Broken Glass

Von _kenma_kitsune

45.7K 793 186

{COMPLETED} This is a Shayne Topp x reader. Abusive ex, PTSD and social anxiety are just a few obstacles that... Mehr

An Average Day
An Average Evening
Summer Games: Camp pt1
Summer Games: Camp pt2
Summer Games: Camp pt3
Summer Games: Camp pt4
The Show With No Name
What Else Happened?
Another Perspective
New Years Eve Party pt1
New Years Eve Party pt2
Smosh Winter Games pt1
Smosh Winter Games pt2
Smosh Winter Games pt3
Smosh Winter Games pt4
Smosh Winter Games pt5
25th Birthday
Get Out
Smosh Pit: Two Truths One Lie
VidCon: pt1
VidCon: pt2
VidCon: pt3
VidCon: pt4
The Aftermath
Summer Games: Wild West pt1
Summer Games: Wild West pt2
Summer Games: Wild West pt3
Summer Games: Wild West pt4
Candy Canes
A Christmas Miracle
Christmas Shenanigans
The Mistletoe Moment (finale!!!)
(A/N) Thank you!!!!!
(A/N) Update - sequel

Twas The Night Before Christmas

817 17 5
Von _kenma_kitsune

Your point of view

The last few days had been a whirlwind of craziness and joy. Since arriving at the cabin Shayne and I had become inseparable - mainly because we were basically living in close quarters for that time. The first night we'd spent unpacking and figuring things out about the place, then having an early night because we were both exhausted. He'd taken the main room since it was his holiday plan that I'd hijacked, so I happily took the twin room.

The next morning was one I'd never forget. I woke up earlier than I normally did, adrenaline fuelling my body. The first thing I'd done was open up my curtains. White light streamed into my room and after a minute of being blinded my eyes adjusted. I breathed out, my breath fogging up the window's glass as I gazed outside. Picturesque wouldn't even begin to describe it. The whole landscape was like a scene from a movie. Snow-capped mountains so near I could touch them, a thick forest of tall pine trees and adorable birds surrounding me, a long road heading down the mountain we were on and leading to the tiny village at the base. I could see teeny shops and cafes, some smaller houses, and then nothing but nature for miles. I'd never seen nothing but frosted greenery before. It was a surreal feeling. As if it were a new planet. If I looked straight ahead, as opposed to down the hill towards the village, there were just mountains and a crystal blue sky filled with floating snowflakes, as if they'd been suspended in motion. Barely any clouds, a lot different from the stormy night before.

Thinking of that, I reluctantly left the window I'd been staring out of for half an hour and grabbed my phone. I checked the flights, the majority of me still wanting them to be cancelled. They were. I sighed and chucked my phone on the bed before taking place by the window again. It was impossible to get bored looking at the sight.

I heard a faint sound of singing. A smile crept onto my face. Shayne was up. I pulled the curtains open as widely as possible, flooding my room with natural blue skylight. Then I chucked on a thick hoodie and some slipper socks, brushed my hair quickly and imprecisely put it into a messy bun, and headed out of my room. I skipped past Shayne's room, seeing that the door was open and he wasn't in there. Trying not to slip on the stairs I descended and found my companion in the kitchen as he brewed some coffee. I smiled to myself, admiring the man before me as he worked away without any clue I was there. It was like seeing him in his natural habitat, humming to the quiet radio and swaying slightly.

"Did you really bring your own coffee grinder?" I snickered.

He jumped slightly at my voice, then turned at grinned at me.

"How else am I to make my steamy bean water?"

"I hate it when you call it that," I mumbled and hopped onto the nearest stool. He stood opposite me on the other side of the island, making his coffee. "So, what are your plans for the day?"

I grabbed a handful of grapes from the fruit bowl his friend had kindly left for us (well, Shayne).

"I was thinking about heading into the village, checking the place out. Then probably going to the gym there. Then I dunno. Go for a walk or at least do something outside. Then when it's dark we could watch a movie or something."

I nodded along as he spoke. "Sounds fun. Mind if I tag along?"

"Not at all. It'll probably be more fun with you here anyway," he said, his eyes focusing on mine intensely as his coffee stewed.

"Awww I'm blushing," I said sarcastically, trying to hide my actual blush.

I got off the stool and busied myself with pouring some cereal that was already in the home. He chuckled and took his coffee to the adjoining lounge.

"Oh, Merry Christmas Eve," he called back.

"Thanks!" I responded.

