Feelings are fatal

Per shipperchild

96.5K 3.5K 8K

An au about Mattia and Kairi, a story set in Italy where Mattia is the next heir to the throne and Kairi is a... Més

Visual on the castle.
Get to know our characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Sorry (not really)
Chapter 25
It's back up and why

Chapter 14

2.8K 121 279
Per shipperchild


IT WAS CHILLY AND SLIGHTLY HUMID by the ocean side, the birds sang their everyday songs, the waves crashed by the shore creating a soft melody- the sun was slowly setting, a blissful end of the day.

I brought my knees up, resting my chin atop the available resting area, shivering slightly. I sigh in content- the last time I was by this beach front I was 6 years old- a good few weeks before the incident, Mommy and Daddy took me and Maiya out for my birthday- best birthday ever in my opinion.

If I could, I would visit Japan again. I miss home, the amazing streets, the play areas, the vending machines. If only..

"Kairi?" A voice called, I look up in surprise only to see Mattia holding two mugs in his hands- I'm assuming it's a sort of hot beverage.

"Hi, Mattia," I smiled, he sat down next to me passing the warm mug, I accepted it and checked down to see it was hot coco with whipped cream and sprinkles decorated atop- my all time favorite.

"You like?" He asked, I nodded drinking the warm hot chocolate. "Where are we?" He broke the silence, "We are at this beach front I went to back in Japan, I consider it my favorite place," I smiled, "Your birthday is tomorrow, you're getting really old," I chuckled- boop-ing his cute nose, he playfully bit my finger.

"Hey! That's mean," I frowned, "Aww want me to kiss it better?" He pouted, I huffed before shoving my hand to his face, he placed gentle kisses on my bit finger, all over my knuckles, before kissing all my fingers- I blushed.

"There all better now," he intertwined our hands, I blushed a deep red; feeling warm holding his hand. I may bring danger to Mattia's life but- he's just so protective, and being around this man makes me forget about my life problems, I forget there are hunters trying to capture and kill me, I forget about everything- all because of this man.

Just standing next to him makes me feel protected; heck I even forget I'm a powerful ass dragon, all because of Mattia.

Placing my mug down, I rested my head on his shoulder, "Wait," he set his mug down as well, lifted me slightly so that I could sit in the space between his thighs, he wrapped his arms securely by my waist, one hand intertwined with mine, "There, much better," he kissed my cheek.

"Kairi, when is your birthday?" "February 8th," I answered, "Oh wow, short month, short kid," I cut him off by smacking his calf, he laughed slightly. "Rough, I like it," he teased "Shut up," I blushed.

"Do you know why we share dreams, Kai?" Mattia asked, I paled up slightly, not ready to tell him the real reason. "I-uh- I don't know," I lied.

"Well, when I was younger my mom always read me this bedtime story whenever I visited Mexico, it was about these two kids and they shared dreams, which meant they were spiritually connected, and the more they dreamt, the closer they got and they found out they were soulmates, I don't remember the book name but I've always loved that book and always hoped for a soulmate," the prince sighed

I blushed knowing damn well we are soulmates- but for a different reason, "Yeah, maybe we are soulmates," I answered, "Thank the gods you were picked to be my soulmate- I wouldn't have wanted any other," he kissed my neck slightly, I chuckled.

"Why did you come to Itália? If you don't mind sharing," knowing no one but us could enter our dreams, I decided on telling him- dreams can be the safest places to share information when it comes to dragons.

"Well, I was 6 and Maiya was 1- our house got invaded some time at night, Mommy just tucked us into bed, I couldn't sleep and neither could Maiya so I got her toy and went into her bed to help her sleep, I was really close to falling asleep until I felt alarmed and unsettled, I didn't understand what was going on at the time so my instincts told me to just hold Maiya, and then we heard a loud crash, and men shouting. Maiya was dead asleep so I had to carry her and get some of our stuff ready, mommy and daddy always told us there could be a time where this scary evacuation could happen so I was semi prepared, mom called us downstairs and had us put into some escape vent, that was the last time I saw my dad, and we saw a flame and I had to cover both me and Maiya's eyes- mommy was the only one that came into the vent, dad sacrificed himself to have us safe," I rubbed my teary eyes slightly.

"You're so, strong baby, I'm not gonna ask more about it 'cause you look triggered, so, let's try and move on to something else okay?"

And we talked, for God knows how long- we talked about scary moments and silly moments, we talked about any topic that came to mind; and just like that I had to wake up.

