In Love with a Dog

By BrittanyLeMoine5

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Katrina is a werecat. Her and her pride don't exactly get along with the werewolves that live nearby. But, wh... More

Chapter One- Change of Plans
Chapter Two- Kidnapped
Chapter Three- Alliance
Chapter Four- Meeting Colin
Chapter Six- Vampire
Chapter Seven- Truth

Chapter Five- Mates

206 4 0
By BrittanyLeMoine5

 The slideshow(that you have to click the external link to get to) is Colin and Daisy made on Sims 3. Enjoy the story!

Suddenly, there was a large black wolf with bright blue eyes on the bed with me. I backed up, and Star got ready to come out, because she had felt my fear. I didn’t let her take over, however, as claiming had to happen between one animal form and one human form. I knew that she knew that, but fear was one of the triggers for the transform. I forced myself to remain still. I knew it would hurt, but it was necessary to complete the mating process. I had accepted that he was my mate and now I needed to let this happen. He lunged at me and bit me in-between my neck and shoulder.

I clenched my teeth to keep from screaming as the pain sunk in. It may have hurt, but not nearly as bad as if I were a human. Thanks to being a werecat, it healed before it had a chance to bleed, and soon I was forgetting the pain as new feelings came over my body.  The calling was cooling down, though it wouldn’t fully go away until I claimed him, and our bond was being formed.

Now I would always have a part of him with me forever. He’d be able to feel my emotions and send me messages no one else could hear, from his brain to mine. His pull to be with me had only grown stronger, and I would become weak if I stayed away from him too long, but those were only our connections. There was also the marking. His special symbol was growing onto my body along with an aura that would let people know I was claimed. The aura was invisible, but able to be sensed. Even humans would know I was taken, but I’d be untouchable to other shifters. He had claimed me as his, and now it was my turn.

He began shifting into his human form, and I looked away, not wanting to see his human form naked. I heard Colin’s laugh behind me, confirming that he was fully changed.

“I just marked you, and you don’t want to see me naked. Come on, Katrina, we’re mates!” I blushed, but didn’t look.

“Go find some clothes.” I mumbled. He laughed again, but I heard the door open and close. He came back unnaturally fast wearing some tight black skinny jeans and a t-shirt from some event I’d never heard of. When he turned and looked at me, I saw amusement in his eyes. I didn’t think it was so funny.

“Alright, now get over here.” I playfully growled at him, while calling Star to get ready, but as I got ready to bring her out, a thought occurred to me. “Oh, I probably shouldn’t ruin these clothes, should I?”

“Well, it’s too late for mine, but yeah. Go ahead and take them off.” I knew he wasn’t planning on turning away, so I narrowed my eyes and gave him a look. He rolled his eyes and laughed, but turned around.

“It’s not like it matters, when I can see through your eyes.” He pointed out. Shoot, I’d forgotten that that was another benefit of marking your mate, seeing what they see. I sighed as I slid the dress off. With a breath, I shook myself into my other body. I gave a low meow and he turned around. He smiled and sat himself on the bed like a giant cat meowing in his house was no big deal.

I hopped on the bed, nervous, but wanting to get it over with as soon as possible. I hated having to hurt him, even though I knew he would heal just as fast as I had. Comforted by the fact that he was a wolf and wouldn’t been in pain for very long, I gave a small growl and I sunk my teeth into him. I walked backwards as the pain that he felt pierced into me. I knew it wasn’t me that was hurt; it was a new pain. A view from another set of eyes filled my mind as well. It showed a large, brown, striped cat head. Its left eye was green, but its right one was purple. She looked shocked. I realized that it was Star. I was seeing myself through Colin’s eyes. I had marked him, and now he was mine, and I was his.

By now, Colin had fully healed and a mark was appearing on his left arm. It was a purple circle with a simple looking brown cat head on top seeming to give a glare. To a human, it would seem that he’d gotten a tattoo, but the weres would be able to see what it really was. I wasn’t happy with it. A glaring brown cat face on a purple circle? I hoped Colin’s mark that he’d given me was better. All I would have in my cat form was some color streaks, so I wanted to change into my human form quickly so I could see it. Forgetting that I hadn’t wanted him to see me naked, I shifted right then and there.

