
By chocodropss

5.9K 1.5K 518

Most impressive ranking: #68 in cult A new school term had just begun and everyone felt positive vibes. They... More

Author's Note
Author's Note


209 70 2
By chocodropss


"Zara I'm not joking, I really have feelings for you. I've been asking you out for close to three months now and you still don't want to accept. What's wrong?" I looked at William.

"It's not you, William, I just can't handle being in a relationship with someone. It's like a commitment I'm not ready to give now. I'm just not into that kind of stuff." I said, touching his hand.

He ran his hand through his hair and licked his lips. Don't get me wrong, I had feeling for Williams too but I wasn't ready to be constantly teased my Kay Kay because I was dating her cousin.

"That's not true Zara. You feel the same way too but you're just in denial. Talk to me." He said coming closer. I shifted back and placed my hands on his chest.

"Please William, I just can't." I said, literally running out of the classroom. I heard William scream, kicking a table. I stopped in my tracks and looked back. I then continued running towards my hostel.

"Okay, I won't tell you." He whispered and I laughed.

"It's not that deep. I'm looking for a way to pass time and also look at hot boys while doing that." I winked at him and left William standing there with his mouth wide open.

"Chill nah Zara. Am I not hot enough." William said, running after me.

I turned to look at him, paused, shrugged and shook my head. "You're trying sha but I'm not impressed." I said, leaving him dumbfounded.

"You will be one day." He screamed and I chuckled.

I sat down on one of the bleachers and kept started typing on my tablet. I was still waiting for my mom when my one of the juniors in the school came to seat beside me.

She was a small dark girl that had bushy eyebrows. She was putting on the junior high's sports wear. She kept on looking at me like she didn't know how to put her thoughts into words.

I dropped my tablet and turned to look at her. "How are you?" Her big eyes widened even more as she blushed.

"I'm fine." She said in her tiny voice.

"What's your name? I'm Zara by the way." I said, extending my hands towards her. She wasn't sure if she wanted to take it or not but she did eventually.

"Everyone knows who you are. I'm Edith." She said, a little bolder. "I didn't really come for introductions." I was surprised at the switch up but I decided to keep my cool. I rose my eyebrow like I was encouraging her to go on.

"I know what's going on. It happened to my sister too." She paused and looked at me. She looked round and continued again. "It's not going to stop till you stop them once and for all." She said, standing up.

"Edith wait. Who's this them you're talking about?" I asked, hoping she would day more. "And who's your sister?"

"That's for you to figure out. I can't say more than that. I fancy my life but find those bastards and do something before history repeats itself over and over again. Oh and by the way, your mom is with the matron." She said, hurriedly walking away from the basketball court.

Before history repeats itself? What did she mean by that?

I looked at her as she disappeared, I suddenly saw a pink reflection and saw a pink hoodie looking at me from beneath the bleachers. Before I could move, the person had already gone. So what Edith said confirmed my fears, we weren't being threatened by one person alone but by a group of people and how were we going to find out who they were and who the hell is Edith's sister.

I left the basketball court for the matron's office moments later to see my mom. I walked into the office about ten minutes later.

"Zara baby. How are you honey?" I smiled and hugged her as tightly as I could.

"I'm fine mummy. How are you? How is Daddy?" The matron quickly excused herself from the office while my mom and I began catching up on old times and things happening at home and at school.

"So Regina was the thief all along? I always believed she could do no harm. How's Aunt Mary going to cope?" Aunt Mary was my dad's sister, my mom and my dad's family were really close. They literally worshipped the ground my mom walked on and Aunt Mary was the last child of my dad's parents. Regina has been her house help for about three years now. They had been having cases of theft around the house. Aunt Mary's husband had to install a CCTV camera everywhere and told no one about it.

"She'll cope now. She doesn't have a choice. She really tried for Regina. Most times, the real culprit is someone extremely close to you." My mom's last words really hit me hard.

We talked for a while longer and she left. I texted the girls to tell them I was on my way to the spot. I quickly walked there to find out if they had any progress.

I got inside and found only Ziora and Zikora sitted on the chair. They were both watching a movie on their laptop.

I cleared my throat and they both looked up to see me. Ziora smiled while Zikora kept a blank face.

"How's your mom? It has been long since I saw her though." Ziora said, removing her head phones.

"Me too." Zikora seconded.

"She asked about you guys. You guys are her favorite twins and will always be. No one can replace you, not even me. You're like the twins she never had." I said and Ziora's blush deepened, meanwhile Zikora just smiled.

"You can whine someone ehn. See the way you're making me smile." Zikora said and I walked to sit beside them.

"What movie is this?" I asked.

"Living in bondage. That new Nigerian movie. It's so nice, I just feel like being a cultist." Ziora said, groaning while Zikora smacked her sister's head.

"See your mouth like cultist. You that is like indomie." Zikora snickered.

"If I'm like indomie, then you're what? Miss smart pants. FYI, we're identical twins." Ziora said and Zikora shrugged.

I enjoyed watching them argue, one thing about them is they never faught. Yes, they argued literally all the time but that was it. Ziora never layed her hands on her sister and vice versa. I respected them a lot because of that.

"That doesn't mean I'm like indomie though. You're the indomie between us and I'm suya." Zikora said and I burst out laughing. Ziora eyed Zikora and they continued laughing.

The door of the room opened and we all turned to see who opened it. Derin came into the room, looking more serious than normal. We immediately knew something was wrong somewhere.

"What's wrong? Did Reign do it?" Ziora asked and Derin shook her head and sat down on the floor, looking at us.

She cleared her throat. "I was wrong, Reign didn't kill Kay Kay but Kay Kay wasn't killed by one person. She was killed by a group of people and this isn't the first time something like this is happening in this school." She paused and took out her tab and showed us a picture of a young girl. She looked a lot like....

"That's Edith's sister? Oh my goodness." I said, gasping.

Oh oh! Hey guys please don't forget to vote, comment and share to your friends. Thanks a lot.

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