The Bizarre Adventures of the...

By juicymilfhunter

25.9K 824 615

You grew up in America, but after a business offer was thrown at your dad, you move to Japan, as a Japanese-A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

2.2K 81 67
By juicymilfhunter

A/N: I published this early because I'm already on the next chapter, and the few of you reading this need more content, lol

Chapter 2: Fears of Attractive Milfs and Reasons Why You Should Bring Manga with you Everywhere

After dropping off Okuyasu at his house. We went to Josuke's.

"Hey Mom, I brought a friend with me! Her name is 「y/n」, and she's new to town, can she stay over for a night or two?" Having told Josuke your name, y/n, and hearing it come out of one of your 「favorite anime boy's」mouth made you forcefully exhale through your nose. "A girl? Josuke, you sure this isn't your secret girlfriend or something that you don't want to tell me about?" Questioned his milf of a mom, and honestly she looked even better when you could see her up close. Of course, you hit your mind with the no homo, since you ain't gay. "Um, sorry if I come off as rude, I'm from America, so Japanese norms haven't really clicked with me yet," you explain to Tomoko, and she nods. "Ah, you're a foreigner. Your Japanese is very good though."

"Ah, no, it's not the best, I was taught by my father since I was young, so that's the only reason I really know it," trying to impress Josuke's dummy thicc mother, you ended up remembering some things you learned from your dad and videos from YouTube. That thing you remembered is that you should never just take a compliment that easily. After Josuke's mom gave him an uncomfortably long lecture on how to treat a girl, she let you and Josuke sleep in the same room.

"So, uhh... what's the future like?" Josuke questioned, and you knew he'd at least be somewhat curious. You looked into your bag and got out your phone, and turned it on. "Well, this is what a phone looks like nowadays." You said showing him your phone. "Really? That looks almost nothing like they do currently. It's almost like a mini tv! Ooh, do you guys have flying cars? What type of video games are there? What's the music like in the future?" Josuke threw what seemed like a million questions at you, and you got kind of flustered from it. "Um, well, there's no flying cars, and you can play games on your phone, but most of them aren't the best performance-wise. And for music, I might be able to show you," after answering his questions, you tried to open up Spotify, because hopefully Spotify premium free trials still worked. Thankfully it did work, and you pulled up one of your favorite artists. "All of the most recent music sucks, and the good bands ended up mostly breaking up, becoming one-man-bands, or like Smash Mouth, still existing somehow," You said Smash Mouth because a. they're the best band ever, and b, Walking on the Sun is a superior song with an album released in 1997. "But uh, Prince is dead," you added, remembering that one of Josuke's hobbies is listening to Prince's songs. "How does Prince exist in both of our universes?" Josuke questioned. "Your author? I mean, Pink Floyd also exists in both of our universes I think... I can um, show you the series you're in," After saying that, you took out part 4 of Jojo. You only had volume one on you, which could be considered a social abandonment, and showed it to Josuke. "I'd usually carry the English version of it with me, but since I should probably study Japanese more, I have the Japanese version. So here. It should start with when you met Koichi," you said as Josuke flipped open to somewhere near the middle of the book, where Okuyasu reveals his stand after Koichi gets shot with the stand arrow by his brother. "Oh hey, isn't this that one time when Okuyasu was fighting me? Haha, that's weird, and creepy. And cool! How many people even know about me?"

"Well, at least 400,000 on the English side of things. Probably a lot more on the Japanese side of things too. So, a lot? You also have a lot of fangirls, haha," you added in that last part jokingly, but also because you were thirsty for some of that Josuke. "Fangirls? Haha, cool I guess. I mean, I didn't think I'd need any more of them, but if I ever met any of them, I'd hope that we could at least be friends," the fact that Josuke unknowingly friend-zoned you and every other fangirl of his made you become flustered, and he noticed that you were blushing. "Uh, you all right?" Josuke asked gently, making direct with you for a second or two. "Hahaha, yeah, we should probably sleep though... it's late!" You exclaim, trying to brush off the question. "Oh, yeah. It's already 12 A.M... Goodnight then," Josuke said, before yawning.

The futon that Josuke's mom gave you was nice and warm, and you felt at ease sleeping near Josuke, and hoped that he didn't feel uncomfortable. You thought about how you were basically a complete stranger to him, and how you felt like his stalker for knowing so much about him. It made you feel weird. You couldn't even decide whether or not you wanted to leave Morioh, because on one hand, you could be with the guy of your dreams, but on the other hand, you missed your parents, internet friends, and wifi connection. You wondered how they were doing without you, but since you watched Digimon before, you hoped that multi-universal transport worked the same way there as it did here.

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