When life happens

By ICTianhaha

13.3K 1.5K 1.5K

Three girls, from different backgrounds, different life stories, but one same set of gods. The Indian cricket... More

Cast (Female)
Characters (Male)
The Civil engineer's apprentice
The trio
The beginning
The first dinner together
The airport security
Tani's interview
The failed prank
The elder brothers
The two ghosts๐Ÿ‘ป
Jassi's best friend
The beach trip
The matchmakers
The media problem
The inferiority complex
Tani's past
The Vicco park visit
The nightclub
ITC's reception
The ITC dinner
The unknown sisters
Kuldeep's story
The carefully worded refusal
A special guest
Ahona's suggestion
The day trip
The trail road
Neha's past

Jinks' alter ego

347 41 30
By ICTianhaha

Tani and Kuldeep sat by the pool, the former taking the latter's interview

"You're a single child, aren't you?" asked Tani.

"Yes...how did you know?" said Kuldeep.

"I guessed you had a loving childhood...a protected one, which is where your childish nature could have stemmed from," said Tani thoughtfully.

Poor Kuldeep was always getting jibed at by Hardik for his 'childish nature', but he knew Tani didn't say it in a mean way like Hardik did.

"Maybe," said Kuldeep meekly.

Tani smiled fondly. Kuldeep had this bizarre ability to make everyone insanely fond of him. Tani decided to investigate on that later, too.

"Of course you remember the time you first came into the national team...any particular things you'd like to say about that?"

"Yes, the seniors' support," said Kuldeep at once. "Our team's seniors are plain amazing, you know, Tani."

"I know."

"Mahi bhai is the best mentor anyone can ask for, and his guidance from behind the stumps, and just his presence on the field was such a confidence booster. Like Mahendra Singh Dhoni is in my team...you get what I mean?"

"I absolutely do," said Tani, because she worshipped Mahi bhai as well; she always had.

"And Virat bhai," said Kuldeep. "The way he keeps supporting us on the field and you've seen how he celebrates at our successes, like it's his own. Virat bhai is..."

He couldn't find a word to describe his Virat bhai, so Tani suggested, "One of a kind?"

"Yes!" said Kuldeep wholeheartedly. "And then there's Rohit bhai too, and Shikhi bhai, the entire team actually..."

"And..." prompted Tani, knowing that the answer couldn't end without...

"Yuzi," said Kuldeep simply.

"You're assuming you don't have to elaborate on Yuzi," said Tani, her eyes twinkling. "And you're right. Everyone knows what KulCha mean to each other."

"I love that name," said Kuldeep, just like that.

"Who doesn't, Kuliya? Which reminds me, do you think it affects you emotionally when Yuzi isn't on the field with you?"

"I...I suppose it does," said Kuldeep. "Though I love Jaddu bhai too... There's no one quite like Yuzi."

Tani had to ask the tricky question then, for the sake of her survey, though she would've preferred not to.

"People say all the time that you and Yuzi replaced the Ash Jaddu spin pair," said Tani gently. "What do you feel about that?"

"It's not nice," said Kuldeep lamely. "Ash bhai and Jaddu bhai are legends, two of the very best spinners we've ever had in history. It feels awful when they say we've replaced them. Makes it seem like some sort of a crime."

Kuldeep sounded a little upset, and Tani moved closer to him and put an arm around his shoulders.

"It's definitely not a crime. And you know what, you're our spin twins 2.0, and most of the country already love you like hell, and we can't really help the remaining vicious vultures," said Tani, taking to Jaddu bhaiya's insult.

"The country is full of vultures," said Kuldeep.

"The entire world is full of vultures, feeding off misery and suffering," said Tani, and she sounded so philosophical that both of them laughed.

"Last question. Tell me about your mental space right now," said Tani.

"Well, it's perfectly fine, being in the national team, with Yuzi and all the others and also... I don't know how often people have told you...but we love having you three around," said Kuldeep earnestly, which warmed Tani's heart.

"Except one or two things I'd like to change..." said Kuldeep. "Everything is great."

Everyone had one or two things they'd like to change, so Tani didn't question him about that, instead she said, "Our session ends here, so thanks and cheers. Let's grab some coffee or something."

They started to walk back to the hotel.


Siri was having a shitty day from the morning. Her mother had called and yelled on her for no justified reason, and she had found out that one of her school friends was getting shifted permanently to London, which meant they wouldn't even meet during holidays.

Shivam, who had been observing her dark look all morning, approached her tentatively in the afternoon.

"You ok?" he asked her.

"No," said Siri flatly.

"Did something happen?" asked Shivam, concerned.

His concern made Siri think that the day wasn't going that bad, after all.

"Not really, I guess I'm overreacting. It's just that one of my oldest friends is getting shifted to London."

