Montana moments Book 3- Boats...

By Heatherdeane83

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When Elizabeth travels all the way from Alaska on a hunch that she may have found her long lost brother who h... More

Chapter 1-
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9-
chapter 10-
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Untitled Part 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

chapter 25

508 21 2
By Heatherdeane83


After Dev gets back and we have it out I pray that he gets how much I love him. We have connected again and each day he takes a few minutes to just be us. He does the same with Ano. Ano and I go on weekly dates. I need to be out of the house and Dev knows I need this. As I prepare to give myself to marriage I need the time to make sure i'm doing it with an open hart and clear mind. Same for Ano. We don't spend our time taking about Dev. Well not the whole time. Tonight I have planned something special for us. A cooking class. Were going to make some poke and civiche. Something I have not done a lot of. I'm excited. I actually get to dig out my chefs coat and its way to big on me. I have been working out every night. Not to loose weight but because I need the release.

When I look into the mirror and see Johns name gone I feel at peace with him. Seeing my kids names there instead is cathartic. Its like honoring where they came from but letting him go. I love the little things in it. A tiny bear, an eagle, a husky. There the first stuffies we got them. Having a little part of my home state inked on me makes me smile. I don't want to think of Kodiak as all bad. There is a lot of good there. I was born there, my kids were conceived there. My childhood was great. Bad things happen to good people but it does not make the person bad or the place.

Tomorrow I go with Irene to try on my wedding dress. We only have three weeks to go till the big day. We have about one hundred and fifty guests attending. My parents are flying in a week before. Cal and his crew are flying in four days before. Sam is flying in about six days. Were going to have just enough time to get into the house and get it put back together before she gets here. Were going to stock the place with food for them and everything else. New towels, were even buying her a new bed. The same exact one she has. We feel bad about using it all this time so new it is. Plus Dev tells us that he does not like to think his sister is going to sleep in the same spot he made love to us. I agree.

All goes well at the cooking class. I'm back in my element. Its feels amazing. Ano is like a fish out of water. He tries. After the second cut I make him sit down with a beer and mix stuff. I feel bad for him but I cant let him take his fingers off. He takes his spot gracefully and the chef teaches me a lot in the two hours were there. I'm excited. I feel like that I may just have to do this once a month and the chef tells me any time I want he will put me on the line. I'm going to have to do just that.

Not for the money because the guys don't know it yet but I sold the company. For a lot. Plus the pay out for his life insurance came in as well as the money for the ship that was lost at sea. Im not happy to have the money from his death but with out him dying I would have never met Dev and Ano and I don't regret them for a moment.

When we get back from our date I hand the keys to Dev and tell him and Ano to go. I take Montana out of his arms and kick them both out. They need time together. I get her sleeping then do what I can as far as planning goes for the wedding. I'm down to just last minute stuff. Three weeks. I work out for my hour then take a bath. When the guys get back there in a good mood. I'm happy for them. We all need time with each of our partners. They climb into bed pushing me into the middle and tell me that they know who is going to be legally wed to me and that there not telling me. Ano tells me that he can fill out the paperwork on line and that I don't need to know till I get to the end of the isle. If I can have wedding secrets. So can they.

Fair enough. We watch some tv then go to sleep. I wake up to Sig on my chest yelling momommomomomo. I kiss his dark curls. He looks a lot like Jess. We heard that she is doing well. I'm happy for her. I sit up, glad now that I don't sleep naked much anymore. Dev hands me a tall glass of juice and I take it. Sig reaches for it and when I tell him no he growls at me. I tell him to stop acting like his father. He looks at me and back at Dev and growls. I have to admit our son is the cutest thing. I let him have a sip of my juice knowing i'm going to have to change the sheets. He is not the best with cups but hey. He dribbles the juice down himself. He laugh's. He is our giggle baby. Ano brings me in a tray of food and I end up sharing it with my little man. Dev tries to take him but he clings to me. I have food. Smart kid. He does not like my eggs. There not scrambled but he eats bits of bacon and a bunch of my french toast. After breakfast I take a shower then get ready to go try on my dress.