I rubbed my eyes, slightly stretching. Today there was school and I had to go to work, Mama was already done with our ballroom attire so there wasn't much to stress about tomorrow.

I got out and made my bed, walking out I saw Maiya's door open, her bed already made. "hey midget," I greeted, "Give me a hug," she demands, I stalk over to her dramatic self and pull her into a bone crushing hug.

"Thanks, now shoo- you have school," she pushed me out of her room before shutting it and getting herself dressed.

"Bitch," I mumbled before going to get ready as well. Finally we got done and headed our, not bothering to wake our tired mother.

"I heard some royale's are traveling to the palace today," Maiya said, kicking a pebble in her way. I look down at my sister, not really caring "Yeah, I don't care," I snickered "Race you there!" I said before dashing off

"Hey that's not fair!" She complained before running to me. I finally reached her school gates, bending over slightly breathless with my hands resting on my knees. "I won," I shot up, giggling at her annoyed expression "I got to go now, smell you later," I kissed her forehead before leaving her to go to school.

Oh shit, the field trip is later today. Which means I have to be dismissed earlier, I'm not even going to the field trip they just requested for me to come and help, I'm pretty famous and wanted.

I finally reached the school gates, greeted with an extremely happy Hector. "Oh hey hector, what's got your all giddy this morning?"
I asked, pulling him into a warm hug. He accepted my hug squeezing me a little, I'm guessing from excitement. "My sister comes today! I haven't seen her in months," he said, I chuckled lightly at the excited boy "That's really good for you, hope to meet her tomorrow night," "oh you'll definitely meet her, she's very sweet, taller than you actually," he joked I punched his shoulder, laughing a little before going to home room.

"Hey kai," Alejandro greeted, "Hola!" I smiled before pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm going over to the castle today," I said before letting go, "Really? Why?" I shrugged not knowing the real answer "But people always want me," I brushed my hair back dramatically before giggling.

We were walking to home room, suddenly Jenna was in front of me, a bit too close.

She's gonna get into shit.

"What-" I was interrupted by Jenna shoving me, making me fall on my ass. "What the fuck-" I stood up, brushing myself, a crowd formed around us, "Fuck you for what you did," she sneered, I stared at her blankly; counting down the seconds on when someone will arrive. "Okay," I said simply and just like that, guards came rushing into the school.

"Jenna! You aren't supposed to be anywhere near Kairi, are you mad?" The principal came rushing in, I smirked looking at Alejandro who was also smirking.

That's what she gets for being a dumb bitch.

"Keep away from Kairi Takahashi, It was informed by the royal family themselves and what they say goes, do you understand me young lady?" Our principal scolded, I covered my mouth slightly, trying not to laugh, yet I was failing miserably. "Yes, understood." Jenna sighed, before being escorted by two guards to her class.

The other two guards came around me, bowing down slightly in sign of respect. "Sir Kairi Takahashi, we will be with you until you go back home, orders from the king if Ms Jenna tried to come into contact with you," a guard said, I nodded slightly before looking over to Alejandro.

"I'm too famous," I grinned before leaving to home room, the guards scattering to follow me.

The walk to home room was uncomfortable, with all the stares and whispers around the hallway as people pointed at me as though I was famous. Is this how Mattia feels?

Alejandro stood next to me, sneakily holding my hand but not intertwining them, in a way to comfort me. "Hey! Don't you guys have something better to do? Scram!" Alejandro yelled, causing the students to run away and attend other business.

"Thanks," I sighed, he squeezed my hand and gave a tight lipped smile, resuming our walk to home room.

We finally reached home room, the two guards were joined by the other two that escorted Jenna stood in front of the door, sort of blocking the entry, damn they weren't playing.

"Right, uh, Goodmorning class- just have to take roll call and say a few announcements than we're good," our teacher said before getting the class list.

"Fernando Anjos?" "Here!"
"Belinda Antonio?" "Absent," a student called, she went on until she finished the class list.

"Okay so, tomorrow there will be no school as well as Friday, all stores will be closed on Thursday but re opened Friday; at 8 o'clock sharp Carriages will go around every street to pick up families, be dressed in formal wear and make sure you have your gifts sorted out- if you got any, the ball will end around 3 to 4 am carriages will be available any time to go to your home's, in two weeks we will be having our official examinations that determines if you pass or fail, I hope you guys have been studying-and when exams are done it will be summer holidays! So that's all," our home room teacher finished, allowing us to converse with one another until the bell rang.