"You can keep visiting her," said Shivam. "Like you're travelling with the team now, and the team often goes to London. Or after your project ends, if you just...just happen to marry a cricketer, the same thing stands," said Shivam.

Siri was laughing, and so was Shivam, and Hardik, who had been shamelessly overhearing, got mad at the fact that Siri didn't get mad at Shivam's flirting when she got annoyed when he flirted with her.

Well, she didn't get annoyed really but still, she never responded positively like with Shivam.

Hardik announced his presence with a loud and fake cough, and when Siri and Shivam looked at him, Hardik said, "Shivam, Virat is calling you."

An unsuspecting Shivam got up and went away, and Siri stared at Hardik with narrowed eyes.

"What's your problem?" she demanded.

"You seem to like him a lot," said Hardik.

"You got a problem with that?" asked Siri, scowling.

"Yes, I have," said Hardik. "I have one...two...three problems with that!"

"You're an absolute idiot," said Siri in disgust, extremely pissed off that Hardik had driven Shivam away just when things were going so well.

"And you're very mature...?" began Hardik.

"I don't want to talk to you," said Siri, and walked off without another word.

Hardik, instead of going after her, hunted down Shivam.

"Look, Shivam," he began threateningly.

Shivam, who was still looking for Virat, asked, "Where's Virat bhaiya, Hardik?"

"He didn't call you, I was bluffing," said Hardik directly. "My point is that, you stay away from Siri, I'm warning you..."

Shivam looked scared out of his wits, and
Siri, who had been looking for Shivam as well, appeared in the corridor just in time to hear that.

"Who do you think you are, Hardik?" asked Siri, sounding extremely cold and unlike herself. "What gives you the right to decide who does or does not talk to me?"

"Who do you think you are?" yelled Hardik. "Acting like you're so offended when I say anything like that, and acting like you love it when Shivam does..."

Siri's hands were shaking, she was so furious. Shivam looked between the two of them, horrified.

"Well," said Siri, unexpectedly grabbing Shivam's arm. "Neither me nor Shivam give a damn about your stupid crap."

She dragged Shivam away from a shocked and mad Hardik.

Tani was returning from the pool just then, and heard the last part of the exchange.

Hardik was breathing hard in the middle of the corridor and Tani's natural counselling instincts kicked in.

"Do you really like her?" Tani asked Hardik calmly.

"Yes," said Hardik at once.

"Do you like her or just flirt with her for the fun of it?" said Tani. "Ask yourself. And be serious. Do you like her?"

"No," admitted Hardik. "I mean, not like that."

"Then why did you do this? Not only did you fight with Siri, you also scared a teammate of yours who kind of looks up to you."

"So what do I do now?" asked Hardik plaintively.

"Apologize to Siri and Shivam," said Tani.

"No...no!" said Hardik, because Hardik Pandya didn't apologize.

"So I take it that your ego is bigger than your friendship with the two of them?" said Tani.

"No," said Hardik.

"Then go and say sorry, for god's sake, it isn't that hard!"

As Hardik rushed away, Rohit and Virat also happened to hear this, and Rohit asked, "Doesn't she remind you of Jinks?"

"Yes, all the time," said Virat. "Maybe that's why I love her so much."

"Yeah, because Jinks is your best friend," said Rohit ungraciously.

Before the two of them could start yet another fight, Tani sighed and said, "Where are your parents?"

"What?" Rohit and Virat asked.

"Well, toddlers like you two shouldn't roam about unsupervised," said Tani with finality.

Rohit and Virat just couldn't continue their fight after that comment.


When Hardik was running through the hotel, looking for the two people he had recently offended, he bumped into Neha.

"Hey... Harry," said Neha. "I have a plan to make Siri hate Shivam!"

Neha didn't know what had happened in the last two hours.

"No," said Hardik nobly. "If they like each other, I shouldn't interfere between them."

Neha stared at Hardik in stunned silence.

"I have to apologise to them, just like Tani said," said Hardik.

"What the hell did Tani do to him?" muttered Neha to herself, as she followed Hardik on his way.

He found Siri and Shivam in the dining hall, engrossed in conversation.

"Shivam, Siri," said Hardik clearly. "I'm sorry for my behavior today."

"You can say sorry?" asked Siri in disbelief.

"It's ok, Hardik," said Shivam, who had been feeling uncomfortable about the entire incident.

"I can, Siri. And I promise not to hinder you two any longer," he declared. "In fact, as you might know, Neha and I have recently set Rishabh up with his crush. So if you need any help..."

Siri and Shivam were both red in the face from his ridiculous statement, because though well meaning, it couldn't have been more awkward.

Neha noticed their expressions and whispered to Hardik, "I think the best plan of action is to leave them alone."

"You're right," whispered back Hardik.

And they went away, leaving a very embarassed pair behind them.

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