Farewell, My Summer Love (Mic...

By DivinityInMotion

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once you leave home, nothing ever stays the same. More



476 41 41
By DivinityInMotion

At seven in the afternoon, Nina and I walked to the Jacksons' home for this dinner that everyone knew about, except me. Which isn't surprising. I decided to go with something more conservative, because I feel like Michael's seen enough of me for a day.

The door opened and we were welcomed with such cheer and happiness. I was being hugged here and there, and it wasn't as bad as I had expected this to be. When one of the family members let me go, I walked up two steps, and found myself standing next to Michael.

I was surprised that he actually looked fancy and nice. He looks very handsome in the suit he was wearing.

He looked down at me and raised his eyebrows, "Oh look it's you." He smirked. "And your legs are covered."

"Oh, fuck you." I mumbled.

"You would, wouldn't you?" He groaned.

"What the hell does that even mean?" I asked, and before he could answer, Nina grabbed my hand, and faced me towards Katherine. She was much older than I remember...then again, so was everyone else.

She smiled sweetly at me, and hugged me once again. Pulling me back, she looked me up and down and smiled, "You're a young woman now! How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen." I smiled. And shortly after I answered, I heard Michael's voice.

He mumbled, "Youngins."

I looked at him and rolled his eyes. I assumed Katherine remembered the fact that he is a year older than me, and hushed him, "You're still a baby too, so I don't know what you're mumbling about."

Everyone started laughing, and Michael huffed and walked out of the room.

I looked at Katherine and gave her an awkward face. She rolled her eyes, "He's been a bit grumpy lately, so don't take anything he says literally; he don't mean it."

I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

"Let's sit down now?" Joseph asked.

"I'll get Michael." Janet chirped and skipped out of the room. She's gotten so old. Last time I saw her, she was just a little girl.


We made our seating arrangements, and I didn't know where to sit. Nina sat by Katherine, and, just for my luck, the only spot left was next to Michael; making things a little awkward, given that he was already being a grouch.

I hesitantly sat down in the chair, because I could feel his eyes on me, staring me down, with a tension so strong, I couldn't breathe right. After adjusting my dress, he looked away, finally, and stared down at the table, and then at his fingers. I started to look at him from the corner of my eye. His outfit suited him nicely, and he was very attractive...well, if I'm going to be completely honest with myself, he's always been attractive, in my opinion. How can one so attractive, be such a dick?

"Who wants to lead us in prayer?" One of the brothers asked.

Janet volunteered.

We all grabbed hands, and I placed mine in Michael's. At first he got all uncomfortable and weird, but then he grabbed a good grip on my hand. As she started praying, his grip on my hand started getting tighter and tighter, to a point where I had to kick him under the table. He bit his lip, inhaled sharply and clutched his shin, allowing him to let go of me. I rolled my eyes, and rested my head on my hand instead of returning it back to Michael. After Janet's prayer, that I unfortunately missed, we all opened our eyes, Michael and I looked at each other. He snarled at me, and I returned with a childish tongue.

Why is he being such a jerk to me? I don't know what I did to get this out of him, or what I did to all of sudden get this asshole on my case. He used to be cool when we were kids, but I guess the phrase, "people change" is true. I mean, it's barely my first day here, I couldn't have made him hate me already!

Then again, I could be over thinking this, and he could just be a jerk in general. He has such a sweet face, too. He doesn't have that face that screams, "I am an ass." like some guys do. Michael literally looks like a sweetie pie. What is this. And then there's me: everyone being too scared to talk to me, because I have what they call a "bitch face".

What if that's what's making him act this way?! Maybe he thinks I'm a bitch, so he just treating me how he thinks I would treat him.

He passed me a tray of biscuits, and looked directly in my eyes. I smiled and said, "Thank you, Michael."

He gave me a weird look, then rolled his eyes. All that matters is that I'm trying to be nice, and hopefully he catches on.

Soon after the dinner began, so did the interrogation questions. The usual ones like, "Now that you're eighteen, what are your plans for the future?"

Or even, "How's the family doing?"

And let's not forget my personal "favorite", the same old, "Are you dating anyone? Who is it?"

As I answered every single one of these questions and more, I started to think about why they were so interested in my personal life. Why am I suddenly so interesting? It's not like they used to care when I lived here a long time ago...

His voice finally spoke. Michael's. He asked me, "Why is it that you're single?"

I was surprised, and didn't know what to say. He looked at me in all seriousness; no anger, no attitude, just serious. I shook my head, and stuttered out, "I don't know, Michael."

He nodded and huffed, "Could it be...the fact that you can't listen for shit?"

"Michael!" Joseph yelled.

"What?" I was very confused as to what he was trying to imply.

He got up, and shook his head. He was angry now. "Exactly." He took his plate and threw out everything left on it before throwing it into the sink. "Excuse me," he said, and left the room.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at me. I didn't know what to say, I froze. What in the world is he talking about? It couldn't have been something about me and him in the past...we never really got along back then, let alone speak to each other. I mean, it's not like we disliked each other, we just didn't really hang out with one another. I stayed with Nina most of the time I was ever at the Jackson home. I would make small talk with Michael, but never anything too serious to remember. Then again, I don't remember much about my time in Gary, or the last time I visited...it's still fuzzy.

