Life Changing

De Teenwolfmk55

60K 1K 67

Cleo McCall; Scott's baby sister, the girl who's always sick... Cleo is constantly sick, her immune system... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
So, who wants a part two?
Her life changed

Chapter 2

4.8K 85 2
De Teenwolfmk55

I heard Scott yelling in the locker room, he was spaced out since he went to talk to Allison. I walked into the locker room,
Scott yelled" Yes, her father! Oh, my god. Oh, my god..."
Stiles said" No, Scott, come on, snap back. You okay?"
I said" Fill me in!"
" Allison's father is one of the hunters who shot Scott."
" Oh, my god..." Scott was freaking out," Hey, all right. He didn't recognize you, right?"
Scott said" No, no, no, I don't think so..."
Stiles said" Does she know about him?"
" Oh, yeah, I don't know. What if she does?" The whistle blew," This is gonna kill me, man. I can't..."
" Okay, just focus on lacrosse, okay? Here, Scott, take this. Take this and focus on lacrosse for now, okay?" He pushed all of the gear into Scott's arms," That's all you gotta do, yeah?"
" Lacrosse..."
" Here we go!" Stiles and I walked away from him,
I said" Stiles..."
" I'm hoping for the best, shut up."
" Good to know... his heart..." I pouted," He looks like a sad little puppy."
" Yeah! I know."

They were playing, I was watching from the benches, Jackson got Scott good, and Coach was teasing the hell out of Scott.
Coach yelled" McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!" Scott went back then ran at Jackson, not even trying to dodge, just slammed right into him. Jackson fell down, Scott grabbed his helmet and went to his knees. I ran onto the field, Stiles got to Scott,
Stiles said" Scott?"
Scott said" I can't control it, Stiles. It's happening."
" What? Right here? Now? Come on. Get up! Go!" We grabbed Scott, dragging him back to the locker room, I saw Derek watching. I focused on Scott again, looking at Stiles, this isn't good!
We got to the locker room,
Stiles said" Down. You okay? Scott, you okay?"
Scott yelled" Get away from me!" Stiles pushed me out of the locker room, I hid behind the wall, breathing heavily. Scott stalked Stiles around the locker room till Stiles got back to me, Stiles grabbed a fire extinguisher, and sprayed Scott. Scott fell over the bench, Stiles hid behind the wall next to me,
I heard Scott say" Stiles? What happened?" Stiles took off his gloves and we went back in there,
Stiles said" You tried to kill me. It's like I told you before. It's the anger, it's your pulse rising. It's a trigger."
" But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game, if you hadn't noticed."
I said" Well, it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field."
Stiles said" You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game."
Scott said" But I'm first line."
" Not anymore."

Scott and I got home, he flopped onto his bed, I sat next to him, playing with his hoodie.
Mom said" Hey, It's late shift again for me. But I am taking Saturday off to see your first game."
Scott said" No, mom, you can't."
" Oh, no, I can and I will. Come on, one shift isn't going to break us. Not completely. Hey, what's wrong with your eyes?" He sat up, I looked at his eyes, and they were normal, I felt my heart stop for a second." You look like you haven't slept in days."
" Uh, it's nothing. I'm just stressed."
" Just stress? Nothing else?"
" Homework."
" I mean, it's not like you're on drugs or anything, right?"
" Right now?"
" Right now? I'm sorry, what do you mean, right now? Have you ever taken drugs?"
" Have you?" Mom started walking out,
" Get some sleep." Scott groaned, flopping his head back onto the bed, I smiled, laughing.
I said" She does know I'm on like 15 drugs, right?" Scott covered my mouth with his hand, pushing my face away from him.

We got onto vid chat with Stiles, he pointed a nerf at us,
Scott asked" What'd you find out?"
Stiles said" Well, it's bad. Jackson's got a separated shoulder."
" Because of me."
Stiles and I said" Because he's a tool." I gave Stiles a thumbs up,
" But is he gonna play?"
Stiles said" Oh, they don't know yet. Now they're just counting on you for Saturday." Scott groaned, I patted his shoulder, looking down at my book I was reading. The server started breaking up, I saw Stiles look closer at his screen.
" It looks like what?" We watched the wheel spin, then it came up," What?" I gulped, Scott full screened and we saw someone behind us, the guy grabbed Scott, pinning him to the wall. I saw it was Derek, I backed away to the corner, gulping,
Derek said" I saw you on the field."
Scott said" What are you talking about?"
" You shifted in front of them. If they find out what you are, they find out about me, about all of us. And then it's not just the hunters after us, it's everyone."
" They didn't see anything. I swear..."
" And they won't. Because if you even try to play in that game on Saturday, I'm gonna kill you myself." Then Derek jumped out the window, I ran to Scott, grabbing his shoulders, staring at him.

