Bride of Cat Blanc

بواسطة Clato3

40.7K 758 172

My first Mariblanc story, Marinette is just a normal girl who dreams about being a fashion designer but one d... المزيد

Author's note
Chapter One: an unexpected visitor
Chapter Two: I can't stop thinking about him
Chapter Four: She's in love
Chapter Five: I kissed a criminal
Chapter Six: Are they the same person
Chapter Seven: Night of passion
Chapter Eight: The sly fox is back
Chapter Nine: The truth and a unexpected surprises
Chapter Ten: A ring and a baby
Chapter eleven: your dirty little secret
Chapter twelve: Princess Justice
Chapter Thirteen: he's innocent
Author's note 2
Chapter fourteen: what happens next?
Chapter Fifteen: Now and forever
Epilogue: Emily Agreste

Chapter Three: breaking news

2.9K 73 11
بواسطة Clato3

It was late at night and Lila was out walking around like she owned the streets, her parents never knew that at night she would sneak out of the house, lie about her age with a fake id to get into bars, have a few drinks and then steal money or drugs from someone who was to drunk to notice. "That was to easy, those people really are idiots, " Lila said flipping her hair, however she failed to notice that someone was watching her, a pair a green eyes had been watching her ever since she left her house and he had something 'special' planned just for her. 'What a witch, I can't believe that she treats Marinette like she's lower then dirt, ' Cat Blanc thought as he watched her go into a dark alley and count the money she had gotten "its not alot but I can work with this, " she said placing the money in her pocket "now for my favorite thing to do, play the victim and framing someone else. " Lila then pulled out her phone and scrolled through her gallery until she found a picture of Marinette "perfect, " Lila said smiling ready to edit the photo but just then a shadow appeared in front of her "who's there? " She asked feeling a bit on edge "your worst fucking nightmare!" A voice yelled and that was the last thing Lila heard before the shadow attacked her,
"Breaking news last night Cat Blanc attacked a young girl by the name of Lila Rossi, though her injuries are minor her family refueses to allow their daughter to return to school until Cat Blanc is brought to justice-, " Marinette turned off her computer , she didn't want to hear anymore, how could she have been so stupid as to help a wanted criminal who was now attacking people, I mean sure she hated Lila but she didn't wish her dead. "It was navie of me, to think that maybe he wasn't all bad, " she said picked the rose he had left the other night and stared at it, why did she like him so much, he would probably return tonight and threaten her so she would stay quite about seeing him. The answer to her was both impossible, stupid, and at the same time so obvious, she liked him even when she knew she really shouldn't, befriended a criminal never ends well. 'I can't be in love with him, I'll just have to get over him, ' she thought to herself and then placed the rose in her desk.
That night Marinette couldn't sleep, she tried everything her mother had told her about what to do if she had trouble sleeping but nothing worked, so she got out of bed and continued to work on her new design, she liked the red fabric and jewels but something was missing, it needed some black. 'Hmm a black leather jacket would look nice with this,' she thought adding it to her sketchbook, "perfect, I think this will look great, " she said placing her sketchbook and began to work on sewing, however a tap on her window interrupted her work. 'Oh no, ' she thought to herself as she walked to her balcony, 'please don't be who you know who? ' she thought almost shaking as she opened the door and saw Cat Blanc sitting on the ledge staring at the night sky. "I didn't think you would be back here, " Marinette said nervously and Cat Blanc turned around to look at her, his green eyes once again causing her to feel weak in the knees. "Well I didn't have the strength to stay away, " he admitted "if your going to hurt me or rape me please just get it over with I promise I won't tell the police I saw you the other night, " Marinette said backing away from him but to her surprise he just smiled at her, but it wasn't a creepy smile that she had seen him with in the pictures they had of him, it was warm smile that made her feel safe. "Hurt you, look I know you think I'm nothing but a heartless monster but I have morals, you helped me when most would have just left me to die, so I could never bring myself to hurt you. " Marinette was so stunned by these words that when she opened her month to respond all that came out was babble, "oh that was so embarrassing, " she said turning red after she had finally managed to stop stammering. "I for one found it kinda cute, by the way I never caught your name. " He said smiling at her again "Marinette, " she answered "sounds like a name for a princess, " he said kissing her hand "umm... I.. " she stammered "well I wish I could to stay but I must leave before someone takes a picture of me being here, see you tomorrow night princess. " He said giving her salute and then disappearing into the night

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