I saw all my nakedness through his eyes, and instantly I flushed with embarrassment, but strangely he didn’t feel embarrassed. He only felt upset from having embarrassed me. Even though I knew it didn’t matter because he’d already seen me and could see through my eyes, I rushed to my pile of clothes and began slipping them back on. We were going to have to face everyone outside of the room after all, though I wasn’t sure I wanted to.

It’s not like we could keep it a secret. Daisy and the other humans might not be able to pick up on it, but all the wolves would know instantly that we had claimed each other. I was dreading Mark’s reaction, even though I thought it must make him happy to see us uniting our kinds, this wasn’t the way he’d wanted it, and he might not be happy that things weren’t going according to his plan.

“What are you worrying about?” Colin wondered out loud, with the concerned tone I had begun to get used to.

“Their reactions, to what we just did.” I admitted in barely more than a whisper. It  would have been just loud enough for him anyways. I felt his lack of worry, and his slight amusement.

“It’s not like we needed their permission.” He scoffed, and I guess he was right, but just because we didn’t need their permission didn’t mean they’d be happy about it. Sure, the alpha had wanted us to get married, but that hadn’t had to mean anything. In the shifters world, it really was mostly just a ceremony. Claiming was much more respected, the equivalent of marriage if marriage actually meant anything. Still, they knew that the calling was involuntary, and we had no control over who are mates would be. A majority of them would have already experienced it, and the ones that hadn’t still had grown up hearing about what it’d be like, the same as me. Anyways, we would have to address it, whether they would be okay with it or not.

Once again wearing the sundress Colin had given me, I turned to face him. He knew what I was thinking, although it wasn’t a claiming power. He was thinking the same things, except he wasn’t worried. He was ready to announce me as his mate. He was so easy to figure out. I’d just met him and I already could figure that much out.

We walked out and immediately two young boys stumbled up, acting immature.

“Whoa! Colin’s got a girlfriend.” The younger looking blond teased.

“Nah, come on. He’s above dating kitty cats.” The darker colored one joined in, and without thinking about it, I hissed.

“Don’t worry about these pups. I’ll take care of them.” Colin’s voice sounded in my head.

“Yeah, or I could handle it.” I thought back at him, allowing my intentions of biting their heads off to come through with the message. It was satisfying to feel that he actually found it funny, although he kept his face absolutely straight as he prepared to deal with the two boys.

“Katrina and I are mates. You will not disrespect her, just as you will not disrespect me. Go get everyone to gather in the meeting room. I will discuss your punishments with my father later, and this better not happen again.” He said it with so much power, and I could finally see his father in Colin. At his words, the boys became slightly scared, and rushed off to do what he’d told them, although it didn’t seem like their free will had been taken away as it would have if Mark had spoken a command to them. Colin sighed and I felt him becoming nervous. We were alone, but I liked using our mind messages. It strangely felt more normal.

“Why are you nervous?”

“We have to go to my father.” He said out loud, and I was secretly disappointed. It felt so good to have him in my mind.

“It’s okay. We will do it together.” I answered silently, hoping he would do the same, but he just nodded. He was terrified, which I guess was understandable after his father had freaked out at us the last time we’d come to him, but he kept his face perfectly calm. I couldn’t understand why he’d hide his emotions considering I could feel everything he was feeling.

I smiled, hoping to make him feel better, but he was still scared even though he smiled back. “Come on, I’ll help you get through this.” I messaged to him, and we began walking back to his father’s office. When we arrived at the door, Colin didn’t even bother with knocking. He just threw the door open. Mark had been typing something on his computer, and when we came in anger flashed on his face, only to be quickly erased by a realization which put a small smile on his lips.

“I have come to introduce Katrina as my mate. We have already claimed each other, and you can’t keep us from being together. I’ll abandon the pack if you try.” Colin declared, and Mark’s smile quickly got wiped away so that he could appear serious. I told Star to get ready. I would fight him if I had to. But instead of an attack, he spoke calmly, strange for any wolf.

“This is exactly as I’d planned. Even without the threat that made me want to unite our kinds, I would’ve wanted to get you two together, but I didn’t think you’d realize the calling so fast. That’s the real reason why I picked Katrina over her friends to marry you. The two of you meet as babies and I saw the calling in you, but you both forgot each other over the years of being separated by who you are. Werewolves and werecats have never gotten along, and yet the universe put you two together for some reason… A reason I don’t understand.” That surprised both me and Colin.

