Montana moments Book 3- Boats...

By Heatherdeane83

18.6K 1K 70

When Elizabeth travels all the way from Alaska on a hunch that she may have found her long lost brother who h... More

Chapter 1-
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9-
chapter 10-
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Untitled Part 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 13

670 45 4
By Heatherdeane83


He not only does that but he also grabs me cocoa. He is too good to me. I fall asleep right after I change little man. They guys take turns getting up with him during the night. I sleep till nine. Its crazy but i'm just so tired. I feel bad about it. He is my responsibility but I am just so tired.

The next day I get to show the guys my home town. I show them my shop. Reminder to self I have to figure out what to do with it. I take them to the docks, to the refuge and the aquarium. For dinner I take them all to the best restaurant in town for some fresh seafood. Not for me. I have chicken with a few pieces of shrimp from Mals plate. He loves It can tell. He even takes Phillip so I can eat. not that my men would not but he insists. For such a big guy he is amazing with him. I bet one day he is going to make a great dad. I tell him this and he just laughs at me. After dinner we stop by my favorite bakery owned by my best friend from high school. Its bitter sweet for me. I tell her briefly what is going on, she knows about John but not about the baby. She nods and holds me tight. Shelly was with me when I found out I was pregnant. Then was with me when I found out it was twins. Then when it was twin girls. I am going to miss her the most. She loads us up on goodies for the ride back and hugs each of us.

Once we get on the plane and get little man settled in a make shift crib for the night the three of us take over the bed and pass out. He sleeps almost six hours. Its heaven. He wakes up just as were getting ready to land. I strap him in he car seat and then into a seat. I am ready to start our lives here in Hawaii. I have yet to tell Ano about my decision but i'm going to. I want to make is special for him. He deserves it.

We arrive at his house to see it all decked out in blue streamers and a its a boy banner. So much for a quiet morning. I should have known. We walk in and Harmony takes the care seat and unstraps Phillip. He wakes up and just looks at her. He had been quiet sense he cut his first tooth. Poor boy. Cal takes Galen from Brian and immediately starts kissing her telling her how much daddy missed his little girl. Its cute. The whole house is decorated in blue everything. Ano just smiles and Dev shakes his head. Harmony leads us to the guest bedroom or what was the guest bedroom.

Its now a nursery. Ano's parents are in there and Harm hands his mom Phillip. She is overwhelmed with emotion. She starts to cry. I see the look on Ano's face and I cant wait any longer. I pull him into our room.


I watch my mom hold Phillip for the first time and I know she is getting attached to him. I cant let that happen. If Elizabeth leaves he goes with her. She grabs my hand and pulls me into our room. She reaches in her lap top bag and pulls out a large Minilla envelope and hands it to me. I open it and find paperwork for a Hawaii license, a change of address card, as well as paperwork for her to change banks to a local one here on Molokai. I look at her strangely. I'm a little confused.

"what is this all and what does it mean" i ask her. Afraid i am wrong.

"its the legal stuff for me to be here long term. It means that I love you Ano and I accept you being a fishermen. It still scares me but I can deal with that. Its more scary for me to go back to Montana and leave you. Your part of my heart. Please understand that I am still grieving John. You may have noticed i'm not wearing Dev's ring. I have in on my necklace. I told him the same thing i'm telling you. I love you but i'm not ready for marriage right now. I need time to let go of him. I have some major anger towards him right now among other feelings and I don't want to enter in a marriage until I am at peace with him. So if your ok with it. I want to make this island my home." She tells me as she looks down. Uncertain of how I am going to react. I'm over the moon.

"my love its an honor to have you here. I can accept that you need time. I accept all of it. When your ready I would like to add my own rings. Your my heart. So kiss me please? And lets go get little man settled. That is if grandma will give him up" I tell her. She kisses me and the monkeys go nuts. Our girls are going to have a great life here right along with there big brother and maybe just maybe some younger siblings.

We go into the nursery holding hands. I tell them she said yes to staying here. My mom asks where were going to put the girls? Elizabeth points to the house next door. She explains that its for sale and she checked on it. Its not in the best shape so tear down would be the best idea. She asks me how attached to this house am I? Well I love my kitchen and so does she so she asks about adding on. Saying we need at least eight bedrooms and a larger living areas. Dev looks at her. She explains she wants lots of kids. Dev just laughs and tells her we will talk. My mom hugs her and tells her way to go. She cant wait but for now she has little man.

Everyone leaves after a bit and the four of use settle in. We find that its easier just to use bassinet in the master and agree that we need a bigger room. When the twins come we will have three. Maybe even having a nursery attached to it. Even though we all slept for a bit we have learned to nap when he naps. On top of that I notice Elizabeth is super tired. I make a mental note for her to make an appointment for ob asap. I'm a little worried. She is almost 26 weeks by my calculations. I could be off a bit. We sleep for a few hours and when we get up I remind her to get make the appointment she does. She has one for later today.

