The Break in

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Yes, I know that this is supposed to happen on the night of the trip, but I got way too into it and forgot, so.. you get that stuff in this chapter.

Doctor's POV

It was that time of the 3rd book when Sirius Black broke into Hogwarts now. Of course, it was announced at dinner. Well, sort of.

"Your attention please, students." The Master of Children's Heads rose from his throne-like chair.
"Because of a certain incident outside of the Gryffindor Towers, all of you will, unfortunately, have to sleep in the Great Hall tonight," as expected, a bubble of chatter flew through the room.
"SILENCE! As I was saying, you will have your things brought to you, and changing rooms will be made for the occasion. Please, do not, under any circumstances, I repeat, ANY CIRCUMSTANCE," he looked directly at Harry as he said this, "go back into the dorms."

He sat down and a massive outburst of talking and gossiping broke out like a plague, which became so loud The Master was getting a headache. He was tapping the table impatiently, but I soon realised it was the drumbeat, one two three four. One two three four. I flicked him, and he stopped, looking confused as if he hadn't even remembered doing it.

"Well, I'll be damned. Even I would have trouble shutting these lot up," I laughed to him.

"Professors, I need to speak to you all in the trophy room," Mr. Bumble told us, opening the door and stepping in.

'Well, I best go, then.' I thought.

"Yes, Headmaster?" Severus asked, voice deep and as awesome as ever.

"Well, first: we will need a meeting tomorrow or at your soonest convenience. The Doctor and Professor Saxon, or as he said he was called back home, The Master, have explained to me more about there, shall we say, true identities.

And second: who will be on patrol when. We will need staff to patrol the corridors and the hall for obvious reasons." The question was left unsaid, but everyone understood.

"The Master and I will take it. We wont need to switch over, either, because we need 3 hours of sleep, tops. We can go with out that easily, especially as we don't have to teach 'till late."

"Very well. Now who will take..."
He phased into meaningless drivel that neither concerned nor interested me, so I tuned him out and had a conversation with my friend -- telepathically, of course.

So, what's the plan for this year?

What do you mean, Master?

Well, Sirius Black. There is a way to get aroungld the fact the plot needs Pettigrew.

Seriously!? We're messing with the entire History of it?

Well, think. Crouch Jr is still around. And besides, you mess with history all the time! This could be a way to save an innocent man's life, surely you'll do that.

Well, if we can make sure it works then I don't see a problem..

Just think how it would be written and figure it out from there, you're good at that stuff and you know it.

Fine, fine. Any more topics?

Of course. The drumbeat, you know I was tapping it earlier. And that can't be good.

No. But I'm here, and I'll make sure you're sane. I smiled at him just as Dumbleeore stopped.

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