His Royal Highness

De bookstar99

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A spinoff/sequel of A Deceptive Beauty (not required to read but it has more background info). *Not edited* ... Mai multe

His Royal Highness
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Seven

802 45 7
De bookstar99

"How did it go?" Sebastian asked as soon as Charlotte arrived at the meeting point.

To reduce the chance of any of the dukes finding out that they were investigating them, they had decided that Charlotte would ask the questions. Sebastian was more recognizable and the suspect might clamp up around him.

Although Charlotte was closer to the danger, the danger wasn't after her. And as long as she wasn't discovered to be Sebastian's accomplice, she would be fine.

But Charlotte didn't mind. It was rather fascinating to be discreetly interrogating people. Not even just Duke Kleyr, but his staff as well. It was almost unrealistic, but certainly exciting.

"You said Philip was killed in Ferring Forest, correct?" Charlotte asked first, before sharing what she had acquired.

Sebastian nodded.

"Well, Duke Kleyr hosted a small fundraiser in a nearby town, five days prior to when Philip was there. But, it ended the next day and he returned back here," Charlotte reiterated what she had found out from staff in Duke Kleyr's estate. "Also, he hasn't been to the palace for months."

She had pretended to be some peasant girl who lived near the Ferring Forest and was wondering when the duke's last and next campaign was. She had went as far as dressing in rags, which she was still wearing.

"So he wasn't in town when Philip was killed," Sebastian concluded, looking sullen yet relieved at the same time. Relief that Kleyr wasn't the killer but disappointment that the killer was still unknown.

"At least that narrows it down to three," he noted.

"That's good," she said optimistically. "We're getting there. Slowly but surely. Now, who's next?"

"Tobias," Sebastian answered, holding out the map he had purchased earlier and pointing to their next destination. "Now we go from the most well known to the most secretive."

"Sounds fun. What's my disguise this time?" she smiled.

"Only the most beautiful woman in the world," Sebastian winked.

"And who might that be?" Charlotte raised one of her eyebrows.

"You, of course," he grinned, sending warmth into her cheeks.

"You are so sweet," she smiled. Then, she leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek just to feel cool metal touch her lips.

Sebastian groaned and she giggled. "Sometimes, I forget that you're wearing that suit."

"Me too, dove, me too," he grumbled, looking disappointed. "Let's just go."


Charlotte took a deep breath and casually dove into the water. Surely the splash will grab attention.

After some quick digging around, one of the locals claimed that he sometimes saw Duke Tobias swim in the nearby lake. He then further detailed that he usually swam in the early portion of the afternoon.

Which was why she was currently swimming in the nice, fairly secluded lake. Meanwhile, Sebastian was hiding up in one of the trees, keeping a watch on her.

When she came back up for air, she saw a man standing at the lake bank and then slowly walking away. He had very fair hair, almost white, but not like the kind that came with old age. Was he Duke Tobias?

"I hope you're not leaving because me," she called out to the man. He stopped and turned back to face her. His cleanshaven face made his appear more youthful, although he still looked like he was at least Sebastian's age.

"Of course not, I was merely allowing you privacy," he replied seriously.

Charlotte plastered a smile on her face. "Don't be silly. You can join me. This lake is big enough for the both of us," she invited him.

If there was any sign if trouble, Sebastian would be able to see and help out. That fact comforted her in the back of her mind.

The man pondered about it and reluctantly took her suggestion. He hung his items from a low branch on a bush, including his shirt. Although, he hesitated on that and decided not to take any more clothing off.

Charlotte was mentally grateful for that, even though he already had his shirt off. If anything else came off, Sebastian might come out if hiding and drag her away. She had to push her discomfort aside to see if this was the person she was looking for.

"My name is Cecilia," Charlotte half-lied. It was her middle name. "What's yours?"

The man's eyes widened a fraction - after being asked for his name - before reverting back to normal. "Tobias," he answered, walking into the lake. "Pleasure to meet you, Cecelia."

Charlotte was delighted to find out that the local had told the truth and even more so now that she could surreptitiously investigate the duke.

"The pleasure is mine. Now, I have someone to converse with," she smiled.