I get there and when I try it on its too big. Shit what am I going to do. The lady calls the seamstress and she tells me there is no way. So I start trying on new dresses. Apparently a i'm a size eight now not a twelve. So she calls around to see if my dress is anywhere in the size a want. Were in luck. A place in texas has it. I pay to have it over nighted to me. I need it asap. So why not. Just in case I try on a bunch of others but I don't find anything I like as much as I like mine. I ask her to hold onto my dress for a few days while I figure out what to do with it. At least the kids clothes are in as well as the grooms. Sam is going to wear green and tan, and Cal is wearing Blue and Tan. So that's all settled. I'm on pins and needles about my dress. What if its not what I want. I still cant believe i'm in a size eight. I'm not trying to loose weight but trying to get toned.

I get home and tell the guys and they inform me that like me curves so no more loosing them. Yeah yeah yeah. Tonight I cook for them. I go all out with what I learned. They really like it. Sig gets cooked fish. Not taking any chances yet. He likes it, i'm happy my children are going to get to try a bunch of seafood.

The rest of the night goes by easy. The kids go to sleep with out a problem. I head to work out and guys ask to join me. I'm down with that. Maybe this can be our thing. I start with two miles on the tread mill, then twenty minutes on the stair climber then the rest of the time is sparring with Dev. Its all going well till I nail him in the face. I bloody his nose and I feel bad. I was jabbing and came up with a combo and he did not duck like he normally does. He is way bigger then me. I don't know how it happened well I do but. I try not to laugh as I get him ice. I go to hand it to him and pretends to flinch and calls me Ali. I'm am far from Tatiana Ali. He is laughing at me. I just busted him in the nose and he is laughing. The man is demented. I swear. I storm off and he chases me and puts me over his shoulder and carries me to our bed where he strips me bare and makes love to me while Ano makes love to him. If this is what I get for making him bleed i'm may have to miss the pad more often.

The next morning I wake up and run for the toilet. Shit I know what this is but I don't want to tell the guys till i'm sure. So I call my ob doctor and make an appointment for that after noon. I tell them that i'm going out after lunch to run errands and when I get to the doctors she confirms it. I'm pregnant. She puts me on vitamins and gives me a due date based on my period.

I head to the beach after my appointment, I need time to think. We had talked about waiting but then stopped using condoms so its no wonder that I am in the spot im in. I'm scared about telling them, about delivering early, about carrying the baby, about how in the hell am I going to do this. When i'm alone with the three kids we have its hard honestly. Sig would be almost twenty two months and the twins like 13 months. I put my hand over my belly and pray. So how am I going to tell the guys? I have an idea. I head back into town and find the t-shirt shop I seen earlier and ask them to make me some shirts. Then head to the bakery for some buns.

When I get home I send the guys to the new place for some measurements on a few windows then set to work. I get the kids dressed and then myself. I lay the kids next to each other and cover up there shirts. I bribe Sig with a cookie to get him to chill. That child will do anything for food. Its a running joke in our house. When the guys walk in I wait for them to notice the kids thing one, two, and three three, and a tiny shirt over my belly with thing four on it.


I walk into the house and find Beth and the kids on the living room floor so I join them. One by one there shirts are revealed and it takes me a moment, hell i'm lying it takes me more then a few then I get it. Beth is pregnant. My mind goes to how in the hell are we going to do this, then I notice her tears. I pick her up and set her on my lap. Ano is stunned. I know he has figured it out but cant speak.

"Babe, no tears. Were having another baby. I'm excited and scared and excited" I tell her kissing her face. She looks at me and all I see is terror. She should not be afraid. She is giving us another great gift.

" i'm sorry" she tells me.

"My love, my future, my everything don't be sorry. We did this" Ano says rubbing her belly. "That's another ones of our kids right there. Don't be sorry. I'm not. I know i'm a little stunned but its because I figured it would take some times. It just means that Dev and I are the men. We knocked you up love."

"Thanks dick for telling me you knocked me up. That's real sweet" she tells him. He smiles back at her and then kisses her neck.

"i'm not mad at all Beth. We knew what we were doing. We stopped using condoms. Were not morons. So it was a little quicker then I figured it would be. I'm fine with that. So then are we due?" I ask her. Already planning in my head what we need to do between now and then.