When we arrive she has to fill out a bunch of paperwork. Dev takes Phillip out into the hall to walk with him. When they call her in I grab him. She introduces us as her men. They ask which one is the father. She tells the nurse her husband. The nurse asks what one of us is her husband. She tells her neither. The nurse asks her where he is. She looks her dead in the eye and tells her somewhere at the bottom of the Bering Sea. The nurse turns white as a ghost and moves on to other questions. Yeah its funny. They should mind there own damn business at least that's what Dev murmurs the minute she leaves the room.

The doctor comes in and lifts Elizabeth's shirt baring her belly then add a little good and puts the probe on her belly and moves it around. He goes back and checks the computer. He moves it around again and then a third time.

"is everything ok?" she asks the doctor.

"yeah, just a quick question, when did they tell you that you were having girls" he asks.

"at 16 weeks why"

"Well I think the could have been wrong on baby B. I'm think that Baby B is a boy. There is separate sacks and the could have thought the the penis was a cord. I mean sometimes were wrong but If I was a betting man I would get some infant clothes that are not pink" He tell us. Either may i'm down with it.

"also I think you should consider bed rest for rest of your pregnancy. The babies are measuring small for 26 weeks, and your fluid is on the lower end of scale. I think its more to do with the travel you have been doing. Nothing that cant be handled. I would like to see you here once a week. I'm going to have my nurse give you a list of things to watch for. Better be on the same side. My goal is six more weeks. Twins don't normally make it to the forty week mark." he tells us. My stomach turns into a huge knot. There is no way were going to have the house done in six weeks. Shit.

The nurse comes back in and hands Dev a bunch of papers and tells us we should check out the hospital and find a pediatrician. Suddenly it becomes real for me. In a matter of weeks we could have three babies in the house. I'm scared but i'm not running. We head to the store to stock up on supplies now that we know the brand. We also grab some more clothes in pink and blue and diapers in small sizes for the twins. We pick out two diaper bags as well as two car seats. Both in frogs. Neutral just in case. We need to get an offer in on the other house. Quick.

When we get home we get Phillip settled then call the real estate agent. We ask her to meet us there along with a local contractor. We put in an offer of ten grand less then there asking contingent on a super fast closing. We don't need any inspections or anything else. We agreed that if they could get it done in less then two weeks we do full cash offer. That put some pressure on them for sure. Once the realtor left the contractor sat down with us at our table and we discussed plans. We wanted to add on to the house vs tear down my house. We wanted to try to keep the kitchen. We made a list of must haves, and a list of wants. We did add that time is of the essence because of the twins needing a place to come home to. He wrote it all down and took a look around the house noting things down. He said he would get back to us tomorrow

We ate dinner then went into our room to chill. Elizabeth was supposed to on bed rest so we started doing some research on what we wanted for the addition. We agreed we wanted a bigger porch. With a bbq grill. We also talked finances. And insurances. Making a list of things to change to protect one another. After Phillip who Elizabeth started calling Sig had his bath with his mom we all climbed into bed with Phillip between Dev and I. we read him a story and she sang to him then put him in his bed and rocked him to sleep. We rubbed her feet that I noticed are a little swollen. We had her drink a bottle of water then went to bed.


The next week goes by smooth. We are able to get everyone on a schedule. Sig was the easiest. Getting Elizabeth to stay on the couch, in our bed or in the recliner was hard. She hated but I kept reminding her that it was for the best. We made sure she ate and drank like she was supposed to. We rubbed her feet every chance we got.

So far the house was looking like it was a go. We sent of a video to the lawyer of Sig on the beach with us. We decided on a design for the addition. Unfortunately the kitchen was going to have to go. Unless we wanted in the middle of the house. We did not but I took plenty of pictures and were going to save the counter tops and cabinets. I am able to finish Brian's tattoo and get Cals done. Irene came to help with Sig while I did it. The spoiling has begun. She made him baby food and froze it for us. That woman is a blessing. We Skype with Eden who is even more miserable then ever. Now Sam is a little grumpy. She is pregnant again. Will could not wait. She threatens to kill him then kisses him. Ano and I share a kiss In front of them and they all cheer.

That is until the doctors appointment the fallowing week. He wants to admit Elizabeth for a few days to give the babies steroids because he is worried that there is not enough fluid surrounding the babies. She refuses but then gives in. We take her to the hospital and get her checked in. She calls her parents and they decide to come now. Cal is next. He heads over. Irene has Sig. Ano calls her and explains whats going on. She agrees to stay at the house.

Elizabeth's parents arrive the next morning and there the cutest couple. They insist Ano and I call them mom and dad. We agree. The doctor comes in and does another scan. Her fluids are better but he wants to keep her another day at least. He explains the steroids are a just in case. If she goes into labor now or they have to deliver the babies early the steroids will help them. Were all scared to say the least. I drive her parents to Ano's house so they can meet Sig and to give Ano and her some time alone. I know they need it. I have been here non stop pretty much. 

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