Duke Tobias looked slightly uncomfortable at the idea of being her chat mate. Based on the lack of information known about him, he most likely kept to himself and didn't share much.

But that needed to change.

"You look like you need time to let loose and be carefree," she claimed. "Chatting is a wonderful remedy for that."

She lifted her feet off the ground so that she could tread water. Once again, he relented and swam over.

Charlotte was slightly nervous. Last time, she had asked around and not the suspect directly. This time, she was talking to someone that she and Sebastian thought could be a murderer.

But as long as he didn't know that she thought that, she should be fine. After all, to him, she was some random woman swimming in his usual spot.

"Are you from this area? I don't believe I've ever seen you before," Tobias asked.

"Oh, I live near Ferring Forest. I'm here visiting family," she lied.

"I was near there a few months ago. It's a shame I didn't meet you there," he said politely, the edge of his mouth curling slightly.

This time, her interest was genuine. "Really? When were you there?"

Tobias thought about it for a moment. "Exactly three months ago, in fact," he answered. Charlotte grew excited, yet nervous at the same time. He was in the area when Philip was killed. Could he be the killer or could he have hired one?

"Do you travel a lot?" she asked. "Have you ever been to the mountains? The ocean? The palace?"

"Yes to all three. My job takes me to all kinds of different places," he said, then grimaced as if revealing too much.

"What's your job?" she feigned ignorance. Perhaps she could see how he thought of his standing based on the way he answered it.

"I am a duke," he stated, in a matter of fact tone. Charlotte made sure to wear a look of surprise. "I was actually shocked when you asked for my name, because that meant that you didn't know who I was."

"Forgive me, Your Grace, I didn't even address you properly," she said.

Tobias's eyes widened again. "It's fine, you didn't know. Furthermore, it will throw off the carefree atmosphere," he insisted.

Charlotte thought he seemed polite enough. However, she didn't get a good enough reading on how he felt about his position. After all, the suspect would gain the throne if he succeeded.

"You're too kind. Other nobles probably wouldn't have stopped me. Such as the king, especially," she set the trap.

"I'm sure he would pardon you as well," Tobias said. Charlotte couldn't sense any hostility from him, but neither could she get a good read on him.

"Have you met him before?" she asked.

"Yes, he's a very entertaining man when he wants to be," he simply responded, before changing the subject. "Now, tell me about yourself. Who are you?"

Charlotte just greeted him with a smile. "I love art," she told the truth for the first time. "Drawing, painting, crafting, designing. All types."

"Anything else?" she asked, starting a new conversation.


Despite Tobias's polite manner and slightly indifferent thoughts of the king, he remained a suspect.

Alas, Charlotte knew that they needed to move on to the next suspect. Sebastian must have been restless while waiting on the tree tops.

They were currently at Duke Frederick's house - or, rather, Charlotte was inside and Sebastian would sneak around on the outside. Duke Frederick rarely left his house because of his sickness, but that didn't excuse him from possibly hiring an assassin.

This time, Charlotte was masquerading as someone who wanted to inquire tips about court.

The maid entered the waiting room that she was currently in. "You are in luck. His Grace is currently available and well enough to talk. I will escort you to the office at once," she informed.

Charlotte rose from her chair and followed the nice maid to wherever the office was.

Unlike Kaiden's enormous castle, Duke Frederick had a decent sized house. It was much larger than usual, but small compared to other dukes' homes. It was not as beautifully furnished either, almost as if it matched the duke's sickness.

When they reached the office, Charlotte walked into the room and the maid dismissed herself. Sitting in a chair across the room was Duke Frederick.

He looked old and frail. His hair was thin and gray, his skin was wrinkled and weak, and his revealed limbs were daunt and loose. Even his face was a little sunken, which accented his dark brown eyes.

"Welcome, please come sit," his voice was soft, but still full of will.

"Thank you for gracing me with your time, Your Grace," she said, walking over and sitting into the chair as directed.

"It's my pleasure to help you out. I'm so grateful that I can still provide some help. What concerns do you have specifically?" he went straight into the conversation.

"I have heard that in your youth, you were the best at court orders and functions. I was wondering what you think I should do to establish myself there," she said.

