The Escape

By elizaheart2364

455K 10.7K 801

Lucy leaves home in an attempt to escape an abusive situation. Two women take her in and care for her as thei... More

Ch. 1 - The Meeting
Ch. 2 - Fear and Realization
Ch. 3 - The Abuse and Escape
Ch.4 - Her Savior
Ch. 5 - Safe
Ch. 6 - Figuring it Out
Ch.7 - Accidents
Ch. 8 - Rules
Ch. 9 - The Unfortunate Story
Ch. 10 - Christmas
Ch. 11 - Back Home
Ch. 12 - Recovery
Ch. 13 - Winter Break
Ch. 14 - Day of Travels
Ch. 15 - Vacation
Ch. 17 - No School
Ch. 18 - Back to School and Secrets
Ch. 19 - Sick Baby
Ch. 20 - Deadbeat Dad
Ch. 21 - Separation Anxiety
Ch. 22 - Misunderstandings and Meltdowns
Ch. 23 - Secret Spot
Ch. 24 - Maggie's Apology
Ch. 25 - Father
Ch. 26 - Liam
Ch. 27 - New Little
Ch. 28 - Sibling Togetherness
Ch. 29 - Adoption
Ch. 30 - Happily Ever After
Mother's Day Special
Stay Safe
21st Birthday
New Story
Little Girl Special

Ch. 16 - Vacation Fears

8.9K 245 27
By elizaheart2364

Amelia POV

We've been in Alaska for almost a week now just going around and doing random fun activities. We went to the reindeer farm, the conservation areas, watched a sled-dog race, and every night Mel checks to see if we can see the northern lights. No luck so far, but being tonight is our last night, we are hoping to get lucky.

I'm awake before Mel again, so I decide to put away the items Mel got when she went to the store. She ended up picking up more diapers and pull-ups for Lucy, so I decided to take them to her room and put some away in the drawers because it makes it easier when changing her.

I try to quietly open one of the drawers since Lucy is asleep and when I do, I see two little pill bottles. They don't say what for so I decide to look them up real quick on my phone, but they are both prescribed to Lucy. The first one I picked up is to treat anxiety and the other one treats headaches.

I don't understand why Lucy wouldn't tell us. I feel like this is something we should know to ensure she takes it properly as her moms. I close the drawers but take the bottles with me because I need to talk to Mel about this. I head out of her room, but before I do, I take another look at my sleeping baby. It makes my heart hurt that she felt she needed to hide this from us, for what reasons, I don't know.

Melissa POV

I woke up and noticed Ame wasn't in bed with me...again. I wait a little while before I decide to get up and find her. Just as I sit up Ame comes in looking like she saw a ghost, so I decide to ask, "Ame? Babe, are you alright?" She doesn't say anything, just comes over, sits in my lap before hugging me. I rub her back, but then hear her sniffling. I pull her back some so I can see her face, "Babe, I need you to tell me what is wrong."

She handed me two pill bottles, both with Lucy's name on them. "I'm confused, what are these?" She finally speaks up once she was able to calm herself down, "they're Lucy's pills. I found them in one of the drawers of her changing table. One is for anxiety and the other is for headaches. Babe, why would she hide this from us?"

Sighing, I put the bottles on the nightstand and pull her close to me. "I don't know babe, but we will just have to ask her, okay? I'm sure she had a reason. Although, now that we know, we will be able to make sure she takes them properly."

We decided we'd rather talk to Lucy before breakfast, so we got up and made our way to Lucy's room.

Lucy POV

Not feeling very little again this morning, I make my way out of my crib and over to where I keep my pills. The drawer I put them in is full of pull-ups and diapers. I look through the other drawers to make sure I didn't put them in one of those and they are no where to be seen.

I hear a cough come from my doorway and see Mom and Ma standing there and Ma was holding my pills. I went to take them, but Ma pulled them away from you.

"I need those! You had no right to go through my stuff! Now give them back!" Mom stepped in, "woah little missy. You do not get to talk to Ma like that." I was just so frustrated that they found them and terrified of what it meant for me, so I decided to run. Anytime something goes wrong I flee, it's my defense mechanism.

I squeeze past them and am out the backdoor when I hear them yelling for me. I take off towards the woods, but stop quickly when I see a pair of boots by a shed on the property. I through those on because I realized I ran out of the house without shoes and a jacket. At least I have some shoes now, I'll just have to deal without a jacket.

I make it pretty far into the woods when I broke down. I fell to the snowy ground when the big tears started flowing out. "Why do I have to ruin everything!" I shouted into the dense woods. I should have never ran. They probably just wanted to take care of me and were upset I didn't confide in them about my medicine.

I've always run from my problems and have never regretted it until now. There's no way moms will ever take me back. I'm too broken, there are so many littles out there that would be a way better fit for them. I've just lost the best thing that's ever happened to me. I curl up next to a tree and continue to sob. I'm definitely slipping, even if I wasn't I wouldn't know my way back. I just want my Mommy and Momma to tell me it's all okay and cuddle me. Those are my last thoughts before I fall asleep.

