Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Hair, Love, and Doorbells.

"Ok Josuke I don't think she meant it- uhhh respect women, remember!" Saying that though, you new Josuke was ignoring you and focusing all of his anger onto Chrysanthemum, who was currently stuttering in fear. You knew you had to make up a plan, so you started thinking. Oh dear... So Josuke is angry, and at a girl, but the gender really doesn't matter- honestly I'm surprised he's even angry at a girl in the first place, he seems like the type to respect women a lot more than dudes. I mean- haha, it's like time stops for me to think. Oh, I know what to do! You went closer to Josuke. "Hey Josuke, let me tell you something," He still was ignoring you, but that didn't matter. Trying to be as confident as humanly possible, you put his hand in yours, and kissed him on the cheek. "I- huh?" Josuke realized you kissed him, and his face got super red, "Y/N, why did you- do you- where'd that girl we were just talking to go?" You looked around, and noticed Josuke was right about that. Chrysanthemum was nowhere to be seen. "I- oh. Chrysanthemum is gone. Uh, she must of left when I, um, you know. Do you think we should look for her?"

"I have the feeling that she'll be ok," Josuke said, and you noticed he had a slight scowl on his face when mentioning her. You guessed it was because she insulted his hair, but you weren't sure. Maybe he gets bad vibes from her, haha.

"But uh, do you um, l-like me or did you just- uh- yeah?" Josuke tripped on his words a lot while saying that. You didn't really know how to respond in a non-awkward way, so you hit him with a nervous "yeah," expecting him to most likely reject you because you've known him for as long as you first watched part 4, and he only knew you for a little less than a month. You saw Josuke smile, and he hugged you. You felt your face cheeks become flushed right as he did. "I um, I like you too, Y/N," Josuke said that and you cried from happiness inside, but the bigger problem was something else. I still have to get home, right? I mean, maybe I can stay here. It's not like it'll hurt me, haha. "Ah, I've never gotten this far in a relationship, uh, what comes next?" You asked, and you were genuinely confused. It looked like Josuke was too. He stopped hugging you and responded "Uhh, I think we date now, but uh, only if you want to, of course. I mean, I'm fine with it, but..."

"Of course I'm fine with it, silly! We really should get home though, your Mom is probably waiting for us to come home, Unless you wanna go out, for like a date? We could just walk around, if you want," Both of you were super awkward with each other. You hoped that the amount of awkward-ness would lower in a week, but not too much, cause you kind of thought that Josuke was cute when he was nervous.

"Oh hey, it's Josuke and Y/N!" You turned around to see where that voice was coming from and noticed Koichi, and Yukako walking towards you, and oh my god did Yukako look even prettier when you saw her in person. You cried inside because she was too pretty. You always adored her looks, even if she wasn't the best person in the category of sanity. "Hi Koichi, this is Yukako, right?" The moment you said Koichi's name, Yukako glared at you, and you couldn't tell if you liked it or not. "Koichi, why are you here with her? You guys on a date or something~?" Josuke asked, jokingly.

"Actually, yes, we are," Yukako said, glaring at both you and Josuke now, and you observed that it was making Josuke uneasy. "Well, uh, we'll be going," Koichi said in a kind of scared manner, so he and Yukako left. Josuke let out a sigh when they were out of hearing range, and said "Ok, yeah. We probably should leave now. I didn't even know that Koichi got better," Josuke grumbled. You agreed, and you both started heading towards his house. There's still so much to do here, and I've never been this happy in a while. You and Josuke finally arrived home, and Tomoko was in the kitchen making dinner. "Hey Mom, we're home!" Josuke said as he took his shoes off. You both went into the living room and just chilled. You made sure that your internet connection was still there (it was), watched Josuke rage while playing video games, and just were genuinely vibing. You noticed that nothing really changed in your dynamic even now that you were officially dating. It was only just a bit more awkward.

It was around the time that dinner would be ready, and Josuke started to turn off the TV. The doorbell rang, and so Josuke said, "I'll get it!" And went to the door. You were looking at the door from the living room and heard the doorbell ring for a second time. Josuke opened the door, and the person standing there was Jotaro Kujo.

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