I ate my cereal in the kitchen, unable to take my eyes off the view from outside. Once finished, I put it in the sink and tidied away. I joined Shayne in the lounge. He was sitting on the sofa on his phone, sipping his drink. The radio from the kitchen played Christmas carols softly in the otherwise silent background. I looked around the room, inspecting photos, the fireplace, and the bookshelf before picking out something which looked interesting to read.

I approached the sofa and looked exasperatedly at Shayne. He was stretched across the whole thing, so I tapped his feet harshly. He glared at me playfully as I simply raised an eyebrow. That seemed to do the trick as he huffed and moved his legs to the floor. Grinning, I collapsed onto it, pulling the blanket which had been thrown across the back of the sofa around my shoulders to keep warm (although being as close as I was to Shayne I already felt pretty hot and bothered). No sooner had I settled my phone started to ring. I took it out of my hoodie's front pocket to see who the caller was. Courtney? Oh, that's right. I'd promised to call her after I'd texted her about my flight being cancelled.

I answered it as I rose from the seat, dropping the book I'd planned on reading on the cushion.

"Hey girl!" I greeted, glancing across at Shayne. He looked at me questioningly and I mouthed, "It's Courtney." He nodded, smiled, and returned to his phone.

"Hey! You're sounding a lot cheerier than yesterday. I assume that means you've found somewhere to stay."

As she spoke I'd chucked on my coat, scarf and boots which were next to the front door.

"Yeah..." I trailed off as I fiddled with the door handle. "Heh. About that..."

I opened the door, gasping at the coldness. It seemed almost too fresh, like sipping cold water straight after brushing your teeth. I shut the door and zipped up my jacket before adventuring down the steps. The snow crunched beneath my step as I tried not to slip, still gazing at the idillic landscape surrounding me.

"I know that tone," Courtney said. I could hear the smirk in her voice. "What happened?"

"Well, uhh it's kind of hard to believe but when I was waiting to get my bag I bumped into Shayne..."

"You what?!"

"I know I know. It's like a one in a million chance but he landed at the airport I'd had to stop at and happened to be heading to a cabin near there and suddenly now I'm spending Christmas with him."

"(Y/N)! This is great!" Courtney all but yelled at me.

"It is?"

"Yes! You and him. Alone up the mountains. Snuggled up by the fire. Opening presents. Walking in the snow. Did I mention alone."

I caught myself blushing and instinctively looking back up to the house as if he could hear me.

"Yeah I guess..."

"Girl you have tell him how you feel. Now!"



"But if he says he doesn't feel the same and we're stuck alone together for a few days it'll be so awkward and-"

"(Y/N). He isn't going to say that. Trust me. I've seen the way he gazes at you and heard how he talks about you when you're not there. He's protective and sweet and loyal as hell and you love him so tell him!"

"Ok!" I squealed excitedly. "Ok yeah! You know what, I will!"

"Yes! Go girl!"

"I'm gonna tell him. Tomorrow. On Christmas."

"Omg that's so romantic and cute I can't even!"

I nodded to myself, bringing up a hand and nervously biting my nail.

"I'm gonna do it. For real this time."

Shayne's point of view

I woke up super early, full of energy and adrenaline. The natural light from my frosted windows lit up the cozy room I was staying in. I spent some time exploring the place since I'd been too tired the night before. There were some cool books and things I wanted to look at in more detail, but first I had to finish unpacking. I emptied my suitcase onto my bed and was going to blast some music as I unpacked before remembering I had a housemate.

I grinned to myself. I couldn't believe I was spending Christmas in gorgeous mountains with the girl of my dreams! Alone! This must be what heaven feels like.

I opened up my curtains, then the window, allowing the serene bliss of nature to be music to my ears. After spending a long time gazing at the view in front of me, taking a few photos to try and capture its beauty, I carried on unpacking. Once that was done I selected some clothes - jeans, hoodie, beanie, fluffy socks - to change into. Then I did a few morning exercises before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

I fiddled with the thermostat for a while before getting a decent heat, then I started making a turkey sandwich. I put on the little retro radio and jammed out to the Christmas jingles it was playing as I ate and faced out the front window, unable to get enough of the outside world.

Finally I finished breakfast and began making myself some coffee. I knew my friend had a kettle but no coffee machine so I'd brought my own resources.

"Did you really bring your own coffee grinder?" a snarky voice from behind me asked.

The sudden noise startled me a bit but as I turned I couldn't help but smile. (Y/N) had a face similar to that of a child's on Christmas Day or seeing Santa, a twinkle in her eyes that made my blood pressure rise. She was still in pyjamas, her hair coiled into a messy bun which made her look so cute, but she didn't look sleepy in the slightest. She was also not wearing make up which to me meant she felt comfortable enough around me to not need it. She still looked stunning.