Amelia POV

Lucy just ran away from us, from me. "Mel what are we going to do, she doesn't know those woods! We don't know those woods, so we can't even go get her!" Mel instantly wraps me up in her arms, "Shh, babe. It's okay, I have a friend in Search and Rescue, he has a bloodhound named Dixie. (Fun fact, my dad is in search&rescue and has a bloodhound named Dixie.) I'll call him and see if he can come out and see if he can find her."

We broke away from the hug so Mel could go call her friend. I decide to go to Lucy's room. I see in her crib that her elephants are still in there, so I grab them before I fall to my knees and cry. She must be so scared without them.

Mel came into the room, immediately came over to me and hugged me from behind. "Justin is on his way, it's okay, we will get her back."

Justin POV

I pull up to Melissa's house and her and her wife Amelia come out instantly. I wrap them both up in a hug. "Hey girls, it's okay. Dixie is really good at her job, we are going to do our best to find her. I need a scent article, so will you show me to her room?"

I get to Lucy's room and get a shirt from her dirty laundry basket and put it into a zip lock bag. I also have them show me a picture so I know who I am looking for.

I get Dixie out and ready before taking her to her starting point, which is the back door where Lucy ran out from. We start the trail and make our way into the woods.

Melissa POV

I make Amelia go back inside and sit on the couch while I go make her some hot chocolate. Once I finish, I head over to her and put my around her. She looks so lost without Lucy here. "Babe, it's okay. Justin will find her." She looks over to me and she looks broken. "What if she doesn't want to be with us anymore?"

Sighing, I pull Ame close to me. "Of course she'll still want to be with us, she just got scared and ran. Remember just a few days ago she gave us a big speech about how much she loves us." Ame rested her head on my chest, "I know. I know you're right, I just hope he finds her soon.

Justin POV

Dixie and I have been running this trail for about 20 minutes when finally I see a small body up against a tree. Dixie slowly walks up to the person, sniffs her and then sits while putting her paw on her lap. Surprisingly for being such a large energetic dog, she knows when to approach a person carefully. When she gives her sit and paw alert, I know that this is Lucy. When Lucy turns towards Dixie, I instantly recognize that she is in fact Lucy. I go to pull out my phone to let Melissa know I have her when I decide to take a picture instead because Lucy has pulled Dixie into a hug, which of course Dixie warmly accepts.

Lucy POV

I'm woken up when I feel something on me. I look down and see it's a paw and when I look back up I see a big, slobbery dog in front of me. I instantly pull her into a hug and start crying. A man squats down in front of me, "hey hun, are you Lucy?" Nodding my head yes, he then asks, "are you cold?" Again nodding my head yes, but this time he takes off his coat and puts it around me.

He stands back up and helps me up. "Can you walk or do I need to carry you?" Feeling really weak I decide to put my arms up and he thankfully gets the message. We start our walk out of the woods and lay my head on his chest scared of how mommies will react.

Amelia POV

Melissa got a text from Justin that he found Lucy. He also sent a picture of her hugging Dixie. We make our way outside to wait for them to show up. Over the clearing we see Justin carrying Lucy. Not wanting to wait any longer since I feel me tears threaten to spill, I take off towards them. As soon as I get close, Lucy sees me and opens up her arms to me so I quickly scoop her into mine. Lucy cried into my chest, "Mommaaaa!" I rock her in my arms as Mel runs over to us, "Shh it's okay little one, Mommies are here." Mel quickly joins our group hug and Lucy cries again, "Mommy!"

"I know, it's okay little one. You're safe." Mel said to her. I look towards Justin who had his phone out taking another picture, I send him a glare. He chuckles putting his hands up, "what? It was cute moment. I'll make sure to send it to ya." Shaking m us head, "be sure you do. And thank you, it means so much to us to have our baby back."

Mel gave both of us a kiss before telling me to take Lucy inside to get her warm while she sees Justin off. As I'm walking inside, Lucy digs her face into my chest before she lets out a content sigh.

Still holding onto Lucy, I settle us onto the couch and she clings on tighter and whimpers when I reach over to grab a blanket. "Shh it's alright Lucy Loo, I'm just grabbing a blanket to warm you up." She lets me get the blanket and wrap it around her before she cuddles up to me and she tucked her head under my chin.

Still waiting on Mel to come in, I started rocking her and singing This Little Light of Mine to her;

This Little Light Of Mine,
I'm gonna let it shine,
This Little Light Of Mine,
I'm gonna let it shine,
This Little Light Of Mine,
Yes, I'm gonna let it shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

The light that shines is the light of love,
Lights the darkness from above,
It shines on you and it shines on me,
and it shows what the light of love can do.
I'm gonna shine my light both far and near,
I'm gonna shine mine light bright and clear,
where there's a dark corner in this land
I'm gonna let my little light shine.