Nina sighed, and smiled at Katherine and Joseph, "You know, it's getting a little late, isn't it?"

Katherine shook her head, "No no no no!" she repeated in a panicked tone. "It feels like you just got here! Don't leave, ladies, please stay?"

Nina sighed, "Kathy, you know I'd love to, but it's been such a long day, and this glorious meal you've made us has made me awfully tired. And I wouldn't want to keep you two up on a weekday," she addressed Katherine and Joseph.

"Nina, don't be silly!" she flicked her wrist, "I miss you two, please don't go because Michael's being a jerk."

"Oh, no, it's nothing to do with Michael, honey, I promise, I'm just a litte tired, is all, I have gotten older," Nina laughed nervously. It seemed obvious that she wanted to leave because of him, but she didn't want to leave without making sure she convinced Katherine. "Angelina and I will come by tomorrow morning to bring you some fruits from my little garden back at my house." she laughed. Nina got up and so did everyone else sitting at the table.

We all kissed and hugged goodbye, with the exception of Michael, but that was a given when he stormed out on the dinner. When Katherine hugged me, she whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry about Michael, baby. I'll go see what's wrong with him in a little bit. He's not like this, I promise you."

"Oh no, it's okay. He was probably having one of those days, I get it. Please don't get angry with him, it's not his fault."

"It's not yours either, remember that okay?" she smiled and wished Nina and I a good night.

They continued to wave us goodbye as we walked out of the door and walked a few steps into our house. As soon as their door shut, Nina sighed, then looked up at me with a curious and surprised expression. She raised an eyebrow and lifted her hand onto her hip.

"What?" I asked defensively.

She shook her head, "What did you do to Michael?"

"What?" I gasped out. "I haven't even been here a full 24 hours, and he already has this huge resentment against me. Nina, I didn't do anything. And I honestly don't know what was shoved up his ass--"

"Hey." she stopped me. "Look, it's obvious that he's upset with you, because he never acts like this. He is literally an angel. So it must be something with you."

I rolled my eyes, "Well thanks, Nina."

She shrugged her shoulders, "You two are going to get along. I've told you this earlier, and I mean it."

Why is it such a big deal that Michael and I get along? It seems like this is a requirement of my being here. I guess I could make him like me, but that's gonna take some work.

After making arrangements to hang out with the Jackson kids tomorrow, Nina went to sleep somewhat satisfied. I couldn't sleep however. The thought of Michael not liking me for a reason I don't know is literally eating me alive. I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling, in deep thought about Michael, and just replaying every little scene in my head, like it's never going to stop...

A girl's laugh from outside my window broke me from my thoughts. Sitting up from the bed, I walked to the window and moved the curtains slightly so that I could see.

It was Michael with some girl. Her voice was so familiar, it was killing me that I couldn't remember totally. I know this girl, I know this girl, I know this--

"You did not!" she laughed.

That's it. That's Courtney. The crazy, tempered chick from the plane. And that's the Michael she was talking about! I should have known! It's all making sense now that I'm putting two and two together:

Courtney doesn't like me,

Courtney is Michael's friend.

Courtney must have shit-talked me to Michael, making him angry with me, and even dislike me.

See? This is all coming together... "Can't listen for shit?" I didn't really get too intrigued with her story, which made her mad, and she did tell Michael that. That's why he was so mean to me earlier at the bookstore, but was nice to me this morning.

"No, I did. I told her how it is. Of course my parents gave me this huge ass lecture before passing out, but I told her that she can't listen for shit, and her face! She was so shocked, Court, it was great." He smiled.

She laughed, "Damn, I wish I was there!" she put an arm around his arm and laughed that stupid, obnoxious laugh that girls do around guys, and they think it's cute, when it really sounds like they're breathing stupid-gas. "That's really sweet that you stood up for me, today, Michael. You're the greatest best friend anyone could have."

The fuck? He didn't even stand up for her, he just talked for her, I guess. The sight outside my window made me angry and almost want to open it and bust both their asses. "Telling me how it is."

My ass. That was the worst way to tell me how it is. And if Courtney has a problem with me, then she should say so herself. Not get her and her friends to dislike me too, and potentially ruin my summer here in Gary. Why would she do that? This is literally the most childish thing ever. And, if Michael is this angel sent from Heaven, then why is he believing her bullshit lies about me? I mean, he has known about me longer than this Courtney chick. And even if we never really talked as kids, doesn't mean he never knew me, and my personality.

Whenever we did actually talk, we had a good time. So why the hell is he gonna all of a sudden believe this bitch--

"Did you hear that?" she asked.

"What? No?"

"I gotta go, it's late. My mom might notice I'm gone."

To be a little bitch myself, I cracked open the window and threw a baseball towards them. It ended up hitting a trash bin, but that was good enough to scare them, making them both run off to their houses. I was well pleased.

As soon as both of them resided into their homes, I shut the window and crept back into my covers and brought my knees to my chest in order to keep everything warm.

I am so ready for tomorrow.


hey guys, I totally forgot about this story! I'm so awful. I've been on my other wattpad account, so I do apologize. I am going to continue on with this story I promise. - jazzy

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