By answering this, Frederick would reveal his personality. Would he suggest to forcibly take power? Or would he suggest that she make alliances and gain favors?

"Make your presence known, but subtly. Work your way up, it is easier that way. Start with the minor lords and gain their favor before heading up the chain. Perhaps you'll be lucky enough to catch the royal family," he suggested, rather ominously. He had wheezed out the last part.

Charlotte tried to analyze his tone and words. While they weren't threatening, they were entirely innocent either.

"What do you mean by catching the royal family?" she asked, hoping to hear a clearer answer.

A little glint appeared in his eyes. "Ah, I think the prince is near your age, is he not? Perhaps you might catch his eye, or attention," he hinted.

She blushed. If only he knew.

Suddenly, Duke Frederick started coughing violently. It was almost a hacking sound. Coughs shook his body and his face started turning red.

Alarmed, Charlotte rose and called for help. A maid immediately rushed in to attend to the sick duke.

Another person came in and escorted her out. "I'm afraid you'll have to leave now. I hope you found what you had been looking for while he was available."

There was a double meaning behind those words, she realized. Available, as in alive. Duke Frederick was slowly dying.

Perhaps he wasn't the one.


The only one left was Duke Lionel. There were many, many stories about him. Mostly ones involving him, a bar, a few too many drinks, and a fistfight.

Sebastian had put his foot down for the one. He did not want her to go near the supposedly violent man. He insisted on going himself, even if it was revealing himself, claiming that he had his suit on and would not get hurt.

The only thing that would be a disadvantage would be that Duke Lionel, if he was the suspect, would not rebel anything to the person he was trying to kill. Of course, everything was theoretical. If this, then that.

However, that did not mean that Charlotte was going to sulk around outside.

"I'm still going inside with you, even if I'm not the one asking the questions," she stated, stubbornly. He tried to reject the offer but she interrupted him. "I can be in the back corner, but I refuse to wait outside. I want to see things clearly."

Sebastian sighed after hearing her explanation. "Fine, but don't talk to anyone else. I don't like how you are going to be surrounded by drunk men, who may or may not be prone to fighting."

Charlotte smiled and took his face into her hands, once again taken by surprise from feeling cool metal instead of warm skin.

"You worry too much, Seb. I will be just fine. If anything, I would be worried for Duke Lionel. You would definitely beat him in a fist fight," she reassured.

Sebastian cracked a smile. "With your invention of course. He wouldn't stand a chance," he regained his playful attitude. "Now, I've got an interrogation to do."

He whirled around and confidently entered the tavern.

Charlotte waited a few moments before entering after him, so that it didn't look like they came together. The intense smell of alcohol filled her nose.

Just as Sebastian had warned, there were plenty of drunk men lounging around. She looked for a quiet corner where she could hide and observe from.

Even as she walked to a corner, she could see men leering at her. She ignored them and settled into her corner. Then, she focused her attention to where Sebastian was.

Unfortunately, the problem with sitting far away was that she couldn't hear Sebastian's and Duke Lionel's conversation.

Duke Lionel was an unpleasant looking man. He had a permanent sneer on his face and looked fidgety and agitated.

Sebastian calmly took a seat next to him and started talking to him. As she observed him from afar, she couldn't help but admire his handsomeness. Rugged and charming.

It only took five minutes before Lionel slid off his barstool and stood on his feet. He wobbled slightly before snarling loudly. "What is with you damn royals?"

Sebastian's eyebrows raised at his hostile tone.

"You never shut up," Lionel slurred, supporting himself on he counter.

Sebastian held up his arms as if surrendering. "My apologies. I was just asking about your thoughts. I'll stop talking if you want."

"Why you arrogant little bastard. Thinking that you're so noble. The world doesn't need anyone else like you," Lionel growled. By now, his raucous noise had grabbed most people's attention in the tavern.

She could see Sebastian flinch at being called a bastard. As much as she wished to go defend him, Sebastian would probably scold her for intervening.

Sebastian must have figured that he wouldn't get anything else out of him so he turned around to leave. It before he could even get two steps away, Lionel lunged at him.

