Collision Course (HP - Docto...

By HarryPotterFan20000

4.2K 211 320

With no friends by his side, the Doctor, tired of having to save everyone for himself, embarks on a new journ... More

Ollivander's and Why This Face?
Beginning of term and the first class
Taking a little Tumble
Sirius Black is Siriusly Back!
Hogsmede Trip
The Captain
So not ready for this.
Who lives in a shack connected to a tree? Sirius Black!
Spring Break
Trying the best I can.
Working in the Lab
End of the Year
New Book!

The Break in

200 11 15
By HarryPotterFan20000

Yes, I know that this is supposed to happen on the night of the trip, but I got way too into it and forgot, so.. you get that stuff in this chapter.

Doctor's POV

It was that time of the 3rd book when Sirius Black broke into Hogwarts now. Of course, it was announced at dinner. Well, sort of.

"Your attention please, students." The Master of Children's Heads rose from his throne-like chair.
"Because of a certain incident outside of the Gryffindor Towers, all of you will, unfortunately, have to sleep in the Great Hall tonight," as expected, a bubble of chatter flew through the room.
"SILENCE! As I was saying, you will have your things brought to you, and changing rooms will be made for the occasion. Please, do not, under any circumstances, I repeat, ANY CIRCUMSTANCE," he looked directly at Harry as he said this, "go back into the dorms."

He sat down and a massive outburst of talking and gossiping broke out like a plague, which became so loud The Master was getting a headache. He was tapping the table impatiently, but I soon realised it was the drumbeat, one two three four. One two three four. I flicked him, and he stopped, looking confused as if he hadn't even remembered doing it.

"Well, I'll be damned. Even I would have trouble shutting these lot up," I laughed to him.

"Professors, I need to speak to you all in the trophy room," Mr. Bumble told us, opening the door and stepping in.

'Well, I best go, then.' I thought.

"Yes, Headmaster?" Severus asked, voice deep and as awesome as ever.

"Well, first: we will need a meeting tomorrow or at your soonest convenience. The Doctor and Professor Saxon, or as he said he was called back home, The Master, have explained to me more about there, shall we say, true identities.

And second: who will be on patrol when. We will need staff to patrol the corridors and the hall for obvious reasons." The question was left unsaid, but everyone understood.

"The Master and I will take it. We wont need to switch over, either, because we need 3 hours of sleep, tops. We can go with out that easily, especially as we don't have to teach 'till late."

"Very well. Now who will take..."
He phased into meaningless drivel that neither concerned nor interested me, so I tuned him out and had a conversation with my friend -- telepathically, of course.

So, what's the plan for this year?

What do you mean, Master?

Well, Sirius Black. There is a way to get aroungld the fact the plot needs Pettigrew.

Seriously!? We're messing with the entire History of it?

Well, think. Crouch Jr is still around. And besides, you mess with history all the time! This could be a way to save an innocent man's life, surely you'll do that.

Well, if we can make sure it works then I don't see a problem..

Just think how it would be written and figure it out from there, you're good at that stuff and you know it.

Fine, fine. Any more topics?

Of course. The drumbeat, you know I was tapping it earlier. And that can't be good.

No. But I'm here, and I'll make sure you're sane. I smiled at him just as Dumbleeore stopped.

"That is all, you may leave now. Doctor, *ahem* and The Master, please stay behind a second."

"What is it, Headmaster?" He asked, stepping up to the younger man.

"I detected a slight telepathic wave between you two. Could you please explain?"

"Yeah, sure. Basically us Time Lords, we can communicate in our minds. We were just talking about how and when we were gonna tell you the bits we cut out, because honestly even Snape would be shocked speechless or screaming in confusion from it."

You could hear his jaw audibly hit the floor.
"Are.. are you sure? That seems a little... over the top, especially for Severus."

"Yeah, seriously. I'd bet 100 gallons on it," I stated with a straight face.

Hey, hey Doc. The Master sent me a mental picture of Snape and Volleyball dancing the tango together wearing ballerina clothes. Look at this!

I couldn't help it! I burst out laughing, much to the confusion of the man in front of me.

"Mind letting me in on the joke?" He asked, a glint in his eye.

"Yeah, sure." I placed my hands over his temples and showed him the picture and as much laughter as he could manage.

"Oh Merlin that is Gold. How did you even come up with that?" He chuckled and snickered.

"Anyway, Headmaster, we really should leave, the student will be getting into their sleeping bags about now." He stopped , face dropping to a little more of a serious (pun very much intended) expression.
"Of course, don't let me keep you back." We were let go, and immediately snapped back into teacher mode.

In the middle of the hall, Percy Weasley appeared to be waiting for us.

"Professors! I guess you will be taking over from here?"
"Yes, thank you Percy. You can go to sleep now, we've got it covered." He nodded gratefully and walked off to an empty bag.

"If you need help, sir, just ask me."
"Thanks, Percy, but we've got it covered."

The torches were blown out by the Headmaster and he walked off with one last smile.

I heard a rush of whispers, some about us, others about Sirius. A clear of the throat was easily heard over it.

"Alright kids, you get an hour to get all of the talking out of your system, try to keep it down though. If any of you have any concerns or lose something, come and talk to me or Professor Saxon and we'll help sort it, okay? But, after that, you go to sleep asap. Sound good?" A chorus if 'Yes, Sir,' went around the room, then a migraine-inducing amount of gossip rose into the air.

It was about 20 minutes in when Harry and Neville both came up to us.
"Hello, boys, anything I can help you with?"

"Y-yes, p-p-please. Uh, I uh, just wanted to know if we're go-going to be safe?"
"I will tell you with 100% confidence, even under veritaserum, that you are all safe, so don't worry about it, okay kid? Any more questions?"