I was walking past Allison and Scott on the stairs,
I heard Scott say" No, no, It's just my mom, she's nothing." I covered my mouth, hiding my laughter," I mean, it's nothing. Uh, I'm never busy for you." I hid behind the wall, waiting for Allison to leave so I could talk to Scott. Once she passed me, I walked back to Scott," Oh, god."
I asked" What's that about? And I love when you fumble on your words, it's hilarious."
" Oh, god."
" Scotty? Hey!" I snapped my fingers in front of him, he snapped out of whatever trance he was in." What's up? I live vicariously through you, so what's happening?"
" Allison said she's coming to the game to watch me play, then after we're going out with Jackson and Lydia." I laughed," It's not funny."
" I know, sorry, but you're like arch nemesis with Jackson."
" Go to class."
" Going, going." I leaned up and kissed his cheek," See you later." He smiled,
" See you later, Moo." I smiled, walking away from him, I hate to love that name.

Stiles grabbed me in the hallway, I gasped as he startled me,
He mumbled" Sorry, where's Scott?"
I sighed" Probably at his locker."
" Come on." He grabbed my hand, dragging me through the hallways, searching for Scott.
We found Scott at his locker, Stiles grabbed him,
He said" Come here. Tell me what they're saying." Scott looked at the Sheriff and a deputy talking to the Principle." Can you hear them?"
Scott said" Shh! Curfew because of the body."
" Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal while the jerkoff who actually killed the girl is just hanging out, doing whatever he wants."
" You can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek."
" I can do something."
" Like what?"
" Like find the other half of the body." He walked away,
" Are you kidding?" I looked at Scott, shaking my head, Scott walked over to Allison and Lydia. After a minute, he freaked Allison out about talking to Derek when he drove her home the last full moon and she walked away, I walked to him.
I said" Scott..." He was getting mad, oh, no...

I was chasing after Scott on my bike, he's much faster than me, obviously, so yep. I breathed heavily, trying to follow him, I got tired... my eyes closed for a split second, I fell to the ground. Choking on my own air, my lungs betraying me,
I was starting to loose consciousness, I saw Scott, He jumped off his bike and ran to me. Pulling me up against him, He grabbed my inhaler and put it to my lips, pushing it. I took a breathe, he did it a few more times just to make sure I was okay.
He said" What were you thinking?!" He hugged me tightly," It could have been worse than this, Cleo, huh? What were you thinking?"
I mumbled" I-I had to make sure you were- were okay..." He kissed my head," My-My chest hurts."
" Come on, let's go home. You need rest." I blinked a few times, starting to cry," Hey, no, no, no, it's okay, Cleo, it's okay, calm down. I'm not mad at you... you're bleeding, we gotta get you home." He lifted me up, steading me on the ground, my knees hurt a bit." Can you ride?" I nodded my head, he pulled my bike up, I got on it, wobbling a bit but got my ground. He got on his bike," I'm gonna stay right next to you, okay? Just try to keep the wheel straight." I nodded my head again," I saw you laying on the ground and my heart stopped... just like the first time I found you laying on the ground."
" S-Sorry."
" It's okay, you've got nothing to be sorry about."

We got home, Scott lifted me up, I laid my head on his shoulder, he carried me into my room.
He said" Sleep, get some rest. I'll be in my room till Stiles gets here."
I said" Where you two going?"
" To find the other half of the body."
" Be careful."
" Worry about yourself, get some sleep, when you wake up, there's a pint of Strawberry Ice Cream in the fridge."
" Yay." He kissed my head,
" Try not to ever scare me like that again."
" That's what you said the first time."
" Well, we don't want it to happen again, okay?" I nodded my head,
" I'll try my best, doctor." He laughed, shaking his head,
" Even sarcastic when you're literally about to pass out."
" Mm, not my fault I'm amazing."
" Go to sleep." I nodded my head, he closed my curtains, kissing my head again before leaving. I closed my eyes, falling asleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing, it was Stiles,
I heard Scott say" Stiles, why'd you call her? She was sleeping."
Stiles said" We found the body, it turned from wolf to woman, after we took away a plant."
I mumbled" Was that plant wolfsbane, by any chance?"
" Yeah, it was."
" Stiles, I'm too tired to research for you."
" Just go back to sleep, Moo. Scott'll catch you up in the morning."
" Tell Scott I said be careful."
" Scott, she said be careful." I heard Scott's scoff, I smiled, hanging up and falling back to sleep.