"How else am I to make my steamy bean water?" I replied and she giggled.

"I hate it when you call it that," she muttered and sat on one of the bar stools opposite me. "So, what are your plans for the day?"

I poured the water into the filter paper and thought aloud as it mixed with the ground coffee beans.

"I was thinking about heading into the village, checking the place out. Then probably going to the gym there. Then I dunno. Go for a walk or at least do something outside. Then when it's dark we could watch a movie or something."

"Sounds fun. Mind if I tag along?"

"Not at all," I responded with a smile. "It'll probably be more fun with you here anyway."

Did I just say that out loud? Damn! My eyes flicked up and locked with hers before she tore aware, her cheeks flushing red.

"Awww I'm blushing," she said, her tone sarcastic but I knew that was true.

She hopped off the stool and went about making her own breakfast. I couldn't keep in my chuckle as she did. She was too adorable sometimes. I grabbed my coffee and walked off to go to the lounge, not before calling, "Oh, Merry Christmas Eve."

She responded with a 'thanks' and then the house grew quiet again. All that was heard were the chirping birds outside, faint music, and the clanging of crockery as (Y/N) made her breakfast.

As I sat down on the sofa I spotted a text from Damien on my phone. I'd texted him late last night to say that (Y/N) was staying with me and he'd clearly just seen the message.

Damien: Hold up! What?!

Sipping my coffee, I answered.

Me: Yeah dude. Her plane was forced to land due to the storm and I spotted her in the luggage claim, she said she had nowhere to go, and next thing I know we're spending Christmas together.

Damien: Dude! The universe is trying to tell you something

I rolled my eyes.

Me: You think?

Damien: You have to tell her your feelings. This is your chance!

Me: But what if she doesn't reciprocate and then it's awkward?

As Damien typed (Y/N) walked into the lounge. I couldn't bring myself to look at her so I kept staring at my phone as if I were reading something on it. But I watched her in my peripheral vision as she sauntered around in sweatpants, a hoodie and slipper socks. She grabbed a book and came towards me.

I'd stretched across the whole couch with my feet on the only other available cushion. She shook my feet and glared at me. Then I glared at her, the corners of my lips turned the tiniest bit upwards. She raised a sassy brow at me. In the end I conceded and groaned as I put my feet on the floor. She jumped down beside me and yanked a blanket onto her. I could feel her body softly stroke against mine and sighed in relief when I was distracted by a text from Damien.

Damien: I'm pretty sure we're past that point by now. If you don't tell her soon someone else is gonna realise how great she is and snatch her away from you and you'll regret it forever.

(Y/N)'s phone started ringing. She took it out to answer it and stood up before going, "Hey girl!"

She looked over at me and I facially questioned her "who is it?"

"It's Courtney," she mouthed and I nodded. Damien texted me again.

Damien: Besides, didn't you already tell her your feelings?

(Y/N) put on her coat and boots before heading out the front door to have a private conversation, not before I heard her say "Yeah...Heh. About that..."

I wondered what she was talking about as I replied to my best friend.

Me: Yeah but she was asleep so it's like it never happened. And you're right. I'm gonna have to tell her but I want to do it right.

Damien: Why don't you tell her tomorrow? Think about it: it's Christmas, you guys are alone, and if she says no (which I doubt) then she can always catch a flight out since that's when the weather is supposed to be clearing up. What could go wrong?

Me: You know what? Yeah. I'm gonna do it. Tomorrow.

Damien: That's my boy! Good luck dude! And tell me how it goes! Me and the geese are routing for you!

Me: Thanks man. It means a lot.

Damien: Just promise me one thing?

Me: Sure. Anything.

Damien: At your guys's wedding I get to make a speech about how I'm the one who got you two together.

Me: Sure.

Damien: Ur Da Best!

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Marrying her would be a dream come true, but first I had to admit my feelings and become her boyfriend. And I didn't want to rush this.

Your point of view

We spent the rest of the day sightseeing and chillaxing. The two of us got dressed and snow-booted up before heading down into the town. We visited the quaint market place and little souvenir shops, a grocery store where we bought some dinner, a little cafe, and a bookstore. I took some beautiful photos and even got Shayne to smile for a few. It was a perfect day full of laughing and relaxing. I ended up buying my parents some trinkets from the tourist shop and a postcard for my collection. Shayne and I spent the whole day outside. We walked around the entire town, even venturing into the graveyard before getting creeped out and leaving. We sat in the tiny cafe and ate homemade pastries and drank fresh orange juice or tea. I even bought myself a new jumper.