"N-no, sir, thanks." He gave a rare smile and went back over to his sleeping bag.

"Yes, Harry?" I asked, turning to the Boy Who Managed To Do Something Everyone Does.

"Sir, you said you spend a lot of time with muggle, right?"
"Yeah, why do ask?"
"Well, see, I brought a Game Boy SP with me here, because I got some new Pokémon games that I wanted to play and it stopped working. I heard that you fixed a 5th year's phone, so I was wondering if--"

"If I could fix it?" He nodded, "yeah, easily. Do you have it with you?" He handed me the device and I smiled.

"Tell you what, if you need any help finishing these games, just ask, I've played 'em loads." I pulled out the sonic, pointing it at the GB SP.
It whirred for about two seconds, and it turned on, the signature gleam sound playing, and then the Red theme tune started up.

"Cool! Thanks, Professor!"
"No problem, kid. Now, I'm sure you have some gossiping to do, right?" He ran off to his mates, Hermione shocked it worked.

"Halfway through, Master, then we can talk freely." He hummed in agreement.
We set up a muflatio charm and slumped down against the wall to talk privately until my watch buzzed.

With a sigh, I stepped out of the radius of the spell and shouted out to the kids, who had quietened down by now,
"All right kids, sorry but your hour's up. Time to start settling down for sleep." There was a collective groan, but when I put out the lights, they all seemed to lie down and sleep. I went back over to the Master when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I immediately reached for my wand and spun around.

"Oh, sorry, Professor. With the whole break in, well I'm sure you understand." He nodded.

"Yes, of course. When you're ready, there will be a staff meeting. Far left, second floor."

"Alright, tell the Headmaster I'll be there soon." He nodded curtly and walked off, robes billowing behind him as always.

I fetched my friend and we set up a basic security system: basically, if anyone opened the door, an alarm would be set off and a cage would fall on the surrounding area.
By the time we were done, it had only been about 10 minutes.

"Alright, when that door closes after we go out, the system will be set, so make sure you have everything."
"Got it, let's go." It took us a minute to reach the meeting room, which we went into.

"Hey guys, sorry we were a little late, but we were just getting an alarm set up in case anyone tried to get in or out of the hall. Anyway, uh, feel free to start."

"Very well. I called the meeting because the Doctor and his friend have revealed more about who they are, and it is quite... incredible. If you'd care to start, gentlemen?"

"Right, yeah.. it all started a long long time ago when..." I continued to tell the long, long story of the time war yet again.

"Thank you, I'm sure it wasn't easy to talk about that, especially twice."
"No, but.. I've had to do it many times, so that does make it easier."

"I... I can't believe it," McGonnogal whispered, a tear tracks on her face.
The rest of the staff said almost the same thing, some of them with pity and others with sadness.

"How do we know this is true?" Asked Snape, "you need proof with these things, and unless you have any, then we don't have a reason to believe you."

I, eyes red and bloodshot, growled.
"Well, little kid, I'll show you the damn proof, then you can keep throwing accusations, see where it gets you."
"Calm down, man. Show him as much as you can bare, then laugh in his face as he apologises for doubting you."
"Fine. Let's get this over with."

I placed my wand to my left temple and thought about what happened until my head ached viciously and then thought of the time I destroyed my planet. The strand of memories, unlike others, was a bright gold.
"Please, feel free to check whether or not this is authentic." He did so and, sure enough, it was proven to be real.

"Please... just.. don't think differently of me because of this. It... The war couldn't be stopped any other way and.. I'll just show you." I sighed and showed them the memories, turning them into a screen. An hour later, the memories were over. (A.N FYI, he showed most of the deaths in his life, too.)

"I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you relive that.."
Wow. That's a surprise. I told the Master, shocked.
Yeah, but remember the tragic story of Lily Potter. He does have a heart.
Hmm, true.

"That's... well, not okay, but I understand why. After all, it's reasonable to ask for evidence, especially with something so ridiculous," I tried to smile but it came out more like a grimace.

"How can you live through that? Get up and smile every day after experiencing that? I mean, that's... just extraordinary," Remus asked quietly, looking at us both in wonder.

"Well, honestly, we don't. I mean, before I found the Doctor again to help me, I was well known for homocidal fits of rage, which, by the way, have completely stopped now, and the doctor can just lay in bed all day doing absolutely nothing." The Master said, though he regreted it.

"Are you sure that we can trust you? That they're 100% gone?"
"Yes, yes they haven't happened in a long time, and the Doctor really does help."
"Yeah, and I can spot if it's gonna happen before it does, so I'll stop anything bad."

"Alright, if you say so."

"I do. Anyway, uh, anything else, Professor? I feel we should get back to the hall now, in case any students are acting up," I lied easily.
You know I know you're lying, right? He asked boredly
You're no fun I sent him a mental pout and he struggled not to snort.

"Of course, everyone is dismissed."

When we were back in the hall (after disabling the alarm, obviously), we slumped back into the corner.

"Ugh. Why did we have to tell anyone about that? Why did we have to go through that? It's just..."
"Unfair? Stupid? Infuriating?" I listed.
"All of the above," he decided with a sour tone. I noticed what looked like a glint, but it dissapeared as soon as I did.

"Hey, did you see that?"
"No, what?"
"I'm not sure, it looked like a glint, like one of the kids were watching us."
"You're probably tense, just relax. It's probably fine."

Little did they know, a certain blond-haired Slytherin and an scarred Gryffindor both heard what he just said. How they'll react, well...

You'll have to wait until next week for that!

Haha! Feel free to guess where this is going, just know by the time you're reading this, I'll have already planned and written it all! Mwahahaha!

Nah, JK. I do have the next 3 chapters pre-written, though, so it's true.

Anyway, signing off at the glorious time of 1am on a Monday,

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