"August is the best guess. You know in all of this craziness we have not even went Christmas shopping. We need to do it like now. Plus we have to get decorations."she tells us. I know we have to do something to lighten the load on her plate.

" So when the kids go to sleep we amazon. No worries" Ano tells me. I love how cool and calm there being about this. I'm going nuts. The wedding, the house, Christmas, plus were doing Sig a late birthday so the family can bee here. Even Jess is flying in.

There three of us feed the kids then get them bathed and in bed. Then I make Beth a protein shake. She had begun to drink them recently. We climb into bed and make a list of who we need to get for and ideas. When that is done we each get on our own laptops and start searching. Making sure to spend enough to get free shipping. I'm not dumb I know how much they charge. We send the Montana crew there presents directly to there houses then work on our Island crew. With in a couple of hours our list is cut in half. We high five then get ready for Bed. Ano and I demand Beth takes the middle tonight. We talk about how excited we are that we put a baby there. I ask her if she has an idea as to single or multiple pregnancy this time. She shakes her head. She wont tell us. Now i'm the one running scared.

The next two weeks fly by. Were in the new/old house. Its two weeks till the wedding. One week till Christmas. The house is perfect for us. We are still missing some pieces of furniture but for the most part were set. Guests start to arrive for the wedding. Christmas was yesterday and it was nuts. The kids got more shit then they need. We each agreed to get them ten from each of us but we never took into account the grandparents and aunts and uncles. Beth's present to Ano and I was perfect. She got us new surfboards. I love them. I got Ano, well he has asked me once if I have ever considered a piercing in a sensitive area. I have but was not sure how I my partner would think about it so we all talked and picked it out together and I did it on myself. I'm not rocking three new barbells on the underside of my cock. I will say it hurt a bit and Beth puked but she loves it now. We waited a week before sex but I can assure you she enjoys it the most. I really did get him something though. Beth and I got him a new truck. A few days before Christmas his truck's motor blew out of no where so Beth and I remembered the truck he liked when we picked out the van and went down and got it and had it delivered with a bow. He deserves it.

Ano is amazing with presents. He has pictures that I had taken blown up to poster size and had them framed. A few of them are going in my office and a few are going in my show. There is one the is hanging in our closet. Its of Beth half naked when she was pregnant with the twins and were kissing her. Ano got Beth something and I helped. He put our names on him. Her name is mixed in with ivy and flowers on he forearm and mine is above his pubic hair. He asked me where I wanted it and I told him there joking and he demanded I did it. So I did. I have to say seeing my name when i'm blowing my man is sexy.

My present to Beth was the hardest. What do I get the woman who has everything she needs? Well I know there is something she wants. She wants to finish her Culinary degree but Molokai does not have a college for that. So I went around town and talked to different chefs from traditional Hawaiian cuisine to Cantonese, to Japanese, to french, to bakers. I explained the conundrum and that Beth was good. I showed them plates she made up at the house and ones from her college. I asked them if they could each offer her a class or two or ten. Everyone of them said yes. So I gave Beth a binder with printed or hand written letter asking her to come and they would teach her. She jumped into my arms. I told her I want her continue cooking, to find her own vibe in the kitchen. She started crying. I want her to continue being Beth. Not just mom and wife. Yes those are important too but no more important then Beth having a piece of herself. How would I feel if I had to stop tattooing? I would go nuts. Were artists are heart her and I. I do mine on skin, she does hers with food.

Today I got the mail and life changed for us. We have a meeting with the judge on Friday. Our wedding being Saturday. We get to make the adoptions final. I run into the house and pick up Beth and swing her around. Sig starts to jump. Its his new thing ohh and clapping. I tell her and she screams out. We get the kids ready and get in the Van and meet Ano at the boat and show him. He kisses us all. We celebrate with pineapple ice and lots of it. I cant believe our week. Tomorrow is Sigs party at the house. Tuesday is the bachelorette party. Really there going to the salon. Beth wont drink but Ano and I have a surprise for her. I cant wait. Wednesday is the guys day. Were all going I don't really know. I know Cal wanted to go fishing but Beth freaked out. So no boats, we promised. Thursday if final fittings. Friday is court and rehearsal and Saturday I marry my two best friends.


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