“What? You knew? I’ve been worrying over this since 8th grade, when I saw her at school. She never noticed me until we kidnapped her yesterday, but I’d been feeling the calling. If you had told me, we wouldn’t have needed to go through all this trouble. We could have mated years ago, but I avoided her because I was sure it couldn’t be true! I knew she was a werecat, and thought that she couldn’t be my mate because of it.” Colin admitted. Apparently, he’d felt the calling for me in junior high, and I hadn’t even noticed him until last night. I didn’t even know we went to the same school.

“We went to the same school?” He felt slightly annoyed at my question, and quickly brushed me off to talk to his father.

“Yes. Now, father. Explain why you kept this from us, or… at least, me.” Mark’s expression showed complete shock and shame.

“I’ve failed you in so many ways, my son. I was never fit to raise a child, or rule the pack, but I’ve tried my best, and yet I’ve failed. If our pack had a better alpha, there wouldn’t be all this trouble. The fights between the wolves and cats is just a small thing, but my pack is causing the humans problems, and fighting amongst themselves. I also haven’t had time for you, and I’ve made so many mistakes. I’m sorry. I thought it would be better, originally, if neither of you found out the truth. You could live without your mate, as long as the calling never caught up to you, and it just would have been more trouble for me letting you two be together, for cats and wolves were even worse enemies when you two were young children. Now I realize that it was a mistake. I should have at least told you.” Colin still wasn’t happy, but now he understood and nodded his head. I just stood there, shocked and looking between the two of them. I felt bad for Mark now, but Colin still felt the same resentment mixed with a slight bit of fear.

“You have made mistakes, but that’s not the point right now. I need to introduce Katrina to the rest of the pack. They’ve already gathered in the meeting room, and you don’t have to come, but it is a pack meeting, and you are the alpha…” As Colin carried the sentence away, Mark looked Colin right in the eye and shook his head.

“I would like to resign and pass my position on to you early…” Mark paused at the sight of Colin’s face, which was actually showing what he was feeling for the first time I’d seen: shocked, horrified, scared, and proud all at the same time. “Do you accept the responsibility?” Colin slowly nodded his head, and Mark took it as sign to begin the transfer. A dull and incredibly dark black energy engulfed him, but when he placed his hands on Colin’s shoulders, the energy turned to a bright, electrifying blue as it transferred over to him. Mark shuddered and slumped down as the last flicker of Alpha Energy was absorbed by Colin. It seemed to be over and for a while, Colin seemed normal, but he stayed absolutely still and I didn’t feel the connection to his emotions. The vision from his eyes was completely blacked out, but after the few seconds, his vision and the outside of his eyes glowed the bright blue. As the blue faded away, Colin’s vision and thoughts came back to me along with a new power. His new alpha power was connected to me. As his mate, I would also have power over the pack, not that I wanted it. He blinked his eyes, confused with the new feelings.

“Thank you, father.I will do my best to take care of our pack. Katrina, we have a meeting to lead.” Colin announced, ending the strange silence. He was nervous but confident. I was just confused, but also a bit nervous. I nodded, sending my thoughts to him.

“Do I have to rule the pack too, because I’m your mate? I’ve never been much of a leader…” To my delight, his presence crept into my mind to answer me, and it made me feel like I could handle anything. At that moment, I didn’t even care if he said that I did have to help lead.

“It is customary for the mate of the Alpha to help in the ruling, but I won’t force anything onto you. I understand that you’re still trying to get past the idea that we can be mates, and it isn’t an easy job. I’ve watched my father suffer the stresses of ruling our large, untamable group of animals. I’ve always known that it would be my fate, and I’ve accepted that. You can help if you want, but you have a choice, and I want you to be happy.” I didn’t know if he wanted me to be happy because he cared about me, or if he just wanted to avoid feeling extra  unhappiness from me, due to our emotional link, but I decided that I didn’t care. I didn’t want him to be unhappy either. I was like that with everyone, but Colin wasn’t just anyone. He was more than that. He was my mate, and even if I kept trying to deny it, mating came with involuntarily love, and I loved Colin.

“I’m your mate, and I will do what I can for you. Whatever you need, I will try my best.” He nodded and began guiding me out of the office. As we exited, Mark shouted out to us.

“You two will do fine. I’ve never seen a more perfect couple…” He said it with absolute sincerity, but as he drifted off at the end, I couldn’t help but hear the unspoken “besides __ and _______.” As if, in his mind, there was another couple that was, even if only slightly, more perfect than Colin and I.

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