"At around 10 I'll leave to the castle, so like collect all my work, I got chemistry," I said to Alejandro collecting my bag "Alright bro, see you later," he gave me a warm hug before leaving off to maths.

The guards stood tall, all giving slight smiles at the sight of me, "What subject, Sir Kairi?" A guard asked, I looked up to the tall attractive brown skin guard "What's your name, sir?" I asked "Jared," he answers, I nodded, I look to the other guard, this one looking Hispanic, possibly Dominican, sorry if that sounded racist. "Yours?" "Santiago," he answered, I looked to the other attractive guard- he looked similar to Aladdin but more daddy. "Yours?" "Khalil," he stuttered, I looked at the last one- he looked Asian, very very attractive. "Yours?" Myung," he answered.

"Please do call me Kairi, no need to be formal boys," I smiled, it seems they were tense in my presence- I don't know what makes a lot of people nervous around me; but I like it sometimes. "Let's go boys, I got chemistry so, let's go," I instructed leading the guards to my class.

The guards stood by the doors as they did the last time, I sat at my seat; which was next to Vic since I took AP chemistry with some seniors. "Hey, mega mind," I grinned, Vic scoffed and flicked my forehead. "Shut up, how've you been?" She gave me a side hug, I gracefully accepted the warm hug.

"So, you going later today to the castle?" She asked, I nodded whilst taking notes that the teacher wrote, "Shush I'm trying to focus here," I said, I heard her snicker before she continued with her work.

Finally chemistry was done, I had another boring subject; physics and I had two periods of it, I mean I like it but I'm tired of it. I'm tired of school in general.

I sat on my seat, I was seated next to Taylor who was as always, sleeping, what a lazy pig. I still don't know how she passed physics with straight A's with this attitude; either she's sucking the teachers dick or doing something because she's always asleep.

Sighing, I got out my books and got into my boring work, waiting for 10 o'clock to strike.

This is going to be long.

And just like that, the two subjects passed by and I was dismissed to go to the castle, I walked outside with the guards and noticed a carriage was already ready for me. Khalil kindly opened the door for me like the gentlemen he is, allowing me to enter the carriage.

"Thank you," I smiled, "You're welcome," he smiled back. While walking to classes I found out more about the guards; they are all in their mid 20's, Khalil just got married and has a beautiful daughter, he showed me a picture of her, she is 2 years old, and I can't wait to see her at the ball.

Finally we reached the castle, the other guards greeting me as I passed. The guards led me into the castle all the way to the kitchen, where I saw Rachel waiting for me.

"Hey, Rachel!" I greeted, reaching down for a hug, "Hello there, Kairi," she greeted pulling me into a tight hug.

"What was I requested for?" I asked, "Well, the king and queen told us how much they loved your chocolate cake recipe, and request for you to help us bake the largest cake!" She said enthusiastically, I nodded in understanding; knowing this won't take too long.

"And I'm assuming you guys bake the cake tomorrow to have it fresh?" I asked "Correct!" She led me to the other side of the kitchen.

"All you really have to do is right down the needed ingredients and how to properly prepare it and that's it," she handed me a notepad and pencil, I wrote down the needed ingredients, "Oh, y'all should make it a marble cake!" I said excitedly, Rachel slowly nodded "Yeah, I'm sure the family wouldn't mind," as said.

"I think I should bake a small cake for you guys to see how it's done," I said, scratching my hands slightly, "I'll be right back," she said, going over to another room to- I'm assuming get me an apron. As expected she came with a cute apron, I took the apron, thanking her and wrapped it around myself.

"Let's get down to business," I cracked my knuckles, smirking and getting busy.

After a while, we finally finished baking the cake, sharing slices with the rest of the staff.

"Bye Kairi! Thanks for the help," Rachel hugged me before I left "You're welcome, see you tomorrow," I smiled before exiting the kitchen.

I was walking around the palace, lost as always, yet admiring the decore and the beautiful ancient drawings on my walls.

And that's when I heard distant crying, surprised, I turned around at the sound of crying; curious.

Maiya came rushing to my direction, maybe not sure where she was heading to, with her face hidden by her hands, crying.

"Maiya?" I called out; she looked my way and ran into my arms, I hugged her, rubbing her back gently.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly "Th-the-the pe-," she sobbed harder "Breathe, baby" I continued to rub her back.

She finally calmed down, hiccuping a little. "The people were bullying me and you, saying that we're freaks and- and how the royal family takes pity on us 'cause we're poor, and-and- and how we should've died along side dad-" she broke down once again, I held her tight, pissed at the stupid kids and what they said to my amazing sister.

