eyes raked her whole body up and down twice. How could I have let her get away? He asked himself sadly.

She stood there, embarrassed as she watched him check her out.

“So, um, we hafta, um do the assignment now.” She said uncomfortably.

“Yeah, we do.” Draco said, getting up and smirking at her.

She rolled her eyes and pulled out her wand.

“Ok, I’ll go first,” she declared. She waved her wand and closed her eyes.

Draco twitched slightly, and suddenly he was a ferret.

A laugh resounded through the room and everyone turned to look at Harry. He blushed.

“Sorry,” he muttered, turning back to Ron.

Kiley picked up the Draco ferret and snickered. She put him back down on the table and changed him back.

“What the heck!?!? A FERRET??” he cried, furious. She shrugged. “Your turn,”

“Don’t do anything bad to me, ferret,” she told him, venom coating her voice. Draco smirked at her.

She braced herself. Suddenly she was an arctic fox. She was surprised that Draco had picked her favorite animal when they where young. Draco picked her up gently and caressed her to his chest.

“Now you know you like this,” he muttered in her ear. He gently placed her back on the ground and changed her back to her human form.

She glared at him and shook her hair out.

The rest of the class went by slowly. Painfully slow.

Finally class was out. Kiley high tailed it out of there, relieved to be leaving. Harry followed just as fast.

“That. Was. Horrible!” Kiley said, venom coating her voice.

Harry placed his arm around her waist and listened to her rant all the way to the next class. The class was being taught by an unmemorable teacher, so the class was dull. Truthfully everyone was either sleeping or passing notes the whole time.

Finally it was time for Potions class. Kiley was visibly excited as they headed of to Potions. She skipped the whole way. Harry laughed repeatedly.

When they finally got to the door, Kiley wrenched it open and ran in, running straight to Severus and giving him a hug. Severus laughed, hugging her back. The other students who were filing into the class looked startled at the sight. Kiley let go of Severus and smiled at him. She walked to the only seat, the one right next to Harry.

Harry smiled at her as Severus stood up.

“Today we will be doing a very basic potion. Veritaserum.” His monotone voice rang through the quiet room.

“But, professor, that isn’t simple!” a Hufflepuff girl cried in distress.

“Actually, yes it is.” Everyone’s heads turned to look at Kiley. She shrugged, not embarrassed. She viewed it as the easiest potion out there. Severus looked at Kiley and smiled, winking. People where thrown back at that sight.

“Maybe our new student could show us how to make it?” he stared at Kiley, knowing that she had perfected this potion a while ago. She shrugged again and got up, walking to the front of the classroom.

“The potion is actually quite simple. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to do everything right the first time. Now I know that sounds rather hard, and too much, but really just keep focused on the potion and nothing else and you’ll be good to go. All right, so first you take some Jobber knoll feathers and……” she then proceeded to show the class how to make the potion. Severus sat in the chair that Kiley had vacated, talking to Harry about different things. The kids who weren’t totally wrapped up in watching Kiley (mainly all of the girls) were in awe of how easily Harry Potter and Severus Snape talked together. Some of the girls even took videos with there phones to show there other classmates.

When Kiley was finished making the serum, she called over to Severus. “Severus, I’m done!”

Severus nodded in her direction and got up. He walked to the front and Kiley sat down in the seat that he had just vacated.

“All right, now that the serum is done, why don’t we test it out?” Severus said. He heard audible groans from the classmates and he smirked. He filled a dozen test tubes and handed them to every other person in the class. “Now, I want every other row to turn to the person in back of them and give them three drops, and three drops only! Then you may ask them any question you would like.

Kiley turned to whoever was in back of her and groaned, resisting the impulse to hit her head repeatedly on the back of the chair.

“Well, aren’t you going to give me the potion that you made?” Draco asked snidely.

She nodded her head slowly and dropped three drops into the silver goblet that had appeared on his desk.

He lifted the cup to her then drank the whole thing.

“Now, ask away, Baby!”

“Why do you continue to torture me?” she asked him, venom coating her voice thick and heavy.

“Because I still love you,” he stated simply.

“Do you understand that you are not helping your cause whatsoever by behaving like this to me?”

“It’s a risk I’m willing to take!” Draco replied cheerfully, winking again at her.

“Of course it is,” she mumbled under her breathe. “Okay, why do you torture other people?”

This question caused Draco to take on a pained expression as he tried not to let the words slip.

“Because I am insecure with myself, and I’m jealous that they have better lives than me,” he said. His hands shot up to his mouth as soon as the words slipped. Kiley looked at him in astonishment, not expecting that.

“Oh, well, okay. Why did you turn me into an artic fox in Transfiguration class?” she asked, trying to change the subject.

“Because I knew that was your favorite animal when we where younger and I wanted you to be impressed that I remembered and realize how much I still love you,”

This was all very surprising to Kiley.

“All right, cease the questions please. Now, I want the person who didn’t drink the potion to drink the potion.” Severus said from the front of the room.

Draco smirked as Kiley took a sip of the potion. He motioned for her to down it, and she grudgingly complied.

“My turn,”

“Oh, joy.” She rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Do you love me?” he asked.

“No, Draco I do not love you.” That was an easy one.