The game's tonight, and Derek Hale was arrested, because the other half of the body was found on his property buried. I still don't think he'd kill someone, because what I remember of him, he wasn't a killer. Stiles kept the wolfsbane that they found circling the buried body and Scott freaked out, running off into the woods.
I was pacing Scott's room then Scott came in,
I said" It's been hours, Scott, where were you? I was worried sick."
He said" Sorry."
" You okay?"
" Yeah, gotta get ready for the game, out." I nodded my head, walking to my room.

I was walking with Scott and Stiles onto the field,
Scott said" Are you sure you should be out here, Cleo?"
I said" Scott McCall."
" Yeah, okay. Close to the line, I get it."
" Mmhmm."
" But it's-"
" Stiles."
Stiles said" Scott!" Louder for me because my throat hurt, I smiled, kissing his cheek.
" Thank you."
Scott said" Man? Okay, I get it, I'm your big brother but you're gonna live while you can."
" Good job, be careful... just don't get angry." I kissed his cheek," Seriously, be careful."
" I will be."

Stiles and I were sitting on the bench, Coach gave up trying to get me to leave once I pulled the blackmail card on him. Sheriff came up behind Stiles,
He said" So, you think you'll see any action tonight?"
Stiles said" Action? Maybe."
" How are you, Cleo?"
I said" Still taking drugs, Sheriff."
" Always humorous."
" Oh, yeah. Internet says it's a coping mechanism." He walked away, I smiled at stiles," Okay, so... if Scott goes crazy, how long do we have to get him off the field?"
Stiles said" Not long enough."
" Great to know... let's hope things go well." I held up my hand, he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, we watched the game start. Jackson kept the ball from Scott, then knocked Scott over to score. Oh, no... I looked at Scott, he looked behind us, Stiles and I turned around and we saw Lydia and Allison holding up a we luv u Jackson sign,
Stiles and I said" Brutal." We saw Scott's stare," Oh, this is not going to be good." Scott started breathing heavier, leaning down, I looked at Stiles," No..." I turned my head and saw them holding up another sign.
I mumbled" Oh, this is gonna be bad." Stiles held my hand tighter, we watched as the ref blew the whistle and the game started. Scott jumped clear over a player and caught the ball mid air. Scott dodged players and scored, everyone cheered, even Stiles jumped up and cheered.
The whistle blew and the game reset, the opposing team just gave Scott the ball. Coach sat next to Stiles,
He asked" Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?"
Stiles said" Yes, I believe so, Coach."
" Interesting." Then Scott got the ball in the net... but the goalie's stick completely broke... oh, god, this isn't gonna end well.
The game reset, Scott was acting more animalistic, Stiles and I stood up, I gulped.
We said" No, Scott, no, no." Then Scott scored,
Stiles said" Yes! Yes!" Everyone ran onto the field, Stiles and I stayed behind. The sheriff got a call, he didn't seem too happy,
Stiles asked" Dad, what's wrong?" He held up a finger, I looked at Stiles, then back onto the field... I lost track of Scott, oh god, Scott please don't kill anyone. I got up, starting to walk to the school, Scott would definitely go to the locker room.

Stiles caught up to me,
He said" Let's go, come on, you gotta hear this!" He grabbed my hand, we started running to the school.
We walked into the locker room to see Allison and Scott kissing, I went to gasp but Stiles covered my mouth. They stopped kissing, Allison walked by us,
She said" Hey, Stiles, Cleo."
Stiles said" Hey, yeah." She walked out, we walked up to Scott,
Scott said" I kissed her." He had this goofy smile on his face,
" We saw."
" She kissed me."
" We saw that too. It's pretty good, huh?"
" I don't know how, but I controlled it, I pulled it back. Maybe I can do this. Maybe it's not that bad."
" Yeah. We'll talk later then." Oh, no... that means bad news, Scott grabbed his jersey.
" What?"
" The medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found."
" And?"
" Well, I'll keep it simple. Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human. Derek is human not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail."
Scott and I said" Are you kidding?"
" No, and here's a bigger kick in the ass. My dad ID'd the dead girl, both halves. Her name was Laura Hale."
Scott said" Hale?"
" Derek's sister." Laura was dead... how could Derek not tell me this vital information?!

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