The day was one of the best I'd ever had, something I realised I said a lot about days I spend with Shayne.

Once we'd had lunch and been everywhere there was to visit we walked back up the hill to our house. Wow...saying 'our house' is something I could get used to.

Shayne headed off to the town's gym and while he was gone I lounged around the place and read. It was so peaceful. I couldn't remember a time when it had been that quiet before in my entire life. After reading for a while I went upstairs and spent some time on the balcony, just gazing at the glorious world around me and breathing in the invigorating air. That quickly became too cold as I was not in the proper winter attire so I returned downstairs and waited for Shayne to come back.

When he did we both sat in the lounge for a while as the sky grew darker, streaks of purple dancing in the abyss of night with tiny splatterings of white light indicating stars. As it became darker it also grew colder.

"Hey," Shayne called to me from upstairs where I'd gone to retrieve a thicker hoodie.

"Yeah?" I yelled back.

"It's getting kinda cold. Want me to make a fire?"

That sounded perfect.

"Yeah if you don't mind that would be great."

"Cool. I'm gonna go grab some fire wood from the shed. Back soon."


I came back downstairs and sat on the couch, wrapped in my thick blanket and jumper. The front door opened soon after and in walked a snow-drenched Shayne with a pile of logs in his arms.

"It's f-freezing out there," he stuttered, shivering as he closed the door.

Shayne chucked of his boots and coat before starting on the fire. I rose from my seat.

"Why don't I make us some hot chocolate?"

He grinned at me with childlike wonder. "Yes p-please."

Before leaving I shrugged off my blanket and placed it over his shoulders.

"You need this more than I do right now," I said before he had a chance to object. Then I shuffled off to the kitchen.

Shayne's point of view

I struggled with lighting the fire since the wood was too damp. It had been in the shed but since the snow was falling so thickly outside even the short walk from there to the house covered it in snow, which then melted and made it wet. (Y/N) walked back into the living room and placed the hot chocolates on the small side table. I struck another match and held it to the sticks but it fizzled out before they caught fire.

"Want any help?" I heard her angelic voice ask from close behind me.

I turned my head back to face her, where she was crouched next to me.

"Yeah. Thanks."

She smiled charmingly then moved to be beside me as we both surrounded the fire place. She looked at the wood pile for a moment before reorganising it's structure slightly. Nodding to herself, she reached across and took the matchbox from my hands. All I could do was watch in awe as she lit the sticks and fire starters. They caught fire rapidly and we both stepped away from the heat.

"Wow," I murmured, genuinely impressed. "Where d'you learn to do that?"

She shrugged. "The Hunger Games books."

That made me chuckle. Of course she's have learnt how to start a fire from those books.

We retreated to the sofa and collapsed into the fabric. I unwrapped from the blanket and placed it across the two of us, incidentally trapping her and pulling her nearer to me. I gazed at the flickering orange and yellow light coming from the fire place, unaware of my arm stretching across the back of the sofa. That is, until (Y/N) began leaning into my side. Her head rested on my upper chest and her arm flopped across my stomach. At first I froze, her touch too much for me to handle, then I lowered my arm around her shoulders and cuddled her gently.

We spent a long time snuggled by the fire. Just her and me. Alone. With the heat and beauty of dancing flames before us. And the taste and comfort of hot cocoa in our mouths. I wanted to close my eyes and feel everything as it soothed my soul; her hair tickling my chin, her arm hugging my chest, her breath on my left peck. But I knew if I shut my eyes I'd quickly fall asleep.

My eyes flicked from the dying fire to the girl at my side. I watched her adoringly as she lay there, eyes closed and breathing slow.

She'd fallen asleep.


I smiled to myself. The clock over the mantelpiece struck twelve so I figured it was time for bed. I didn't want to disturb (Y/N) however, so I cautiously took my arm off her body, missing the sensation instantaneously. Then I proceeded to wrap the blanket around her tiny figure and lift her as gently as possible. Her body instinctively curled inwards towards me, her head flopping sleepily against my chest. I carried her through the lounge, up the stairs and into her room. Carefully, I placed her onto the soft mattress. As she rolled out of my arms I craved her touch yet again. I laid her head onto her pillow, then pulled the covers over her. Before leaving I leaned down and kissed her forehead, lingering for a second as my fingers tangled her hair, before pulling away. I gazed at her one last time, noticing how peaceful and happy she looked, then smiled as I shut her bedroom door.


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