His face fell the tiniest bit as he said, “well, okay then.”

Kiley sighed again. He must’ve known this. It was pretty obvious that she was in love with Harry!!

“Do you like your father?” he asked suddenly, not knowing how or why the question came to his mind.

“No, not really,” she slapped her hand over her mouth, looking at Draco with a panicked expression. “Please, please don’t tell him I said that!!!”

“Don’t worry! I won’t! I don’t like him much either to tell you the truth. Now, have you and Harry kissed?” Draco asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Yes,” that was an easy question to, but she wondered why he had that look in his eyes. She turned wary as he delayed the next question.

“Who’s better at kissing, me or Harry?” Draco asked, hooking a thumb in Harry’s direction.

She thought about it for a moment, “Harry. Definably Harry.”

“What makes you say that?!?” she could tell that he had taken a serious blow to his ego. It was actually quiet funny to watch, really.

“Well, for one he didn’t push me up against a wall when we first kissed, and he’s just better at it.” Kiley replied matter of factly.

“All right!! Times up!” Severus shouted. Everyone quit talking and looked at Severus. “Now, I hope you all realized today how invasive this potion is, and how hard it is to make it. I hope you do not use it for any purpose that would involve dark deeds, but I think that some of you here will use it exactly for that purpose.” Severus stood up from his desk and crossed his arms, looking much like a looming bat.

Ron raised his hand warily.

“Yes, Weasley?” Severus asked, his voice sounding rather pained.

“How long will the potion last, sir?” he squeeked.

“It depends on how much you drank. Class dismissed.” Severus sneered, smirking at Ron as he turned a vibrant shade of pink. Everyone filed out, everyone except Kiley and Harry.

Kiley walked up to Severus’s desk with Harry in tow.

“Hello, sir.” Harry said, nodding to Severus.

“Hello, Harry, Kiley.” Severus said, leafing through some papers.

“So you guys are just now covering that potion?” Kiley asked, incredulous. She sat on the edge of his desk.

“Yes, not everyone is a genius like you, Kiley.” Severus said, looking up and smiling at his scowling daughter. He reconized that scowl. She had learned it when she was younger, copying his scowl of all things.

“Not my fault my best friend is a Potions master.” She murmured to the dark stained wood of his desk.

Harry and Severus laughed as her scowl deepened.

“What’s so funny?” she growled.

“It’s just that you’re cute even when you’re mad!” Harry said. Kiley whacked him lightly on the arm. Harry muttered, ‘ouch’ under his breathe as he rubbed his arm.

“What was that for??” he cried after rubbing his arm.

“Sissy!” she replied, smirking Severus’s smirk. Severus was amused to see that they already started to bicker like an old married couple.

Suddenly Severus’s left arm began to burn. He discreetly pulled back his sleeve and looked at his arm from under the table. His Dark Mark was wiggling. Lord Voldemort wanted to see him. Merlin help me, he thought.

“Um, Kiley, why don’t you and Harry go do something? I have some business to take care of.” Severus’s voice sounded panicked. Kiley saw the fear in his eyes and she knew it had something to do with her father.

“Sure thing, Severus. C’mon Harry, let’s go back to the Common Room.” Kiley tugged Harry’s arm.

“Okay! Goodbye, sir.” Harry said. Severus nodded absentmindedly, waiting for them to leave.

When the door closed he whirled rapidly on his heel, disaparating.

Kiley and Harry walked to the Gryffindor Common Room, holding hands and trading random stories. They never went to the Common Room actually. Harry noticed that they where walking by the Room of Requirement, and he pulled Kiley inside.

“Wow, this place is amazing!” Kiley breathed, taking in the sight of it. The room had mirrors hung on every wall, reflecting them from every angle. Candles were floating everywhere, giving off a dull, romantic glow. Harry barely glanced around. He couldn’t take his eyes of Kiley.

He pulled her in for a kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist. She happily complied, kissing him passionately. They kissed for a while, oblivious to what was happening to Severus Snape.

When Severus arrived at the palace, he hurriedly bowed to the Dark Lord.

“Yes, my lord?” he asked to the ground.

“Is there anything new with my daughter, Severus?” Voldemort asked him.

Severus gulped before he said, “No, my lord.”

“So it is not true then, that my daughter has fallen in love with Harry Potter?”

Severus glanced up sharply.

“Yes, I know all about them Severus. When where you planning on telling me? Or were you planning to keep your precious daughter safe?” Voldemort asked, an amused yet sinister light in his voice.

“I was going to tell you, my lord, when it seemed necessary. I didn’t want to bother you with another thing after you have so many people and things to deal with.” Severus said, thinking fast.

“Good answer, Severus.” Voldemort chuckled. “Good answer. I would like to hear from my daughter tomorrow. I do not care about the school, call her in sick. I just need to see her about, pressing matters.”

“Yes, my lord.” Severus gladly disaparated out of the palace and back into the safety of his office. This couldn’t be good, he thought grimly.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Kiley had brought in Drake to show Hagrid and he was delighted to meet the dragon. Dinner was delicious, and so was the feel of the bed when Kiley finally went to sleep, listening to the soft pad of the wolves running and the louder, but still quietly soft snores of Drake.

Everything that was forbidden(Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin