Otherworldly Mates [Book 4]

Von chiskey56

1.4M 40.7K 5.2K

Life for years have been easy for Nicholai. He doesn't have to worry about much. He has cars, girls, and all... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Preview for Otherworldly Darkness

Chapter 14

33.8K 949 99
Von chiskey56

Chapter 14

Nicholai's POV

To awake tangled in a heap of limbs and bodies of my male mates wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Mateus was pretty much acting as a shield against Imani and Damien who were terrible sleepers. One had their leg thrown over our waists while the other was hanging halfway off the bed. It actually made me laugh a little seeing them splayed out on the bed like this.

If you asked me a week ago if I would have been in a gay relationship I would have said hell no! But now I'm not even in a normal gay relationship and I don't care. Sure I'm still scared but I know that they wouldn't do anything that I wouldn't want them to do so I'm fine with whatever happens.

The light that poured in was a warm mixture of reds, purples, oranges and yellows signifying that the sun was setting. We slept well after our little fun time earlier. They were still asleep peacefully and I didn't want to wake them so I simply nestled my head back into Mateus' chest and listened to his heartbeat as I waited for them to wake.

"Babe...are you awake?" I heard Damien whisper minutes later.

"Yeah..." I called back although I didn't really know where he was. That's when the leg that was thrown over our waists began to shift off. Shaking my head I marveled in the fact that anyone could sleep like that. Peeking over Mateus' shoulder he smiled brightly at me before throwing himself over the older man.

"What are you doing Damien?"

"Well I was trying to get to my mate but you're kind of in the way..." He told him playfully. Mateus released me from his grip and rolled over causing Damien to fall to the floor with a loud thud. For a supernatural being his reflexes were in need of some help.

"Hey!" He shrieked bouncing back up from off the floor.

Imani growled at the sudden noise then scooted closer to me now that the Mateus barrier was gone. Damien climbed over Mateus and wrapped his arms around me as well. This kind of intimacy still made me a little nervous even after what happened earlier.

"Why so tense?"

"No reason..." I quickly lied.

"Then why do you look like you're not even breathing?" He was right, letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding I looked to him. He was smiling ear to ear as he laid there staring at me.


"Nothing just thinking about our future."

"What about the future?"

"You'll be the ruler of two kingdoms."


"Imani is your mate so you'll help to rule over his people and you're my mate so you'll help to rule over my people as well. Mateus will find himself in there somewhere since I don't know where he would fit considering he's more dominant than me and Imani put together." He mused.

"I'll rule my own little house right here thank you very much." He grumbled rolling back over onto his side so that his back was towards us. Damien stuck out his tongue to his back then chuckled knowing that he couldn't see it until Mateus growled threateningly.

Rolling his eyes he turned his attention back onto me. Lifting his hand he ran it down the side of my cheek slowly. Staring into my eyes he sighed dreamily before removing his hand from my face.



"How old are you and Imani?"

"Well I'm twenty five and Imani is the same age just a few months younger."


He smiled brightly at my questioning. I guess he was glad that I was inquisitive about his life. I really wanted to know more about his family, well about all of their families and how this shifter thing works. As I opened my mouth to ask another question there was a loud banging on our door. It sounded desperate and urgent.

The loud sound shocked Mateus and Imani awake who sat up straight in the bed defensively teeth bared when they heard the noise. It took them a few seconds for me to calm them down but when they did I was able to hear someone we knew on the other side.

"You guys we have a problem..." Devon spoke nervously.

Damien hopped out the bed and made it to the door in record time. Devon followed him in then Jenny after the both of them. Imani almost passed out seeing that Devon only had on a pair of basketball shorts and Jenny was wearing one of his shirts that were long enough to come down to her thighs.

"Hey guys." she chirped happily.

"Hey." I was the only one to respond. Mateus still wasn't used to her bubbly personality and it drove him crazy as much as it did when Devon was around him. Imani was just shocked to see his sweet innocent cousin sitting there in her panties and a large shirt following in after her shirtless mate. Damien was too engrossed in whatever his brother was about to say to notice anything else.

"They're coming Damien." Devon said ominously making me shudder in fear. Who were coming? Someone from their pasts? Someone who wanted to attack them? What?

"Please tell me you're kidding? How did they find out about us?"

"They got it out of one of the men you sent out looking for Nicholai. He tried to hold out as long as possible but he was no match for them." He said with a gravely tone to his voice before turning to Imani.

"Yours are coming as well."

"My what?"

Well at least I wasn't the only one around here that didn't know what was going on in this conversation. He cocked one eyebrow at Devon waiting for a reply.

"You're parents."

"What?" I exclaimed. "You have me here thinking that it's some eminent threat that we'd all have to fight together."

"Babe you watch too much TV." He laughed then turning back to his brother he spoke with all seriousness in his tone.

"When will they be here?"

"Well I was told that they left about an hour and a half ago."

"Which means that if we want to make a run for it now would be the chance."

Crawling over to where Damien was sitting on the bed I pressed past Devon and straddled Damien's hips. Grinding ever so slightly before I had him breathing heavy.

"Damien? You don't want to show me off to your family? I'm hurt..."

I mocked cry as he just sat there stunned and confused as to what was going on. He looked over to Imani who just shrugged his shoulders in a sign of "Everyman for himself." before acting like he didn't see him looking still.

"That's not it babe I just don't want them to cause problems they always do when some sort of alcohol in them. Therefore go hide all the booze!" He exclaimed which was when I decided to make my move. Sliding off his lap I sat back down on the bed next to him.

"Not fair..."Imani whined. “If I have to face that pack of mutts sober I'll be dead with boredom and fleas by the end of the meet and greet."

"You guys are so overly dramatic. Mom and Dad don't even drink that much when they have to meet new people and Imani we do not have fleas."

Jenny finally dropped down onto the bed in front of me with on leg bent under her as the other hung off the side of the bed. She played with a random strand of hair as she listened intensely to what we were saying before she spoke up.

"Wait so Aunty is coming here? Do you think she'll stay til the morning?"

"No my mom is not staying that long?"

"Why not? She makes an amazing breakfast. I think they should at least stay til the morning." She pouted.

"If his mom stays the night then you and Devon won't be able to have any fun tonight. They'll know for sure what you're doing and separate you two." Damien spoke softly knowing that he would have to explain us to his parents as well.

"Well then they definitely can't stay. Nope they have to leave before the nights over." Devon spoke with enthusiasm as he waved his arms around dramatically.

"I think we need to get ourselves together for when they do get here otherwise we'll all be half naked answering the door and I don't think that'll make a good first impression on any of your parents. So everybody go take a shower and no you two cannot take a shower together.

Devon you go downstairs and Jenny you stay up here and take a shower. Damien and Imani go take a quick shower in the bathroom at the end of the hall and Nic and I will stay in here and shower. Since we don't know when they'll be here there will be no fooling around til they leave. Understand?"

"Wait why do they get to shower together and you get to shower with Nicky and me and Jenny can't shower together?"

"Because we have some sort of control over our bodies that's why." Mateus spoke firmly to them both.

"Besides just because me and the mutt are mates doesn't mean I'll be all over him all the time." Imani said sliding himself from the bed heading towards the bathroom.

Rolling his eyes Damien followed him out mumbling something about Imani. Devon sulked out of the room heading downstairs and Jenny as always practically skipped to other bathroom that was up here.

Mateus rose from the bed headed towards the en suite bathroom. I was too much in shock to actually move. He expected me to take a shower with him? He wanted me to be completely naked in the same shower as him on command? I'm not ashamed of my body but this isn't like showering in a gym. Those guys didn't look at you like you were their next meal!

"You coming?"

"Can't I just shower after you?"

"No. You have to make a good impression on their parents so if we're all down there dressed and everything while you're still up here getting ready that's already making it seem like you don't care about how they see you. Now stop being stubborn and just get in the shower."

Rolling my eyes I didn't respond, I simply followed behind him into the shower. He leaned into the shower turning the water on. Soon steam circled us as the shower filled with hot water pouring down. He walked past me closing then locking the door before turning around to me giving me a confused look.

"Why are you still dressed?"

"I...um...it's weird to just...to just strip here." My cheeks tinted red and I turned away from him. Having to try to explain to him that I was too embarrassed to be completely naked in front of them still was not something I wanted to do right now. Ignoring what I was saying his hand gripped my shoulders turning me around to face him

"Mateus...um...what are you doing?"

When he didn't answer me I got a little worried until I felt his fingertips graze my chest. His deep breathing was the only thing that I heard in that bathroom besides the water beating down in the shower.

"Mateus w-what are yo-you doing?" I asked nervously.

"You're just so beautiful..." he murmured almost low enough for me not to hear.

His flat hand ran along my chest making my hardened bud almost immediately stiff as soon as his hand brushed over it. Letting out a low hiss I arched my back pressing my chest further into his hands. It felt good when his hands ran over my chest the way it did.

His hands disappeared from my chest only to return pulling down my boxers. I felt the waistband of the bottoms slipping further down my back as he slid them further down. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I tried not to freak out.

When he slid them the rest of the way down I exhaled loudly causing him to look at me in amusement. Picking me up by the waist he put me in the shower the steaming water already soothing my aching muscles. My head fell back as I rolled my neck working out all the kinks back there. Soon there was a presence behind me and for once I didn't tense.

The water felt too good cascading over my tight muscles that much else didn't bother me. When his hands touched my shoulders I tensed just a bit before relaxing just a bit more as he kneaded his skillful fingers into my flesh.

Letting out a low moan I heard him groan before his actions slowed down a bit. He closed the small distance between us pressing himself against me. A sharp intake of breath caused him to stop momentarily until I laid my head back onto his chest.

"That's nice..." I moaned out.

"Do you want more?" He growled out fiercely.

Nodding my head slowly he didn't wait for any more approval. Grabbing hold of my hips he turned me so that I was now facing the wall. The water fell on us both as he pushed me up against the wall nestling his large cock in between my ass cheeks.

It was different and weird but it also felt nice, like it belonged. Closing my eyes pressing my hands against the walls to steady myself he began to rock his hips against me sliding himself up and down on between my two cheeks.

Resting most of his weight on my back he pressed me flat against the tiled wall. The brief coolness of the wall compared to the steamy atmosphere in the shower had me moaning as my sensitive nubs were sliding along the wall. Reaching around he grabbed my now hardened member tightly in his fist as he stroked in times with his thrusts.

"Do you like that Nicholai? You like being used by me?" He growled huskily into my ears making me moan in reply.

He began to move faster, pressing himself harder against me as he picked up the pace stroking me as well. One thing I had to give them credit for was always knowing how to make me explode. I was coming close to cumming and he knew it because he thrust became more frantic as I began to buck my hips into his hand.

"Mateus I'm going to cu-cum!" I screamed at him as I exploded into his hands and onto the shower wall. With that he released himself onto my back as he continued to grind himself against me.

"That was amazing Nic."

Sighing into the wall I knew that he wanted to hear something back but I was feeling so overwhelmed in the good feeling that had washed over me to say anything. I think he noticed that because he just chuckled wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me against his hard chest as he stood underneath the hot spray of water.

He held us there letting the water fall over us. His hand ran down my chest soothingly rubbing the water over my skin as he massaged my chest. It felt nice and right. Letting me go a little bit he made sure that I could stand up on my own before he grabbed the soap and a wash cloth. He scrubbed me down and then himself.

Stepping back into the warm spray of water we stayed there for a little longer before he reached past me shutting off the water. Sliding open the glass door that shielded us from the rest of the world he waited until I climbed out of the shower before following me out.

"I think we may have spent too much time in there." He mumbled as he pulled a towel off the hook on the wall.

"You think?" I laughed softly as he ran the towel down my body. He took great care to dry every inch of my body even paying extra attention to my more sensitive parts.

"I think that they'll be wondering what took us so long." He smiled.

Wrapping the towel that he used to dry me around my waist I shrugged my shoulders as I waited for him to fry himself as well. He stood there closing his eyes for a few seconds before the water droplets seemed to just disappear from his body.

"What did you just do?"

"I heated up my core temperature drying myself instantly."

'That's pretty cool." I whispered as I reached out to touch his skin. It was hot but not too hot that I would have burnt my fingers.

"Yeah...." he replied before unlocking the door and walking out into the room. Following him out I was a little shocked to see that Damien and Imani were standing there with their arms over their chests looking angry as hell.

"And what were you two doing in there for so long?"

"We weren't in there that long..." I whined.

"Really? You were in there for almost an hour." Imani purred out with a smug smirk on his face.

Standing up he walked over to where I was hiding behind the naked Mateus. Walking up closer he rubbed his naked arm against my back sending shivers through my body. He smiled noticing how tense I was standing there.

"Alright don't harass him. It was my fault we took so long. I may or may not have gotten a little carried away seeing him naked like that. If you two saw him with the water dripping all over his body like that you would have been a lot longer."

"Well we didn't get to see him in there like that." Damien huffed a little more than ticked that he wasn't able to see me naked.

"Can we just let me get some clothes on so that we'll be ready for when everybo-" I was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell sounding through the house before a series of loud knocks followed after it.

"That's them!" Devon yelled from downstairs which probably wasn't the best idea because I'm more than certain that they heard that from outside. Rushing around quickly I grabbed something that made sense and threw it on fast.

Damien had told his brother to let them in and then keep everyone seated in the living room until they were ready. Imani and Damien stayed upstairs with us as we got ready to see their parents for the first time since we realized that we were all mates.

As I danced around the room trying to get into my dark jeans a million thoughts flew through my mind as to what could happen tonight. I didn't want them to hate me but I wasn't sure if I was what they expected for their sons. Not only that but we were all mates and I'm sure that they didn't know that either.

"What's wrong babe?" Damien asked. Looking up I noticed that he was standing right in front of me wearing a worried expression as I stood there motionless.

"Nothing I'm fine."

"Are you sure because you've just been standing there staring off into nothingness for a few minutes now."



"Don't worry about it just know that we're here to talk to you if you ever need it. When something's bothering you we want you to know that you can come to us whenever you want to and we'll be here to listen."

"I'm just nervous I guess."

"Don't worry so much they'll love you and even if they don't WE still love you and that's all that really matters." He spoke quickly pulling me into a hug. His huge arms engulfed me as he held me close to him for a while before letting me go.

"Now let's go down there and shock the hell out of our parents!" He shouted out throwing his fist in the air dramatically.

Shaking their heads at Damien Imani and Mateus walked outside the room followed by Damien who was chanting something about scarred parents. Walking out behind the three of them I found them waiting for me outside the room. Damien walked off in front of me as Imani walked next to me. Mateus followed behind us like the authority figure he truly was.

Descending the stairs slowly I was beginning to get extremely nervous as we made it closer and closer to the bottom of the stairs. There were plenty of voices speaking in the living room. None of them seemed to be too happy about whatever they were talking about.

"Well if it isn't my soon." A smooth as silk voice purred out melodically. She spoke with sophistication and calmness although the anger in her voice was quite evident.

"Hello mother." Imani called from the stairs as we finally made it to the bottom. Walking into the living room where everyone was I was not shocked to see so many good looking people just sitting around. I mean if my mates were that handsome they had to have come from somewhere right?

"Damien is that you my baby?" A warm motherly voice cooed out.

"Yes mom it's me..." Damien sighed making me have to hide a laugh at the expression on his face.

"Who are these other two men coming down the stairs with you and where is your mate?"

At the word mate I cringed knowing the truth behind that question but Damien and Imani were truly trained well because they didn't even miss a beat as they responded to the huge man standing in the center of the room. His short blonde hair fell lay down nicely atop his head as his vivid blue eyes shone out and his muscles bulged obscenely from underneath his fitted shirt.

"Dad this is Nicholai and Mateus." Damien spoke dreamily pointing at me and Mateus as he called our names.

"And who are they to you Imani?" A stern looking man in a sleek black shirt and slacks asked adjusting a pair of thin rimmed glasses on his face. His black hair fell dramatically into his face but it wasn't messy, on him it looked smart.

Taking a deep breath I stepped forward. Mateus reached out to stop me but I held out my hand to stop him then shooting him a soft smile I turned back to Imani and Damien giving them a quick nod and a small smile before turning back to the four people standing in front of me waiting for an answer.

"My name is Nicholai, as you know, and Mateus, Imani, Damien and I are mated together. The fates have chosen for your sons to not only have one mate each but two mates to share together." I spoke with confidence and understanding. But no matter how well I spoke I got the same reaction that I would have gotten had I just screamed it out.



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