The duke all but flew at him. "Don't you dare leave while I'm still talking to you," he yelled, forcing Sebastian to turn around. Then, he pulled his arm back and swung his fist in Sebastian's direction.

A loud crunching noise filled the air followed by a painful yelp and cry. Lionel let out a string of curses, cradling his arm.

Charlotte mentally snickered, knowing that Lionel might have broken a few bones in his hand from punching the invisible armor around Sebastian.

"What the hell are you made of? Steel?" Lionel gritted out, pain leaking into his voice. "You stupid cheat, I bet you came prepared to fight, to humiliate me."

Sebastian stood his ground. "The only one humiliating you is yourself."

"Why you!" Lionel didn't seem to learn from the first time and went at him again. However, this time, Sebastian was ready and pulled back his fist and caught Lionel in the face.

Lionel immediately fell into a heap on the ground, clearly unconscious. A few men let out a whooping sound. The expected fight was over before it truly began.

Because the crowd's attention were on Sebastian and Lionel, Charlotte took the chance to escape before Sebastian. She quickly hurried out of the tavern and into the fresh air, seeking a tree where she could stand by.

A few moments later, Sebastian came out, thankfully alone. Once he saw her, he immediately changed his course to meet up with her.

"What did you find out?" Charlotte asked. "Also, congratulations on winning. Even if he didn't stand a chance."

"Thanks, Lottie. Anyways, I found out that he hates the royal family," he started.

Her eyebrows raised in interest. "Do you think he could be behind everything?"

"Well, he hates just about everyone and I don't think he's the most cunning person to think of such an elaborate plan. Although, a furious person knows no bounds. We should definitely keep an eye on him," Sebastian said.

"And if he wasn't already mad at you, he will be once he wakes up," she noted.

"That's true," he sighed, before changing the subject. "Now, how do you feel about going back to the palace?"

"That's sounds like a wonderful idea. My feet are exhausted," she replied.


"I have a brilliant idea," Sebastian announced as he escorted her to her room. "Why don't I sleep over in your room?"

Charlotte gave him a look that screamed 'are you serious?"

"I don't think so," she replied in a serious tone. He pouted at her response. "Although, I'm sure you could stay for a little bit," she smiled, watching his face brighten up.

"That sounds plausible," he grinned, opening the door and holding it open for her. Charlotte went in first, taking a few steps before she felt his arms wrap around her from behind.

His face lowered towards her and he tried to give her a kiss on the cheek. But all she felt was cool metal.

Sebastian let out a noise of frustration. "I'm going to take off this helmet right now and give you a kiss that I've been trying to do all day," he said, releasing her.

Charlotte turned around and watch as he took the helmet off of his head. "Don't lose it," she quickly warned.

Sebastian heeded her word and carefully placed it on top of her dresser. Then, he turned back around, strode towards her before taking her face into his hands and kissing her.

After multiple attempts throughout the day, she was finally able to feel the touch of his skin. She smiled against his lips, wrapping her arms around him.

She was so focused on him she nearly didn't hear the knock on her door. Nearly.

Charlotte wrenched herself away and gave him an apologetic look. He looked exasperated at being interrupted again. She tidied herself up and went to answer the door.

"Yes?" she asked, seeing a maid on the other side of the door.

"You received a letter today. Here you go," the maid answered, handing it to her. Charlotte took it, thanked her, and sent her on her way.

She walked back in and closed the door behind her, evaluating who the author could be. Her face brighten once she saw who wrote the letter.

Charlotte immediately opened the letter to read it. A giant smile split her face as she read the words on the paper. She couldn't imagine getting any better news that this.

"What is it?" Sebastian asked, clearly curious about what was making her so happy.

She turned her radiant smile towards him, reflecting the joy she felt inside.

"It's an invitation," she started, not wanting to give away the surprise right away.

"To what?" he asked.

It took her a lot of effort to not blurt it out right away.

"Belle and Kaiden's wedding."



Any thoughts? :)

As a warning, I will not be able to update another chapter (of this story) this year because of some personal things. Please be patient and know that I will write as soon as I am able to.

Just be glad that it's December and it's the last month of the year.

Until next time!


Psst. You should vote ;D

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