This Little Light Of Mine,
I'm gonna let it shine,
This Little Light Of Mine,
I'm gonna let it shine,
This Little Light Of Mine,
Yes, I'm gonna let it shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

By the time I finished singing, Lucy was asleep and Mel had just walked through the door. I motioned for Mel to be quiet and to start lunch. I continued to sit on the couch and just hold Lucy in my arms. I ran my fingers through her hair. Sighing I say, "I just don't understand little one. I thought you trusted us. When you wake up, we'll talk about this. No matter what, we will always want you, I just hope you still want us."

Mel came in a little while later and sat down next to me and rubbed Lucy's head. "Hey little one, it's time to get up. Lunch is all ready, let's get food in that belly of yours." She just held her arms up to Mel who gladly picked her up and carried her into the kitchen.

Melissa POV

I pick up Lucy who instantly curls herself into me. I go to set her down and she clings onto me, so instead I sit down and set her on my lap. We finish lunch rather quickly so I carry Lucy back into the living room to have this conversation that is very much needed.

After we sit down, I pull Lucy away from me a little so she can see both me and Ame who sat down next to us. "Lucy, we aren't mad that you have medication you have to take. We are a little upset and confused that you didn't tell us, but we aren't mad at you."

Amelia spoke up next, "I'm sorry if you felt like your privacy was intruded on, but I'm not sorry I found the medicine. We love being your mommies, so if that includes you needing medicine, we want to ensure that you are taking it properly. Can you tell us why you ran?"

Lucy POV

"I know I need to be big for this conversation, but can I slip once it's done?" Mommies both nodded their heads yes, so I continued.

"I ran because it's all I have ever known to do when I get scared. I hated hiding it from the two of you because there were times I would forget to take it or take more than one on accident. I was afraid though because you guys already do so much for me and I was scared that my medicine and problems would be too much for you guys. I don't ever want to lose you guys, so I hid it from you. I thought if you guys never knew then I had nothing to worry about. I'm really sorry mom and ma. I'm sorry for hiding it from you, I'm sorry for yelling at you guys when you questioned it, and I'm sorry for running away from you guys. Can you forgive me?"

Mom gave me a kiss on my temple and Ma kissed my forehead. "Of course you are forgiven baby. Just promise you will never run away from us again, okay?" Mom said.

Smiling and snuggling into Mom while holding onto Ma's hand, "I pwomise." I was definitely slipping and mommies could see that. Ma said, "how about you go down for a nap? We are going to try to see the lights tonight little one."

"Mommies nap too?" Mommy responded, "do you want us to nap with you?" I nodded my head real big, "I s'eep wit you bot?" Momma responded this time, "of course baby. Let's get you changed and nursed before then."

Mommy changed me and brought me into their room where Momma was already waiting for me. Once I was put on the bed, I crawled up to Momma who helped settle me before I latched on. I suckled for a little while before my eyes began to get droopy. So I unlatched and snuggled in between both of them.

Melissa POV

I woke up a little while later with Lucy's head on my chest and Amelia's arm wrapped around her. Just being her with my babe and baby made my heart so happy.

I decided not to ruin the moment, so I just laid there for a few more hours when they both started to wake up. Lucy wanted to nurse with me, so while she was nursing Amelia went to pack our picnic. We were having a picnic under the lights tonight since it is our last night here.

Lucy nursed a little while longer before unlatching. I looked down at her and she smiled at me before saying, "I luv you mommy." I chuckled and kissed her forehead, "I love you too baby, so much."

We make our way into the kitchen and Amelia already has everything packed up and ready to go. I had already gotten myself changed and Lucy changed into her pull-up and warm clothes. So we make our way out to the backyard. The renters said we should be able to see them once we get to the clearing.

Amelia POV

We make it to the clearing and set up for dinner. We are all sitting around finishing up our food when we start to notice the lights since it has gotten darker.

We already finished our food, so Mel and I laid down snuggling into each other. Lucy came over and laid in between us, but it was more like on top of us. We pulled the blanket over us and just enjoyed being together and watching the beautiful lights. There were deep shades of green, purple, blue, and pink.

Lucy spoke up, "it so p'etty mommies. T'ank you so much for b'inging me. I luv bot of you so so much!" Chucking Mel and I responded almost simultaneously, "You are so welcome little one, we love you too."

We stayed out a little longer before we decided we were cold, so we headed back in. Mel got Lucy changed and gave her her medicine as I was getting into PJ's in my room. I had just gotten into bed when Lucy came running in. "Mommy said I s'eep wit you guys!" Laughing a little at her little display, "did she now?" Nodding her head real big she came over and snuggled into me.

Mel got into bed next, and I said to Lucy, "alright baby girl, get in the middle so mommy and I can snuggle in next to you." Lucy quickly got herself situated and Mel and I curled around her. We both gave her a kiss on the forehead before we gave each other a long kiss. Lucy was already asleep, "I love you so much Melissa." She smiled brightly, "I love you too Amelia, so much babe." Giving each other one more kiss, we fell asleep. Even though today was a long day, it ended up being a good last night.

Longest upload I have had, so I hope you enjoy! I apologize though since I didn't really edit.

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