"Don't listen to their bullshit, sorry if I cussed. Dad is a hero, don't forget that, fuck those little monsters you're a bad bitch Maiya, they don't know this but you can wipe them out with a snap of your fingers! You're powerful and amazing and never let any low life bring you to their level, you're better than that," I encouraged, wiping her tears away, she smiled slightly before hugging me again.

"What do we have here?" A voice said, we looked up and noticed the king smiling down at us- nervous we scrambled standing up and bowing down in respect.

"Hey kai," the king said, coming to hug me as well as Maiya, "Hello, Mr Polibio," we greeted in sync. "Hi kids, what you doing here little one?" He asked Maiya "Kids were being mean," she huffed "Who were they? Do you KNWO their names?" Mr Polibio asked "Yeah, uh- it was these four girls, Julie, Tiana, Gabrielle ans Naomi," Maiya listed, the king slowly nodded "Well, from now on those four girls are not allowed anywhere near you- I'll arrange a set of guards for you okay?" He smiled, "Okay," Maiya smiled excitedly.

"Come one, let me show you around," Me Polibio gestured, giving us a small tour.

We walked and talked, he gave us a little history on the castle and why it is the way it is. His extremely great grandfather said the angels represented protection over the kingdom, which I found very cute.

We reached the portrait room, where maids were cleaning up some of the dusty portraits.

"This has to be one of the most interesting rooms in this place," he smirked, Maiya and I looked around and saw all beautiful portraits of former kings and a queen, the families and all cousins and so forth.

"Beautiful," I breathed out. "Very, you see this beautiful lady over here?" He pointed to a specific portrait of the pretty lady. "Yeah," I said.

"That's my mother, the first ever queen of Itália, she came today, she's napping but- I love this women with everything, she's strong and very funny, she's like Mattia," he smiled while talking about his mother; I found that adorable.

"She would love you, with everything, I can already tell," he looked down over to me, smiling. "Really?" I said "Yes! You're a very lovable person, and you have the best vibe, she'll love you like her own for sure," he patted my back.

I looked over to Maiya and noticed she was a little tense, looking over a specific painting of an angry looking man.

"What's wrong?" I asked "N-nothing, nothings wrong," she stuttered, looking away from the painting.

"Okay," I sighed, "I think it's time we have to go," I said to Mr Polibio, "Sure, sure! Let's go," he gestured, and we left the beautiful portrait room- Maiya's eyes still lingering on a specific painting.

The king led us to the front of the palace, giving us a goodbye hug and kiss on the cheek. "See you two tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of the day, I'll tell your teachers you were excused," The King informed "Bye Mr Polibio!" We said "Please, do call me uncle Gio," he chuckled "Bye uncle Gio," we waved, the name feeling a bit nostalgic.

The carriage ride home was fast, I bid the guards goodbye and went over home.

"We're back!" I announced, and noticed mana passed out on the couch, the tv playing a soap opera, knowing she doesn't get a lot of sleep we left her there.

"I'm gonna take a nap," Maiya announced before leaving to her bedroom.

I went over to the kitchen and decided on making myself a tuna sandwich.

What did Maiya see? I thought, she seemed really tense by the sight of the picture, was he scary? Was he ugly? I don't really know.

I finished the sandwich and decided on taking a nap as well, not really in the mood to study.


The three stood at the portrait room, all looking at the paintings, yet one painting caught Maiya's eye.

By the painting of the dangerous louiss, a Strange portrait with a terrible vibe.

It looked normal; like he was having a bad day yet it was still so strange, there was literally red, if you blinked you would notice a sinister face was on the former prince, one smiling devilishly at you, with a pair of red eyes- bringing shivers down Maiya's spine.

She gulped slightly, rubbing her eyes gently to erase the image, it went away yet the feeling lingered, making her feel extremely tense and her brother took note.

"What's wrong?" The dragon asked, she gulped, "N-nothing," Maiya stuttered, still looking by the painting, Kairi-confused didn't want to press the topic, dropped it.

They finally had to leave to go home, Maiya was still tense. Something sinister was going to happen and she can feel it.

"I'm going to take a nap!" She announced, running up the stairs to her bedroom, the feeling still lingering.

Something is going to happen.


IM BACK! Ell oh ell, I was sick and I had a lot of work to complete I'm so sorry for the delay- but hopefully y'all would be getting more updates after chapter 15.

The balk is in the next chapter- can't wait!!
Enjoy your week <3

Continua llegint

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